// * This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. // * // * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE // * file that was distributed with this source code. // spell-checker:ignore (paths) sublink subwords use crate::common::util::*; const SUB_DIR: &str = "subdir/deeper"; const SUB_DEEPER_DIR: &str = "subdir/deeper/deeper_dir"; const SUB_DIR_LINKS: &str = "subdir/links"; const SUB_DIR_LINKS_DEEPER_SYM_DIR: &str = "subdir/links/deeper_dir"; const SUB_FILE: &str = "subdir/links/subwords.txt"; const SUB_LINK: &str = "subdir/links/sublink.txt"; #[test] fn test_du_basics() { new_ucmd!().succeeds().no_stderr(); } #[cfg(target_vendor = "apple")] fn _du_basics(s: &str) { let answer = "32\t./subdir 8\t./subdir/deeper 24\t./subdir/links 40\t. "; assert_eq!(s, answer); } #[cfg(not(target_vendor = "apple"))] fn _du_basics(s: &str) { let answer = "28\t./subdir 8\t./subdir/deeper 16\t./subdir/links 36\t. "; assert_eq!(s, answer); } #[test] fn test_du_basics_subdir() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); let result = scene.ucmd().arg(SUB_DIR).succeeds(); #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { let result_reference = scene.cmd("du").arg(SUB_DIR).run(); if result_reference.succeeded() { assert_eq!(result.stdout_str(), result_reference.stdout_str()); return; } } _du_basics_subdir(result.stdout_str()); } #[cfg(target_vendor = "apple")] fn _du_basics_subdir(s: &str) { assert_eq!(s, "4\tsubdir/deeper/deeper_dir\n8\tsubdir/deeper\n"); } #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] fn _du_basics_subdir(s: &str) { assert_eq!(s, "0\tsubdir/deeper\\deeper_dir\n0\tsubdir/deeper\n"); } #[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")] fn _du_basics_subdir(s: &str) { assert_eq!(s, "8\tsubdir/deeper/deeper_dir\n16\tsubdir/deeper\n"); } #[cfg(all( not(target_vendor = "apple"), not(target_os = "windows"), not(target_os = "freebsd") ))] fn _du_basics_subdir(s: &str) { // MS-WSL linux has altered expected output if !uucore::os::is_wsl_1() { assert_eq!(s, "8\tsubdir/deeper\n"); } else { assert_eq!(s, "0\tsubdir/deeper\n"); } } #[test] fn test_du_invalid_size() { let args = &["block-size", "threshold"]; for s in args { new_ucmd!() .arg(format!("--{}=1fb4t", s)) .arg("/tmp") .fails() .code_is(1) .stderr_only(format!("du: invalid --{} argument '1fb4t'", s)); #[cfg(not(target_pointer_width = "128"))] new_ucmd!() .arg(format!("--{}=1Y", s)) .arg("/tmp") .fails() .code_is(1) .stderr_only(format!("du: --{} argument '1Y' too large", s)); } } #[test] fn test_du_basics_bad_name() { new_ucmd!() .arg("bad_name") .succeeds() // TODO: replace with ".fails()" once `du` is fixed .stderr_only("du: bad_name: No such file or directory\n"); } #[test] fn test_du_soft_link() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); let at = &scene.fixtures; at.symlink_file(SUB_FILE, SUB_LINK); let result = scene.ucmd().arg(SUB_DIR_LINKS).succeeds(); #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { let result_reference = scene.cmd("du").arg(SUB_DIR_LINKS).run(); if result_reference.succeeded() { assert_eq!(result.stdout_str(), result_reference.stdout_str()); return; } } _du_soft_link(result.stdout_str()); } #[cfg(target_vendor = "apple")] fn _du_soft_link(s: &str) { // 'macos' host variants may have `du` output variation for soft links assert!((s == "12\tsubdir/links\n") || (s == "16\tsubdir/links\n")); } #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] fn _du_soft_link(s: &str) { assert_eq!(s, "8\tsubdir/links\n"); } #[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")] fn _du_soft_link(s: &str) { assert_eq!(s, "16\tsubdir/links\n"); } #[cfg(all( not(target_vendor = "apple"), not(target_os = "windows"), not(target_os = "freebsd") ))] fn _du_soft_link(s: &str) { // MS-WSL linux has altered expected output if !uucore::os::is_wsl_1() { assert_eq!(s, "16\tsubdir/links\n"); } else { assert_eq!(s, "8\tsubdir/links\n"); } } #[test] fn test_du_hard_link() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); let at = &scene.fixtures; at.hard_link(SUB_FILE, SUB_LINK); let result = scene.ucmd().arg(SUB_DIR_LINKS).succeeds(); #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { let result_reference = scene.cmd("du").arg(SUB_DIR_LINKS).run(); if result_reference.succeeded() { assert_eq!(result.stdout_str(), result_reference.stdout_str()); return; } } // We do not double count hard links as the inodes are identical _du_hard_link(result.stdout_str()); } #[cfg(target_vendor = "apple")] fn _du_hard_link(s: &str) { assert_eq!(s, "12\tsubdir/links\n") } #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] fn _du_hard_link(s: &str) { assert_eq!(s, "8\tsubdir/links\n") } #[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")] fn _du_hard_link(s: &str) { assert_eq!(s, "16\tsubdir/links\n") } #[cfg(all( not(target_vendor = "apple"), not(target_os = "windows"), not(target_os = "freebsd") ))] fn _du_hard_link(s: &str) { // MS-WSL linux has altered expected output if !uucore::os::is_wsl_1() { assert_eq!(s, "16\tsubdir/links\n"); } else { assert_eq!(s, "8\tsubdir/links\n"); } } #[test] fn test_du_d_flag() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); let result = scene.ucmd().arg("-d1").succeeds(); #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { let result_reference = scene.cmd("du").arg("-d1").run(); if result_reference.succeeded() { assert_eq!(result.stdout_str(), result_reference.stdout_str()); return; } } _du_d_flag(result.stdout_str()); } #[cfg(target_vendor = "apple")] fn _du_d_flag(s: &str) { assert_eq!(s, "20\t./subdir\n24\t.\n"); } #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] fn _du_d_flag(s: &str) { assert_eq!(s, "8\t.\\subdir\n8\t.\n"); } #[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")] fn _du_d_flag(s: &str) { assert_eq!(s, "36\t./subdir\n44\t.\n"); } #[cfg(all( not(target_vendor = "apple"), not(target_os = "windows"), not(target_os = "freebsd") ))] fn _du_d_flag(s: &str) { // MS-WSL linux has altered expected output if !uucore::os::is_wsl_1() { assert_eq!(s, "28\t./subdir\n36\t.\n"); } else { assert_eq!(s, "8\t./subdir\n8\t.\n"); } } #[test] fn test_du_dereference() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); let at = &scene.fixtures; at.symlink_dir(SUB_DEEPER_DIR, SUB_DIR_LINKS_DEEPER_SYM_DIR); let result = scene.ucmd().arg("-L").arg(SUB_DIR_LINKS).succeeds(); #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { let result_reference = scene.cmd("du").arg("-L").arg(SUB_DIR_LINKS).run(); if result_reference.succeeded() { assert_eq!(result.stdout_str(), result_reference.stdout_str()); return; } } _du_dereference(result.stdout_str()); } #[cfg(target_vendor = "apple")] fn _du_dereference(s: &str) { assert_eq!(s, "4\tsubdir/links/deeper_dir\n16\tsubdir/links\n"); } #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] fn _du_dereference(s: &str) { assert_eq!(s, "0\tsubdir/links\\deeper_dir\n8\tsubdir/links\n"); } #[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")] fn _du_dereference(s: &str) { assert_eq!(s, "8\tsubdir/links/deeper_dir\n24\tsubdir/links\n"); } #[cfg(all( not(target_vendor = "apple"), not(target_os = "windows"), not(target_os = "freebsd") ))] fn _du_dereference(s: &str) { // MS-WSL linux has altered expected output if !uucore::os::is_wsl_1() { assert_eq!(s, "8\tsubdir/links/deeper_dir\n24\tsubdir/links\n"); } else { assert_eq!(s, "0\tsubdir/links/deeper_dir\n8\tsubdir/links\n"); } } #[test] fn test_du_inodes_basic() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); let result = scene.ucmd().arg("--inodes").succeeds(); #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { let result_reference = scene.cmd("du").arg("--inodes").run(); assert_eq!(result.stdout_str(), result_reference.stdout_str()); } #[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))] _du_inodes_basic(result.stdout_str()); } #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] fn _du_inodes_basic(s: &str) { assert_eq!( s, "2\t.\\subdir\\deeper\\deeper_dir 4\t.\\subdir\\deeper 3\t.\\subdir\\links 8\t.\\subdir 11\t. " ); } #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] fn _du_inodes_basic(s: &str) { assert_eq!( s, "2\t./subdir/deeper/deeper_dir 4\t./subdir/deeper 3\t./subdir/links 8\t./subdir 11\t. " ); } #[test] fn test_du_inodes() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); scene .ucmd() .arg("--summarize") .arg("--inodes") .succeeds() .stdout_only("11\t.\n"); let result = scene .ucmd() .arg("--separate-dirs") .arg("--inodes") .succeeds(); #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] result.stdout_contains("3\t.\\subdir\\links\n"); #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] result.stdout_contains("3\t./subdir/links\n"); result.stdout_contains("3\t.\n"); #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { let result_reference = scene.cmd("du").arg("--separate-dirs").arg("--inodes").run(); assert_eq!(result.stdout_str(), result_reference.stdout_str()); } } #[test] fn test_du_h_flag_empty_file() { new_ucmd!() .arg("-h") .arg("empty.txt") .succeeds() .stdout_only("0\tempty.txt\n"); } #[cfg(feature = "touch")] #[test] fn test_du_time() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); scene .ccmd("touch") .arg("-a") .arg("-t") .arg("201505150000") .arg("date_test") .succeeds(); scene .ccmd("touch") .arg("-m") .arg("-t") .arg("201606160000") .arg("date_test") .succeeds(); let result = scene.ucmd().arg("--time").arg("date_test").succeeds(); result.stdout_only("0\t2016-06-16 00:00\tdate_test\n"); let result = scene.ucmd().arg("--time=atime").arg("date_test").succeeds(); result.stdout_only("0\t2015-05-15 00:00\tdate_test\n"); let result = scene.ucmd().arg("--time=ctime").arg("date_test").succeeds(); result.stdout_only("0\t2016-06-16 00:00\tdate_test\n"); #[cfg(not(target_env = "musl"))] { use regex::Regex; let re_birth = Regex::new(r"0\t[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\tdate_test").unwrap(); let result = scene.ucmd().arg("--time=birth").arg("date_test").succeeds(); result.stdout_matches(&re_birth); } } #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] #[cfg(feature = "chmod")] #[test] fn test_du_no_permission() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); let at = &scene.fixtures; at.mkdir_all(SUB_DIR_LINKS); scene.ccmd("chmod").arg("-r").arg(SUB_DIR_LINKS).succeeds(); let result = scene.ucmd().arg(SUB_DIR_LINKS).run(); // TODO: replace with ".fails()" once `du` is fixed result.stderr_contains( "du: cannot read directory 'subdir/links': Permission denied (os error 13)", ); #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { let result_reference = scene.cmd("du").arg(SUB_DIR_LINKS).fails(); if result_reference .stderr_str() .contains("du: cannot read directory 'subdir/links': Permission denied") { assert_eq!(result.stdout_str(), result_reference.stdout_str()); return; } } _du_no_permission(result.stdout_str()); } #[cfg(target_vendor = "apple")] fn _du_no_permission(s: &str) { assert_eq!(s, "0\tsubdir/links\n"); } #[cfg(all(not(target_vendor = "apple"), not(target_os = "windows")))] fn _du_no_permission(s: &str) { assert_eq!(s, "4\tsubdir/links\n"); } #[test] fn test_du_one_file_system() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); let result = scene.ucmd().arg("-x").arg(SUB_DIR).succeeds(); #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { let result_reference = scene.cmd("du").arg("-x").arg(SUB_DIR).run(); if result_reference.succeeded() { assert_eq!(result.stdout_str(), result_reference.stdout_str()); return; } } _du_basics_subdir(result.stdout_str()); } #[test] fn test_du_threshold() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); let threshold = if cfg!(windows) { "7K" } else { "10K" }; scene .ucmd() .arg(format!("--threshold={}", threshold)) .succeeds() .stdout_contains("links") .stdout_does_not_contain("deeper_dir"); scene .ucmd() .arg(format!("--threshold=-{}", threshold)) .succeeds() .stdout_does_not_contain("links") .stdout_contains("deeper_dir"); } #[test] fn test_du_apparent_size() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); let result = scene.ucmd().arg("--apparent-size").succeeds(); #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { let result_reference = scene.cmd("du").arg("--apparent-size").run(); assert_eq!(result.stdout_str(), result_reference.stdout_str()); } #[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))] _du_apparent_size(result.stdout_str()); } #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] fn _du_apparent_size(s: &str) { assert_eq!( s, "1\t.\\subdir\\deeper\\deeper_dir 1\t.\\subdir\\deeper 6\t.\\subdir\\links 6\t.\\subdir 6\t. " ); } #[cfg(target_vendor = "apple")] fn _du_apparent_size(s: &str) { assert_eq!( s, "1\t./subdir/deeper/deeper_dir 1\t./subdir/deeper 6\t./subdir/links 6\t./subdir 6\t. " ); } #[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")] fn _du_apparent_size(s: &str) { assert_eq!( s, "1\t./subdir/deeper/deeper_dir 2\t./subdir/deeper 6\t./subdir/links 8\t./subdir 8\t. " ); } #[cfg(all( not(target_vendor = "apple"), not(target_os = "windows"), not(target_os = "freebsd") ))] fn _du_apparent_size(s: &str) { assert_eq!( s, "5\t./subdir/deeper/deeper_dir 9\t./subdir/deeper 10\t./subdir/links 22\t./subdir 26\t. " ); } #[test] fn test_du_bytes() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); let result = scene.ucmd().arg("--bytes").succeeds(); #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { let result_reference = scene.cmd("du").arg("--bytes").run(); assert_eq!(result.stdout_str(), result_reference.stdout_str()); } #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] result.stdout_contains("5145\t.\\subdir\n"); #[cfg(target_vendor = "apple")] result.stdout_contains("5625\t./subdir\n"); #[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")] result.stdout_contains("7193\t./subdir\n"); #[cfg(all( not(target_vendor = "apple"), not(target_os = "windows"), not(target_os = "freebsd") ))] result.stdout_contains("21529\t./subdir\n"); }