uutils coreutils ================ [![License](http://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](https://github.com/uutils/coreutils/blob/master/LICENSE) [![Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/uutils/coreutils.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/uutils/coreutils) [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/787ltcxgy86r20le?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Arcterus/coreutils) uutils is an attempt at writing universal (as in cross-platform) CLI utils in [Rust](http://www.rust-lang.org). This repo is to aggregate the GNU coreutils rewrites. Why? ---- Many GNU, Linux and other utils are pretty awesome, and obviously [some](http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net) [effort](http://unxutils.sourceforge.net) has been spent in the past to port them to Windows. However, those projects are either old, abandoned, hosted on CVS, written in platform-specific C, etc. Rust provides a good, platform-agnostic way of writing systems utils that are easy to compile anywhere, and this is as good a way as any to try and learn it. Build Instructions ------------------ To simply build all available utilities: ``` make ``` (on Windows use [MinGW/MSYS](http://www.mingw.org/wiki/MSYS) or `Cygwin` make and make sure you have `rustc` in `PATH`) To build all but a few of the available utilities: ``` make SKIP_UTILS='UTILITY_1 UTILITY_2' ``` To build only a few of the available utilities: ``` make UTILS='UTILITY_1 UTILITY_2' ``` Installation Instructions ------------------------- To install all available utilities: ``` make install ``` To install all but a few of the available utilities: ``` make SKIP_UTILS='UTILITY_1 UTILITY_2' install ``` To install only a few of the available utilities: ``` make UTILS='UTILITY_1 UTILITY_2' install ``` To install every program with a prefix (e.g. uu-echo uu-cat): ``` make PROG_PREFIX=PREFIX_GOES_HERE install ``` To install the multicall binary: ``` make MULTICALL=y install ``` Set install parent directory (default value is /usr/local): ``` make PREFIX=/my/path install ``` Uninstallation Instructions --------------------------- To uninstall all utilities: ``` make uninstall ``` To uninstall every program with a set prefix: ``` make PROG_PREFIX=PREFIX_GOES_HERE uninstall ``` To uninstall the multicall binary: ``` make MULTICALL=y uninstall ``` To uninstall from a custom parent directory: ``` make PREFIX=/my/path uninstall ``` Test Instructions ----------------- To simply test all available utilities: ``` make test ``` To test all but a few of the available utilities: ``` make SKIP_UTILS='UTILITY_1 UTILITY_2' test ``` To test only a few of the available utilities: ``` make UTILS='UTILITY_1 UTILITY_2' test ``` To include tests for unimplemented behavior: ``` make UTILS='UTILITY_1 UTILITY_2' SPEC=y test ``` Run busybox tests ----------------- This testing functionality is only available on *nix operating systems To run busybox's tests for all utilities for which busybox has tests ``` make busytest ``` To run busybox's tests for a few of the available utilities ``` make UTILS='UTILITY_1 UTILITY_2' busytest ``` To pass an argument like "-v" to the busybox test runtime ``` make UTILS='UTILITY_1 UTILITY_2' RUNTEST_ARGS='-v' busytest ``` Contribute ---------- To contribute to coreutils, please see [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md). To do ----- * [x] arch * [x] base32 * [x] base64 * [x] basename * [x] cat * [ ] chcon * [ ] chgrp * [x] chmod * [x] chown * [x] chroot * [x] cksum * [x] comm * [ ] cp (not much done) * [ ] csplit * [x] cut * [ ] date * [ ] dd * [ ] df * [x] dircolors * [x] dirname * [x] du * [x] echo * [x] env * [x] expand * [ ] expr (almost done, no regular expressions) * [x] factor * [x] false * [x] fmt * [x] fold * [x] groups * [x] hashsum * [x] head * [x] hostid * [x] hostname * [x] id * [ ] install (a couple of missing options) * [ ] join * [x] kill * [x] link * [x] ln * [x] logname * [ ] ls * [x] ~~md5sum~~, ~~sha1sum~~, ~~sha224sum~~, ~~sha256sum~~, ~~sha384sum~~, ~~sha512sum~~ (replaced by [hashsum](https://github.com/uutils/coreutils/blob/master/src/hashsum/hashsum.rs)) * [x] mkdir * [x] mkfifo * [x] mknod * [x] mktemp * [ ] mv (almost done, one more option) * [x] nice * [x] nl * [x] nohup * [x] nproc * [ ] numfmt * [ ] od (in progress, needs lots of work) * [x] paste * [x] pathchk * [x] pinky * [ ] pr * [x] printenv * [ ] printf * [x] ptx * [x] pwd * [x] readlink * [x] realpath * [x] relpath * [x] rm * [x] rmdir * [ ] runcon * [x] seq * [x] shred * [x] shuf * [x] sleep * [ ] sort (a couple of options implemented) * [ ] split (a couple of missing options) * [x] stat * [x] stdbuf * [ ] stty * [x] sum * [x] sync * [x] tac * [ ] tail (not all features implemented) * [x] tee * [ ] test (not all features implemented) * [x] timeout * [x] touch * [x] tr * [x] true * [x] truncate * [x] tsort * [x] tty * [x] uname * [x] unexpand * [x] uniq * [x] unlink * [x] uptime * [x] users * [x] wc * [x] who * [x] whoami * [x] yes License ------- uutils is licensed under the MIT License - see the `LICENSE` file for details