2016-06-05 11:38:56 +08:00

984 lines
39 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

#![crate_name = "uu_stat"]
// This file is part of the uutils coreutils package.
// (c) Jian Zeng <>
// For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file
// that was distributed with this source code.
extern crate getopts;
use getopts::Options;
mod fsext;
use fsext::*;
extern crate uucore;
use std::{fs, iter, cmp};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Write, BufReader, BufRead};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::os::unix::fs::{FileTypeExt, MetadataExt};
use std::path::Path;
use std::convert::AsRef;
mod test_stat;
macro_rules! check_bound {
($str: ident, $bound:expr, $beg: expr, $end: expr) => (
if $end >= $bound {
return Err(format!("{}: invalid directive", &$str[$beg..$end]));
macro_rules! fill_string {
($str: ident, $c: expr, $cnt: expr) => (
iter::repeat($c).take($cnt).map(|c| $str.push(c)).all(|_| true)
macro_rules! extend_digits {
($str: ident, $min: expr) => (
if $min > $str.len() {
let mut pad = String::with_capacity($min);
fill_string!(pad, '0', $min - $str.len());
} else {
macro_rules! pad_and_print {
($result: ident, $str: ident, $left: expr, $width: expr, $padding: expr) => (
if $str.len() < $width {
if $left {
fill_string!($result, $padding, $width - $str.len());
} else {
fill_string!($result, $padding, $width - $str.len());
} else {
print!("{}", $result);
macro_rules! print_adjusted {
($str: ident, $left: expr, $width: expr, $padding: expr) => ({
let field_width = cmp::max($width, $str.len());
let mut result = String::with_capacity(field_width);
pad_and_print!(result, $str, $left, field_width, $padding);
($str: ident, $left: expr, $need_prefix: expr, $prefix: expr, $width: expr, $padding: expr) => ({
let mut field_width = cmp::max($width, $str.len());
let mut result = String::with_capacity(field_width + $prefix.len());
if $need_prefix {
field_width -= $prefix.len();
pad_and_print!(result, $str, $left, field_width, $padding);
static NAME: &'static str = "stat";
static VERSION: &'static str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
const MOUNT_INFO: &'static str = "/etc/mtab";
pub const F_ALTER: u8 = 1;
pub const F_ZERO: u8 = 1 << 1;
pub const F_LEFT: u8 = 1 << 2;
pub const F_SPACE: u8 = 1 << 3;
pub const F_SIGN: u8 = 1 << 4;
// unused at present
pub const F_GROUP: u8 = 1 << 5;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum OutputType {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Token {
Directive {
flag: u8,
width: usize,
precision: i32,
format: char,
pub trait ScanUtil {
fn scan_num<F>(&self) -> Option<(F, usize)> where F: std::str::FromStr;
fn scan_char(&self, radix: u32) -> Option<(char, usize)>;
impl ScanUtil for str {
fn scan_num<F>(&self) -> Option<(F, usize)>
where F: std::str::FromStr
let mut chars = self.chars();
let mut i = 0;
match {
Some('-') | Some('+') | Some('0'...'9') => i += 1,
_ => return None,
while let Some(c) = {
match c {
'0'...'9' => i += 1,
_ => break,
if i > 0 {
F::from_str(&self[..i]).ok().map(|x| (x, i))
} else {
fn scan_char(&self, radix: u32) -> Option<(char, usize)> {
let count = match radix {
8 => 3_usize,
16 => 2,
_ => return None,
let mut chars = self.chars().enumerate();
let mut res = 0_u32;
let mut offset = 0_usize;
while let Some((i, c)) = {
if i >= count {
match c.to_digit(radix) {
Some(digit) => {
let tmp = res * radix + digit;
if tmp < 256 {
res = tmp;
} else {
None => break,
offset = i + 1;
if offset > 0 {
Some((res as u8 as char, offset))
} else {
pub struct Stater {
follow: bool,
showfs: bool,
from_user: bool,
files: Vec<String>,
mount_list: Vec<String>,
default_tokens: Vec<Token>,
default_dev_tokens: Vec<Token>,
fn print_it(arg: &str, otype: OutputType, flag: u8, width: usize, precision: i32) {
// If the precision is given as just '.', the precision is taken to be zero.
// A negative precision is taken as if the precision were omitted.
// This gives the minimum number of digits to appear for d, i, o, u, x, and X conversions,
// the maximum number of characters to be printed from a string for s and S conversions.
// #
// The value should be converted to an "alternate form".
// For o conversions, the first character of the output string is made zero (by prefixing a 0 if it was not zero already).
// For x and X conversions, a nonzero result has the string "0x" (or "0X" for X conversions) prepended to it.
// 0
// The value should be zero padded.
// For d, i, o, u, x, X, a, A, e, E, f, F, g, and G conversions, the converted value is padded on the left with zeros rather than blanks.
// If the 0 and - flags both appear, the 0 flag is ignored.
// If a precision is given with a numeric conversion (d, i, o, u, x, and X), the 0 flag is ignored.
// For other conversions, the behavior is undefined.
// -
// The converted value is to be left adjusted on the field boundary. (The default is right justification.)
// The converted value is padded on the right with blanks, rather than on the left with blanks or zeros.
// A - overrides a 0 if both are given.
// ' ' (a space)
// A blank should be left before a positive number (or empty string) produced by a signed conversion.
// +
// A sign (+ or -) should always be placed before a number produced by a signed conversion.
// By default, a sign is used only for negative numbers.
// A + overrides a space if both are used.
if otype == OutputType::Unknown {
return print!("?");
let left_align = has!(flag, F_LEFT);
let padding_char = if has!(flag, F_ZERO) && !left_align && precision == -1 {
} else {
' '
let has_sign = has!(flag, F_SIGN) || has!(flag, F_SPACE);
let should_alter = has!(flag, F_ALTER);
let prefix = match otype {
OutputType::UnsignedOct => "0",
OutputType::UnsignedHex => "0x",
OutputType::Integer => {
if has!(flag, F_SIGN) {
} else {
" "
_ => "",
match otype {
OutputType::Str => {
let limit = cmp::min(precision, arg.len() as i32);
let s: &str = if limit >= 0 {
&arg[..limit as usize]
} else {
print_adjusted!(s, left_align, width, ' ');
OutputType::Integer => {
let min_digits = cmp::max(precision, arg.len() as i32) as usize;
let extended: Cow<str> = extend_digits!(arg, min_digits);
print_adjusted!(extended, left_align, has_sign, prefix, width, padding_char);
OutputType::Unsigned => {
let min_digits = cmp::max(precision, arg.len() as i32) as usize;
let extended: Cow<str> = extend_digits!(arg, min_digits);
print_adjusted!(extended, left_align, width, padding_char);
OutputType::UnsignedOct => {
let min_digits = cmp::max(precision, arg.len() as i32) as usize;
let extended: Cow<str> = extend_digits!(arg, min_digits);
OutputType::UnsignedHex => {
let min_digits = cmp::max(precision, arg.len() as i32) as usize;
let extended: Cow<str> = extend_digits!(arg, min_digits);
_ => unreachable!(),
use std::ptr;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use uucore::c_types::{getpwuid, getgrgid};
fn get_grp_name(gid: u32) -> String {
let p = unsafe { getgrgid(gid) };
if !p.is_null() {
unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ptr::read(p).gr_name).to_string_lossy().into_owned() }
} else {
fn get_usr_name(uid: u32) -> String {
let p = unsafe { getpwuid(uid) };
if !p.is_null() {
unsafe {
} else {
impl Stater {
pub fn generate_tokens(fmtstr: &str, use_printf: bool) -> Result<Vec<Token>, String> {
let mut tokens = Vec::new();
let bound = fmtstr.len();
let chars = fmtstr.chars().collect::<Vec<char>>();
let mut i = 0_usize;
while i < bound {
match chars[i] {
'%' => {
let old = i;
i += 1;
if i >= bound {
if chars[i] == '%' {
i += 1;
let mut flag: u8 = 0;
while i < bound {
match chars[i] {
'#' => flag |= F_ALTER,
'0' => flag |= F_ZERO,
'-' => flag |= F_LEFT,
' ' => flag |= F_SPACE,
'+' => flag |= F_SIGN,
// '\'' => flag |= F_GROUP,
'\'' => unimplemented!(),
'I' => unimplemented!(),
_ => break,
i += 1;
check_bound!(fmtstr, bound, old, i);
let mut width = 0_usize;
let mut precision = -1_i32;
let mut j = i;
match fmtstr[j..].scan_num::<usize>() {
Some((field_width, offset)) => {
width = field_width;
j += offset;
None => (),
check_bound!(fmtstr, bound, old, j);
if chars[j] == '.' {
j += 1;
check_bound!(fmtstr, bound, old, j);
match fmtstr[j..].scan_num::<i32>() {
Some((prec, offset)) => {
if prec >= 0 {
precision = prec;
j += offset;
None => precision = 0,
check_bound!(fmtstr, bound, old, j);
i = j;
tokens.push(Token::Directive {
width: width,
flag: flag,
precision: precision,
format: chars[i],
'\\' => {
if !use_printf {
} else {
i += 1;
if i >= bound {
show_warning!("backslash at end of format");
match chars[i] {
'x' if i + 1 < bound => {
if let Some((c, offset)) = fmtstr[i + 1..].scan_char(16) {
i += offset;
} else {
show_warning!("unrecognized escape '\\x'");
'0'...'7' => {
let (c, offset) = fmtstr[i..].scan_char(8).unwrap();
i += offset - 1;
'"' => tokens.push(Token::Char('"')),
'\\' => tokens.push(Token::Char('\\')),
'a' => tokens.push(Token::Char('\x07')),
'b' => tokens.push(Token::Char('\x08')),
'e' => tokens.push(Token::Char('\x1B')),
'f' => tokens.push(Token::Char('\x0C')),
'n' => tokens.push(Token::Char('\n')),
'r' => tokens.push(Token::Char('\r')),
'v' => tokens.push(Token::Char('\x0B')),
c => {
show_warning!("unrecognized escape '\\{}'", c);
c => tokens.push(Token::Char(c)),
i += 1;
if !use_printf && !fmtstr.ends_with('\n') {
fn new(matches: getopts::Matches) -> Result<Stater, String> {
let fmtstr = if matches.opt_present("printf") {
matches.opt_str("printf").expect("Invalid format string")
} else {
let use_printf = matches.opt_present("printf");
let terse = matches.opt_present("terse");
let showfs = matches.opt_present("file-system");
let default_tokens = if fmtstr.is_empty() {
Stater::generate_tokens(&Stater::default_fmt(showfs, terse, false), use_printf).unwrap()
} else {
try!(Stater::generate_tokens(&fmtstr, use_printf))
let default_dev_tokens = Stater::generate_tokens(&Stater::default_fmt(showfs, terse, true),
let reader = BufReader::new(File::open(MOUNT_INFO).expect("Failed to read /etc/mtab"));
let mut mount_list = reader.lines()
.filter_map(|s| s.ok())
.filter_map(|line| {
line.split_whitespace().nth(1).map(|s| s.to_owned())
// Reverse sort. The longer comes first.
mount_list.sort_by(|a, b| b.cmp(a));
Ok(Stater {
follow: matches.opt_present("dereference"),
showfs: showfs,
from_user: !fmtstr.is_empty(),
default_tokens: default_tokens,
default_dev_tokens: default_dev_tokens,
mount_list: mount_list,
fn find_mount_point<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, p: P) -> Option<String> {
let path = match p.as_ref().canonicalize() {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(_) => return None,
for root in (&self.mount_list).into_iter() {
if path.starts_with(root) {
return Some(root.clone());
fn exec(&self) -> i32 {
let mut ret = 0;
for f in &self.files {
ret |= self.do_stat(f.as_str());
fn do_stat(&self, file: &str) -> i32 {
if !self.showfs {
let result = if self.follow {
} else {
match result {
Ok(meta) => {
let ftype = meta.file_type();
let tokens = if self.from_user ||
!(ftype.is_char_device() || ftype.is_block_device()) {
} else {
for t in tokens.into_iter() {
match t {
&Token::Char(c) => print!("{}", c),
&Token::Directive { flag, width, precision, format } => {
let arg: String;
let otype: OutputType;
match format {
// access rights in octal
'a' => {
arg = format!("{:o}", 0o7777 & meta.mode());
otype = OutputType::UnsignedOct;
// access rights in human readable form
'A' => {
arg = pretty_access(meta.mode() as mode_t);
otype = OutputType::Str;
// number of blocks allocated (see %B)
'b' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.blocks());
otype = OutputType::Unsigned;
// the size in bytes of each block reported by %b
// FIXME: blocksize differs on various platform
// See coreutils/gnulib/lib/stat-size.h ST_NBLOCKSIZE
'B' => {
// the size in bytes of each block reported by %b
arg = format!("{}", 512);
otype = OutputType::Unsigned;
// device number in decimal
'd' => {
arg = format!("{}",;
otype = OutputType::Unsigned;
// device number in hex
'D' => {
arg = format!("{:x}",;
otype = OutputType::UnsignedHex;
// raw mode in hex
'f' => {
arg = format!("{:x}", meta.mode());
otype = OutputType::UnsignedHex;
// file type
'F' => {
arg = pretty_filetype(meta.mode(), meta.len()).to_owned();
otype = OutputType::Str;
// group ID of owner
'g' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.gid());
otype = OutputType::Unsigned;
// group name of owner
'G' => {
arg = get_grp_name(meta.gid());
otype = OutputType::Str;
// number of hard links
'h' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.nlink());
otype = OutputType::Unsigned;
// inode number
'i' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.ino());
otype = OutputType::Unsigned;
// mount point
'm' => {
arg = self.find_mount_point(file).unwrap();
otype = OutputType::Str;
// file name
'n' => {
arg = file.to_owned();
otype = OutputType::Str;
// quoted file name with dereference if symbolic link
'N' => {
if ftype.is_symlink() {
arg = format!("'{}' -> '{}'",
.expect("Invalid symlink")
} else {
arg = format!("'{}'", file);
otype = OutputType::Str;
// optimal I/O transfer size hint
'o' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.blksize());
otype = OutputType::Unsigned;
// total size, in bytes
's' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.len());
otype = OutputType::Integer;
// major device type in hex, for character/block device special
// files
't' => {
arg = format!("{:x}", meta.rdev() >> 8);
otype = OutputType::UnsignedHex;
// minor device type in hex, for character/block device special
// files
'T' => {
arg = format!("{:x}", meta.rdev() & 0xff);
otype = OutputType::UnsignedHex;
// user ID of owner
'u' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.uid());
otype = OutputType::Unsigned;
// user name of owner
'U' => {
arg = get_usr_name(meta.uid());
otype = OutputType::Str;
// time of file birth, human-readable; - if unknown
'w' => {
arg = if let Ok(elapsed) = meta.created()
.map(|t| {
}) {
pretty_time(elapsed.as_secs() as i64,
elapsed.subsec_nanos() as i64)
} else {
otype = OutputType::Str;
// time of file birth, seconds since Epoch; 0 if unknown
'W' => {
arg = if let Ok(elapsed) = meta.created()
.map(|t| {
}) {
format!("{}", elapsed.as_secs())
} else {
otype = OutputType::Integer;
// time of last access, human-readable
'x' => {
arg = pretty_time(meta.atime(), meta.atime_nsec());
otype = OutputType::Str;
// time of last access, seconds since Epoch
'X' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.atime());
otype = OutputType::Integer;
// time of last data modification, human-readable
'y' => {
arg = pretty_time(meta.mtime(), meta.mtime_nsec());
otype = OutputType::Str;
// time of last data modification, seconds since Epoch
'Y' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.mtime());
otype = OutputType::Str;
// time of last status change, human-readable
'z' => {
arg = pretty_time(meta.ctime(), meta.ctime_nsec());
otype = OutputType::Str;
// time of last status change, seconds since Epoch
'Z' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.ctime());
otype = OutputType::Integer;
_ => {
arg = "?".to_owned();
otype = OutputType::Unknown;
print_it(&arg, otype, flag, width, precision);
Err(e) => {
show_info!("cannot stat '{}': {}", file, e);
return 1;
} else {
match statfs(file) {
Ok(meta) => {
let tokens = &self.default_tokens;
for t in tokens.into_iter() {
match t {
&Token::Char(c) => print!("{}", c),
&Token::Directive { flag, width, precision, format } => {
let arg: String;
let otype: OutputType;
match format {
// free blocks available to non-superuser
'a' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.avail_blocks());
otype = OutputType::Integer;
// total data blocks in file system
'b' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.total_blocks());
otype = OutputType::Integer;
// total file nodes in file system
'c' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.total_fnodes());
otype = OutputType::Unsigned;
// free file nodes in file system
'd' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.free_fnodes());
otype = OutputType::Integer;
// free blocks in file system
'f' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.free_blocks());
otype = OutputType::Integer;
// file system ID in hex
'i' => {
arg = format!("{:x}", meta.fsid());
otype = OutputType::UnsignedHex;
// maximum length of filenames
'l' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.namelen());
otype = OutputType::Unsigned;
// file name
'n' => {
arg = file.to_owned();
otype = OutputType::Str;
// block size (for faster transfers)
's' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.iosize());
otype = OutputType::Unsigned;
// fundamental block size (for block counts)
'S' => {
arg = format!("{}", meta.blksize());
otype = OutputType::Unsigned;
// file system type in hex
't' => {
arg = format!("{:x}", meta.fs_type());
otype = OutputType::UnsignedHex;
// file system type in human readable form
'T' => {
arg = pretty_fstype(meta.fs_type()).into_owned();
otype = OutputType::Str;
_ => {
arg = "?".to_owned();
otype = OutputType::Unknown;
print_it(&arg, otype, flag, width, precision);
Err(e) => {
show_info!("cannot read file system information for '{}': {}", file, e);
return 1;
// taken from coreutils/src/stat.c
fn default_fmt(showfs: bool, terse: bool, dev: bool) -> String {
// SELinux related format is *ignored*
let mut fmtstr = String::with_capacity(36);
if showfs {
if terse {
fmtstr.push_str("%n %i %l %t %s %S %b %f %a %c %d\n");
} else {
fmtstr.push_str(" File: \"%n\"\n ID: %-8i Namelen: %-7l Type: %T\nBlock \
size: %-10s Fundamental block size: %S\nBlocks: Total: %-10b \
Free: %-10f Available: %a\nInodes: Total: %-10c Free: %d\n");
} else if terse {
fmtstr.push_str("%n %s %b %f %u %g %D %i %h %t %T %X %Y %Z %W %o\n");
} else {
fmtstr.push_str(" File: %N\n Size: %-10s\tBlocks: %-10b IO Block: %-6o %F\n");
if dev {
fmtstr.push_str("Device: %Dh/%dd\tInode: %-10i Links: %-5h Device type: %t,%T\n");
} else {
fmtstr.push_str("Device: %Dh/%dd\tInode: %-10i Links: %h\n");
fmtstr.push_str("Access: (%04a/%10.10A) Uid: (%5u/%8U) Gid: (%5g/%8G)\n");
fmtstr.push_str("Access: %x\nModify: %y\nChange: %z\n Birth: %w\n");
pub fn uumain(args: Vec<String>) -> i32 {
let mut opts = Options::new();
opts.optflag("h", "help", "display this help and exit");
opts.optflag("", "version", "output version information and exit");
opts.optflag("L", "dereference", "follow links");
"display file system status instead of file status");
opts.optflag("t", "terse", "print the information in terse form");
// Omit the unused description as they are too long
opts.optopt("c", "format", "", "FORMAT");
opts.optopt("", "printf", "", "FORMAT");
let matches = match opts.parse(&args[1..]) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => {
disp_err!("{}", f);
return 1;
if matches.opt_present("help") {
return help();
} else if matches.opt_present("version") {
return version();
if {
disp_err!("missing operand");
return 1;
match Stater::new(matches) {
Ok(stater) => stater.exec(),
Err(e) => {
show_info!("{}", e);
fn version() -> i32 {
println!("{} {}", NAME, VERSION);
fn help() -> i32 {
let msg = format!(r#"Usage: {} [OPTION]... FILE...
Display file or file system status.
Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
-L, --dereference follow links
-f, --file-system display file system status instead of file status
-c --format=FORMAT use the specified FORMAT instead of the default;
output a newline after each use of FORMAT
--printf=FORMAT like --format, but interpret backslash escapes,
and do not output a mandatory trailing newline;
if you want a newline, include \n in FORMAT
-t, --terse print the information in terse form
--help display this help and exit
--version output version information and exit
The valid format sequences for files (without --file-system):
%a access rights in octal (note '#' and '0' printf flags)
%A access rights in human readable form
%b number of blocks allocated (see %B)
%B the size in bytes of each block reported by %b
%C SELinux security context string
%d device number in decimal
%D device number in hex
%f raw mode in hex
%F file type
%g group ID of owner
%G group name of owner
%h number of hard links
%i inode number
%m mount point
%n file name
%N quoted file name with dereference if symbolic link
%o optimal I/O transfer size hint
%s total size, in bytes
%t major device type in hex, for character/block device special files
%T minor device type in hex, for character/block device special files
%u user ID of owner
%U user name of owner
%w time of file birth, human-readable; - if unknown
%W time of file birth, seconds since Epoch; 0 if unknown
%x time of last access, human-readable
%X time of last access, seconds since Epoch
%y time of last data modification, human-readable
%Y time of last data modification, seconds since Epoch
%z time of last status change, human-readable
%Z time of last status change, seconds since Epoch
Valid format sequences for file systems:
%a free blocks available to non-superuser
%b total data blocks in file system
%c total file nodes in file system
%d free file nodes in file system
%f free blocks in file system
%i file system ID in hex
%l maximum length of filenames
%n file name
%s block size (for faster transfers)
%S fundamental block size (for block counts)
%t file system type in hex
%T file system type in human readable form
NOTE: your shell may have its own version of stat, which usually supersedes
the version described here. Please refer to your shell's documentation
for details about the options it supports."#,
println!("{}", msg);