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//! Demonstrate that borrowed data is possible as a property type
//! Borrowing (rather than cloning) is very important for speed and ergonomics.
2021-02-22 13:10:36 -05:00
//! It's slightly more advanced than just cloning, but well worth the investment.
//! If you use the FC macro, we handle the lifetimes automatically, making it easy to write efficient & performant components.
fn main() {}
2021-03-09 14:45:52 -05:00
use dioxus_core::prelude::*;
struct Props {
items: Vec<ListItem>,
struct ListItem {
name: String,
age: u32,
fn app(ctx: Context, props: &Props) -> DomTree {
2021-03-10 19:42:31 -05:00
let (_f, setter) = use_state(&ctx, || 0);
2021-02-28 21:21:17 -05:00
ctx.render(dioxus::prelude::LazyNodes::new(move |c| {
let mut root = builder::ElementBuilder::new(c, "div");
for child in &props.items {
// notice that the child directly borrows from our vec
// this makes lists very fast (simply views reusing lifetimes)
// <ChildItem item=child hanldler=setter />
root = root.child(builder::virtual_child(
2021-03-09 14:45:52 -05:00
// create the props with nothing but the fc<T>
2021-02-28 21:21:17 -05:00
type StateSetter<T> = dyn Fn(T);
// struct StateSetter<T>(dyn Fn(T));
// impl<T> PartialEq for StateSetter<T> {
// fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
// self as *const _ == other as *const _
// }
// }
2021-02-28 21:21:17 -05:00
// props should derive a partialeq implementation automatically, but implement ptr compare for & fields
struct ChildProps<'a> {
2021-02-28 21:21:17 -05:00
// Pass down complex structs
item: &'a ListItem,
2021-02-28 21:21:17 -05:00
// Even pass down handlers!
item_handler: &'a StateSetter<i32>,
impl PartialEq for ChildProps<'_> {
2021-03-10 19:42:31 -05:00
fn eq(&self, _other: &Self) -> bool {
2021-03-09 14:45:52 -05:00
// assume the dyn fn is never stable -
// wrap with use_callback if it's an issue for you
2021-03-10 19:42:31 -05:00
fn ChildItem(_ctx: Context, _props: &ChildProps) -> DomTree {
2021-02-28 21:21:17 -05:00
// ctx.render(rsx! {
// div {
// item: child,
// handler: setter,
// abc: 123,
// onclick: props.item_handler,
// h1 { "abcd123" }
// h2 { "abcd123" }
// div {
// "abcd123"
// h2 { }
// p { }
// },
// }
// })
rsx! {
ChildItem {
// props
item: child, handler: setter,
// children
div { class:"abcd", abc: 123 },
div { class:"abcd", abc: 123 },
// Auto-text coercion
"eyo matie {abc}",
// Anything that accepts Into<VChild>
// dreaming of this syntax
struct ChildProps<'a> {
username: &'a str,
item_handler: &'a dyn Fn(i32),
fn child_item(ctx: Context, props: &ChildProps) -> DomTree {
ctx.render(rsx! {
div {
class: "abc123",
abc: 123,
onclick: props.item_handler,
h1 { "Hello, {props.username}!" },
h2 { "Welcome the RSX syntax" },
div {
h3 { "This is a subheader" }
button {
onclick: props.handler,
"This is a button"
"This is child text"
// This is also nice
static CHILD: FC = |ctx, username: &str, handler: &dyn Fn(i32)| {
ctx.render(rsx! {
div {
class: "abc123",
abc: 123,
onclick: handler,
h1 { "Hello, {username}!" },
h2 { "Welcome the RSX syntax" },
div {
h3 { "This is a subheader" }
button {
onclick: props.handler,
"This is a button"
"This is child text"
2021-02-28 21:21:17 -05:00
Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace
struct Item {
name: String,
content: String,
static CHILD: FC = |ctx, username: &str, handler: &dyn Fn(i32)| {
// return lazy nodes or
let ssr = ctx.suspend(async {
let data = fetch("https://google.com")
rsx! {
div {
h1 { "Welcome: {data.name}" }
p { "Content: \n {data.content}" }
ctx.render(rsx! {
div {
class: "abc123",
abc: 123,
onclick: handler,
h1 { "Hello, {username}!" },
h2 { "Welcome the RSX syntax" },
div {
h3 { "This is a subheader" }
button {
onclick: props.handler,
"This is a button"