disable barf tests since the build times out

This commit is contained in:
Yan 2015-11-03 23:47:00 -08:00
parent ed15d080e0
commit 90d064a421

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Installers for the following tools are included:
| binary | [afl](http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/) | State-of-the-art fuzzer. | <!--tool--> <!--test-->
| binary | [angr](http://angr.io) | Next-generation binary analysis engine from Shellphish. | <!--tool--> <!--no-test-->
| binary | [barf](https://github.com/programa-stic/barf-project) | Binary Analysis and Reverse-engineering Framework. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [barf](https://github.com/programa-stic/barf-project) | Binary Analysis and Reverse-engineering Framework. | <!--tool--><!--times-out-->
| binary | [bindead](https://bitbucket.org/mihaila/bindead/wiki/Home) | A static analysis tool for binaries. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| binary | [checksec](https://github.com/slimm609/checksec.sh) | Check binary hardening settings. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [codereason](https://github.com/trailofbits/codereason) | Semantic Binary Code Analysis Framework. | <!--tool--><!--test-->