
248 lines
9.1 KiB

#![crate_name = "uu_uniq"]
* This file is part of the uutils coreutils package.
* (c) Chirag B Jadwani <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
extern crate getopts;
extern crate uucore;
use getopts::{Matches, Options};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, BufWriter, Read, stdin, stdout, Write};
use std::path::Path;
use std::str::FromStr;
static NAME: &'static str = "uniq";
static VERSION: &'static str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
struct Uniq {
repeats_only: bool,
uniques_only: bool,
all_repeated: bool,
delimiters: String,
show_counts: bool,
skip_fields: Option<usize>,
slice_start: Option<usize>,
slice_stop: Option<usize>,
ignore_case: bool,
zero_terminated: bool,
impl Uniq {
pub fn print_uniq<R: Read, W: Write>(&self, reader: &mut BufReader<R>, writer: &mut BufWriter<W>) {
let mut lines: Vec<String> = vec!();
let mut first_line_printed = false;
let delimiters = &self.delimiters[..];
let line_terminator = self.get_line_terminator();
for io_line in reader.split(line_terminator) {
let line = String::from_utf8(crash_if_err!(1, io_line)).unwrap();
if !lines.is_empty() && self.cmp_key(&lines[0]) != self.cmp_key(&line) {
let print_delimiter = delimiters == "prepend" || (delimiters == "separate" && first_line_printed);
first_line_printed |= self.print_lines(writer, &lines, print_delimiter);
if !lines.is_empty() {
let print_delimiter = delimiters == "prepend" || (delimiters == "separate" && first_line_printed);
self.print_lines(writer, &lines, print_delimiter);
fn skip_fields(&self, line: &str) -> String {
if let Some(skip_fields) = self.skip_fields {
if line.split_whitespace().count() > skip_fields {
let mut field = 0;
let mut i = 0;
while field < skip_fields && i < line.len() {
while i < line.len() && line.chars().nth(i).unwrap().is_whitespace() {
i = i + 1;
while i < line.len() && !line.chars().nth(i).unwrap().is_whitespace() {
i = i + 1;
field = field + 1;
} else {
} else {
fn get_line_terminator(&self) -> u8 {
if self.zero_terminated {
} else {
'\n' as u8
fn cmp_key(&self, line: &str) -> String {
let fields_to_check = &self.skip_fields(line);
let len = fields_to_check.len();
if len > 0 {
.map(|c| match c {
'a' ... 'z' if self.ignore_case => ((c as u8) - 32) as char,
_ => c,
} else {
fn print_lines<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut BufWriter<W>, lines: &[String], print_delimiter: bool) -> bool {
let mut first_line_printed = false;
let mut count = if self.all_repeated { 1 } else { lines.len() };
if lines.len() == 1 && !self.repeats_only
|| lines.len() > 1 && !self.uniques_only {
self.print_line(writer, &lines[0], count, print_delimiter);
first_line_printed = true;
count += 1;
if self.all_repeated {
for line in lines[1..].iter() {
self.print_line(writer, line, count, print_delimiter && !first_line_printed);
first_line_printed = true;
count += 1;
fn print_line<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut BufWriter<W>, line: &str, count: usize, print_delimiter: bool) {
let line_terminator = self.get_line_terminator();
if print_delimiter {
crash_if_err!(1, writer.write_all(&[line_terminator]));
crash_if_err!(1, if self.show_counts {
writer.write_all(format!("{:7} {}", count, line).as_bytes())
} else {
crash_if_err!(1, writer.write_all(&[line_terminator]));
fn opt_parsed<T: FromStr>(opt_name: &str, matches: &Matches) -> Option<T> {
matches.opt_str(opt_name).map(|arg_str| {
let opt_val: Option<T> = arg_str.parse().ok();
crash!(1, "Invalid argument for {}: {}", opt_name, arg_str))
pub fn uumain(args: Vec<String>) -> i32 {
let mut opts = Options::new();
opts.optflag("c", "count", "prefix lines by the number of occurrences");
opts.optflag("d", "repeated", "only print duplicate lines");
"print all duplicate lines delimit-method={none(default),prepend,separate} Delimiting is done with blank lines",
opts.optopt("f", "skip-fields", "avoid comparing the first N fields", "N");
opts.optopt("s", "skip-chars", "avoid comparing the first N characters", "N");
opts.optopt("w", "check-chars", "compare no more than N characters in lines", "N");
opts.optflag("i", "ignore-case", "ignore differences in case when comparing");
opts.optflag("u", "unique", "only print unique lines");
opts.optflag("z", "zero-terminated", "end lines with 0 byte, not newline");
opts.optflag("h", "help", "display this help and exit");
opts.optflag("V", "version", "output version information and exit");
let matches = match opts.parse(&args[1..]) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => crash!(1, "{}", f)
if matches.opt_present("help") {
println!("{} {}", NAME, VERSION);
println!(" {0} [OPTION]... [FILE]...", NAME);
print!("{}", opts.usage("Filter adjacent matching lines from INPUT (or standard input),\n\
writing to OUTPUT (or standard output)."));
println!("Note: '{0}' does not detect repeated lines unless they are adjacent.\n\
You may want to sort the input first, or use 'sort -u' without '{0}'.\n", NAME);
} else if matches.opt_present("version") {
println!("{} {}", NAME, VERSION);
} else {
let (in_file_name, out_file_name) = match {
0 => ("-".to_owned(), "-".to_owned()),
1 => ([0].clone(), "-".to_owned()),
2 => ([0].clone(),[1].clone()),
_ => {
crash!(1, "Extra operand: {}",[2]);
let uniq = Uniq {
repeats_only: matches.opt_present("repeated") || matches.opt_present("all-repeated"),
uniques_only: matches.opt_present("unique"),
all_repeated: matches.opt_present("all-repeated"),
delimiters: match matches.opt_default("all-repeated", "none") {
Some(ref opt_arg) if opt_arg != "none" => {
let rep_args = ["prepend".to_owned(), "separate".to_owned()];
if !rep_args.contains(opt_arg) {
crash!(1, "Incorrect argument for all-repeated: {}", opt_arg.clone());
_ => "".to_owned()
show_counts: matches.opt_present("count"),
skip_fields: opt_parsed("skip-fields", &matches),
slice_start: opt_parsed("skip-chars", &matches),
slice_stop: opt_parsed("check-chars", &matches),
ignore_case: matches.opt_present("ignore-case"),
zero_terminated: matches.opt_present("zero-terminated"),
uniq.print_uniq(&mut open_input_file(in_file_name),
&mut open_output_file(out_file_name));
fn open_input_file(in_file_name: String) -> BufReader<Box<Read+'static>> {
let in_file = if in_file_name == "-" {
Box::new(stdin()) as Box<Read>
} else {
let path = Path::new(&in_file_name[..]);
let in_file = File::open(&path);
let r = crash_if_err!(1, in_file);
Box::new(r) as Box<Read>
fn open_output_file(out_file_name: String) -> BufWriter<Box<Write+'static>> {
let out_file = if out_file_name == "-" {
Box::new(stdout()) as Box<Write>
} else {
let path = Path::new(&out_file_name[..]);
let in_file = File::create(&path);
let w = crash_if_err!(1, in_file);
Box::new(w) as Box<Write>