Readme changed format of chart

This commit is contained in:
zwimer 2019-02-05 10:58:23 -08:00 committed by Yan
parent 3829d66ca9
commit 459aa27bc7

View file

@ -8,101 +8,102 @@ The install-scripts for these tools are checked regularly, the results can be fo
Installers for the following tools are included:
| Category | Tool | Description |
| binary | [afl]( | State-of-the-art fuzzer. | <!--tool--> <!--times-out-->
| binary | [angr]( | Next-generation binary analysis engine from Shellphish. | <!--tool--> <!--no-test-->
| binary | [barf]( | Binary Analysis and Reverse-engineering Framework. | <!--tool--><!--times-out-->
| binary | [bindead]( | A static analysis tool for binaries. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| binary | [checksec]( | Check binary hardening settings. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [codereason]( | Semantic Binary Code Analysis Framework. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| binary | [crosstool-ng]( | Cross-compilers and cross-architecture tools. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | [cross2]( | A set of cross-compilation tools from a Japanese book on C. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | [elfkickers]( | A set of utilities for working with ELF files. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [elfparser]( | Quickly determine the capabilities of an ELF binary through static analysis. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [evilize]( | Tool to create MD5 colliding binaries | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [gdb]( | Up-to-date gdb with python2 bindings. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| binary | [gdb-heap]( | gdb extension for debugging heap issues. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [gef]( | Enhanced environment for gdb. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | [hongfuzz]( | A general-purpose, easy-to-use fuzzer with interesting analysis options. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [libheap]( | gdb python library for examining the glibc heap (ptmalloc) | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | [miasm]( | Reverse engineering framework in Python. | <!--tool--> <!--test-->
| binary | [one_gadget]( | Magic gadget search for libc. | <!--tool--> <!--test-->
| binary | [panda]( | Platform for Architecture-Neutral Dynamic Analysis. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | [pathgrind]( | Path-based, symbolically-assisted fuzzer. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| binary | [peda]( | Enhanced environment for gdb. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [preeny]( | A collection of helpful preloads (compiled for many architectures!). | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | [pwndbg]( | Enhanced environment for gdb. Especially for pwning. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | [pwntools]( | Useful CTF utilities. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | [python-pin]( | Python bindings for pin. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [qemu]( | Latest version of qemu! | <!--tool--><!--times-out-->
| binary | [qira]( | Parallel, timeless debugger. | <!--tool--><!--times-out-->
| binary | [radare2]( | Some crazy thing crowell likes. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [rappel]( | A linux-based assembly REPL. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [ropper]( | Another gadget finder. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [rp++]( | Another gadget finder. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [rr]( | Record and Replay Debugging Framework | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [scratchabit]( | Easily retargetable and hackable interactive disassembler | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [scratchablock]( | Yet another crippled decompiler project | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [seccomp-tools]( | Provides powerful tools for seccomp analysis | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [shellnoob]( | Shellcode writing helper. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [shellsploit]( | Shellcode development kit. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [snowman]( | Cross-architecture decompiler. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [taintgrind]( | A valgrind taint analysis tool. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| binary | [valgrind]( | A Dynamic Binary Instrumentation framwork with some built-in tools. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [villoc]( | Visualization of heap operations. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [virtualsocket]( | A nice library to interact with binaries. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | [wcc]( | The Witchcraft Compiler Collection is a collection of compilation tools to perform binary black magic on the GNU/Linux and other POSIX platforms. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | [xrop]( | Gadget finder. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| binary | [manticore]( | Manticore is a prototyping tool for dynamic binary analysis, with support for symbolic execution, taint analysis, and binary instrumentation. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| forensics | [binwalk]( | Firmware (and arbitrary file) analysis tool. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| forensics | [dislocker]( | Tool for reading Bitlocker encrypted partitions. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| forensics | [exetractor]( | Unpacker for packed Python executables. Supports PyInstaller and py2exe. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| forensics | [firmware-mod-kit]( | Tools for firmware packing/unpacking. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| forensics | [pdf-parser]( | Tool for digging in PDF files | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| forensics | [peepdf]( | Powerful Python tool to analyze PDF documents. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| forensics | [scrdec]( | A decoder for encoded Windows Scripts. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| forensics | [testdisk]( | Testdisk and photorec for file recovery. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [cribdrag]( | Interactive crib dragging tool (for crypto). | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [fastcoll]( | An md5sum collision generator. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [foresight]( | A tool for predicting the output of random number generators. To run, launch "foresee". | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [featherduster]( | An automated, modular cryptanalysis tool. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| crypto | [galois]( | A fast galois field arithmetic library/toolkit. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [hashkill]( | Hash cracker. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [hashpump]( | A tool for performing hash length extension attaacks. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [hashpump-partialhash]( | Hashpump, supporting partially-unknown hashes. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [hash-identifier]( | Simple hash algorithm identifier. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [libc-database]( | Build a database of libc offsets to simplify exploitation. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [littleblackbox]( | Database of private SSL/SSH keys for embedded devices. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [msieve]( | Msieve is a C library implementing a suite of algorithms to factor large integers. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [nonce-disrespect]( | Nonce-Disrespecting Adversaries: Practical Forgery Attacks on GCM in TLS. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [pemcrack]( | SSL PEM file cracker. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [pkcrack]( | PkZip encryption cracker. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [python-paddingoracle]( | Padding oracle attack automation. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [reveng]( | CRC finder. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [ssh_decoder]( | A tool for decoding ssh traffic. You will need `ruby1.8` from `` to run this. Run with `ssh_decoder --help` for help, as running it with no arguments causes it to crash. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [sslsplit]( | SSL/TLS MITM. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [xortool]( | XOR analysis tool. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | [yafu]( | Automated integer factorization. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| web | [burpsuite]( | Web proxy to do naughty web stuff. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| web | [commix]( | Command injection and exploitation tool. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| web | [dirb]( | Web path scanner. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| web | [dirsearch]( | Web path scanner. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| web | [mitmproxy]( | CLI Web proxy and python library. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| web | [sqlmap]( | SQL injection automation engine. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| web | [subbrute]( | A DNS meta-query spider that enumerates DNS records, and subdomains. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| stego | [sound-visualizer]( | Audio file visualization. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| stego | [steganabara]( | Another image steganography solver. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| stego | [stegdetect]( | Steganography detection/breaking tool. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| stego | [stegsolve]( | Image steganography solver. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| stego | [zsteg]( | detect stegano-hidden data in PNG & BMP. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| android | [apktool]( | Dissect, dis-assemble, and re-pack Android APKs | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| android | [android-sdk]( | The android SDK (adb, emulator, etc). | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| misc | [xspy](;a=summary) | Tiny tool to spy on X sessions. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| misc | [z3]( | Theorem prover from Microsoft Research. | <!--tool--><!--times-out-->
| misc | [jdgui]( | Java decompiler. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| misc | [veles]( | Binary data analysis and visulalization tool. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| misc | [youtube-dl]( | Latest version of the popular youtube downloader. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| Category | Source | Tool | Description |
| binary | Directory | [afl]( | State-of-the-art fuzzer. | <!--tool--> <!--times-out-->
| binary | Directory | [angr]( | Next-generation binary analysis engine from Shellphish. | <!--tool--> <!--no-test-->
| binary | Directory | [barf]( | Binary Analysis and Reverse-engineering Framework. | <!--tool--><!--times-out-->
| binary | Directory | [bindead]( | A static analysis tool for binaries. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| binary | Directory | [checksec]( | Check binary hardening settings. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [codereason]( | Semantic Binary Code Analysis Framework. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| binary | Directory | [crosstool-ng]( | Cross-compilers and cross-architecture tools. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | Directory | [cross2]( | A set of cross-compilation tools from a Japanese book on C. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | Directory | [elfkickers]( | A set of utilities for working with ELF files. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [elfparser]( | Quickly determine the capabilities of an ELF binary through static analysis. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [evilize]( | Tool to create MD5 colliding binaries | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [gdb]( | Up-to-date gdb with python2 bindings. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| binary | Directory | [gdb-heap]( | gdb extension for debugging heap issues. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [gef]( | Enhanced environment for gdb. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | Directory | [hongfuzz]( | A general-purpose, easy-to-use fuzzer with interesting analysis options. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [libheap]( | gdb python library for examining the glibc heap (ptmalloc) | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | Directory | [miasm]( | Reverse engineering framework in Python. | <!--tool--> <!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [one_gadget]( | Magic gadget search for libc. | <!--tool--> <!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [panda]( | Platform for Architecture-Neutral Dynamic Analysis. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | Directory | [pathgrind]( | Path-based, symbolically-assisted fuzzer. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| binary | Directory | [peda]( | Enhanced environment for gdb. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [preeny]( | A collection of helpful preloads (compiled for many architectures!). | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | Directory | [pwndbg]( | Enhanced environment for gdb. Especially for pwning. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | Directory | [pwntools]( | Useful CTF utilities. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | Directory | [python-pin]( | Python bindings for pin. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [qemu]( | Latest version of qemu! | <!--tool--><!--times-out-->
| binary | Directory | [qira]( | Parallel, timeless debugger. | <!--tool--><!--times-out-->
| binary | Directory | [radare2]( | Some crazy thing crowell likes. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [rappel]( | A linux-based assembly REPL. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [ropper]( | Another gadget finder. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [rp++]( | Another gadget finder. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [rr]( | Record and Replay Debugging Framework | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [scratchabit]( | Easily retargetable and hackable interactive disassembler | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [scratchablock]( | Yet another crippled decompiler project | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [seccomp-tools]( | Provides powerful tools for seccomp analysis | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [shellnoob]( | Shellcode writing helper. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [shellsploit]( | Shellcode development kit. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [snowman]( | Cross-architecture decompiler. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [taintgrind]( | A valgrind taint analysis tool. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| binary | Directory | [valgrind]( | A Dynamic Binary Instrumentation framwork with some built-in tools. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [villoc]( | Visualization of heap operations. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [virtualsocket]( | A nice library to interact with binaries. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| binary | Directory | [wcc]( | The Witchcraft Compiler Collection is a collection of compilation tools to perform binary black magic on the GNU/Linux and other POSIX platforms. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| binary | Directory | [xrop]( | Gadget finder. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| binary | Directory | [manticore]( | Manticore is a prototyping tool for dynamic binary analysis, with support for symbolic execution, taint analysis, and binary instrumentation. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| forensics | Directory | [binwalk]( | Firmware (and arbitrary file) analysis tool. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| forensics | Directory | [dislocker]( | Tool for reading Bitlocker encrypted partitions. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| forensics | Directory | [exetractor]( | Unpacker for packed Python executables. Supports PyInstaller and py2exe. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| forensics | Directory | [firmware-mod-kit]( | Tools for firmware packing/unpacking. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| forensics | Directory | [pdf-parser]( | Tool for digging in PDF files | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| forensics | Directory | [peepdf]( | Powerful Python tool to analyze PDF documents. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| forensics | Directory | [scrdec]( | A decoder for encoded Windows Scripts. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| forensics | Directory | [testdisk]( | Testdisk and photorec for file recovery. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [cribdrag]( | Interactive crib dragging tool (for crypto). | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [fastcoll]( | An md5sum collision generator. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [foresight]( | A tool for predicting the output of random number generators. To run, launch "foresee". | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [featherduster]( | An automated, modular cryptanalysis tool. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| crypto | Directory | [galois]( | A fast galois field arithmetic library/toolkit. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [hashkill]( | Hash cracker. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [hashpump]( | A tool for performing hash length extension attaacks. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [hashpump-partialhash]( | Hashpump, supporting partially-unknown hashes. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [hash-identifier]( | Simple hash algorithm identifier. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [libc-database]( | Build a database of libc offsets to simplify exploitation. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [littleblackbox]( | Database of private SSL/SSH keys for embedded devices. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [msieve]( | Msieve is a C library implementing a suite of algorithms to factor large integers. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [nonce-disrespect]( | Nonce-Disrespecting Adversaries: Practical Forgery Attacks on GCM in TLS. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [pemcrack]( | SSL PEM file cracker. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [pkcrack]( | PkZip encryption cracker. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [python-paddingoracle]( | Padding oracle attack automation. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [reveng]( | CRC finder. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [ssh_decoder]( | A tool for decoding ssh traffic. You will need `ruby1.8` from `` to run this. Run with `ssh_decoder --help` for help, as running it with no arguments causes it to crash. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [sslsplit]( | SSL/TLS MITM. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [xortool]( | XOR analysis tool. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| crypto | Directory | [yafu]( | Automated integer factorization. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| web | Directory | [burpsuite]( | Web proxy to do naughty web stuff. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| web | Directory | [commix]( | Command injection and exploitation tool. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| web | Directory | [dirb]( | Web path scanner. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| web | Directory | [dirsearch]( | Web path scanner. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| web | Directory | [mitmproxy]( | CLI Web proxy and python library. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| web | Directory | [sqlmap]( | SQL injection automation engine. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| web | Directory | [subbrute]( | A DNS meta-query spider that enumerates DNS records, and subdomains. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| stego | Directory | [sound-visualizer]( | Audio file visualization. | <!--tool--><!--failing-->
| stego | Directory | [steganabara]( | Another image steganography solver. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| stego | Directory | [stegdetect]( | Steganography detection/breaking tool. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| stego | Directory | [stegsolve]( | Image steganography solver. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| stego | Directory | [zsteg]( | detect stegano-hidden data in PNG & BMP. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| stego | Docker | [stego-toolkit]( | A docker image with dozens of steg tools. | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| android | Directory | [apktool]( | Dissect, dis-assemble, and re-pack Android APKs | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| android | Directory | [android-sdk]( | The android SDK (adb, emulator, etc). | <!--tool--><!--no-test-->
| misc | Directory | [xspy](;a=summary) | Tiny tool to spy on X sessions. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| misc | Directory | [z3]( | Theorem prover from Microsoft Research. | <!--tool--><!--times-out-->
| misc | Directory | [jdgui]( | Java decompiler. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| misc | Directory | [veles]( | Binary data analysis and visulalization tool. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
| misc | Directory | [youtube-dl]( | Latest version of the popular youtube downloader. | <!--tool--><!--test-->
There are also a couple of installers for useful libraries included. Currently
only the python bindings for these libraries are installed.