#![crate_id(name="cat", vers="1.0.0", author="Seldaek")] #![feature(unsafe_destructor)] /* * This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. * * (c) Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ /* last synced with: cat (GNU coreutils) 8.13 */ extern crate getopts; use std::os; use std::io::{print, File}; use std::io::stdio::{stdout_raw, stdin_raw, stderr}; use std::io::{IoResult}; use std::ptr::{copy_nonoverlapping_memory}; #[allow(dead_code)] fn main() { os::set_exit_status(uumain(os::args())); } pub fn uumain(args: Vec) -> int { let program = args.get(0).as_slice(); let opts = [ getopts::optflag("A", "show-all", "equivalent to -vET"), getopts::optflag("b", "number-nonblank", "number nonempty output lines, overrides -n"), getopts::optflag("e", "", "equivalent to -vE"), getopts::optflag("E", "show-ends", "display $ at end of each line"), getopts::optflag("n", "number", "number all output lines"), getopts::optflag("s", "squeeze-blank", "suppress repeated empty output lines"), getopts::optflag("t", "", "equivalent to -vT"), getopts::optflag("T", "show-tabs", "display TAB characters as ^I"), getopts::optflag("v", "show-nonprinting", "use ^ and M- notation, except for LF (\\n) and TAB (\\t)"), getopts::optflag("h", "help", "display this help and exit"), getopts::optflag("V", "version", "output version information and exit"), ]; let matches = match getopts::getopts(args.tail(), opts) { Ok(m) => m, Err(f) => fail!("Invalid options\n{}", f) }; if matches.opt_present("help") { println!("cat 1.0.0"); println!(""); println!("Usage:"); println!(" {0:s} [OPTION]... [FILE]...", program); println!(""); print(getopts::usage("Concatenate FILE(s), or standard input, to \ standard output.", opts).as_slice()); println!(""); println!("With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input."); return 0; } if matches.opt_present("version") { println!("cat 1.0.0"); return 0; } let mut number_mode = NumberNone; if matches.opt_present("n") { number_mode = NumberAll; } if matches.opt_present("b") { number_mode = NumberNonEmpty; } let show_nonprint = matches.opts_present(["A".to_string(), "e".to_string(), "t".to_string(), "v".to_string()]); let show_ends = matches.opts_present(["E".to_string(), "A".to_string(), "e".to_string()]); let show_tabs = matches.opts_present(["A".to_string(), "T".to_string(), "t".to_string()]); let squeeze_blank = matches.opt_present("s"); let mut files = matches.free; if files.is_empty() { files.push("-".to_string()); } exec(files, number_mode, show_nonprint, show_ends, show_tabs, squeeze_blank); 0 } #[deriving(Eq, PartialEq)] enum NumberingMode { NumberNone, NumberNonEmpty, NumberAll, } fn write_lines(files: Vec, number: NumberingMode, squeeze_blank: bool, show_ends: bool) { let mut line_counter: uint = 1; for path in files.iter() { let (mut reader, interactive) = match open(path.as_slice()) { Some(f) => f, None => continue, }; let mut in_buf = [0, .. 1024 * 31]; let mut out_buf = [0, .. 1024 * 64]; let mut writer = UnsafeWriter::new(out_buf.as_mut_slice(), stdout_raw()); let mut at_line_start = true; loop { let n = match reader.read(in_buf) { Ok(n) if n != 0 => n, _ => break, }; let in_buf = in_buf.slice_to(n); let mut buf_pos = range(0, n); loop { writer.possibly_flush(); let pos = match buf_pos.next() { Some(p) => p, None => break, }; if in_buf[pos] == '\n' as u8 { if !at_line_start || !squeeze_blank { if at_line_start && number == NumberAll { (write!(&mut writer, "{0:6u}\t", line_counter)).unwrap(); line_counter += 1; } if show_ends { writer.write_u8('$' as u8).unwrap(); } writer.write_u8('\n' as u8).unwrap(); if interactive { writer.flush().unwrap(); } } at_line_start = true; continue; } if at_line_start && number != NumberNone { (write!(&mut writer, "{0:6u}\t", line_counter)).unwrap(); line_counter += 1; } match in_buf.tailn(pos).iter().position(|c| *c == '\n' as u8) { Some(p) => { writer.write(in_buf.slice(pos, pos + p)).unwrap(); if show_ends { writer.write_u8('$' as u8).unwrap(); } writer.write_u8('\n' as u8).unwrap(); if interactive { writer.flush().unwrap(); } buf_pos = range(pos + p + 1, n); at_line_start = true; }, None => { writer.write(in_buf.tailn(pos)).unwrap(); at_line_start = false; break; } }; } } } } fn write_bytes(files: Vec, number: NumberingMode, squeeze_blank: bool, show_ends: bool, show_nonprint: bool, show_tabs: bool) { let mut line_counter: uint = 1; for path in files.iter() { let (mut reader, interactive) = match open(path.as_slice()) { Some(f) => f, None => continue, }; // Flush all 1024 iterations. let mut flush_counter = range(0, 1024); let mut in_buf = [0, .. 1024 * 32]; let mut out_buf = [0, .. 1024 * 64]; let mut writer = UnsafeWriter::new(out_buf.as_mut_slice(), stdout_raw()); let mut at_line_start = true; loop { let n = match reader.read(in_buf) { Ok(n) if n != 0 => n, _ => break, }; for &byte in in_buf.slice_to(n).iter() { if flush_counter.next().is_none() { writer.possibly_flush(); flush_counter = range(0, 1024); } if byte == '\n' as u8 { if !at_line_start || !squeeze_blank { if at_line_start && number == NumberAll { (write!(&mut writer, "{0:6u}\t", line_counter)).unwrap(); line_counter += 1; } if show_ends { writer.write_u8('$' as u8).unwrap(); } writer.write_u8('\n' as u8).unwrap(); if interactive { writer.flush().unwrap(); } } at_line_start = true; continue; } if at_line_start && number != NumberNone { (write!(&mut writer, "{0:6u}\t", line_counter)).unwrap(); line_counter += 1; at_line_start = false; } // This code is slow because of the many branches. cat in glibc avoids // this by having the whole loop inside show_nonprint. if byte == '\t' as u8 { if show_tabs { writer.write_str("^I") } else { writer.write_u8(byte) } } else if show_nonprint { let byte = match byte { 128 .. 255 => { writer.write_str("M-").unwrap(); byte - 128 }, _ => byte, }; match byte { 0 .. 31 => writer.write(['^' as u8, byte + 64]), 127 => writer.write(['^' as u8, byte - 64]), _ => writer.write_u8(byte), } } else { writer.write_u8(byte) }.unwrap(); } } } } fn write_fast(files: Vec) { let mut writer = stdout_raw(); let mut in_buf = [0, .. 1024 * 64]; for path in files.iter() { let (mut reader, _) = match open(path.as_slice()) { Some(x) => x, None => continue, }; loop { match reader.read(in_buf) { Ok(n) if n != 0 => { // This interface is completely broken. writer.write(in_buf.slice_to(n)).unwrap(); }, _ => break } } } } fn exec(files: Vec, number: NumberingMode, show_nonprint: bool, show_ends: bool, show_tabs: bool, squeeze_blank: bool) { if show_nonprint || show_tabs { write_bytes(files, number, squeeze_blank, show_ends, show_nonprint, show_tabs); } else if number != NumberNone || squeeze_blank || show_ends { write_lines(files, number, squeeze_blank, show_ends); } else { write_fast(files); } } fn open(path: &str) -> Option<(Box, bool)> { if path == "-" { let stdin = stdin_raw(); let interactive = stdin.isatty(); return Some((box stdin as Box, interactive)); } match File::open(&std::path::Path::new(path)) { Ok(f) => Some((box f as Box, false)), Err(e) => { (writeln!(stderr(), "cat: {0:s}: {1:s}", path, e.to_str())).unwrap(); None }, } } struct UnsafeWriter<'a, W> { inner: W, buf: &'a mut [u8], pos: uint, threshold: uint, } impl<'a, W: Writer> UnsafeWriter<'a, W> { fn new(buf: &'a mut [u8], inner: W) -> UnsafeWriter<'a, W> { let threshold = buf.len()/2; UnsafeWriter { inner: inner, buf: buf, pos: 0, threshold: threshold, } } fn flush_buf(&mut self) -> IoResult<()> { if self.pos != 0 { let ret = self.inner.write(self.buf.slice_to(self.pos)); self.pos = 0; ret } else { Ok(()) } } fn possibly_flush(&mut self) { if self.pos > self.threshold { self.inner.write(self.buf.slice_to(self.pos)).unwrap(); self.pos = 0; } } } #[inline(never)] fn fail() -> ! { fail!("assertion failed"); } impl<'a, W: Writer> Writer for UnsafeWriter<'a, W> { fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> IoResult<()> { let dst = self.buf.mut_slice_from(self.pos); if buf.len() > dst.len() { fail(); } unsafe { copy_nonoverlapping_memory(dst.as_mut_ptr(), buf.as_ptr(), buf.len()) } self.pos += buf.len(); Ok(()) } fn flush(&mut self) -> IoResult<()> { self.flush_buf().and_then(|()| self.inner.flush()) } } #[unsafe_destructor] impl<'a, W: Writer> Drop for UnsafeWriter<'a, W> { fn drop(&mut self) { let _ = self.flush_buf(); } } /* vim: set ai ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et : */