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synced 2025-01-05 17:59:00 +00:00
237 lines
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237 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import multiprocessing
import subprocess
import argparse
import csv
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
# third party dependencies
from tqdm import tqdm
# spell-checker:ignore (libs) tqdm imap ; (shell/mac) xcrun ; (vars) nargs
# Linux - GNU
# Windows
# Apple
# BSDs
# Android
# Solaris
# Redox
# Fuchsia
class Target(str):
def __new__(cls, content):
obj = super().__new__(cls, content)
obj.arch, obj.platform, obj.os = Target.parse(content)
return obj
def parse(s):
elem = s.split("-")
if len(elem) == 2:
arch, platform, os = elem[0], "n/a", elem[1]
arch, platform, os = elem[0], elem[1], "-".join(elem[2:])
if os == "ios":
os = "apple IOS"
if os == "darwin":
os = "apple MacOS"
return (arch, platform, os)
def get_heading():
return ["OS", "ARCH"]
def get_row_heading(self):
return [self.os, self.arch]
def requires_nightly(self):
return "redox" in self
# Perform the 'it-compiles' check
def check(self, binary):
if self.requires_nightly():
args = [ "cargo", "+nightly", "check",
"-p", f"uu_{binary}", "--bin", binary,
args = ["cargo", "check",
"-p", f"uu_{binary}", "--bin", binary,
res = subprocess.run(args, capture_output=True)
return res.returncode
# Validate that the dependencies for running this target are met
def is_installed(self):
# check IOS sdk is installed, raise exception otherwise
if "ios" in self:
res = subprocess.run(["which", "xcrun"], capture_output=True)
if len(res.stdout) == 0:
raise Exception("Error: IOS sdk does not seem to be installed. Please do that manually")
if not self.requires_nightly():
# check std toolchains are installed
toolchains = subprocess.run(["rustup", "target", "list"], capture_output=True)
toolchains = toolchains.stdout.decode('utf-8').split("\n")
if "installed" not in next(filter(lambda x: self in x, toolchains)):
raise Exception(f"Error: the {t} target is not installed. Please do that manually")
# check nightly toolchains are installed
toolchains = subprocess.run(["rustup", "+nightly", "target", "list"], capture_output=True)
toolchains = toolchains.stdout.decode('utf-8').split("\n")
if "installed" not in next(filter(lambda x: self in x, toolchains)):
raise Exception(f"Error: the {t} nightly target is not installed. Please do that manually")
return True
def install_targets():
cmd = ["rustup", "target", "add"] + TARGETS
print(" ".join(cmd))
ret = subprocess.run(cmd)
assert(ret.returncode == 0)
def get_all_bins():
bins = map(lambda x: x.name, BINS_PATH.iterdir())
return sorted(list(bins))
def get_targets(selection):
if "all" in selection:
return list(map(Target, TARGETS))
# preserve the same order as in TARGETS
return list(map(Target, filter(lambda x: x in selection, TARGETS)))
def test_helper(tup):
bin, target = tup
retcode = target.check(bin)
return (target, bin, retcode)
def test_all_targets(targets, bins):
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
inputs = [(b, t) for b in bins for t in targets]
outputs = list(tqdm(pool.imap(test_helper, inputs), total=len(inputs)))
table = defaultdict(dict)
for (t, b, r) in outputs:
table[t][b] = r
return table
def save_csv(file, table):
targets = get_targets(table.keys()) # preserve order in CSV
bins = list(list(table.values())[0].keys())
with open(file, "w") as csvfile:
header = ["target"] + bins
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=header)
for t in targets:
d = {"target" : t}
def load_csv(file):
table = {}
cols = []
rows = []
with open(file, "r") as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
cols = list(filter(lambda x: x!="target", reader.fieldnames))
for row in reader:
t = Target(row["target"])
rows += [t]
del row["target"]
table[t] = dict([k, int(v)] for k, v in row.items())
return (table, rows, cols)
def merge_tables(old, new):
from copy import deepcopy
tmp = deepcopy(old)
return tmp
def render_md(fd, table, headings: str, row_headings: Target):
def print_row(lst, lens=[]):
lens = lens + [0] * (len(lst) - len(lens))
for e, l in zip(lst, lens):
fmt = '|{}' if l == 0 else '|{:>%s}' % len(header[0])
def cell_render(target, bin):
return "y" if table[target][bin] == 0 else " "
# add some 'hard' padding to specific columns
lens = [
max(map(lambda x: len(x.os), row_headings)) + 2,
max(map(lambda x: len(x.arch), row_headings)) + 2
header = Target.get_heading()
header[0] = ("{:#^%d}" % lens[0]).format(header[0])
header[1] = ("{:#^%d}" % lens[1]).format(header[1])
header += headings
lines = list(map(lambda x: '-'*len(x), header))
for t in row_headings:
row = list(map(lambda b: cell_render(t, b), headings))
row = t.get_row_heading() + row
if __name__ == "__main__":
# create the top-level parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='compiles_table.py')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='sub-command to execute', required=True, dest="cmd")
# create the parser for the "check" command
parser_a = subparsers.add_parser('check', help='run cargo check on specified targets and update csv cache')
parser_a.add_argument("targets", metavar="TARGET", type=str, nargs='+', choices=["all"]+TARGETS,
help="target-triple to check, as shown by 'rustup target list'")
# create the parser for the "render" command
parser_b = subparsers.add_parser('render', help='print a markdown table to stdout')
parser_b.add_argument("--equidistant", action="store_true",
help="NOT IMPLEMENTED: render each column with an equal width (in plaintext)")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.cmd == "render":
table, targets, bins = load_csv(CACHE_PATH)
render_md(sys.stdout, table, bins, targets)
if args.cmd == "check":
targets = get_targets(args.targets)
bins = get_all_bins()
assert(all(map(Target.is_installed, targets)))
table = test_all_targets(targets, bins)
prev_table, _, _ = load_csv(CACHE_PATH)
new_table = merge_tables(prev_table, table)
save_csv(CACHE_PATH, new_table)