/* * This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. * * (c) Wiktor Kuropatwa * (c) kwantam * 20150507 added big_ routines to prevent overflow when num > 2^63 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file * that was distributed with this source code. */ use std::u64::MAX as MAX_U64; use std::num::Wrapping; pub fn big_add(a: u64, b: u64, m: u64) -> u64 { let Wrapping(msb_mod_m) = Wrapping(MAX_U64) - Wrapping(m) + Wrapping(1); let msb_mod_m = msb_mod_m % m; let Wrapping(res) = Wrapping(a) + Wrapping(b); if b <= MAX_U64 - a { res } else { (res + msb_mod_m) % m } } // computes (a + b) % m using the russian peasant algorithm // CAUTION: Will overflow if m >= 2^63 pub fn sm_mul(mut a: u64, mut b: u64, m: u64) -> u64 { let mut result = 0; while b > 0 { if b & 1 != 0 { result = (result + a) % m; } a = (a << 1) % m; b >>= 1; } result } // computes (a + b) % m using the russian peasant algorithm // Only necessary when m >= 2^63; otherwise, just wastes time. pub fn big_mul(mut a: u64, mut b: u64, m: u64) -> u64 { // precompute 2^64 mod m, since we expect to wrap let Wrapping(msb_mod_m) = Wrapping(MAX_U64) - Wrapping(m) + Wrapping(1); let msb_mod_m = msb_mod_m % m; let mut result = 0; while b > 0 { if b & 1 != 0 { let Wrapping(next_res) = Wrapping(result) + Wrapping(a); let next_res = next_res % m; result = if result <= MAX_U64 - a { next_res } else { (next_res + msb_mod_m) % m }; } let Wrapping(next_a) = Wrapping(a) << 1; let next_a = next_a % m; a = if a < 1 << 63 { next_a } else { (next_a + msb_mod_m) % m }; b >>= 1; } result } // computes a.pow(b) % m fn pow(mut a: u64, mut b: u64, m: u64, mul: fn(u64, u64, u64) -> u64) -> u64 { let mut result = 1; while b > 0 { if b & 1 != 0 { result = mul(result, a, m); } a = mul(a, a, m); b >>= 1; } result } fn witness(mut a: u64, exponent: u64, m: u64) -> bool { if a == 0 { return false; } let mul = if m < 1 << 63 { sm_mul as fn(u64, u64, u64) -> u64 } else { big_mul as fn(u64, u64, u64) -> u64 }; if pow(a, m-1, m, mul) != 1 { return true; } a = pow(a, exponent, m, mul); if a == 1 { return false; } loop { if a == 1 { return true; } if a == m-1 { return false; } a = mul(a, a, m); } } // uses deterministic (i.e., fixed witness set) Miller-Rabin test pub fn is_prime(num: u64) -> bool { if num < 2 { return false; } if num % 2 == 0 { return num == 2; } let mut exponent = num - 1; while exponent & 1 == 0 { exponent >>= 1; } // These witnesses detect all composites up to at least 2^64. // Discovered by Jim Sinclair, according to http://miller-rabin.appspot.com let witnesses = [2, 325, 9375, 28178, 450775, 9780504, 1795265022]; ! witnesses.iter().any(|&wit| witness(wit % num, exponent, num)) }