#![crate_name = "uu_cp"] /* * This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. * * (c) Jordy Dickinson * (c) Joshua S. Miller * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file * that was distributed with this source code. */ extern crate libc; extern crate clap; extern crate walkdir; extern crate filetime; #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] #[macro_use] extern crate ioctl_sys; #[macro_use] extern crate uucore; #[macro_use] extern crate quick_error; #[cfg(unix)] extern crate xattr; #[cfg(windows)] use std::os::windows::io::AsRawHandle; #[cfg(windows)] extern crate kernel32; #[cfg(windows)] use kernel32::GetFileInformationByHandle; #[cfg(windows)] use kernel32::CreateFile2; #[cfg(windows)] extern crate winapi; use std::mem; use std::ffi::CString; use clap::{Arg, App, ArgMatches}; use quick_error::ResultExt; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::fs; use std::io::{BufReader, BufRead, stdin, Write}; use std::io; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf, StripPrefixError}; use std::str::FromStr; use uucore::fs::{canonicalize, CanonicalizeMode}; use walkdir::WalkDir; #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] use std::os::unix::io::IntoRawFd; use std::fs::File; use std::fs::OpenOptions; use filetime::FileTime; #[cfg(unix)] use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] ioctl!(write ficlone with 0x94, 9; std::os::raw::c_int); quick_error! { #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { /// Simple io::Error wrapper IoErr(err: io::Error) { from() cause(err) display("{}", err) } /// Wrapper for io::Error with path context IoErrContext(err: io::Error, path: String) { display("{}: {}", path, err) context(path: &'a str, err: io::Error) -> (err, path.to_owned()) cause(err) } /// General copy error Error(err: String) { display("{}", err) from(err: String) -> (err) from(err: &'static str) -> (err.to_string()) } /// Represents the state when a non-fatal error has occured /// and not all files were copied. NotAllFilesCopied {} /// Simple walkdir::Error wrapper WalkDirErr(err: walkdir::Error) { from() display("{}", err) cause(err) } /// Simple std::path::StripPrefixError wrapper StripPrefixError(err: StripPrefixError) { from() } /// Result of a skipped file Skipped(reason: String) { display("{}", reason) } /// Result of a skipped file InvalidArgument(description: String) { display("{}", description) } /// All standard options are included as an an implementation /// path, but those that are not implemented yet should return /// a NotImplemented error. NotImplemented(opt: String) { display("Option '{}' not yet implemented.", opt) } } } /// Continue next iteration of loop if result of expression is error macro_rules! or_continue( ($expr:expr) => (match $expr { Ok(temp) => temp, Err(error) => { show_error!("{}", error); continue }, }) ); /// Prompts the user yes/no and returns `true` they if successfully /// answered yes. macro_rules! prompt_yes( ($($args:tt)+) => ({ pipe_write!(&mut ::std::io::stdout(), $($args)+); pipe_write!(&mut ::std::io::stdout(), " [y/N]: "); pipe_flush!(); let mut s = String::new(); match BufReader::new(stdin()).read_line(&mut s) { Ok(_) => match s.char_indices().nth(0) { Some((_, x)) => x == 'y' || x == 'Y', _ => false }, _ => false } }) ); pub type CopyResult = Result; pub type Source = PathBuf; pub type Target = PathBuf; /// Specifies whether when overwrite files #[derive (Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum ClobberMode { Force, RemoveDestination, Standard, } /// Specifies whether when overwrite files #[derive (Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum OverwriteMode { /// [Default] Always overwrite existing files Clobber(ClobberMode), /// Prompt before overwriting a file Interactive(ClobberMode), /// Never overwrite a file NoClobber, } #[derive (Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum ReflinkMode { Always, Auto, Never } /// Specifies the expected file type of copy target pub enum TargetType { Directory, File, } #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum BackupMode { ExistingBackup, NoBackup, NumberedBackup, SimpleBackup, } pub enum CopyMode { Link, SymLink, Sparse, Copy, Update, AttrOnly } #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum Attribute { #[cfg(unix)] Mode, Ownership, Timestamps, Context, Links, Xattr, } /// Re-usable, extensible copy options #[allow(dead_code)] pub struct Options { attributes_only: bool, backup: bool, copy_contents: bool, copy_mode: CopyMode, dereference: bool, no_target_dir: bool, one_file_system: bool, overwrite: OverwriteMode, parents: bool, reflink: bool, reflink_mode: ReflinkMode, preserve_attributes: Vec, recursive: bool, backup_suffix: String, target_dir: Option, update: bool, verbose: bool, } static VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); static USAGE: &str = "Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY."; static EXIT_OK: i32 = 0; static EXIT_ERR: i32 = 1; /// Prints the version fn print_version() { println!("{} {}", executable!(), VERSION); } /// Prints usage/help fn get_about(usage: &str) -> String { format!("Usage: {0} [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST or: {0} [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY or: {0} [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY SOURCE... {1}", executable!(), usage) } // Argument constants static OPT_ARCHIVE: &str = "archive"; static OPT_ATTRIBUTES_ONLY: &str = "attributes-only"; static OPT_BACKUP: &str = "backup"; static OPT_CLI_SYMBOLIC_LINKS: &str = "cli-symbolic-links"; static OPT_CONTEXT: &str = "context"; static OPT_COPY_CONTENTS: &str = "copy-contents"; static OPT_DEREFERENCE: &str = "dereference"; static OPT_FORCE: &str = "force"; static OPT_INTERACTIVE: &str = "interactive"; static OPT_LINK: &str = "link"; static OPT_NO_CLOBBER: &str = "no-clobber"; static OPT_NO_DEREFERENCE: &str = "no-dereference"; static OPT_NO_DEREFERENCE_PRESERVE_LINKS: &str = "no-dereference-preserve-linkgs"; static OPT_NO_PRESERVE: &str = "no-preserve"; static OPT_NO_TARGET_DIRECTORY: &str = "no-target-directory"; static OPT_ONE_FILE_SYSTEM: &str = "one-file-system"; static OPT_PARENTS: &str = "parents"; static OPT_PATHS: &str = "paths"; static OPT_PRESERVE: &str = "preserve"; static OPT_PRESERVE_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES: &str = "preserve-default-attributes"; static OPT_RECURSIVE: &str = "recursive"; static OPT_RECURSIVE_ALIAS: &str = "recursive_alias"; static OPT_REFLINK: &str = "reflink"; static OPT_REMOVE_DESTINATION: &str = "remove-destination"; static OPT_SPARSE: &str = "sparse"; static OPT_STRIP_TRAILING_SLASHES: &str = "strip-trailing-slashes"; static OPT_SUFFIX: &str = "suffix"; static OPT_SYMBOLIC_LINK: &str = "symbolic-link"; static OPT_TARGET_DIRECTORY: &str = "target-directory"; static OPT_UPDATE: &str = "update"; static OPT_VERBOSE: &str = "verbose"; static OPT_VERSION: &str = "version"; #[cfg(unix)] static PRESERVABLE_ATTRIBUTES: &[&str] = &["mode", "ownership", "timestamps", "context", "links", "xattr", "all"]; #[cfg(not(unix))] static PRESERVABLE_ATTRIBUTES: &[&str] = &["ownership", "timestamps", "context", "links", "xattr", "all"]; static DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES: &[Attribute] = &[ #[cfg(unix)] Attribute::Mode, Attribute::Ownership, Attribute::Timestamps, ]; pub fn uumain(args: Vec) -> i32 { let about = get_about(USAGE); let matches = App::new(executable!()) .version(VERSION) .about(&about[..]) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_TARGET_DIRECTORY) .short("t") .conflicts_with(OPT_NO_TARGET_DIRECTORY) .long(OPT_TARGET_DIRECTORY) .value_name(OPT_TARGET_DIRECTORY) .takes_value(true) .help("copy all SOURCE arguments into target-directory")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_NO_TARGET_DIRECTORY) .short("T") .long(OPT_NO_TARGET_DIRECTORY) .conflicts_with(OPT_TARGET_DIRECTORY) .help("Treat DEST as a regular file and not a directory")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_VERSION) .short("V") .long(OPT_VERSION) .help("output version information and exit")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_INTERACTIVE) .short("i") .long(OPT_INTERACTIVE) .conflicts_with(OPT_NO_CLOBBER) .help("ask before overwriting files")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_LINK) .short("l") .long(OPT_LINK) .overrides_with(OPT_REFLINK) .help("hard-link files instead of copying")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_NO_CLOBBER) .short("n") .long(OPT_NO_CLOBBER) .conflicts_with(OPT_INTERACTIVE) .help("don't overwrite a file that already exists")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_RECURSIVE) .short("r") .long(OPT_RECURSIVE) .help("copy directories recursively")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_RECURSIVE_ALIAS) .short("R") .help("same as -r")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_VERBOSE) .short("v") .long(OPT_VERBOSE) .help("explicitly state what is being done")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_SYMBOLIC_LINK) .short("s") .long(OPT_SYMBOLIC_LINK) .conflicts_with(OPT_LINK) .overrides_with(OPT_REFLINK) .help("make symbolic links instead of copying")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_FORCE) .short("f") .long(OPT_FORCE) .help("if an existing destination file cannot be opened, remove it and \ try again (this option is ignored when the -n option is also used). \ Currently not implemented for Windows.")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_REMOVE_DESTINATION) .long(OPT_REMOVE_DESTINATION) .conflicts_with(OPT_FORCE) .help("remove each existing destination file before attempting to open it \ (contrast with --force). On Windows, current only works for writeable files.")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_BACKUP) .short("b") .long(OPT_BACKUP) .help("make a backup of each existing destination file")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_SUFFIX) .short("S") .long(OPT_SUFFIX) .takes_value(true) .default_value("~") .value_name("SUFFIX") .help("override the usual backup suffix")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_UPDATE) .short("u") .long(OPT_UPDATE) .help("copy only when the SOURCE file is newer than the destination file\ or when the destination file is missing")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_REFLINK) .long(OPT_REFLINK) .takes_value(true) .value_name("WHEN") .help("control clone/CoW copies. See below")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_ATTRIBUTES_ONLY) .long(OPT_ATTRIBUTES_ONLY) .conflicts_with(OPT_COPY_CONTENTS) .overrides_with(OPT_REFLINK) .help("Don't copy the file data, just the attributes")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_PRESERVE) .long(OPT_PRESERVE) .takes_value(true) .multiple(true) .use_delimiter(true) .possible_values(PRESERVABLE_ATTRIBUTES) .value_name("ATTR_LIST") .conflicts_with_all(&[OPT_PRESERVE_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES, OPT_NO_PRESERVE, OPT_ARCHIVE]) .help("Preserve the specified attributes (default: mode(unix only),ownership,timestamps),\ if possible additional attributes: context, links, xattr, all")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_PRESERVE_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES) .short("-p") .long(OPT_PRESERVE_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES) .conflicts_with_all(&[OPT_PRESERVE, OPT_NO_PRESERVE, OPT_ARCHIVE]) .help("same as --preserve=mode(unix only),ownership,timestamps")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_NO_PRESERVE) .long(OPT_NO_PRESERVE) .takes_value(true) .value_name("ATTR_LIST") .conflicts_with_all(&[OPT_PRESERVE_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES, OPT_PRESERVE, OPT_ARCHIVE]) .help("don't preserve the specified attributes")) // TODO: implement the following args .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_ARCHIVE) .short("a") .long(OPT_ARCHIVE) .conflicts_with_all(&[OPT_PRESERVE_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES, OPT_PRESERVE, OPT_NO_PRESERVE]) .help("NotImplemented: same as -dR --preserve=all")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_COPY_CONTENTS) .long(OPT_COPY_CONTENTS) .conflicts_with(OPT_ATTRIBUTES_ONLY) .help("NotImplemented: copy contents of special files when recursive")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_NO_DEREFERENCE_PRESERVE_LINKS) .short("d") .help("NotImplemented: same as --no-dereference --preserve=links")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_DEREFERENCE) .short("L") .long(OPT_DEREFERENCE) .conflicts_with(OPT_NO_DEREFERENCE) .help("NotImplemented: always follow symbolic links in SOURCE")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_NO_DEREFERENCE) .short("-P") .long(OPT_NO_DEREFERENCE) .conflicts_with(OPT_DEREFERENCE) .help("NotImplemented: never follow symbolic links in SOURCE")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_PARENTS) .long(OPT_PARENTS) .help("NotImplemented: use full source file name under DIRECTORY")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_SPARSE) .long(OPT_SPARSE) .takes_value(true) .value_name("WHEN") .help("NotImplemented: control creation of sparse files. See below")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_STRIP_TRAILING_SLASHES) .long(OPT_STRIP_TRAILING_SLASHES) .help("NotImplemented: remove any trailing slashes from each SOURCE argument")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_ONE_FILE_SYSTEM) .short("x") .long(OPT_ONE_FILE_SYSTEM) .help("NotImplemented: stay on this file system")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_CONTEXT) .long(OPT_CONTEXT) .takes_value(true) .value_name("CTX") .help("NotImplemented: set SELinux security context of destination file to default type")) .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_CLI_SYMBOLIC_LINKS) .short("H") .help("NotImplemented: follow command-line symbolic links in SOURCE")) // END TODO .arg(Arg::with_name(OPT_PATHS) .multiple(true)) .get_matches_from(&args); if matches.is_present(OPT_VERSION) { print_version(); return EXIT_OK; } let options = crash_if_err!(EXIT_ERR, Options::from_matches(&matches)); let paths: Vec = matches.values_of("paths") .map(|v| v.map(|p| p.to_string()).collect()) .unwrap_or_default(); let (sources, target) = crash_if_err!(EXIT_ERR, parse_path_args(&paths, &options)); if let Err(error) = copy(&sources, &target, &options) { match error { // Error::NotAllFilesCopied is non-fatal, but the error // code should still be EXIT_ERR as does GNU cp Error::NotAllFilesCopied => {} // Else we caught a fatal bubbled-up error, log it to stderr _ => show_error!("{}", error), }; return EXIT_ERR; } EXIT_OK } impl ClobberMode { fn from_matches(matches: &ArgMatches) -> ClobberMode { if matches.is_present(OPT_FORCE) { ClobberMode::Force } else if matches.is_present(OPT_REMOVE_DESTINATION) { ClobberMode::RemoveDestination } else { ClobberMode::Standard } } } impl OverwriteMode { fn from_matches(matches: &ArgMatches) -> OverwriteMode { if matches.is_present(OPT_INTERACTIVE) { OverwriteMode::Interactive(ClobberMode::from_matches(matches)) } else if matches.is_present(OPT_NO_CLOBBER) { OverwriteMode::NoClobber } else { OverwriteMode::Clobber(ClobberMode::from_matches(matches)) } } } impl CopyMode { fn from_matches(matches: &ArgMatches) -> CopyMode { if matches.is_present(OPT_LINK) { CopyMode::Link } else if matches.is_present(OPT_SYMBOLIC_LINK) { CopyMode::SymLink } else if matches.is_present(OPT_SPARSE) { CopyMode::Sparse } else if matches.is_present(OPT_UPDATE) { CopyMode::Update } else if matches.is_present(OPT_ATTRIBUTES_ONLY) { CopyMode::AttrOnly } else { CopyMode::Copy } } } impl FromStr for Attribute { type Err = Error; fn from_str(value: &str) -> CopyResult { Ok(match &*value.to_lowercase() { #[cfg(unix)] "mode" => Attribute::Mode, "ownership" => Attribute::Ownership, "timestamps" => Attribute::Timestamps, "context" => Attribute::Context, "links" => Attribute::Links, "xattr" => Attribute::Xattr, _ => return Err(Error::InvalidArgument(format!("invalid attribute '{}'", value))) }) } } impl Options { fn from_matches(matches: &ArgMatches) -> CopyResult { let not_implemented_opts = vec![ OPT_ARCHIVE, OPT_COPY_CONTENTS, OPT_NO_DEREFERENCE_PRESERVE_LINKS, OPT_DEREFERENCE, OPT_NO_DEREFERENCE, OPT_PARENTS, OPT_SPARSE, OPT_STRIP_TRAILING_SLASHES, OPT_ONE_FILE_SYSTEM, OPT_CONTEXT, #[cfg(windows)] OPT_FORCE, ]; for not_implemented_opt in not_implemented_opts { if matches.is_present(not_implemented_opt) { return Err(Error::NotImplemented(not_implemented_opt.to_string())) } } let recursive = matches.is_present(OPT_RECURSIVE) || matches.is_present(OPT_RECURSIVE_ALIAS) || matches.is_present(OPT_ARCHIVE); let backup = matches.is_present(OPT_BACKUP) || matches.is_present(OPT_SUFFIX); // Parse target directory options let no_target_dir = matches.is_present(OPT_NO_TARGET_DIRECTORY); let target_dir = matches.value_of(OPT_TARGET_DIRECTORY).map(|v| v.to_string()); // Parse attributes to preserve let preserve_attributes: Vec = if matches.is_present(OPT_PRESERVE) { match matches.values_of(OPT_PRESERVE) { None => DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES.to_vec(), Some(attribute_strs) => { let mut attributes = Vec::new(); for attribute_str in attribute_strs { if attribute_str == "all" { #[cfg(unix)] attributes.push(Attribute::Mode); attributes.push(Attribute::Ownership); attributes.push(Attribute::Timestamps); attributes.push(Attribute::Context); attributes.push(Attribute::Xattr); attributes.push(Attribute::Links); break; } else { attributes.push(Attribute::from_str(attribute_str)?); } } attributes } } } else if matches.is_present(OPT_PRESERVE_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES) { DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES.to_vec() } else { vec![] }; let options = Options { attributes_only: matches.is_present(OPT_ATTRIBUTES_ONLY), copy_contents: matches.is_present(OPT_COPY_CONTENTS), copy_mode: CopyMode::from_matches(matches), dereference: matches.is_present(OPT_DEREFERENCE), one_file_system: matches.is_present(OPT_ONE_FILE_SYSTEM), overwrite: OverwriteMode::from_matches(matches), parents: matches.is_present(OPT_PARENTS), backup_suffix: matches.value_of(OPT_SUFFIX).unwrap().to_string(), update: matches.is_present(OPT_UPDATE), verbose: matches.is_present(OPT_VERBOSE), reflink: matches.is_present(OPT_REFLINK), reflink_mode: { if let Some(reflink) = matches.value_of(OPT_REFLINK) { match reflink { "always" => { ReflinkMode::Always }, "auto" => { ReflinkMode::Auto }, value => { return Err(Error::InvalidArgument(format!("invalid argument '{}' for \'reflink\'", value))) } } } else { ReflinkMode::Never } }, backup, no_target_dir, preserve_attributes, recursive, target_dir, }; Ok(options) } } impl TargetType { /// Return TargetType required for `target`. /// /// Treat target as a dir if we have multiple sources or the target /// exists and already is a directory fn determine(sources: &[Source], target: &Target) -> TargetType { if sources.len() > 1 || target.is_dir() { TargetType::Directory } else { TargetType::File } } } /// Returns tuple of (Source paths, Target) fn parse_path_args(path_args: &[String], options: &Options) -> CopyResult<(Vec, Target)> { let mut paths = path_args.iter().map(PathBuf::from).collect::>(); if paths.len() < 1 { // No files specified return Err("missing file operand".into()); } // Return an error if the user requested to copy more than one // file source to a file target if options.no_target_dir && !options.target_dir.is_some() && paths.len() > 2 { return Err(format!("extra operand {:?}", paths[2]).into()); } let (sources, target) = match options.target_dir { Some(ref target) => { // All path arges are sources, and the target dir was // specified separately (paths, PathBuf::from(target)) } None => { // If there was no explicit target-dir, then use the last // path_arg let target = paths.pop().unwrap(); (paths, target) } }; Ok((sources, target)) } fn preserve_hardlinks(hard_links: &mut Vec<(String, u64)>, source: &std::path::PathBuf, dest: std::path::PathBuf, found_hard_link: &mut bool) -> CopyResult<()> { if !source.is_dir() { unsafe { let src_path = CString::new(source.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap()).unwrap(); let inode: u64; let nlinks: u64; #[cfg(unix)] { let mut stat = mem::zeroed(); if libc::lstat(src_path.as_ptr(), &mut stat) < 0 { return Err(format!("cannot stat {:?}: {}", src_path, std::io::Error::last_os_error()).into()); } inode = stat.st_ino; nlinks = stat.st_nlink; } #[cfg(windows)] { let mut stat = mem::uninitialized(); let handle = CreateFile2(src_path.as_ptr() as *const u16, winapi::winnt::GENERIC_READ, winapi::winnt::FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, std::ptr::null_mut()); if GetFileInformationByHandle(handle, stat) != 0 { return Err(format!("cannot get file information {:?}: {}", source, std::io::Error::last_os_error()).into()); } inode = (((*stat).nFileIndexHigh as u64) << 32 | (*stat).nFileIndexLow as u64); nlinks = (*stat).nNumberOfLinks; } for hard_link in hard_links.iter() { if hard_link.1 == inode { std::fs::hard_link(hard_link.0.clone(), dest.clone()).unwrap(); *found_hard_link = true; } } if !(*found_hard_link) && nlinks > 1 { hard_links.push((dest.clone().to_str().unwrap().to_string(), inode)); } } } Ok(()) } /// Copy all `sources` to `target`. Returns an /// `Err(Error::NotAllFilesCopied)` if at least one non-fatal error was /// encountered. /// /// Behavior depends on `options`, see [`Options`] for details. /// /// [`Options`]: ./struct.Options.html fn copy(sources: &[Source], target: &Target, options: &Options) -> CopyResult<()> { let target_type = TargetType::determine(sources, target); verify_target_type(target, &target_type)?; let mut preserve_hard_links = false; for attribute in &options.preserve_attributes { if *attribute == Attribute::Links { preserve_hard_links = true; } } let mut hard_links: Vec<(String, u64)> = vec![]; let mut non_fatal_errors = false; let mut seen_sources = HashSet::with_capacity(sources.len()); for source in sources { if seen_sources.contains(source) { show_warning!("source '{}' specified more than once", source.display()); } else { let mut found_hard_link = false; if preserve_hard_links { let dest = construct_dest_path(source, target, &target_type, options)?; preserve_hardlinks(&mut hard_links, source, dest, &mut found_hard_link).unwrap(); } if !found_hard_link { if let Err(error) = copy_source(source, target, &target_type, options) { show_error!("{}", error); match error { Error::Skipped(_) => (), _ => non_fatal_errors = true, } } } seen_sources.insert(source); } } if non_fatal_errors { Err(Error::NotAllFilesCopied) } else { Ok(()) } } fn construct_dest_path(source_path: &Path, target: &Target, target_type: &TargetType, options: &Options) -> CopyResult { if options.no_target_dir && target.is_dir() { return Err(format!("cannot overwrite directory '{}' with non-directory", target.display()).into()) } Ok(match *target_type { TargetType::Directory => { let root = source_path.parent().unwrap_or(source_path); localize_to_target(root, source_path, target)? }, TargetType::File => target.to_path_buf(), }) } fn copy_source(source: &Source, target: &Target, target_type: &TargetType, options: &Options) -> CopyResult<()> { let source_path = Path::new(&source); if source_path.is_dir() { // Copy as directory copy_directory(source, target, options) } else { // Copy as file let dest = construct_dest_path(source_path, target, target_type, options)?; copy_file(source_path, dest.as_path(), options) } } /// Read the contents of the directory `root` and recursively copy the /// contents to `target`. /// /// Any errors encounted copying files in the tree will be logged but /// will not cause a short-circuit. fn copy_directory(root: &Path, target: &Target, options: &Options) -> CopyResult<()> { if !options.recursive { return Err(format!("omitting directory '{}'", root.display()).into()); } let root_path = Path::new(&root).canonicalize()?; let root_parent = if target.exists() { root_path.parent() } else { Some(root_path.as_path()) }; #[cfg(unix)] let mut hard_links: Vec<(String, u64)> = vec![]; let mut preserve_hard_links = false; for attribute in &options.preserve_attributes { if *attribute == Attribute::Links { preserve_hard_links = true; } } #[cfg(windows)] let mut hard_links: Vec<(String, u64)> = vec![]; for path in WalkDir::new(root) { let path = or_continue!(or_continue!(path).path().canonicalize()); let local_to_root_parent = match root_parent { Some(parent) => or_continue!(path.strip_prefix(&parent)).to_path_buf(), None => path.clone(), }; let local_to_target = target.join(&local_to_root_parent); if path.is_dir() && !local_to_target.exists() { or_continue!(fs::create_dir_all(local_to_target.clone())); } else if !path.is_dir() { if preserve_hard_links { let mut found_hard_link = false; let source = path.to_path_buf(); let dest = local_to_target.as_path().to_path_buf(); preserve_hardlinks(&mut hard_links, &source, dest, &mut found_hard_link).unwrap(); if !found_hard_link { copy_file(path.as_path(), local_to_target.as_path(), options)?; } } else { copy_file(path.as_path(), local_to_target.as_path(), options)?; } } } Ok(()) } impl OverwriteMode { fn verify(&self, path: &Path) -> CopyResult<()> { match *self { OverwriteMode::NoClobber => { Err(Error::Skipped(format!("Not overwriting {} because of option '{}'", path.display(), OPT_NO_CLOBBER))) }, OverwriteMode::Interactive(_) => { if prompt_yes!("{}: overwrite {}? ", executable!(), path.display()) { Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::Skipped(format!("Not overwriting {} at user request", path.display()))) } }, OverwriteMode::Clobber(_) => Ok(()), } } } fn copy_attribute(source: &Path, dest: &Path, attribute: &Attribute) -> CopyResult<()> { let context = &*format!("'{}' -> '{}'", source.display().to_string(), dest.display()); Ok(match *attribute { #[cfg(unix)] Attribute::Mode => { let mode = fs::metadata(source).context(context)?.permissions().mode(); let mut dest_metadata = fs::metadata(source).context(context)?.permissions(); dest_metadata.set_mode(mode); }, Attribute::Ownership => { let metadata = fs::metadata(source).context(context)?; fs::set_permissions(dest, metadata.permissions()).context(context)?; }, Attribute::Timestamps => { let metadata = fs::metadata(source)?; filetime::set_file_times(Path::new(dest), FileTime::from_last_access_time(&metadata), FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata))?; }, Attribute::Context => {}, Attribute::Links => {}, Attribute::Xattr => { #[cfg(unix)] { let xattrs = xattr::list(source)?; for attr in xattrs { if let Some(attr_value) = xattr::get(source, attr.clone())? { crash_if_err!(EXIT_ERR, xattr::set(dest, attr, &attr_value[..])); } } } #[cfg(not(unix))] { return Err(format!("XAttrs are only supported on unix.").into()); } }, }) } #[cfg(not(windows))] fn symlink_file(source: &Path, dest: &Path, context: &str) -> CopyResult<()> { Ok(std::os::unix::fs::symlink(source, dest).context(context)?) } #[cfg(windows)] fn symlink_file(source: &Path, dest: &Path, context: &str) -> CopyResult<()> { Ok(std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file(source, dest).context(context)?) } fn context_for(src: &Path, dest: &Path) -> String { format!("'{}' -> '{}'", src.display(), dest.display()) } /// Implements a relatively naive backup that is not as full featured /// as GNU cp. No CONTROL version control method argument is taken /// for backups. /// TODO: Add version control methods fn backup_file(path: &Path, suffix: &str) -> CopyResult { let mut backup_path = path.to_path_buf().into_os_string(); backup_path.push(suffix); fs::copy(path, &backup_path)?; Ok(backup_path.into()) } fn handle_existing_dest(source: &Path, dest: &Path, options: &Options) -> CopyResult<()> { if paths_refer_to_same_file(source, dest)? { return Err(format!("{}: same file", context_for(source, dest)).into()); } options.overwrite.verify(dest)?; if options.backup { backup_file(dest, &options.backup_suffix)?; } match options.overwrite { OverwriteMode::Clobber(ClobberMode::Force) => { if fs::metadata(dest)?.permissions().readonly() { fs::remove_file(dest)?; } }, OverwriteMode::Clobber(ClobberMode::RemoveDestination) => { fs::remove_file(dest)?; }, _ => (), }; Ok(()) } /// Copy the a file from `source` to `dest`. No path manipulation is /// done on either `source` or `dest`, the are used as provieded. /// /// Behavior when copying to existing files is contingent on the /// `options.overwrite` mode. If a file is skipped, the return type /// should be `Error:Skipped` /// /// The original permissions of `source` will be copied to `dest` /// after a successful copy. fn copy_file(source: &Path, dest: &Path, options: &Options) -> CopyResult<()> { if dest.exists() { handle_existing_dest(source, dest, options)?; } if options.verbose { println!("{}", context_for(source, dest)); } match options.copy_mode { CopyMode::Link => { fs::hard_link(source, dest).context(&*context_for(source, dest))?; } CopyMode::Copy => { copy_helper(source, dest, options)?; } CopyMode::SymLink => { symlink_file(source, dest, &*context_for(source, dest))?; } CopyMode::Sparse => return Err(Error::NotImplemented(OPT_SPARSE.to_string())), CopyMode::Update => { if dest.exists() { let src_metadata = fs::metadata(source.clone())?; let dest_metadata = fs::metadata(dest.clone())?; let src_time = src_metadata.modified()?; let dest_time = dest_metadata.modified()?; if src_time <= dest_time { return Ok(()); } else { copy_helper(source, dest, options)?; } } else { copy_helper(source, dest, options)?; } }, CopyMode::AttrOnly => { OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .truncate(false) .create(true) .open(dest) .unwrap(); } }; for attribute in &options.preserve_attributes { copy_attribute(source, dest, attribute)?; } Ok(()) } ///Copy the file from `source` to `dest` either using the normal `fs::copy` or the ///`FICLONE` ioctl if --reflink is specified and the filesystem supports it. fn copy_helper(source: &Path, dest: &Path, options: &Options) -> CopyResult<()> { if options.reflink { #[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))] return Err(format!("--reflink is only supported on linux").into()); #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] { let src_file = File::open(source).unwrap().into_raw_fd(); let dst_file = OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .truncate(false) .create(true) .open(dest) .unwrap() .into_raw_fd(); match options.reflink_mode { ReflinkMode::Always => unsafe { let result = ficlone(dst_file, src_file as *const i32); if result != 0 { return Err(format!("failed to clone {:?} from {:?}: {}", source, dest, std::io::Error::last_os_error()).into()); } else { return Ok(()) } }, ReflinkMode::Auto => unsafe { let result = ficlone(dst_file, src_file as *const i32); if result != 0 { fs::copy(source, dest).context(&*context_for(source, dest))?; } }, ReflinkMode::Never => {} } } } else { fs::copy(source, dest).context(&*context_for(source, dest))?; } Ok(()) } /// Generate an error message if `target` is not the correct `target_type` pub fn verify_target_type(target: &Path, target_type: &TargetType) -> CopyResult<()> { match (target_type, target.is_dir()) { (&TargetType::Directory, false) => { Err(format!("target: '{}' is not a directory", target.display()).into()) } (&TargetType::File, true) => { Err(format!("cannot overwrite directory '{}' with non-directory", target.display()).into()) } _ => Ok(()), } } /// Remove the `root` prefix from `source` and prefix it with `target` /// to create a file that is local to `target` /// # Examples /// /// ```ignore /// assert!(uu_cp::localize_to_target( /// &Path::new("a/source/"), /// &Path::new("a/source/c.txt"), /// &Path::new("target/"), /// ).unwrap() == Path::new("target/c.txt")) /// ``` pub fn localize_to_target(root: &Path, source: &Path, target: &Path) -> CopyResult { let local_to_root = source.strip_prefix(&root)?; Ok(target.join(&local_to_root)) } pub fn paths_refer_to_same_file(p1: &Path, p2: &Path) -> io::Result { // We have to take symlinks and relative paths into account. let pathbuf1 = try!(canonicalize(p1, CanonicalizeMode::Normal)); let pathbuf2 = try!(canonicalize(p2, CanonicalizeMode::Normal)); Ok(pathbuf1 == pathbuf2) } #[test] fn test_cp_localize_to_target() { assert!(localize_to_target( &Path::new("a/source/"), &Path::new("a/source/c.txt"), &Path::new("target/") ).unwrap() == Path::new("target/c.txt")) }