mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 15:52:42 +00:00
The previous encoding handling was unnecessarily complex. This commit removes the enum that specifies the handling and instead has two separate methods to collect the strings either with lossy conversion or by ignoring invalidly encoded strings.
1831 lines
60 KiB
1831 lines
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// * This file is part of the uutils coreutils package.
// *
// * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
// * file that was distributed with this source code.
//spell-checker: ignore (linux) rlimit prlimit coreutil ggroups
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
use rlimit::prlimit;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::env;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::fs::{self, hard_link, File, OpenOptions};
use std::io::{Read, Result, Write};
use std::os::unix::fs::{symlink as symlink_dir, symlink as symlink_file};
use std::os::windows::fs::{symlink_dir, symlink_file};
use std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::{Child, Command, Stdio};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;
use tempfile::TempDir;
use uucore::Args;
static PROGNAME: &str = concat!(env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), ".exe");
static PROGNAME: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME");
static TESTS_DIR: &str = "tests";
static FIXTURES_DIR: &str = "fixtures";
static ALREADY_RUN: &str = " you have already run this UCommand, if you want to run \
another command in the same test, use TestScenario::new instead of \
static MULTIPLE_STDIN_MEANINGLESS: &str = "Ucommand is designed around a typical use case of: provide args and input stream -> spawn process -> block until completion -> return output streams. For verifying that a particular section of the input stream is what causes a particular behavior, use the Command type directly.";
static NO_STDIN_MEANINGLESS: &str = "Setting this flag has no effect if there is no stdin";
/// Test if the program is running under CI
pub fn is_ci() -> bool {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("false"))
/// Read a test scenario fixture, returning its bytes
fn read_scenario_fixture<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(tmpd: &Option<Rc<TempDir>>, file_rel_path: S) -> Vec<u8> {
let tmpdir_path = tmpd.as_ref().unwrap().as_ref().path();
/// A command result is the outputs of a command (streams and status code)
/// within a struct which has convenience assertion functions about those outputs
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct CmdResult {
/// bin_path provided by `TestScenario` or `UCommand`
bin_path: String,
/// util_name provided by `TestScenario` or `UCommand`
util_name: Option<String>,
//tmpd is used for convenience functions for asserts against fixtures
tmpd: Option<Rc<TempDir>>,
/// exit status for command (if there is one)
code: Option<i32>,
/// zero-exit from running the Command?
/// see [`success`]
success: bool,
/// captured standard output after running the Command
stdout: Vec<u8>,
/// captured standard error after running the Command
stderr: Vec<u8>,
impl CmdResult {
pub fn new(
bin_path: String,
util_name: Option<String>,
tmpd: Option<Rc<TempDir>>,
code: Option<i32>,
success: bool,
stdout: &[u8],
stderr: &[u8],
) -> Self {
Self {
stdout: stdout.to_vec(),
stderr: stderr.to_vec(),
/// Returns a reference to the program's standard output as a slice of bytes
pub fn stdout(&self) -> &[u8] {
/// Returns the program's standard output as a string slice
pub fn stdout_str(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns the program's standard output as a string
/// consumes self
pub fn stdout_move_str(self) -> String {
/// Returns the program's standard output as a vec of bytes
/// consumes self
pub fn stdout_move_bytes(self) -> Vec<u8> {
/// Returns a reference to the program's standard error as a slice of bytes
pub fn stderr(&self) -> &[u8] {
/// Returns the program's standard error as a string slice
pub fn stderr_str(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns the program's standard error as a string
/// consumes self
pub fn stderr_move_str(self) -> String {
/// Returns the program's standard error as a vec of bytes
/// consumes self
pub fn stderr_move_bytes(self) -> Vec<u8> {
/// Returns the program's exit code
/// Panics if not run
pub fn code(&self) -> i32 {
self.code.expect("Program must be run first")
pub fn code_is(&self, expected_code: i32) -> &Self {
assert_eq!(self.code(), expected_code);
/// Returns the program's TempDir
/// Panics if not present
pub fn tmpd(&self) -> Rc<TempDir> {
match &self.tmpd {
Some(ptr) => ptr.clone(),
None => panic!("Command not associated with a TempDir"),
/// Returns whether the program succeeded
pub fn succeeded(&self) -> bool {
/// asserts that the command resulted in a success (zero) status code
pub fn success(&self) -> &Self {
"Command was expected to succeed.\nstdout = {}\n stderr = {}",
/// asserts that the command resulted in a failure (non-zero) status code
pub fn failure(&self) -> &Self {
"Command was expected to fail.\nstdout = {}\n stderr = {}",
/// asserts that the command's exit code is the same as the given one
pub fn status_code(&self, code: i32) -> &Self {
assert_eq!(self.code, Some(code));
/// asserts that the command resulted in empty (zero-length) stderr stream output
/// generally, it's better to use stdout_only() instead,
/// but you might find yourself using this function if
/// 1. you can not know exactly what stdout will be or
/// 2. you know that stdout will also be empty
pub fn no_stderr(&self) -> &Self {
"Expected stderr to be empty, but it's:\n{}",
/// asserts that the command resulted in empty (zero-length) stderr stream output
/// unless asserting there was neither stdout or stderr, stderr_only is usually a better choice
/// generally, it's better to use stderr_only() instead,
/// but you might find yourself using this function if
/// 1. you can not know exactly what stderr will be or
/// 2. you know that stderr will also be empty
pub fn no_stdout(&self) -> &Self {
"Expected stdout to be empty, but it's:\n{}",
/// asserts that the command resulted in stdout stream output that equals the
/// passed in value, trailing whitespace are kept to force strict comparison (#1235)
/// stdout_only is a better choice unless stderr may or will be non-empty
pub fn stdout_is<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, msg: T) -> &Self {
assert_eq!(self.stdout_str(), String::from(msg.as_ref()));
/// like `stdout_is`, but succeeds if any elements of `expected` matches stdout.
pub fn stdout_is_any<T: AsRef<str> + std::fmt::Debug>(&self, expected: &[T]) -> &Self {
if !expected.iter().any(|msg| self.stdout_str() == msg.as_ref()) {
"stdout was {}\nExpected any of {:#?}",
/// Like `stdout_is` but newlines are normalized to `\n`.
pub fn normalized_newlines_stdout_is<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, msg: T) -> &Self {
let msg = msg.as_ref().replace("\r\n", "\n");
assert_eq!(self.stdout_str().replace("\r\n", "\n"), msg);
/// asserts that the command resulted in stdout stream output,
/// whose bytes equal those of the passed in slice
pub fn stdout_is_bytes<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(&self, msg: T) -> &Self {
assert_eq!(self.stdout, msg.as_ref());
/// like stdout_is(...), but expects the contents of the file at the provided relative path
pub fn stdout_is_fixture<T: AsRef<OsStr>>(&self, file_rel_path: T) -> &Self {
let contents = read_scenario_fixture(&self.tmpd, file_rel_path);
/// Assert that the bytes of stdout exactly match those of the given file.
/// Contrast this with [`CmdResult::stdout_is_fixture`], which
/// decodes the contents of the file as a UTF-8 [`String`] before
/// comparison with stdout.
/// # Examples
/// Use this method in a unit test like this:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// #[test]
/// fn test_something() {
/// new_ucmd!().succeeds().stdout_is_fixture_bytes("expected.bin");
/// }
/// ```
pub fn stdout_is_fixture_bytes<T: AsRef<OsStr>>(&self, file_rel_path: T) -> &Self {
let contents = read_scenario_fixture(&self.tmpd, file_rel_path);
/// like stdout_is_fixture(...), but replaces the data in fixture file based on values provided in template_vars
/// command output
pub fn stdout_is_templated_fixture<T: AsRef<OsStr>>(
file_rel_path: T,
template_vars: &[(&str, &str)],
) -> &Self {
let mut contents =
String::from_utf8(read_scenario_fixture(&self.tmpd, file_rel_path)).unwrap();
for kv in template_vars {
contents = contents.replace(kv.0, kv.1);
/// like `stdout_is_templated_fixture`, but succeeds if any replacement by `template_vars` results in the actual stdout.
pub fn stdout_is_templated_fixture_any<T: AsRef<OsStr>>(
file_rel_path: T,
template_vars: &[Vec<(String, String)>],
) {
let contents = String::from_utf8(read_scenario_fixture(&self.tmpd, file_rel_path)).unwrap();
let possible_values = template_vars.iter().map(|vars| {
let mut contents = contents.clone();
for kv in vars.iter() {
contents = contents.replace(&kv.0, &kv.1);
/// asserts that the command resulted in stderr stream output that equals the
/// passed in value, when both are trimmed of trailing whitespace
/// stderr_only is a better choice unless stdout may or will be non-empty
pub fn stderr_is<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, msg: T) -> &Self {
/// asserts that the command resulted in stderr stream output,
/// whose bytes equal those of the passed in slice
pub fn stderr_is_bytes<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(&self, msg: T) -> &Self {
assert_eq!(self.stderr, msg.as_ref());
/// Like stdout_is_fixture, but for stderr
pub fn stderr_is_fixture<T: AsRef<OsStr>>(&self, file_rel_path: T) -> &Self {
let contents = read_scenario_fixture(&self.tmpd, file_rel_path);
/// asserts that
/// 1. the command resulted in stdout stream output that equals the
/// passed in value
/// 2. the command resulted in empty (zero-length) stderr stream output
pub fn stdout_only<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, msg: T) -> &Self {
/// asserts that
/// 1. the command resulted in a stdout stream whose bytes
/// equal those of the passed in value
/// 2. the command resulted in an empty stderr stream
pub fn stdout_only_bytes<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(&self, msg: T) -> &Self {
/// like stdout_only(...), but expects the contents of the file at the provided relative path
pub fn stdout_only_fixture<T: AsRef<OsStr>>(&self, file_rel_path: T) -> &Self {
let contents = read_scenario_fixture(&self.tmpd, file_rel_path);
/// asserts that
/// 1. the command resulted in stderr stream output that equals the
/// passed in value, when both are trimmed of trailing whitespace
/// 2. the command resulted in empty (zero-length) stdout stream output
pub fn stderr_only<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, msg: T) -> &Self {
/// asserts that
/// 1. the command resulted in a stderr stream whose bytes equal the ones
/// of the passed value
/// 2. the command resulted in an empty stdout stream
pub fn stderr_only_bytes<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(&self, msg: T) -> &Self {
pub fn fails_silently(&self) -> &Self {
/// asserts that
/// 1. the command resulted in stderr stream output that equals the
/// the following format when both are trimmed of trailing whitespace
/// `"{util_name}: {msg}\nTry '{bin_path} {util_name} --help' for more information."`
/// This the expected format when a UUsageError is returned or when show_error! is called
/// `msg` should be the same as the one provided to UUsageError::new or show_error!
/// 2. the command resulted in empty (zero-length) stdout stream output
pub fn usage_error<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, msg: T) -> &Self {
"{0}: {2}\nTry '{1} {0} --help' for more information.",
self.util_name.as_ref().unwrap(), // This shouldn't be called using a normal command
pub fn stdout_contains<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, cmp: T) -> &Self {
"'{}' does not contain '{}'",
pub fn stderr_contains<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, cmp: T) -> &Self {
"'{}' does not contain '{}'",
pub fn stdout_does_not_contain<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, cmp: T) -> &Self {
"'{}' contains '{}' but should not",
pub fn stderr_does_not_contain<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, cmp: T) -> &Self {
pub fn stdout_matches(&self, regex: ®ex::Regex) -> &Self {
if !regex.is_match(self.stdout_str().trim()) {
panic!("Stdout does not match regex:\n{}", self.stdout_str());
pub fn stdout_does_not_match(&self, regex: ®ex::Regex) -> &Self {
if regex.is_match(self.stdout_str().trim()) {
panic!("Stdout matches regex:\n{}", self.stdout_str());
pub fn log_info<T: AsRef<str>, U: AsRef<str>>(msg: T, par: U) {
println!("{}: {}", msg.as_ref(), par.as_ref());
pub fn recursive_copy(src: &Path, dest: &Path) -> Result<()> {
if fs::metadata(src)?.is_dir() {
for entry in fs::read_dir(src)? {
let entry = entry?;
let mut new_dest = PathBuf::from(dest);
if fs::metadata(entry.path())?.is_dir() {
recursive_copy(&entry.path(), &new_dest)?;
} else {
fs::copy(&entry.path(), new_dest)?;
pub fn get_root_path() -> &'static str {
if cfg!(windows) {
} else {
/// Object-oriented path struct that represents and operates on
/// paths relative to the directory it was constructed for.
pub struct AtPath {
pub subdir: PathBuf,
impl AtPath {
pub fn new(subdir: &Path) -> Self {
Self {
subdir: PathBuf::from(subdir),
pub fn as_string(&self) -> String {
pub fn plus(&self, name: &str) -> PathBuf {
let mut pathbuf = self.subdir.clone();
pub fn plus_as_string(&self, name: &str) -> String {
fn minus(&self, name: &str) -> PathBuf {
let prefixed = PathBuf::from(name);
if prefixed.starts_with(&self.subdir) {
let mut unprefixed = PathBuf::new();
for component in prefixed.components().skip(self.subdir.components().count()) {
} else {
pub fn minus_as_string(&self, name: &str) -> String {
pub fn set_readonly(&self, name: &str) {
let metadata = fs::metadata(self.plus(name)).unwrap();
let mut permissions = metadata.permissions();
fs::set_permissions(self.plus(name), permissions).unwrap();
pub fn open(&self, name: &str) -> File {
log_info("open", self.plus_as_string(name));
pub fn read(&self, name: &str) -> String {
let mut f = self.open(name);
let mut contents = String::new();
f.read_to_string(&mut contents)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Couldn't read {}: {}", name, e));
pub fn read_bytes(&self, name: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut f = self.open(name);
let mut contents = Vec::new();
f.read_to_end(&mut contents)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Couldn't read {}: {}", name, e));
pub fn write(&self, name: &str, contents: &str) {
log_info("write(default)", self.plus_as_string(name));
std::fs::write(self.plus(name), contents)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Couldn't write {}: {}", name, e));
pub fn write_bytes(&self, name: &str, contents: &[u8]) {
log_info("write(default)", self.plus_as_string(name));
std::fs::write(self.plus(name), contents)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Couldn't write {}: {}", name, e));
pub fn append(&self, name: &str, contents: &str) {
log_info("write(append)", self.plus_as_string(name));
let mut f = OpenOptions::new()
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Couldn't write(append) {}: {}", name, e));
pub fn append_bytes(&self, name: &str, contents: &[u8]) {
log_info("write(append)", self.plus_as_string(name));
let mut f = OpenOptions::new()
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Couldn't write(append) to {}: {}", name, e));
pub fn truncate(&self, name: &str, contents: &str) {
log_info("write(truncate)", self.plus_as_string(name));
let mut f = OpenOptions::new()
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Couldn't write(truncate) {}: {}", name, e));
pub fn rename(&self, source: &str, target: &str) {
let source = self.plus(source);
let target = self.plus(target);
log_info("rename", format!("{:?} {:?}", source, target));
std::fs::rename(&source, &target)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Couldn't rename {:?} -> {:?}: {}", source, target, e));
pub fn remove(&self, source: &str) {
let source = self.plus(source);
log_info("remove", format!("{:?}", source));
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Couldn't remove {:?}: {}", source, e));
pub fn copy(&self, source: &str, target: &str) {
let source = self.plus(source);
let target = self.plus(target);
log_info("copy", format!("{:?} {:?}", source, target));
std::fs::copy(&source, &target)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Couldn't copy {:?} -> {:?}: {}", source, target, e));
pub fn rmdir(&self, dir: &str) {
log_info("rmdir", self.plus_as_string(dir));
pub fn mkdir(&self, dir: &str) {
log_info("mkdir", self.plus_as_string(dir));
pub fn mkdir_all(&self, dir: &str) {
log_info("mkdir_all", self.plus_as_string(dir));
pub fn make_file(&self, name: &str) -> File {
match File::create(&self.plus(name)) {
Ok(f) => f,
Err(e) => panic!("{}", e),
pub fn touch(&self, file: &str) {
log_info("touch", self.plus_as_string(file));
pub fn mkfifo(&self, fifo: &str) {
let full_path = self.plus_as_string(fifo);
log_info("mkfifo", &full_path);
unsafe {
let fifo_name: CString = CString::new(full_path).expect("CString creation failed.");
libc::mkfifo(fifo_name.as_ptr(), libc::S_IWUSR | libc::S_IRUSR);
pub fn is_fifo(&self, fifo: &str) -> bool {
unsafe {
let name = CString::new(self.plus_as_string(fifo)).unwrap();
let mut stat: libc::stat = std::mem::zeroed();
if libc::stat(name.as_ptr(), &mut stat) >= 0 {
libc::S_IFIFO & stat.st_mode as libc::mode_t != 0
} else {
pub fn hard_link(&self, original: &str, link: &str) {
hard_link(&self.plus(original), &self.plus(link)).unwrap();
pub fn symlink_file(&self, original: &str, link: &str) {
symlink_file(&self.plus(original), &self.plus(link)).unwrap();
pub fn relative_symlink_file(&self, original: &str, link: &str) {
let original = original.replace('/', &MAIN_SEPARATOR.to_string());
&format!("{},{}", &original, &self.plus_as_string(link)),
symlink_file(&original, &self.plus(link)).unwrap();
pub fn symlink_dir(&self, original: &str, link: &str) {
symlink_dir(&self.plus(original), &self.plus(link)).unwrap();
pub fn relative_symlink_dir(&self, original: &str, link: &str) {
let original = original.replace('/', &MAIN_SEPARATOR.to_string());
&format!("{},{}", &original, &self.plus_as_string(link)),
symlink_dir(&original, &self.plus(link)).unwrap();
pub fn is_symlink(&self, path: &str) -> bool {
log_info("is_symlink", self.plus_as_string(path));
match fs::symlink_metadata(&self.plus(path)) {
Ok(m) => m.file_type().is_symlink(),
Err(_) => false,
pub fn resolve_link(&self, path: &str) -> String {
log_info("resolve_link", self.plus_as_string(path));
match fs::read_link(&self.plus(path)) {
Ok(p) => self.minus_as_string(p.to_str().unwrap()),
Err(_) => "".to_string(),
pub fn symlink_metadata(&self, path: &str) -> fs::Metadata {
match fs::symlink_metadata(&self.plus(path)) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(e) => panic!("{}", e),
pub fn metadata(&self, path: &str) -> fs::Metadata {
match fs::metadata(&self.plus(path)) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(e) => panic!("{}", e),
pub fn file_exists(&self, path: &str) -> bool {
match fs::metadata(&self.plus(path)) {
Ok(m) => m.is_file(),
Err(_) => false,
/// Decide whether the named symbolic link exists in the test directory.
pub fn symlink_exists(&self, path: &str) -> bool {
match fs::symlink_metadata(&self.plus(path)) {
Ok(m) => m.file_type().is_symlink(),
Err(_) => false,
pub fn dir_exists(&self, path: &str) -> bool {
match fs::metadata(&self.plus(path)) {
Ok(m) => m.is_dir(),
Err(_) => false,
pub fn root_dir_resolved(&self) -> String {
log_info("current_directory_resolved", "");
let s = self
// Due to canonicalize()'s use of GetFinalPathNameByHandleW() on Windows, the resolved path
// starts with '\\?\' to extend the limit of a given path to 32,767 wide characters.
// To address this issue, we remove this prepended string if available.
// Source:
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31439011/getfinalpathnamebyhandle-without-prepended
let prefix = "\\\\?\\";
if let Some(stripped) = s.strip_prefix(prefix) {
} else {
/// An environment for running a single uutils test case, serves three functions:
/// 1. centralizes logic for locating the uutils binary and calling the utility
/// 2. provides a unique temporary directory for the test case
/// 3. copies over fixtures for the utility to the temporary directory
/// Fixtures can be found under `tests/fixtures/$util_name/`
pub struct TestScenario {
pub bin_path: PathBuf,
pub util_name: String,
pub fixtures: AtPath,
tmpd: Rc<TempDir>,
impl TestScenario {
pub fn new(util_name: &str) -> Self {
let tmpd = Rc::new(TempDir::new().unwrap());
let ts = Self {
bin_path: {
// Instead of hard coding the path relative to the current
// directory, use Cargo's OUT_DIR to find path to executable.
// This allows tests to be run using profiles other than debug.
let target_dir = path_concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "..", "..", "..", PROGNAME);
util_name: String::from(util_name),
fixtures: AtPath::new(tmpd.as_ref().path()),
let mut fixture_path_builder = env::current_dir().unwrap();
if let Ok(m) = fs::metadata(&fixture_path_builder) {
if m.is_dir() {
recursive_copy(&fixture_path_builder, &ts.fixtures.subdir).unwrap();
/// Returns builder for invoking the target uutils binary. Paths given are
/// treated relative to the environment's unique temporary test directory.
pub fn ucmd(&self) -> UCommand {
self.composite_cmd(&self.bin_path, &self.util_name, true)
/// Returns builder for invoking the target uutils binary. Paths given are
/// treated relative to the environment's unique temporary test directory.
pub fn composite_cmd<S: AsRef<OsStr>, T: AsRef<OsStr>>(
bin: S,
util_name: T,
env_clear: bool,
) -> UCommand {
UCommand::new_from_tmp(bin, &Some(util_name), self.tmpd.clone(), env_clear)
/// Returns builder for invoking any system command. Paths given are treated
/// relative to the environment's unique temporary test directory.
pub fn cmd<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(&self, bin: S) -> UCommand {
UCommand::new_from_tmp::<S, S>(bin, &None, self.tmpd.clone(), true)
/// Returns builder for invoking any uutils command. Paths given are treated
/// relative to the environment's unique temporary test directory.
pub fn ccmd<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(&self, bin: S) -> UCommand {
self.composite_cmd(&self.bin_path, bin, true)
// different names are used rather than an argument
// because the need to keep the environment is exceedingly rare.
pub fn ucmd_keepenv(&self) -> UCommand {
self.composite_cmd(&self.bin_path, &self.util_name, false)
/// Returns builder for invoking any system command. Paths given are treated
/// relative to the environment's unique temporary test directory.
/// Differs from the builder returned by `cmd` in that `cmd_keepenv` does not call
/// `Command::env_clear` (Clears the entire environment map for the child process.)
pub fn cmd_keepenv<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(&self, bin: S) -> UCommand {
UCommand::new_from_tmp::<S, S>(bin, &None, self.tmpd.clone(), false)
/// A `UCommand` is a wrapper around an individual Command that provides several additional features
/// 1. it has convenience functions that are more ergonomic to use for piping in stdin, spawning the command
/// and asserting on the results.
/// 2. it tracks arguments provided so that in test cases which may provide variations of an arg in loops
/// the test failure can display the exact call which preceded an assertion failure.
/// 3. it provides convenience construction arguments to set the Command working directory and/or clear its environment.
pub struct UCommand {
pub raw: Command,
comm_string: String,
bin_path: String,
util_name: Option<String>,
tmpd: Option<Rc<TempDir>>,
has_run: bool,
ignore_stdin_write_error: bool,
stdin: Option<Stdio>,
stdout: Option<Stdio>,
stderr: Option<Stdio>,
bytes_into_stdin: Option<Vec<u8>>,
#[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"))]
limits: Vec<(rlimit::Resource, u64, u64)>,
impl UCommand {
pub fn new<T: AsRef<OsStr>, S: AsRef<OsStr>, U: AsRef<OsStr>>(
bin_path: T,
util_name: &Option<S>,
curdir: U,
env_clear: bool,
) -> Self {
let bin_path = bin_path.as_ref();
let util_name = util_name.as_ref().map(|un| un.as_ref());
let mut ucmd = Self {
tmpd: None,
has_run: false,
raw: {
let mut cmd = Command::new(bin_path);
if env_clear {
if cfg!(windows) {
// spell-checker:ignore (dll) rsaenh
// %SYSTEMROOT% is required on Windows to initialize crypto provider
// ... and crypto provider is required for std::rand
// From `procmon`: RegQueryValue HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Provider\Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider\Image Path
// SUCCESS Type: REG_SZ, Length: 66, Data: %SystemRoot%\system32\rsaenh.dll"
if let Some(systemroot) = env::var_os("SYSTEMROOT") {
cmd.env("SYSTEMROOT", systemroot);
} else {
// if someone is setting LD_PRELOAD, there's probably a good reason for it
if let Some(ld_preload) = env::var_os("LD_PRELOAD") {
cmd.env("LD_PRELOAD", ld_preload);
comm_string: String::from(bin_path.to_str().unwrap()),
bin_path: bin_path.to_str().unwrap().to_string(),
util_name: util_name.map(|un| un.to_str().unwrap().to_string()),
ignore_stdin_write_error: false,
bytes_into_stdin: None,
stdin: None,
stdout: None,
stderr: None,
#[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"))]
limits: vec![],
if let Some(un) = util_name {
pub fn new_from_tmp<T: AsRef<OsStr>, S: AsRef<OsStr>>(
bin_path: T,
util_name: &Option<S>,
tmpd: Rc<TempDir>,
env_clear: bool,
) -> Self {
let tmpd_path_buf = String::from(tmpd.as_ref().path().to_str().unwrap());
let mut ucmd: Self = Self::new(bin_path, util_name, tmpd_path_buf, env_clear);
ucmd.tmpd = Some(tmpd);
pub fn set_stdin<T: Into<Stdio>>(&mut self, stdin: T) -> &mut Self {
self.stdin = Some(stdin.into());
pub fn set_stdout<T: Into<Stdio>>(&mut self, stdout: T) -> &mut Self {
self.stdout = Some(stdout.into());
pub fn set_stderr<T: Into<Stdio>>(&mut self, stderr: T) -> &mut Self {
self.stderr = Some(stderr.into());
/// Add a parameter to the invocation. Path arguments are treated relative
/// to the test environment directory.
pub fn arg<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(&mut self, arg: S) -> &mut Self {
assert!(!self.has_run, "{}", ALREADY_RUN);
self.comm_string.push(' ');
/// Add multiple parameters to the invocation. Path arguments are treated relative
/// to the test environment directory.
pub fn args<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(&mut self, args: &[S]) -> &mut Self {
assert!(!self.has_run, "{}", MULTIPLE_STDIN_MEANINGLESS);
let strings = args
.map(|s| s.as_ref().to_os_string())
for s in strings {
self.comm_string.push(' ');
/// provides standard input to feed in to the command when spawned
pub fn pipe_in<T: Into<Vec<u8>>>(&mut self, input: T) -> &mut Self {
self.bytes_into_stdin = Some(input.into());
/// like pipe_in(...), but uses the contents of the file at the provided relative path as the piped in data
pub fn pipe_in_fixture<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(&mut self, file_rel_path: S) -> &mut Self {
let contents = read_scenario_fixture(&self.tmpd, file_rel_path);
/// Ignores error caused by feeding stdin to the command.
/// This is typically useful to test non-standard workflows
/// like feeding something to a command that does not read it
pub fn ignore_stdin_write_error(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
assert!(self.bytes_into_stdin.is_some(), "{}", NO_STDIN_MEANINGLESS);
self.ignore_stdin_write_error = true;
pub fn env<K, V>(&mut self, key: K, val: V) -> &mut Self
K: AsRef<OsStr>,
V: AsRef<OsStr>,
assert!(!self.has_run, "{}", ALREADY_RUN);
self.raw.env(key, val);
#[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"))]
pub fn with_limit(
&mut self,
resource: rlimit::Resource,
soft_limit: u64,
hard_limit: u64,
) -> &mut Self {
self.limits.push((resource, soft_limit, hard_limit));
/// Spawns the command, feeds the stdin if any, and returns the
/// child process immediately.
pub fn run_no_wait(&mut self) -> Child {
assert!(!self.has_run, "{}", ALREADY_RUN);
self.has_run = true;
log_info("run", &self.comm_string);
let mut child = self
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
for &(resource, soft_limit, hard_limit) in &self.limits {
child.id() as i32,
Some((soft_limit, hard_limit)),
if let Some(ref input) = self.bytes_into_stdin {
let write_result = child
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Could not take child process stdin"))
if !self.ignore_stdin_write_error {
if let Err(e) = write_result {
panic!("failed to write to stdin of child: {}", e);
/// Spawns the command, feeds the stdin if any, waits for the result
/// and returns a command result.
/// It is recommended that you instead use succeeds() or fails()
pub fn run(&mut self) -> CmdResult {
let prog = self.run_no_wait().wait_with_output().unwrap();
CmdResult {
bin_path: self.bin_path.clone(),
util_name: self.util_name.clone(),
tmpd: self.tmpd.clone(),
code: prog.status.code(),
success: prog.status.success(),
stdout: prog.stdout,
stderr: prog.stderr,
/// Spawns the command, feeding the passed in stdin, waits for the result
/// and returns a command result.
/// It is recommended that, instead of this, you use a combination of pipe_in()
/// with succeeds() or fails()
pub fn run_piped_stdin<T: Into<Vec<u8>>>(&mut self, input: T) -> CmdResult {
/// Spawns the command, feeds the stdin if any, waits for the result,
/// asserts success, and returns a command result.
pub fn succeeds(&mut self) -> CmdResult {
let cmd_result = self.run();
/// Spawns the command, feeds the stdin if any, waits for the result,
/// asserts failure, and returns a command result.
pub fn fails(&mut self) -> CmdResult {
let cmd_result = self.run();
pub fn get_full_fixture_path(&self, file_rel_path: &str) -> String {
let tmpdir_path = self.tmpd.as_ref().unwrap().path();
format!("{}/{}", tmpdir_path.to_str().unwrap(), file_rel_path)
/// Wrapper for `child.stdout.read_exact()`.
/// Careful, this blocks indefinitely if `size` bytes is never reached.
pub fn read_size(child: &mut Child, size: usize) -> String {
String::from_utf8(read_size_bytes(child, size)).unwrap()
/// Read the specified number of bytes from the stdout of the child process.
/// Careful, this blocks indefinitely if `size` bytes is never reached.
pub fn read_size_bytes(child: &mut Child, size: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut output = Vec::new();
output.resize(size, 0);
pub fn vec_of_size(n: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
let result = vec![b'a'; n];
assert_eq!(result.len(), n);
pub fn whoami() -> String {
// Apparently some CI environments have configuration issues, e.g. with 'whoami' and 'id'.
// From the Logs: "Build (ubuntu-18.04, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, feat_os_unix, use-cross)"
// whoami: cannot find name for user ID 1001
// id --name: cannot find name for user ID 1001
// id --name: cannot find name for group ID 116
// However, when running "id" from within "/bin/bash" it looks fine:
// id: "uid=1001(runner) gid=118(docker) groups=118(docker),4(adm),101(systemd-journal)"
// whoami: "runner"
// Use environment variable to get current user instead of
// invoking `whoami` and fall back to user "nobody" on error.
.or_else(|_| std::env::var("USERNAME"))
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
println!("{}: {}, using \"nobody\" instead", UUTILS_WARNING, e);
/// Add prefix 'g' for `util_name` if not on linux
pub fn host_name_for(util_name: &str) -> Cow<str> {
// In some environments, e.g. macOS/freebsd, the GNU coreutils are prefixed with "g"
// to not interfere with the BSD counterparts already in `$PATH`.
#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
// make call to `host_name_for` idempotent
if util_name.starts_with('g') && util_name != "groups" {
} else {
format!("g{}", util_name).into()
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
// GNU coreutils version 8.32 is the reference version since it is the latest version and the
// GNU test suite in "coreutils/.github/workflows/GnuTests.yml" runs against it.
// However, here 8.30 was chosen because right now there's no ubuntu image for the github actions
// CICD available with a higher version than 8.30.
// GNU coreutils versions from the CICD images for comparison:
// ubuntu-2004: 8.30 (latest)
// ubuntu-1804: 8.28
// macos-latest: 8.32
const VERSION_MIN: &str = "8.30"; // minimum Version for the reference `coreutil` in `$PATH`
const UUTILS_WARNING: &str = "uutils-tests-warning";
const UUTILS_INFO: &str = "uutils-tests-info";
/// Run `util_name --version` and return Ok if the version is >= `version_expected`.
/// Returns an error if
/// * `util_name` cannot run
/// * the version cannot be parsed
/// * the version is too low
/// This is used by `expected_result` to check if the coreutils version is >= `VERSION_MIN`.
/// It makes sense to use this manually in a test if a feature
/// is tested that was introduced after `VERSION_MIN`
/// Example:
/// ```no_run
/// use crate::common::util::*;
/// const VERSION_MIN_MULTIPLE_USERS: &str = "8.31";
/// #[test]
/// fn test_xyz() {
/// unwrap_or_return!(check_coreutil_version(
/// util_name!(),
/// ));
/// // proceed with the test...
/// }
/// ```
pub fn check_coreutil_version(
util_name: &str,
version_expected: &str,
) -> std::result::Result<String, String> {
// example:
// $ id --version | head -n 1
// id (GNU coreutils) 8.32.162-4eda
let util_name = &host_name_for(util_name);
log_info("run", format!("{} --version", util_name));
let version_check = match Command::new(util_name.as_ref())
.env("LC_ALL", "C")
Ok(s) => s,
Err(e) => return Err(format!("{}: '{}' {}", UUTILS_WARNING, util_name, e)),
|| Err(format!("{}: unexpected output format for reference coreutil: '{} --version'", UUTILS_WARNING, util_name)),
|s| {
if s.contains(&format!("(GNU coreutils) {}", version_expected)) {
Ok(format!("{}: {}", UUTILS_INFO, s))
} else if s.contains("(GNU coreutils)") {
let version_found = parse_coreutil_version(s);
let version_expected = version_expected.parse::<f32>().unwrap_or_default();
if version_found > version_expected {
Ok(format!("{}: version for the reference coreutil '{}' is higher than expected; expected: {}, found: {}", UUTILS_INFO, util_name, version_expected, version_found))
} else {
Err(format!("{}: version for the reference coreutil '{}' does not match; expected: {}, found: {}", UUTILS_WARNING, util_name, version_expected, version_found)) }
} else {
Err(format!("{}: no coreutils version string found for reference coreutils '{} --version'", UUTILS_WARNING, util_name))
// simple heuristic to parse the coreutils SemVer string, e.g. "id (GNU coreutils) 8.32.263-0475"
fn parse_coreutil_version(version_string: &str) -> f32 {
/// This runs the GNU coreutils `util_name` binary in `$PATH` in order to
/// dynamically gather reference values on the system.
/// If the `util_name` in `$PATH` doesn't include a coreutils version string,
/// or the version is too low, this returns an error and the test should be skipped.
/// Example:
/// ```no_run
/// use crate::common::util::*;
/// #[test]
/// fn test_xyz() {
/// let ts = TestScenario::new(util_name!());
/// let result = ts.ucmd().run();
/// let exp_result = unwrap_or_return!(expected_result(&ts, &[]));
/// result
/// .stdout_is(exp_result.stdout_str())
/// .stderr_is(exp_result.stderr_str())
/// .code_is(exp_result.code());
/// }
pub fn expected_result(ts: &TestScenario, args: &[&str]) -> std::result::Result<CmdResult, String> {
println!("{}", check_coreutil_version(&ts.util_name, VERSION_MIN)?);
let util_name = &host_name_for(&ts.util_name);
let result = ts
.env("LC_ALL", "C")
let (stdout, stderr): (String, String) = if cfg!(target_os = "linux") {
} else {
// `host_name_for` added prefix, strip 'g' prefix from results:
let from = util_name.to_string() + ":";
let to = &from[1..];
result.stdout_str().replace(&from, to),
result.stderr_str().replace(&from, to),
/// This is a convenience wrapper to run a ucmd with root permissions.
/// It can be used to test programs when being root is needed
/// This runs 'sudo -E --non-interactive target/debug/coreutils util_name args`
/// This is primarily designed to run in an environment where whoami is in $path
/// and where non-interactive sudo is possible.
/// To check if i) non-interactive sudo is possible and ii) if sudo works, this runs:
/// 'sudo -E --non-interactive whoami' first.
/// This return an `Err()` if run inside CICD because there's no 'sudo'.
/// Example:
/// ```no_run
/// use crate::common::util::*;
/// #[test]
/// fn test_xyz() {
/// let ts = TestScenario::new("whoami");
/// let expected = "root\n".to_string();
/// if let Ok(result) = run_ucmd_as_root(&ts, &[]) {
/// result.stdout_is(expected);
/// } else {
/// println!("TEST SKIPPED");
/// }
/// }
pub fn run_ucmd_as_root(
ts: &TestScenario,
args: &[&str],
) -> std::result::Result<CmdResult, String> {
if !is_ci() {
// check if we can run 'sudo'
log_info("run", "sudo -E --non-interactive whoami");
match Command::new("sudo")
.env("LC_ALL", "C")
.args(&["-E", "--non-interactive", "whoami"])
Ok(output) if String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).eq("root\n") => {
// we can run sudo and we're root
// run ucmd as root:
.env("LC_ALL", "C")
if String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr).eq("sudo: a password is required\n") =>
Err("Cannot run non-interactive sudo".to_string())
Ok(_output) => Err("\"sudo whoami\" didn't return \"root\"".to_string()),
Err(e) => Err(format!("{}: {}", UUTILS_WARNING, e)),
} else {
Err(format!("{}: {}", UUTILS_INFO, "cannot run inside CI"))
/// Sanity checks for test utils
mod tests {
// spell-checker:ignore (tests) asdfsadfa
use super::*;
fn test_code_is() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: Some(32),
success: false,
stdout: "".into(),
stderr: "".into(),
fn test_code_is_fail() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: Some(32),
success: false,
stdout: "".into(),
stderr: "".into(),
fn test_failure() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: None,
success: false,
stdout: "".into(),
stderr: "".into(),
fn test_failure_fail() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: None,
success: true,
stdout: "".into(),
stderr: "".into(),
fn test_success() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: None,
success: true,
stdout: "".into(),
stderr: "".into(),
fn test_success_fail() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: None,
success: false,
stdout: "".into(),
stderr: "".into(),
fn test_no_stderr_output() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: None,
success: true,
stdout: "".into(),
stderr: "".into(),
fn test_no_stderr_fail() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: None,
success: true,
stdout: "".into(),
stderr: "asdfsadfa".into(),
fn test_no_stdout_fail() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: None,
success: true,
stdout: "asdfsadfa".into(),
stderr: "".into(),
fn test_std_does_not_contain() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: None,
success: true,
stdout: "This is a likely error message\n".into(),
stderr: "This is a likely error message\n".into(),
fn test_stdout_does_not_contain_fail() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: None,
success: true,
stdout: "This is a likely error message\n".into(),
stderr: "".into(),
fn test_stderr_does_not_contain_fail() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: None,
success: true,
stdout: "".into(),
stderr: "This is a likely error message\n".into(),
fn test_stdout_matches() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: None,
success: true,
stdout: "This is a likely error message\n".into(),
stderr: "This is a likely error message\n".into(),
let positive = regex::Regex::new(".*likely.*").unwrap();
let negative = regex::Regex::new(".*unlikely.*").unwrap();
fn test_stdout_matches_fail() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: None,
success: true,
stdout: "This is a likely error message\n".into(),
stderr: "This is a likely error message\n".into(),
let negative = regex::Regex::new(".*unlikely.*").unwrap();
fn test_stdout_not_matches_fail() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: None,
success: true,
stdout: "This is a likely error message\n".into(),
stderr: "This is a likely error message\n".into(),
let positive = regex::Regex::new(".*likely.*").unwrap();
fn test_normalized_newlines_stdout_is() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: None,
success: true,
stdout: "A\r\nB\nC".into(),
stderr: "".into(),
fn test_normalized_newlines_stdout_is_fail() {
let res = CmdResult {
bin_path: "".into(),
util_name: None,
tmpd: None,
code: None,
success: true,
stdout: "A\r\nB\nC".into(),
stderr: "".into(),
fn test_parse_coreutil_version() {
use std::assert_eq;
parse_coreutil_version("id (GNU coreutils) 9.0.123-0123").to_string(),
parse_coreutil_version("id (GNU coreutils) 8.32.263-0475").to_string(),
parse_coreutil_version("id (GNU coreutils) 8.25.123-0123").to_string(),
parse_coreutil_version("id (GNU coreutils) 9.0").to_string(),
parse_coreutil_version("id (GNU coreutils) 8.32").to_string(),
parse_coreutil_version("id (GNU coreutils) 8.25").to_string(),
fn test_check_coreutil_version() {
match check_coreutil_version("id", VERSION_MIN) {
Ok(s) => assert!(s.starts_with("uutils-tests-")),
Err(s) => assert!(s.starts_with("uutils-tests-warning")),
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
check_coreutil_version("no test name", VERSION_MIN),
Err("uutils-tests-warning: 'no test name' \
No such file or directory (os error 2)"
fn test_expected_result() {
let ts = TestScenario::new("id");
// assert!(expected_result(&ts, &[]).is_ok());
match expected_result(&ts, &[]) {
Ok(r) => assert!(r.succeeded()),
Err(s) => assert!(s.starts_with("uutils-tests-warning")),
let ts = TestScenario::new("no test name");
assert!(expected_result(&ts, &[]).is_err());
fn test_host_name_for() {
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
std::assert_eq!(host_name_for("id"), "id");
std::assert_eq!(host_name_for("groups"), "groups");
std::assert_eq!(host_name_for("who"), "who");
#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
// spell-checker:ignore (strings) ggroups gwho
std::assert_eq!(host_name_for("id"), "gid");
std::assert_eq!(host_name_for("groups"), "ggroups");
std::assert_eq!(host_name_for("who"), "gwho");
std::assert_eq!(host_name_for("gid"), "gid");
std::assert_eq!(host_name_for("ggroups"), "ggroups");
std::assert_eq!(host_name_for("gwho"), "gwho");
#[cfg(feature = "whoami")]
fn test_run_ucmd_as_root() {
if !is_ci() {
// Skip test if we can't guarantee non-interactive `sudo`, or if we're not "root"
if let Ok(output) = Command::new("sudo")
.env("LC_ALL", "C")
.args(&["-E", "--non-interactive", "whoami"])
if output.status.success() && String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).eq("root\n") {
let ts = TestScenario::new("whoami");
run_ucmd_as_root(&ts, &[]).unwrap().stdout_str().trim(),
} else {
println!("TEST SKIPPED (we're not root)");
} else {
println!("TEST SKIPPED (cannot run sudo)");
} else {
println!("TEST SKIPPED (cannot run inside CI)");