// spell-checker:ignore (words) bamf chdir rlimit prlimit COMSPEC use crate::common::util::*; use std::env; use std::path::Path; use tempfile::tempdir; #[test] fn test_invalid_arg() { new_ucmd!().arg("--definitely-invalid").fails().code_is(125); } #[test] fn test_env_help() { new_ucmd!() .arg("--help") .succeeds() .no_stderr() .stdout_contains("OPTIONS:"); } #[test] fn test_env_version() { new_ucmd!() .arg("--version") .succeeds() .no_stderr() .stdout_contains(util_name!()); } #[test] fn test_echo() { let result = new_ucmd!().arg("echo").arg("FOO-bar").succeeds(); assert_eq!(result.stdout_str().trim(), "FOO-bar"); } #[test] fn test_file_option() { let out = new_ucmd!() .arg("-f") .arg("vars.conf.txt") .run() .stdout_move_str(); assert_eq!( out.lines() .filter(|&line| line == "FOO=bar" || line == "BAR=bamf this") .count(), 2 ); } #[test] fn test_combined_file_set() { let out = new_ucmd!() .arg("-f") .arg("vars.conf.txt") .arg("FOO=bar.alt") .run() .stdout_move_str(); assert_eq!(out.lines().filter(|&line| line == "FOO=bar.alt").count(), 1); } #[test] fn test_combined_file_set_unset() { let out = new_ucmd!() .arg("-u") .arg("BAR") .arg("-f") .arg("vars.conf.txt") .arg("FOO=bar.alt") .succeeds() .stdout_move_str(); assert_eq!( out.lines() .filter(|&line| line == "FOO=bar.alt" || line.starts_with("BAR=")) .count(), 1 ); } #[test] fn test_unset_invalid_variables() { use uucore::display::Quotable; // Cannot test input with \0 in it, since output will also contain \0. rlimit::prlimit fails // with this error: Error { kind: InvalidInput, message: "nul byte found in provided data" } for var in ["", "a=b"] { new_ucmd!().arg("-u").arg(var).run().stderr_only(format!( "env: cannot unset {}: Invalid argument", var.quote() )); } } #[test] fn test_single_name_value_pair() { let out = new_ucmd!().arg("FOO=bar").run(); assert!(out.stdout_str().lines().any(|line| line == "FOO=bar")); } #[test] fn test_multiple_name_value_pairs() { let out = new_ucmd!().arg("FOO=bar").arg("ABC=xyz").run(); assert_eq!( out.stdout_str() .lines() .filter(|&line| line == "FOO=bar" || line == "ABC=xyz") .count(), 2 ); } #[test] fn test_ignore_environment() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); scene.ucmd().arg("-i").run().no_stdout(); scene.ucmd().arg("-").run().no_stdout(); } #[test] fn test_empty_name() { new_ucmd!() .arg("-i") .arg("=xyz") .run() .stderr_only("env: warning: no name specified for value 'xyz'"); } #[test] fn test_null_delimiter() { let out = new_ucmd!() .arg("-i") .arg("--null") .arg("FOO=bar") .arg("ABC=xyz") .succeeds() .stdout_move_str(); let mut vars: Vec<_> = out.split('\0').collect(); assert_eq!(vars.len(), 3); vars.sort_unstable(); assert_eq!(vars[0], ""); assert_eq!(vars[1], "ABC=xyz"); assert_eq!(vars[2], "FOO=bar"); } #[test] fn test_unset_variable() { // This test depends on the HOME variable being pre-defined by the // default shell let out = TestScenario::new(util_name!()) .ucmd_keepenv() .arg("-u") .arg("HOME") .succeeds() .stdout_move_str(); assert!(!out.lines().any(|line| line.starts_with("HOME="))); } #[test] fn test_fail_null_with_program() { new_ucmd!() .arg("--null") .arg("cd") .fails() .stderr_contains("cannot specify --null (-0) with command"); } #[cfg(not(windows))] #[test] fn test_change_directory() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); let temporary_directory = tempdir().unwrap(); let temporary_path = std::fs::canonicalize(temporary_directory.path()).unwrap(); assert_ne!(env::current_dir().unwrap(), temporary_path); // command to print out current working directory let pwd = "pwd"; let out = scene .ucmd() .arg("--chdir") .arg(&temporary_path) .arg(pwd) .succeeds() .stdout_move_str(); assert_eq!(out.trim(), temporary_path.as_os_str()); } #[cfg(windows)] #[test] fn test_change_directory() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); let temporary_directory = tempdir().unwrap(); let temporary_path = temporary_directory.path(); let temporary_path = temporary_path .strip_prefix(r"\\?\") .unwrap_or(temporary_path); let env_cd = env::current_dir().unwrap(); let env_cd = env_cd.strip_prefix(r"\\?\").unwrap_or(&env_cd); assert_ne!(env_cd, temporary_path); // COMSPEC is a variable that contains the full path to cmd.exe let cmd_path = env::var("COMSPEC").unwrap(); // command to print out current working directory let pwd = [&*cmd_path, "/C", "cd"]; let out = scene .ucmd() .arg("--chdir") .arg(&temporary_path) .args(&pwd) .succeeds() .stdout_move_str(); assert_eq!(out.trim(), temporary_path.as_os_str()); } #[test] fn test_fail_change_directory() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); let some_non_existing_path = "some_nonexistent_path"; assert!(!Path::new(some_non_existing_path).is_dir()); let out = scene .ucmd() .arg("--chdir") .arg(some_non_existing_path) .arg("pwd") .fails() .stderr_move_str(); assert!(out.contains("env: cannot change directory to ")); }