// This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. // // For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE // file that was distributed with this source code. // spell-checker:ignore tldr use clap::App; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Cursor; use std::io::{self, Read, Seek, Write}; use zip::ZipArchive; include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/uutils_map.rs")); fn main() -> io::Result<()> { println!("Downloading tldr archive"); let mut zip_reader = ureq::get("https://tldr.sh/assets/tldr.zip") .call() .unwrap() .into_reader(); let mut buffer = Vec::new(); zip_reader.read_to_end(&mut buffer).unwrap(); let mut tldr_zip = ZipArchive::new(Cursor::new(buffer)).unwrap(); let utils = util_map::>>(); match std::fs::create_dir("docs/src/utils/") { Err(e) if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => Ok(()), x => x, }?; let mut summary = File::create("docs/src/SUMMARY.md")?; let _ = write!( summary, "# Summary\n\ \n\ [Introduction](index.md)\n\ * [Installation](installation.md)\n\ * [Contributing](contributing.md)\n\ * [GNU test coverage](test_coverage.md)\n\ \n\ # Reference\n\ * [Multi-call binary](multicall.md)\n", ); let mut utils = utils.entries().collect::>(); utils.sort(); for (&name, (_, app)) in utils { if name == "[" { continue; } let p = format!("docs/src/utils/{}.md", name); if let Ok(f) = File::create(&p) { write_markdown(f, &mut app(), name, &mut tldr_zip)?; println!("Wrote to '{}'", p); } else { println!("Error writing to {}", p); } writeln!(summary, "* [{0}](utils/{0}.md)", name)?; } Ok(()) } fn write_markdown( mut w: impl Write, app: &mut App, name: &str, tldr_zip: &mut zip::ZipArchive, ) -> io::Result<()> { write!(w, "# {}\n\n", name)?; write_version(&mut w, app)?; write_usage(&mut w, app, name)?; write_description(&mut w, app)?; write_options(&mut w, app)?; write_examples(&mut w, name, tldr_zip) } fn write_version(w: &mut impl Write, app: &App) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!( w, "
version: {}
", app.render_version().split_once(' ').unwrap().1 ) } fn write_usage(w: &mut impl Write, app: &mut App, name: &str) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!(w, "\n```")?; let mut usage: String = app .render_usage() .lines() .skip(1) .map(|l| l.trim()) .filter(|l| !l.is_empty()) .collect::>() .join("\n"); usage = usage.replace(app.get_name(), name); writeln!(w, "{}", usage)?; writeln!(w, "```") } fn write_description(w: &mut impl Write, app: &App) -> io::Result<()> { if let Some(about) = app.get_long_about().or_else(|| app.get_about()) { writeln!(w, "{}", about) } else { Ok(()) } } fn write_examples( w: &mut impl Write, name: &str, tldr_zip: &mut zip::ZipArchive, ) -> io::Result<()> { let content = if let Some(f) = get_zip_content(tldr_zip, &format!("pages/common/{}.md", name)) { f } else if let Some(f) = get_zip_content(tldr_zip, &format!("pages/linux/{}.md", name)) { f } else { return Ok(()); }; writeln!(w, "## Examples")?; writeln!(w)?; for line in content.lines().skip_while(|l| !l.starts_with('-')) { if let Some(l) = line.strip_prefix("- ") { writeln!(w, "{}", l)?; } else if line.starts_with('`') { writeln!(w, "```shell\n{}\n```", line.trim_matches('`'))?; } else if line.is_empty() { writeln!(w)?; } else { println!("Not sure what to do with this line:"); println!("{}", line); } } writeln!(w)?; writeln!( w, "> The examples are provided by the [tldr-pages project](https://tldr.sh) under the [CC BY 4.0 License](https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr/blob/main/LICENSE.md)." )?; writeln!(w, ">")?; writeln!( w, "> Please note that, as uutils is a work in progress, some examples might fail." ) } fn get_zip_content(archive: &mut ZipArchive, name: &str) -> Option { let mut s = String::new(); archive.by_name(name).ok()?.read_to_string(&mut s).unwrap(); Some(s) } fn write_options(w: &mut impl Write, app: &App) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!(w, "


")?; write!(w, "
")?; for arg in app.get_arguments() { write!(w, "
")?; let mut first = true; for l in arg.get_long_and_visible_aliases().unwrap_or_default() { if !first { write!(w, ", ")?; } else { first = false; } write!(w, "")?; write!(w, "--{}", l)?; if let Some(names) = arg.get_value_names() { write!( w, "={}", names .iter() .map(|x| format!("<{}>", x)) .collect::>() .join(" ") )?; } write!(w, "")?; } for s in arg.get_short_and_visible_aliases().unwrap_or_default() { if !first { write!(w, ", ")?; } else { first = false; } write!(w, "")?; write!(w, "-{}", s)?; if let Some(names) = arg.get_value_names() { write!( w, " {}", names .iter() .map(|x| format!("<{}>", x)) .collect::>() .join(" ") )?; } write!(w, "")?; } writeln!(w, "
")?; writeln!( w, "
", arg.get_help().unwrap_or_default().replace("\n", "
") )?; } writeln!(w, "
\n") }