use common::util::*; static UTIL_NAME: &'static str = "cut"; fn new_ucmd() -> UCommand { TestScenario::new(UTIL_NAME).ucmd() } static INPUT: &'static str = "lists.txt"; struct TestedSequence<'b> { name : &'b str, sequence: &'b str } static EXAMPLE_SEQUENCES: &'static [TestedSequence<'static>] = &[ TestedSequence{ name: "singular", sequence:"2" }, TestedSequence{ name: "prefix", sequence: "-2" }, TestedSequence{ name: "suffix", sequence: "2-" }, TestedSequence{ name: "range", sequence: "2-4" }, TestedSequence{ name: "aggregate", sequence: "9-,6-7,-2,4" }, TestedSequence{ name: "subsumed", sequence: "2-,3" } ]; static COMPLEX_SEQUENCE: &'static TestedSequence<'static> = &TestedSequence{ name: "", sequence: "9-,6-7,-2,4" }; #[test] fn test_byte_sequence() { for param in vec!["-b", "--bytes"] { for example_seq in EXAMPLE_SEQUENCES { new_ucmd().args(&[param, example_seq.sequence, INPUT]) .succeeds().stdout_only_fixture(format!("sequences/byte_{}.expected",; } } } #[test] fn test_char_sequence() { for param in vec!["-c", "--characters"] { for example_seq in EXAMPLE_SEQUENCES { //as of coreutils 8.25 a char range is effectively the same as a byte range; there is no distinct treatment of utf8 chars. new_ucmd().args(&[param, example_seq.sequence, INPUT]) .succeeds().stdout_only_fixture(format!("sequences/byte_{}.expected",; } } } #[test] fn test_field_sequence() { for param in vec!["-f", "--fields"] { for example_seq in EXAMPLE_SEQUENCES { new_ucmd().args(&[param, example_seq.sequence, INPUT]) .succeeds().stdout_only_fixture(format!("sequences/field_{}.expected",; } } } #[test] fn test_specify_delimiter() { for param in vec!["-d", "--delimiter"] { new_ucmd().args(&[param, ":", "-f", COMPLEX_SEQUENCE.sequence, INPUT]) .succeeds().stdout_only_fixture("delimiter_specified.expected"); } } #[test] fn test_output_delimiter() { // we use -d here to ensure output delimiter // is applied to the current, and not just the default, input delimiter new_ucmd().args(&["-d:", "--output-delimiter=@", "-f", COMPLEX_SEQUENCE.sequence, INPUT]) .succeeds().stdout_only_fixture("output_delimiter.expected"); } #[test] fn test_complement() { new_ucmd().args(&["-d_","--complement", "-f", "2"]) .pipe_in("9_1\n8_2\n7_3") .succeeds().stdout_only("9\n8\n7\n"); } #[test] fn test_zero_terminated() { new_ucmd().args(&["-d_","-z", "-f", "1"]) .pipe_in("9_1\n8_2\n\07_3") .succeeds().stdout_only("9\07\0"); } #[test] fn test_only_delimited() { for param in vec!["-s", "--only-delimited"] { new_ucmd().args(&["-d_", param, "-f", "1"]) .pipe_in("91\n82\n7_3") .succeeds().stdout_only("7\n"); } } #[test] fn test_zero_terminated_only_delimited() { new_ucmd().args(&["-d_","-z", "-s", "-f", "1"]) .pipe_in("91\n\082\n7_3") .succeeds().stdout_only("82\n7\0"); }