from ubuntu:xenial # wrapper script for apt-get COPY .docker/apt-get-install /usr/local/bin/apt-get-install RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/apt-get-install RUN apt-get-install build-essential libtool g++ gcc \ texinfo curl wget automake autoconf python python-dev git subversion \ unzip virtualenvwrapper sudo git virtualenvwrapper RUN useradd -m ctf RUN echo "ctf ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/ctf COPY .git /home/ctf/tools/.git RUN chown -R ctf.ctf /home/ctf/tools # git checkout of the files USER ctf WORKDIR /home/ctf/tools RUN git checkout . # add non-commited scripts USER root COPY bin/manage-tools /home/ctf/tools/bin/ COPY bin/ctf-tools-pip /home/ctf/tools/bin/ COPY bin/ctf-tools-venv-activate /home/ctf/tools/bin/ COPY bin/ctf-tools-venv-activate3 /home/ctf/tools/bin/ RUN chown -R ctf.ctf /home/ctf/tools # finally run ctf-tools setup USER ctf RUN bin/manage-tools -s setup RUN bin/ctf-tools-pip install appdirs #RUN echo "workon ctftools" >> /home/ctf/.bashrc RUN echo 'source $(which ctf-tools-venv-activate)' >> /home/ctf/.bashrc WORKDIR /home/ctf CMD bash -i