2016-01-06 09:36:20 +01:00

413 lines
16 KiB

* This file is part of the uutils coreutils package.
* (c) Roman Gafiyatullin <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
//! Here we employ shunting-yard algorithm for building AST from tokens according to operators' precedence and associativeness.
//! *
use tokens::{Token};
type TokenStack = Vec<(usize, Token)>;
pub type OperandsList = Vec< Box<ASTNode> >;
pub enum ASTNode {
Leaf { token_idx: usize, value: String },
Node { token_idx: usize, op_type: String, operands: OperandsList }
impl ASTNode {
fn debug_dump( &self ) {
self.debug_dump_impl( 1 );
fn debug_dump_impl( &self, depth: usize ) {
for _ in 0..depth {
print!("\t", );
match *self {
ASTNode::Leaf{ ref token_idx, ref value } => println!("Leaf( {} ) at #{} ( evaluate -> {:?} )", value, token_idx, self.evaluate()),
ASTNode::Node{ ref token_idx, ref op_type, ref operands } => {
println!("Node( {} ) at #{} (evaluate -> {:?})", op_type, token_idx, self.evaluate());
for operand in operands {
operand.debug_dump_impl( depth + 1 );
fn new_node( token_idx: usize, op_type: &String, operands: OperandsList ) -> Box<ASTNode> {
Box::new( ASTNode::Node{
token_idx: token_idx,
op_type: op_type.clone(),
operands: operands
} )
fn new_leaf( token_idx: usize, value: &String ) -> Box<ASTNode> {
Box::new( ASTNode::Leaf{ token_idx: token_idx, value: value.clone() } )
pub fn evaluate( &self ) -> Result<String, String> {
match *self {
ASTNode::Leaf{ ref value, .. } => Ok( value.clone() ),
ASTNode::Node{ ref op_type, .. } =>
match self.operand_values() {
Err( reason ) => Err( reason ),
Ok( operand_values ) =>
match op_type.as_ref() {
"+" => infix_operator_two_ints( |a: i64, b: i64| Ok( a + b ), &operand_values ),
"-" => infix_operator_two_ints( |a: i64, b: i64| Ok( a - b ), &operand_values ),
"*" => infix_operator_two_ints( |a: i64, b: i64| Ok( a * b ), &operand_values ),
"/" => infix_operator_two_ints(
|a: i64, b: i64|
if b == 0 { Err("division by zero".to_owned()) }
else { Ok( a / b ) },
&operand_values ),
"%" => infix_operator_two_ints(
|a: i64, b: i64|
if b == 0 { Err("division by zero".to_owned()) }
else { Ok( a % b ) },
&operand_values ),
"=" => infix_operator_two_ints_or_two_strings(
|a: i64, b: i64| Ok( bool_as_int(a == b) ),
|a: &String, b: &String| Ok( bool_as_string(a == b) ),
"!=" => infix_operator_two_ints_or_two_strings(
|a: i64, b: i64| Ok( bool_as_int(a != b) ),
|a: &String, b: &String| Ok( bool_as_string(a != b) ),
"<" => infix_operator_two_ints_or_two_strings(
|a: i64, b: i64| Ok( bool_as_int(a < b) ),
|a: &String, b: &String| Ok( bool_as_string(a < b) ),
">" => infix_operator_two_ints_or_two_strings(
|a: i64, b: i64| Ok( bool_as_int(a > b) ),
|a: &String, b: &String| Ok( bool_as_string(a > b) ),
"<=" => infix_operator_two_ints_or_two_strings(
|a: i64, b: i64| Ok( bool_as_int(a <= b) ),
|a: &String, b: &String| Ok( bool_as_string(a <= b) ),
">=" => infix_operator_two_ints_or_two_strings(
|a: i64, b: i64| Ok( bool_as_int(a >= b) ),
|a: &String, b: &String| Ok( bool_as_string(a >= b) ),
"|" => infix_operator_or(&operand_values),
"&" => infix_operator_and(&operand_values),
"length" => prefix_operator_length( &operand_values ),
"index" => prefix_operator_index( &operand_values ),
"substr" => prefix_operator_substr( &operand_values ),
_ => Err(format!("operation not implemented: {}", op_type))
pub fn operand_values( &self ) -> Result<Vec<String>, String> {
if let &ASTNode::Node{ ref operands, .. } = self {
let mut out = Vec::with_capacity( operands.len() );
for operand in operands {
match operand.evaluate() {
Ok( value ) => out.push( value ),
Err( reason ) => return Err( reason ),
Ok( out )
else { panic!("Invoked .operand_values(&self) not with ASTNode::Node") }
pub fn tokens_to_ast( maybe_tokens: Result< Vec<(usize, Token)>, String > ) -> Result<Box<ASTNode>, String> {
if maybe_tokens.is_err() { Err( maybe_tokens.err().unwrap() ) }
else {
let tokens = maybe_tokens.ok().unwrap();
let mut out_stack: TokenStack = Vec::new();
let mut op_stack: TokenStack = Vec::new();
for (token_idx, token) in tokens {
if let Err( reason ) = push_token_to_either_stack( token_idx, &token, &mut out_stack, &mut op_stack ) {
return Err( reason )
if let Err( reason ) = move_rest_of_ops_to_out( &mut out_stack, &mut op_stack ) {
return Err( reason )
assert!( op_stack.is_empty() );
maybe_dump_rpn( &out_stack );
let result = ast_from_rpn( &mut out_stack );
if !out_stack.is_empty() {
Err( "syntax error (fist RPN token does not represent expression AST's root)".to_owned() )
else {
maybe_dump_ast( &result );
fn maybe_dump_ast( result: &Result< Box<ASTNode>, String > ) {
use std::env;
if let Ok( debug_var ) = env::var( "EXPR_DEBUG_AST" ) {
if debug_var == "1" {
match *result {
Ok( ref ast ) => ast.debug_dump(),
Err( ref reason ) => println!("\terr: {:?}", reason),
fn maybe_dump_rpn( rpn: &TokenStack ) {
use std::env;
if let Ok( debug_var ) = env::var( "EXPR_DEBUG_RPN" ) {
if debug_var == "1" {
for token in rpn {
println!("\t{:?}", token);
fn ast_from_rpn( rpn: &mut TokenStack ) -> Result<Box<ASTNode>, String> {
match rpn.pop() {
None => Err( "syntax error (premature end of expression)".to_owned() ),
Some( (token_idx, Token::Value{ value }) ) =>
Ok( ASTNode::new_leaf( token_idx, &value ) ),
Some( (token_idx, Token::InfixOp{ value, .. }) ) =>
maybe_ast_node( token_idx, &value, 2, rpn ),
Some( (token_idx, Token::PrefixOp{ value, arity }) ) =>
maybe_ast_node( token_idx, &value, arity, rpn ),
Some( (token_idx, unexpected_token) ) =>
panic!("unexpected token at #{} {:?}", token_idx, unexpected_token),
fn maybe_ast_node( token_idx: usize, op_type: &String, arity: usize, rpn: &mut TokenStack ) -> Result< Box<ASTNode>, String > {
let mut operands = Vec::with_capacity( arity );
for _ in 0..arity {
match ast_from_rpn( rpn ) {
Err( reason ) => return Err( reason ),
Ok( operand ) => operands.push( operand ),
Ok( ASTNode::new_node( token_idx, op_type, operands ) )
fn move_rest_of_ops_to_out( out_stack: &mut TokenStack, op_stack: &mut TokenStack ) -> Result<(), String> {
loop {
match op_stack.pop() {
None => return Ok( () ),
Some( (token_idx, Token::ParOpen) ) => return Err( format!( "syntax error (Mismatched open-parenthesis at #{})", token_idx ) ),
Some( (token_idx, Token::ParClose) ) => return Err( format!( "syntax error (Mismatched close-parenthesis at #{})", token_idx ) ),
Some( other ) => out_stack.push( other )
fn push_token_to_either_stack( token_idx: usize, token: &Token, out_stack: &mut TokenStack, op_stack: &mut TokenStack ) -> Result<(), String> {
let result =
match *token {
Token::Value{ .. } => Ok( out_stack.push( (token_idx, token.clone()) ) ),
Token::InfixOp{ .. } =>
if op_stack.is_empty() { Ok( op_stack.push( (token_idx, token.clone()) ) ) }
else { push_op_to_stack( token_idx, token, out_stack, op_stack ) },
Token::PrefixOp{ .. } => Ok( op_stack.push( (token_idx, token.clone()) ) ),
Token::ParOpen => Ok( op_stack.push( (token_idx, token.clone()) ) ),
Token::ParClose => move_till_match_paren( out_stack, op_stack )
maybe_dump_shunting_yard_step( token_idx, token, out_stack, op_stack, &result );
fn maybe_dump_shunting_yard_step( token_idx: usize, token: &Token, out_stack: &TokenStack, op_stack: &TokenStack, result: &Result<(), String> ) {
use std::env;
if let Ok( debug_var ) = env::var( "EXPR_DEBUG_SYA_STEP" ) {
if debug_var == "1" {
println!("\t{} => {:?}", token_idx, token);
println!("\t\tout: {:?}", out_stack);
println!("\t\top : {:?}", op_stack);
println!("\t\tresult: {:?}", result);
fn push_op_to_stack( token_idx: usize, token: &Token, out_stack: &mut TokenStack, op_stack: &mut TokenStack ) -> Result<(), String> {
if let &Token::InfixOp{ precedence: prec, left_assoc: la, .. } = token {
loop {
match op_stack.last() {
None =>
return Ok( op_stack.push( (token_idx, token.clone()) ) ),
Some( &(_, Token::ParOpen) ) =>
return Ok( op_stack.push( (token_idx, token.clone()) ) ),
Some( &(_, Token::InfixOp{ precedence: prev_prec, .. }) ) =>
if la && prev_prec >= prec
|| !la && prev_prec > prec {
out_stack.push( op_stack.pop().unwrap() )
else {
return Ok( op_stack.push( (token_idx, token.clone()) ) )
Some( &(_, Token::PrefixOp{ .. }) ) =>
return Ok( op_stack.push( (token_idx, token.clone()) ) ),
Some( _ ) => panic!("Non-operator on op_stack")
else {
panic!("Expected infix-op")
fn move_till_match_paren( out_stack: &mut TokenStack, op_stack: &mut TokenStack ) -> Result<(), String> {
loop {
match op_stack.pop() {
None => return Err( "syntax error (Mismatched close-parenthesis)".to_string() ),
Some( (_, Token::ParOpen) ) => return Ok( () ),
Some( other ) => out_stack.push( other )
fn infix_operator_two_ints<F>( f: F, values: &Vec<String> ) -> Result<String, String>
where F : Fn( i64, i64 ) -> Result<i64, String>
assert!( values.len() == 2 );
if let Some( left ) = values[0].parse::<i64>().ok() {
if let Some( right ) = values[1].parse::<i64>().ok() {
return match f( left, right ) {
Ok(result) => Ok(result.to_string()),
Err(reason) => Err(reason),
Err( "Expected an integer operand".to_string() )
fn infix_operator_two_ints_or_two_strings<FI, FS>( fi: FI, fs: FS, values: &Vec<String> ) -> Result<String, String>
where FI : Fn( i64, i64 ) -> Result<i64, String>,
FS : Fn( &String, &String ) -> Result<String, String>
assert!( values.len() == 2 );
if let ( Some( a_int ), Some( b_int ) ) =
) {
match fi( a_int, b_int ) {
Ok( result ) => Ok(result.to_string()),
Err( reason ) => Err(reason)
else {
fs( &values[0], &values[1] )
fn infix_operator_or( values: &Vec<String> ) -> Result<String, String> {
assert!(values.len() == 2);
if value_as_bool(&values[0]) {
} else {
fn infix_operator_and( values: &Vec<String> ) -> Result<String, String> {
if value_as_bool(&values[0]) && value_as_bool(&values[1]) {
} else {
fn prefix_operator_length( values: &Vec<String> ) -> Result<String, String> {
assert!( values.len() == 1 );
Ok( values[0].len().to_string() )
fn prefix_operator_index( values: &Vec<String> ) -> Result<String, String> {
assert!( values.len() == 2 );
let haystack = &values[0];
let needles = &values[1];
let mut current_idx = 0;
for ch_h in haystack.chars() {
current_idx += 1;
for ch_n in needles.chars() {
if ch_n == ch_h {
return Ok( current_idx.to_string() )
Ok( "0".to_string() )
fn prefix_operator_substr( values: &Vec<String> ) -> Result<String, String> {
assert!( values.len() == 3 );
let subj = &values[0];
let mut idx = match values[1].parse::<i64>() {
Ok( i ) => i,
Err( _ ) => return Err( "expected integer as POS arg to 'substr'".to_string() ),
let mut len = match values[2].parse::<i64>() {
Ok( i ) => i,
Err( _ ) => return Err( "expected integer as LENGTH arg to 'substr'".to_string() ),
if idx <= 0 || len <= 0 { return Ok( "".to_string() ) }
let mut out_str = String::new();
for ch in subj.chars() {
idx -= 1;
if idx <= 0 {
if len <= 0 { break; }
len -= 1;
out_str.push( ch );
Ok( out_str )
fn bool_as_int( b: bool ) -> i64 { if b { 1 } else { 0 } }
fn bool_as_string( b: bool ) -> String { if b { "1".to_string() } else { "0".to_string() } }
fn value_as_bool( s: &str ) -> bool {
if s.len() == 0 {
return false
match s.parse::<i64>() {
Ok(n) => n != 0,
Err(_) => true,