@setLocal @echo off :: `test-repo-whitespace [DIR]...` :: style inspector ~ whitespace: find nonconforming files in repository :: Copyright (C) 2016-2020 ~ Roy Ivy III :: License: MIT/Apache-2.0 (see https://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 , https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) :: * this software is provided for free, WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY (see the license for details) :: spell-checker:ignore (shell/cmd) COMSPEC ERRORLEVEL :: spell-checker:ignore () CTYPE POSIX Tval Tvar akefile makefile makefiles multiline :config set "_exclude_dir=(?i)[_.#]build|[.]git|[.]gpg|[.]vs|fixtures|vendor" set "_exclude=(?i)[.](cache|dll|exe|gif|gz|zip)$" :config_done set _dp0=%~dp0. set _nx0=%~nx0 set dirs=%* if NOT DEFINED dirs if EXIST "%CD%\repo" ( set dirs="%CD%\repo" ) if NOT DEFINED dirs if EXIST "%_dp0%\..\.git" ( set dirs="%_dp0%\.." ) if NOT DEFINED dirs ( set "dirs=." ) set PCREGREP=pcregrep if EXIST "%_dp0%\pcregrep.EXE" ( set "PCREGREP=%_dp0%\pcregrep.EXE" ) "%PCREGREP%" --version >NUL 2>NUL || ( echo ERR!: Missing required `pcregrep` [try `scoop install pcregrep`] 1>&2 & goto _undefined_ 2>NUL || "%COMSPEC%" /d/c exit 1 ) echo [ %dirs% ] if /i "%LC_CTYPE%"=="posix" (set "LC_CTYPE=C") &:: `pcregrep` doesn't understand the common "POSIX", replace with the equivalent "C" set "ERRORLEVEL=" set "ERROR=" :: 1. Test for TABs within leading whitespace (except go files makefiles) "%PCREGREP%" -I --exclude-dir "%_exclude_dir%" --exclude "%_exclude%" --exclude "(?i)[.]go$" --exclude "go[.](mod|sum)" --exclude "(GNU)?[Mm]akefile([.].*)?" --count --files-with-matches --recursive "^\s*\t" %dirs% if NOT "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "1" ( set ERROR=1 & echo ERROR: files found with TABs within leading whitespace [file:#lines_matched]) :: 2. Test for lines with internal TABs "%PCREGREP%" -I --exclude-dir "%_exclude_dir%" --exclude "%_exclude%" --count --files-with-matches --recursive "^.*[^\t]\t" %dirs% if NOT "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "1" ( set ERROR=1 & echo ERROR: files found with lines containing internal TABs [file:#lines_matched]) :: 3. Test that makefiles have ONLY initial-TAB leading whitespace "%PCREGREP%" -I --exclude-dir "%_exclude_dir%" --include "(GNU)?[Mm]akefile([.].*)?" --exclude "[.](to|y)ml$" --recursive --line-number --invert-match "^([\t]\s*\S|\S|$)" %dirs% if NOT "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "1" ( set ERROR=1 & echo ERROR: Makefiles found with lines having non-TAB leading whitespace [file:line_number]) :: 4. Test for non-LF line endings set "HAVE_NonLF_ERROR=" "%PCREGREP%" --buffer-size=1M -I --exclude-dir "%_exclude_dir%" --exclude "%_exclude%" -NLF --files-with-matches --multiline --recursive "\r[^\n]" %dirs% if NOT "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "1" ( set HAVE_NonLF_ERROR=1 & echo ## files found with CR line endings) "%PCREGREP%" --buffer-size=1M -I --exclude-dir "%_exclude_dir%" --exclude "%_exclude%" --exclude "(?i)\.bat$|\.cmd$" -NLF --files-with-matches --multiline --recursive "\r\n" %dirs% if NOT "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "1" ( set HAVE_NonLF_ERROR=1 & echo ## files found with CRLF line endings) if DEFINED HAVE_NonLF_ERROR ( set ERROR=1 & echo ERROR: files found with non-LF line endings) :: 5. Test for files without trailing newline :: "%PCREGREP%" -I --exclude-dir "%_exclude_dir%" --exclude "%_exclude%" --files-without-match --multiline --recursive "\r?[\r\n]\z" %dirs% "%PCREGREP%" -I --exclude-dir "%_exclude_dir%" --exclude "%_exclude%" --files-with-matches --multiline --recursive "\z" %dirs% if NOT "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "1" ( set ERROR=1 & echo ERROR: files found without trailing newline) :: 6. Test for files with lines having trailing whitespace "%PCREGREP%" -I --exclude-dir "%_exclude_dir%" --exclude "%_exclude%" --recursive --line-number "\s$" %dirs% if NOT "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "1" ( set ERROR=1 & echo ERROR: files found with lines having trailing whitespace [file:line_number]) :: 7. Test for files with BOM "%PCREGREP%" -I --exclude-dir "%_exclude_dir%" --exclude "%_exclude%" --files-with-matches --multiline --recursive "\A[\xEF][\xBB][\xBF]" %dirs% if NOT "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "1" ( set ERROR=1 & echo ERROR: files found with leading BOM) :script_done if NOT DEFINED ERROR ( echo success: no file errors found ) call :#exit__title __exit_title "%COMSPEC%" set "__exit_title=" && title %__exit_title% && set "ERRORLEVEL=" & goto _undefined_ 2>NUL || "%COMSPEC%" /d/c "exit %ERROR%" @rem:::: @rem:: FUNCTIONS @goto :EOF :: :#exit__title ( ref_RETURN PATH ) :: RETURN == name of PATH setLocal set "_RETvar=%~1" set "_RETval=%~2" if NOT DEFINED _RETval ( set "_RETval=cmd" & goto :#exit__title_RETURN ) set "_RETval=%~n2" :#exit__title_RETURN endLocal & set %_RETvar%^=%_RETval% goto :EOF ::