#!/bin/sh # spell-checker:ignore (utils) gitsome jq ; (gh) repos ME="${0}" ME_dir="$(dirname -- "${ME}")" ME_parent_dir="$(dirname -- "${ME_dir}")" ME_parent_dir_abs="$(realpath -mP -- "${ME_parent_dir}")" # ref: # note: requires `gh` and `jq` ## tools available? # * `gh` available? unset GH gh --version 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then export GH="gh"; fi # * `jq` available? unset JQ jq --version 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then export JQ="jq"; fi if [ -z "${GH}" ] || [ -z "${JQ}" ]; then if [ -z "${GH}" ]; then echo 'ERR!: missing `gh` (see install instructions at )' 1>&2 fi if [ -z "${JQ}" ]; then echo 'ERR!: missing `jq` (install with `sudo apt install jq`)' 1>&2 fi exit 1 fi dry_run=true USER_NAME=uutils REPO_NAME=coreutils WORK_NAME=GNU # * `--paginate` retrieves all pages # gh api --paginate "repos/${USER_NAME}/${REPO_NAME}/actions/runs" | jq -r ".workflow_runs[] | select(.name == \"${WORK_NAME}\") | (.id)" | xargs -n1 sh -c "for arg do { echo gh api repos/${USER_NAME}/${REPO_NAME}/actions/runs/\${arg} -X DELETE ; if [ -z "$dry_run" ]; then gh api repos/${USER_NAME}/${REPO_NAME}/actions/runs/\${arg} -X DELETE ; fi ; } ; done ;" _ gh api "repos/${USER_NAME}/${REPO_NAME}/actions/runs" | jq -r ".workflow_runs[] | select(.name == \"${WORK_NAME}\") | (.id)" | xargs -n1 sh -c "for arg do { echo gh api repos/${USER_NAME}/${REPO_NAME}/actions/runs/\${arg} -X DELETE ; if [ -z "$dry_run" ]; then gh api repos/${USER_NAME}/${REPO_NAME}/actions/runs/\${arg} -X DELETE ; fi ; } ; done ;" _