use crate::common::util::*; use rust_users::*; use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; #[test] fn test_install_help() { let (_, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); assert!(ucmd .arg("--help") .succeeds() .no_stderr() .stdout .contains("FLAGS:")); } #[test] fn test_install_basic() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let dir = "target_dir"; let file1 = "source_file1"; let file2 = "source_file2"; at.touch(file1); at.touch(file2); at.mkdir(dir); ucmd.arg(file1).arg(file2).arg(dir).succeeds().no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file1)); assert!(at.file_exists(file2)); assert!(at.file_exists(&format!("{}/{}", dir, file1))); assert!(at.file_exists(&format!("{}/{}", dir, file2))); } #[test] fn test_install_twice_dir() { let dir = "dir"; let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); scene.ucmd().arg("-d").arg(dir).succeeds(); scene.ucmd().arg("-d").arg(dir).succeeds(); let at = &scene.fixtures; assert!(at.dir_exists(dir)); } #[test] fn test_install_failing_not_dir() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file1 = "file1"; let file2 = "file2"; let file3 = "file3"; at.touch(file1); at.touch(file2); at.touch(file3); assert!(ucmd .arg(file1) .arg(file2) .arg(file3) .fails() .stderr .contains("not a directory")); } #[test] fn test_install_unimplemented_arg() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let dir = "target_dir"; let file = "source_file"; let context_arg = "--context"; at.touch(file); at.mkdir(dir); assert!(ucmd .arg(context_arg) .arg(file) .arg(dir) .fails() .stderr .contains("Unimplemented")); assert!(!at.file_exists(&format!("{}/{}", dir, file))); } #[test] fn test_install_component_directories() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let component1 = "component1"; let component2 = "component2"; let component3 = "component3"; let directories_arg = "-d"; ucmd.args(&[directories_arg, component1, component2, component3]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.dir_exists(component1)); assert!(at.dir_exists(component2)); assert!(at.dir_exists(component3)); } #[test] fn test_install_mode_numeric() { let scene = TestScenario::new(util_name!()); let at = &scene.fixtures; let dir = "dir1"; let dir2 = "dir2"; let file = "file"; let mode_arg = "--mode=333"; at.touch(file); at.mkdir(dir); scene .ucmd() .arg(file) .arg(dir) .arg(mode_arg) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); let dest_file = &format!("{}/{}", dir, file); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); assert!(at.file_exists(dest_file)); let permissions = at.metadata(dest_file).permissions(); assert_eq!(0o100333 as u32, PermissionsExt::mode(&permissions)); let mode_arg = "-m 0333"; at.mkdir(dir2); let result = scene.ucmd().arg(mode_arg).arg(file).arg(dir2).run(); println!("stderr = {:?}", result.stderr); println!("stdout = {:?}", result.stdout); assert!(result.success); let dest_file = &format!("{}/{}", dir2, file); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); assert!(at.file_exists(dest_file)); let permissions = at.metadata(dest_file).permissions(); assert_eq!(0o100333 as u32, PermissionsExt::mode(&permissions)); } #[test] fn test_install_mode_symbolic() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let dir = "target_dir"; let file = "source_file"; let mode_arg = "--mode=o+wx"; at.touch(file); at.mkdir(dir); ucmd.arg(file).arg(dir).arg(mode_arg).succeeds().no_stderr(); let dest_file = &format!("{}/{}", dir, file); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); assert!(at.file_exists(dest_file)); let permissions = at.metadata(dest_file).permissions(); assert_eq!(0o100003 as u32, PermissionsExt::mode(&permissions)); } #[test] fn test_install_mode_failing() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let dir = "target_dir"; let file = "source_file"; let mode_arg = "--mode=999"; at.touch(file); at.mkdir(dir); assert!(ucmd .arg(file) .arg(dir) .arg(mode_arg) .fails() .stderr .contains("Invalid mode string: invalid digit found in string")); let dest_file = &format!("{}/{}", dir, file); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); assert!(!at.file_exists(dest_file)); } #[test] fn test_install_mode_directories() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let component = "component"; let directories_arg = "-d"; let mode_arg = "--mode=333"; ucmd.arg(directories_arg) .arg(component) .arg(mode_arg) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.dir_exists(component)); let permissions = at.metadata(component).permissions(); assert_eq!(0o040333 as u32, PermissionsExt::mode(&permissions)); } #[test] fn test_install_target_file() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file1 = "source_file"; let file2 = "target_file"; at.touch(file1); at.touch(file2); ucmd.arg(file1).arg(file2).succeeds().no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file1)); assert!(at.file_exists(file2)); } #[test] fn test_install_target_new_file() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "file"; let dir = "target_dir"; at.touch(file); at.mkdir(dir); ucmd.arg(file) .arg(format!("{}/{}", dir, file)) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); assert!(at.file_exists(&format!("{}/{}", dir, file))); } #[test] fn test_install_target_new_file_with_group() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "file"; let dir = "target_dir"; let gid = get_effective_gid(); at.touch(file); at.mkdir(dir); let result = ucmd .arg(file) .arg("--group") .arg(gid.to_string()) .arg(format!("{}/{}", dir, file)) .run(); println!("stderr = {:?}", result.stderr); println!("stdout = {:?}", result.stdout); if is_ci() && result.stderr.contains("error: no such group:") { // In the CI, some server are failing to return the group. // As seems to be a configuration issue, ignoring it return; } assert!(result.success); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); assert!(at.file_exists(&format!("{}/{}", dir, file))); } #[test] fn test_install_target_new_file_with_owner() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "file"; let dir = "target_dir"; let uid = get_effective_uid(); at.touch(file); at.mkdir(dir); let result = ucmd .arg(file) .arg("--owner") .arg(uid.to_string()) .arg(format!("{}/{}", dir, file)) .run(); println!("stderr = {:?}", result.stderr); println!("stdout = {:?}", result.stdout); if is_ci() && result.stderr.contains("error: no such user:") { // In the CI, some server are failing to return the user id. // As seems to be a configuration issue, ignoring it return; } assert!(result.success); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); assert!(at.file_exists(&format!("{}/{}", dir, file))); } #[test] fn test_install_target_new_file_failing_nonexistent_parent() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file1 = "source_file"; let file2 = "target_file"; let dir = "target_dir"; at.touch(file1); let err = ucmd .arg(file1) .arg(format!("{}/{}", dir, file2)) .fails() .stderr; assert!(err.contains("not a directory")) } #[test] fn test_install_preserve_timestamps() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file1 = "source_file"; let file2 = "target_file"; at.touch(file1); ucmd.arg(file1).arg(file2).arg("-p").succeeds().no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file1)); assert!(at.file_exists(file2)); let file1_metadata = at.metadata(file1); let file2_metadata = at.metadata(file2); assert_eq!( file1_metadata.accessed().ok(), file2_metadata.accessed().ok() ); assert_eq!( file1_metadata.modified().ok(), file2_metadata.modified().ok() ); } // These two tests are failing but should work #[test] fn test_install_copy_file() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file1 = "source_file"; let file2 = "target_file"; at.touch(file1); ucmd.arg(file1).arg(file2).succeeds().no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file1)); assert!(at.file_exists(file2)); } #[test] #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] fn test_install_target_file_dev_null() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file1 = "/dev/null"; let file2 = "target_file"; ucmd.arg(file1).arg(file2).succeeds().no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file2)); } #[test] fn test_install_nested_paths_copy_file() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file1 = "source_file"; let dir1 = "source_dir"; let dir2 = "target_dir"; at.mkdir(dir1); at.mkdir(dir2); at.touch(&format!("{}/{}", dir1, file1)); ucmd.arg(format!("{}/{}", dir1, file1)) .arg(dir2) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(&format!("{}/{}", dir2, file1))); } #[test] fn test_install_failing_omitting_directory() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file1 = "source_file"; let dir1 = "source_dir"; let dir2 = "target_dir"; at.mkdir(dir1); at.mkdir(dir2); at.touch(file1); let r = ucmd.arg(dir1).arg(file1).arg(dir2).run(); assert!(r.code == Some(1)); assert!(r.stderr.contains("omitting directory")); } #[test] fn test_install_failing_no_such_file() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file1 = "source_file"; let file2 = "inexistent_file"; let dir1 = "target_dir"; at.mkdir(dir1); at.touch(file1); let r = ucmd.arg(file1).arg(file2).arg(dir1).run(); assert!(r.code == Some(1)); assert!(r.stderr.contains("No such file or directory")); }