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synced 2024-12-18 09:03:14 +00:00
516 lines
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516 lines
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// This file is part of the uutils coreutils package.
// (c) Jian Zeng <anonymousknight96@gmail.com>
// For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
// file that was distributed with this source code.
#![crate_name = "uu_who"]
#![cfg_attr(feature="clippy", feature(plugin))]
#![cfg_attr(feature="clippy", plugin(clippy))]
extern crate uucore;
use uucore::utmpx::{self, time, Utmpx};
use uucore::libc::{STDIN_FILENO, time_t, ttyname, S_IWGRP};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt;
static SYNTAX: &'static str = "[OPTION]... [ FILE | ARG1 ARG2 ]";
static SUMMARY: &'static str = "Print information about users who are currently logged in.";
static LONG_HELP: &'static str = "
-a, --all same as -b -d --login -p -r -t -T -u
-b, --boot time of last system boot
-d, --dead print dead processes
-H, --heading print line of column headings
-l, --login print system login processes
--lookup attempt to canonicalize hostnames via DNS
-m only hostname and user associated with stdin
-p, --process print active processes spawned by init
-q, --count all login names and number of users logged on
-r, --runlevel print current runlevel
-s, --short print only name, line, and time (default)
-t, --time print last system clock change
-T, -w, --mesg add user's message status as +, - or ?
-u, --users list users logged in
--message same as -T
--writable same as -T
--help display this help and exit
--version output version information and exit
If FILE is not specified, use /var/run/utmp. /var/log/wtmp as FILE is common.
If ARG1 ARG2 given, -m presumed: 'am i' or 'mom likes' are usual.
pub fn uumain(args: Vec<String>) -> i32 {
let mut opts = new_coreopts!(SYNTAX, SUMMARY, LONG_HELP);
opts.optflag("a", "all", "same as -b -d --login -p -r -t -T -u");
opts.optflag("b", "boot", "time of last system boot");
opts.optflag("d", "dead", "print dead processes");
opts.optflag("H", "heading", "print line of column headings");
opts.optflag("l", "login", "print system login processes");
opts.optflag("", "lookup", "attempt to canonicalize hostnames via DNS");
opts.optflag("m", "m", "only hostname and user associated with stdin");
opts.optflag("p", "process", "print active processes spawned by init");
"all login names and number of users logged on");
opts.optflag("r", "runlevel", "print current runlevel");
opts.optflag("s", "short", "print only name, line, and time (default)");
opts.optflag("t", "time", "print last system clock change");
opts.optflag("u", "users", "list users logged in");
opts.optflag("w", "mesg", "add user's message status as +, - or ?");
// --message, --writable are the same as --mesg
opts.optflag("T", "message", "");
opts.optflag("T", "writable", "");
opts.optflag("", "help", "display this help and exit");
opts.optflag("", "version", "output version information and exit");
let matches = opts.parse(args);
// If true, attempt to canonicalize hostnames via a DNS lookup.
let do_lookup = matches.opt_present("lookup");
// If true, display only a list of usernames and count of
// the users logged on.
// Ignored for 'who am i'.
let short_list = matches.opt_present("q");
// If true, display only name, line, and time fields.
let mut short_output = false;
// If true, display the hours:minutes since each user has touched
// the keyboard, or "." if within the last minute, or "old" if
// not within the last day.
let mut include_idle = false;
// If true, display a line at the top describing each field.
let include_heading = matches.opt_present("H");
// If true, display a '+' for each user if mesg y, a '-' if mesg n,
// or a '?' if their tty cannot be statted.
let include_mesg = matches.opt_present("a") || matches.opt_present("T") || matches.opt_present("w");
// If true, display process termination & exit status.
let mut include_exit = false;
// If true, display the last boot time.
let mut need_boottime = false;
// If true, display dead processes.
let mut need_deadprocs = false;
// If true, display processes waiting for user login.
let mut need_login = false;
// If true, display processes started by init.
let mut need_initspawn = false;
// If true, display the last clock change.
let mut need_clockchange = false;
// If true, display the current runlevel.
let mut need_runlevel = false;
// If true, display user processes.
let mut need_users = false;
// If true, display info only for the controlling tty.
let mut my_line_only = false;
let mut assumptions = true;
if matches.opt_present("a") {
need_boottime = true;
need_deadprocs = true;
need_login = true;
need_initspawn = true;
need_runlevel = true;
need_clockchange = true;
need_users = true;
include_idle = true;
include_exit = true;
assumptions = false;
if matches.opt_present("b") {
need_boottime = true;
assumptions = false;
if matches.opt_present("d") {
need_deadprocs = true;
include_idle = true;
include_exit = true;
assumptions = false;
if matches.opt_present("l") {
need_login = true;
include_idle = true;
assumptions = false;
if matches.opt_present("m") || matches.free.len() == 2 {
my_line_only = true;
if matches.opt_present("p") {
need_initspawn = true;
assumptions = false;
if matches.opt_present("r") {
need_runlevel = true;
include_idle = true;
assumptions = false;
if matches.opt_present("s") {
short_output = true;
if matches.opt_present("t") {
need_clockchange = true;
assumptions = false;
if matches.opt_present("u") {
need_users = true;
include_idle = true;
assumptions = false;
if assumptions {
need_users = true;
short_output = true;
if include_exit {
short_output = false;
if matches.free.len() > 2 {
disp_err!("{}", msg_wrong_number_of_arguments!());
let who = Who {
do_lookup: do_lookup,
short_list: short_list,
short_output: short_output,
include_idle: include_idle,
include_heading: include_heading,
include_mesg: include_mesg,
include_exit: include_exit,
need_boottime: need_boottime,
need_deadprocs: need_deadprocs,
need_login: need_login,
need_initspawn: need_initspawn,
need_clockchange: need_clockchange,
need_runlevel: need_runlevel,
need_users: need_users,
my_line_only: my_line_only,
args: matches.free,
struct Who {
do_lookup: bool,
short_list: bool,
short_output: bool,
include_idle: bool,
include_heading: bool,
include_mesg: bool,
include_exit: bool,
need_boottime: bool,
need_deadprocs: bool,
need_login: bool,
need_initspawn: bool,
need_clockchange: bool,
need_runlevel: bool,
need_users: bool,
my_line_only: bool,
args: Vec<String>,
fn idle_string<'a>(when: time_t, boottime: time_t) -> Cow<'a, str> {
thread_local! {
static NOW: time::Tm = time::now()
NOW.with(|n| {
let now = n.to_timespec().sec;
if boottime < when && now - 24 * 3600 < when && when <= now {
let seconds_idle = now - when;
if seconds_idle < 60 {
" . ".into()
} else {
seconds_idle / 3600,
(seconds_idle % 3600) / 60)
} else {
" old ".into()
fn time_string(ut: &Utmpx) -> String {
time::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", &ut.login_time()).unwrap()
fn current_tty() -> String {
unsafe {
let res = ttyname(STDIN_FILENO);
if !res.is_null() {
CStr::from_ptr(res as *const _).to_string_lossy().trim_left_matches("/dev/").to_owned()
} else {
impl Who {
fn exec(&self) {
let f = if self.args.len() == 1 {
} else {
if self.short_list {
let users = Utmpx::iter_all_records()
.filter(|ut| ut.is_user_process())
.map(|ut| ut.user())
println!("{}", users.join(" "));
println!("# users={}", users.len());
} else {
if self.include_heading {
let cur_tty = if self.my_line_only {
} else {
for ut in Utmpx::iter_all_records().read_from(f) {
if !self.my_line_only || cur_tty == ut.tty_device() {
if self.need_users && ut.is_user_process() {
} else if self.need_runlevel && ut.record_type() == utmpx::RUN_LVL {
} else if self.need_boottime && ut.record_type() == utmpx::BOOT_TIME {
} else if self.need_clockchange && ut.record_type() == utmpx::NEW_TIME {
} else if self.need_initspawn && ut.record_type() == utmpx::INIT_PROCESS {
} else if self.need_login && ut.record_type() == utmpx::LOGIN_PROCESS {
} else if self.need_deadprocs && ut.record_type() == utmpx::DEAD_PROCESS {
if ut.record_type() == utmpx::BOOT_TIME {
fn print_runlevel(&self, ut: &Utmpx) {
let last = (ut.pid() / 256) as u8 as char;
let curr = (ut.pid() % 256) as u8 as char;
let runlvline = format!("run-level {}", curr);
let comment = format!("last={}",
if last == 'N' {
} else {
' ',
if !last.is_control() {
} else {
fn print_clockchange(&self, ut: &Utmpx) {
self.print_line("", ' ', "clock change", &time_string(ut), "", "", "", "");
fn print_login(&self, ut: &Utmpx) {
let comment = format!("id={}", ut.terminal_suffix());
let pidstr = format!("{}", ut.pid());
' ',
fn print_deadprocs(&self, ut: &Utmpx) {
let comment = format!("id={}", ut.terminal_suffix());
let pidstr = format!("{}", ut.pid());
let e = ut.exit_status();
let exitstr = format!("term={} exit={}", e.0, e.1);
' ',
fn print_initspawn(&self, ut: &Utmpx) {
let comment = format!("id={}", ut.terminal_suffix());
let pidstr = format!("{}", ut.pid());
' ',
fn print_boottime(&self, ut: &Utmpx) {
self.print_line("", ' ', "system boot", &time_string(ut), "", "", "", "");
fn print_user(&self, ut: &Utmpx) {
let mut p = PathBuf::from("/dev");
let mesg;
let last_change;
match p.metadata() {
Ok(meta) => {
mesg = if meta.mode() & (S_IWGRP as u32) != 0 {
} else {
last_change = meta.atime();
_ => {
mesg = '?';
last_change = 0;
let idle = if last_change != 0 {
idle_string(last_change, 0)
} else {
" ?".into()
let mut buf = vec![];
let ut_host = ut.host();
let mut res = ut_host.splitn(2, ':');
if let Some(h) = res.next() {
if self.do_lookup {
} else {
if let Some(h) = res.next() {
let s = buf.join(":");
let hoststr = if s.is_empty() {
} else {
format!("({})", s)
format!("{}", ut.pid()).as_str(),
fn print_line(&self,
user: &str,
state: char,
line: &str,
time: &str,
idle: &str,
pid: &str,
comment: &str,
exit: &str) {
let mut buf = String::with_capacity(64);
let msg = vec![' ', state].into_iter().collect::<String>();
buf.push_str(&format!("{:<8}", user));
if self.include_mesg {
buf.push_str(&format!(" {:<12}", line));
// "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
buf.push_str(&format!(" {:<1$}", time, 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2));
if !self.short_output {
if self.include_idle {
buf.push_str(&format!(" {:<6}", idle));
buf.push_str(&format!(" {:>10}", pid));
buf.push_str(&format!(" {:<8}", comment));
if self.include_exit {
buf.push_str(&format!(" {:<12}", exit));
println!("{}", buf.trim_right());
fn print_heading(&self) {
' ',