polyphemus 0e46d453b7 Rewrite cut_characters
This follows the cut_bytes() approach of letting read_line() create a
buffer and find the newline. read_line() guarantees our buffer is a
string of utf8 characters.

When writing out the bytes segment we need to make sure we are cutting
on utf8 boundaries, there for we must iterate over the buffer
from read_line(). This implementation is(/should be) efficient as it
only iterates once over the buffer.

The previous performance was about 4x as slow as cut_bytes() and now it
is about 2x as slow as cut_bytes().
2014-06-27 17:39:49 +02:00

338 lines
11 KiB

#![crate_id(name="cut", vers="1.0.0", author="Rolf Morel")]
* This file is part of the uutils coreutils package.
* (c) Rolf Morel <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
extern crate getopts;
extern crate libc;
use std::os;
use std::io::{print,File,BufferedWriter,BufferedReader,stdin};
use getopts::{optopt, optflag, getopts, usage};
use ranges::Range;
#[path = "../common/"]
mod util;
mod ranges;
static NAME: &'static str = "cut";
static VERSION: &'static str = "1.0.0";
struct Options {
out_delim: Option<String>,
struct FieldOptions {
delimiter: char,
out_delimeter: String,
only_delimited: bool,
enum Mode {
Bytes(Vec<Range>, Options),
Characters(Vec<Range>, Options),
Fields(Vec<Range>, FieldOptions),
fn list_to_ranges(list: &str, complement: bool) -> Result<Vec<Range>, String> {
use std::uint;
let mut range_vec = {
if complement {
Range::from_list(list).map(|r| ranges::complement(&r))
} else {
// add sentinel value for increased performance during cutting
range_vec.push(Range{ low: uint::MAX, high: uint::MAX });
fn cut_bytes<T: Reader>(mut reader: BufferedReader<T>,
ranges: &Vec<Range>,
opts: &Options) -> int {
let mut out = BufferedWriter::new(std::io::stdio::stdout_raw());
let (use_delim, out_delim) = match opts.out_delim.clone() {
Some(delim) => (true, delim),
None => (false, "".to_str())
'newline: loop {
let line = match reader.read_until(b'\n') {
Ok(line) => line,
Err(std::io::IoError{ kind: std::io::EndOfFile, ..}) => break,
_ => fail!(),
let line_len = line.len();
let mut print_delim = false;
for &Range{ low: low, high: high } in ranges.iter() {
if low > line_len { break; }
if use_delim {
if print_delim {
print_delim = true;
if high >= line_len {
let segment = line.slice(low - 1, line_len);
if *line.get(line_len - 1) == b'\n' {
continue 'newline
} else {
let segment = line.slice(low - 1, high);
fn cut_characters<T: Reader>(mut reader: BufferedReader<T>,
ranges: &Vec<Range>,
opts: &Options) -> int {
let mut out = BufferedWriter::new(std::io::stdio::stdout_raw());
let (use_delim, out_delim) = match opts.out_delim.clone() {
Some(delim) => (true, delim),
None => (false, "".to_str())
'newline: loop {
let line = match reader.read_line() {
Ok(line) => line,
Err(std::io::IoError{ kind: std::io::EndOfFile, ..}) => break,
_ => fail!(),
let mut char_pos = 0;
let mut char_indices = line.as_slice().char_indices();
let mut print_delim = false;
for &Range{ low: low, high: high } in ranges.iter() {
let low_idx = match char_indices.nth(low - char_pos - 1) {
Some((low_idx, _)) => low_idx,
None => break
if use_delim {
if print_delim {
print_delim = true;
match char_indices.nth(high - low) {
Some((high_idx, _)) => {
let segment = line.as_bytes().slice(low_idx, high_idx);
None => {
let bytes = line.as_bytes();
let segment = bytes.slice(low_idx, bytes.len());
if line.as_bytes()[bytes.len() - 1] == b'\n' {
continue 'newline
char_pos = high + 1;
fn cut_fields<T: Reader>(reader: BufferedReader<T>,
ranges: &Vec<Range>,
opts: &FieldOptions) -> int {
for range in ranges.iter() {
println!("{}-{}", range.low, range.high);
fn cut_files(mut filenames: Vec<String>, mode: Mode) -> int {
let mut stdin_read = false;
let mut exit_code = 0;
if filenames.len() == 0 { filenames.push("-".to_str()); }
for filename in filenames.iter() {
if filename.as_slice() == "-" {
if stdin_read { continue; }
exit_code |= match mode {
Bytes(ref ranges, ref opts) => {
cut_bytes(stdin(), ranges, opts)
Characters(ref ranges, ref opts) => {
cut_characters(stdin(), ranges, opts)
Fields(ref ranges, ref opts) => {
cut_fields(stdin(), ranges, opts)
stdin_read = true;
} else {
let path = Path::new(filename.as_slice());
if ! path.exists() {
show_error!("{}: No such file or directory", filename);
let buf_file = match File::open(&path) {
Ok(file) => BufferedReader::new(file),
Err(e) => {
show_error!("{}: {}", filename, e.desc);
exit_code |= match mode {
Bytes(ref ranges, ref opts) => cut_bytes(buf_file, ranges, opts),
Characters(ref ranges, ref opts) => {
cut_characters(buf_file, ranges, opts)
Fields(ref ranges, ref opts) => {
cut_fields(buf_file, ranges, opts)
fn main() { os::set_exit_status(uumain(os::args())); }
pub fn uumain(args: Vec<String>) -> int {
let opts = [
optopt("b", "bytes", "select only these bytes", "LIST"),
optopt("c", "characters", "select only these characters", "LIST"),
optopt("d", "delimiter", "use DELIM instead of TAB for field delimiter", "DELIM"),
optopt("f", "fields", "select only these fields; also print any line that contains no delimiter character, unless the -s option is specified", "LIST"),
optflag("n", "", "(ignored)"),
optflag("", "complement", "complement the set of selected bytes, characters or fields"),
optflag("s", "only-delimited", "do not print lines not containing delimiters"),
optopt("", "output-delimiter", "use STRING as the output delimiter the default is to use the input delimiter", "STRING"),
optflag("", "help", "display this help and exit"),
optflag("", "version", "output version information and exit"),
let matches = match getopts(args.tail(), opts) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => {
show_error!("Invalid options\n{}", f.to_err_msg())
return 1;
if matches.opt_present("help") {
println!(" {0} OPTION... [FILE]...", args.get(0));
print(usage("Print selected parts of lines from each FILE to standard output.", opts).as_slice());
println!("Use one, and only one of -b, -c or -f. Each LIST is made up of one");
println!("range, or many ranges separated by commas. Selected input is written");
println!("in the same order that it is read, and is written exactly once.");
println!("Each range is one of:");
println!(" N N'th byte, character or field, counted from 1");
println!(" N- from N'th byte, character or field, to end of line");
println!(" N-M from N'th to M'th (included) byte, character or field");
println!(" -M from first to M'th (included) byte, character or field");
println!("With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.");
return 0;
if matches.opt_present("version") {
println!("{} {}", NAME, VERSION);
return 0;
let complement = matches.opt_present("complement");
let mode_parse = match (matches.opt_str("bytes"),
matches.opt_str("fields")) {
(Some(byte_ranges), None, None) => {
list_to_ranges(byte_ranges.as_slice(), complement).map(|ranges|
Options{ out_delim: matches.opt_str("output-delimiter") })
(None ,Some(char_ranges), None) => {
list_to_ranges(char_ranges.as_slice(), complement).map(|ranges|
Options{ out_delim: matches.opt_str("output-delimiter") })
(None, None ,Some(field_ranges)) => {
list_to_ranges(field_ranges.as_slice(), complement).map(|ranges|
use std::str::from_char;
let delim = matches.opt_str("delimiter")
.filtered(|s| s.len() == 1)
.map(|s| s.as_slice().char_at(0))
let out_delim = matches.opt_str("output-delimiter")
let only_delimited = matches.opt_present("only-delimited");
FieldOptions{ delimiter: delim,
out_delimeter: out_delim,
only_delimited: only_delimited })
(ref b, ref c, ref f) if b.is_some() || c.is_some() || f.is_some() => {
Err("only one type of list may be specified".to_str())
_ => Err("you must specify a list of bytes, characters, or fields".to_str())
match mode_parse {
Ok(mode) => cut_files(, mode),
Err(err_msg) => {
show_error!("{}", err_msg);