#![crate_name = "uu_stdbuf"] /* * This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. * * (c) Dorota Kapturkiewicz * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ extern crate getopts; extern crate libc; #[macro_use] extern crate uucore; use getopts::{Matches, Options}; use std::io::{self, Write}; use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Command; use uucore::fs::{canonicalize, CanonicalizeMode}; static NAME: &'static str = "stdbuf"; static VERSION: &'static str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); static LIBSTDBUF: &'static str = "libstdbuf"; enum BufferType { Default, Line, Size(u64) } struct ProgramOptions { stdin: BufferType, stdout: BufferType, stderr: BufferType, } enum ErrMsg { Retry, Fatal } enum OkMsg { Buffering, Help, Version } #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] fn preload_strings() -> (&'static str, &'static str) { ("LD_PRELOAD", ".so") } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] fn preload_strings() -> (&'static str, &'static str) { ("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", ".dylib") } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "macos")))] fn preload_strings() -> (&'static str, &'static str) { crash!(1, "Command not supported for this operating system!") } fn print_version() { println!("{} {}", NAME, VERSION); } fn print_usage(opts: &Options) { let brief = "Run COMMAND, with modified buffering operations for its standard streams\n \ Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too."; let explanation = "If MODE is 'L' the corresponding stream will be line buffered.\n \ This option is invalid with standard input.\n\n \ If MODE is '0' the corresponding stream will be unbuffered.\n\n \ Otherwise MODE is a number which may be followed by one of the following:\n\n \ KB 1000, K 1024, MB 1000*1000, M 1024*1024, and so on for G, T, P, E, Z, Y.\n \ In this case the corresponding stream will be fully buffered with the buffer size set to MODE bytes.\n\n \ NOTE: If COMMAND adjusts the buffering of its standard streams ('tee' does for e.g.) then that will override \ corresponding settings changed by 'stdbuf'.\n \ Also some filters (like 'dd' and 'cat' etc.) don't use streams for I/O, \ and are thus unaffected by 'stdbuf' settings.\n"; println!("{} {}", NAME, VERSION); println!(""); println!("Usage: stdbuf OPTION... COMMAND"); println!(""); println!("{}\n{}", opts.usage(brief), explanation); } fn parse_size(size: &str) -> Option { let ext = size.trim_left_matches(|c: char| c.is_digit(10)); let num = size.trim_right_matches(|c: char| c.is_alphabetic()); let mut recovered = num.to_string(); recovered.push_str(ext); if recovered != size { return None; } let buf_size: u64 = match num.parse().ok() { Some(m) => m, None => return None, }; let (power, base): (u32, u64) = match ext { "" => (0, 0), "KB" => (1, 1024), "K" => (1, 1000), "MB" => (2, 1024), "M" => (2, 1000), "GB" => (3, 1024), "G" => (3, 1000), "TB" => (4, 1024), "T" => (4, 1000), "PB" => (5, 1024), "P" => (5, 1000), "EB" => (6, 1024), "E" => (6, 1000), "ZB" => (7, 1024), "Z" => (7, 1000), "YB" => (8, 1024), "Y" => (8, 1000), _ => return None, }; Some(buf_size * base.pow(power)) } fn check_option(matches: &Matches, name: &str, modified: &mut bool) -> Option { match matches.opt_str(name) { Some(value) => { *modified = true; match &value[..] { "L" => { if name == "input" { show_info!("line buffering stdin is meaningless"); None } else { Some(BufferType::Line) } }, x => { let size = match parse_size(x) { Some(m) => m, None => { show_error!("Invalid mode {}", x); return None } }; Some(BufferType::Size(size)) }, } }, None => Some(BufferType::Default), } } fn parse_options(args: &[String], options: &mut ProgramOptions, optgrps: &Options) -> Result { let matches = match optgrps.parse(args) { Ok(m) => m, Err(_) => return Err(ErrMsg::Retry) }; if matches.opt_present("help") { return Ok(OkMsg::Help); } if matches.opt_present("version") { return Ok(OkMsg::Version); } let mut modified = false; options.stdin = try!(check_option(&matches, "input", &mut modified).ok_or(ErrMsg::Fatal)); options.stdout = try!(check_option(&matches, "output", &mut modified).ok_or(ErrMsg::Fatal)); options.stderr = try!(check_option(&matches, "error", &mut modified).ok_or(ErrMsg::Fatal)); if matches.free.len() != 1 { return Err(ErrMsg::Retry); } if !modified { show_error!("you must specify a buffering mode option"); return Err(ErrMsg::Fatal); } Ok(OkMsg::Buffering) } fn set_command_env(command: &mut Command, buffer_name: &str, buffer_type: BufferType) { match buffer_type { BufferType::Size(m) => { command.env(buffer_name, m.to_string()); }, BufferType::Line => { command.env(buffer_name, "L"); }, BufferType::Default => {}, } } fn exe_path() -> io::Result { let exe_path = try!(std::env::current_exe()); let absolute_path = try!(canonicalize(exe_path, CanonicalizeMode::Normal)); Ok(match absolute_path.parent() { Some(p) => p.to_path_buf(), None => absolute_path.clone() }) } fn get_preload_env() -> (String, String) { let (preload, extension) = preload_strings(); let mut libstdbuf = LIBSTDBUF.to_string(); libstdbuf.push_str(extension); // First search for library in directory of executable. let mut path = exe_path().unwrap_or_else(|_| crash!(1, "Impossible to fetch the path of this executable.")); path.push(libstdbuf.clone()); if path.exists() { match path.as_os_str().to_str() { Some(s) => { return (preload.to_string(), s.to_string()); }, None => crash!(1, "Error while converting path.") }; } // We assume library is in LD_LIBRARY_PATH/ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. (preload.to_string(), libstdbuf) } pub fn uumain(args: Vec) -> i32 { let mut opts = Options::new(); opts.optopt("i", "input", "adjust standard input stream buffering", "MODE"); opts.optopt("o", "output", "adjust standard output stream buffering", "MODE"); opts.optopt("e", "error", "adjust standard error stream buffering", "MODE"); opts.optflag("", "help", "display this help and exit"); opts.optflag("", "version", "output version information and exit"); let mut options = ProgramOptions {stdin: BufferType::Default, stdout: BufferType::Default, stderr: BufferType::Default}; let mut command_idx: i32 = -1; for i in 1 .. args.len()+1 { match parse_options(&args[1 .. i], &mut options, &opts) { Ok(OkMsg::Buffering) => { command_idx = (i as i32) - 1; break; }, Ok(OkMsg::Help) => { print_usage(&opts); return 0; }, Ok(OkMsg::Version) => { print_version(); return 0; }, Err(ErrMsg::Fatal) => break, Err(ErrMsg::Retry) => continue, } }; if command_idx == -1 { crash!(125, "Invalid options\nTry 'stdbuf --help' for more information."); } let ref command_name = args[command_idx as usize]; let mut command = Command::new(command_name); let (preload_env, libstdbuf) = get_preload_env(); command.args(&args[(command_idx as usize) + 1 ..]).env(preload_env, libstdbuf); set_command_env(&mut command, "_STDBUF_I", options.stdin); set_command_env(&mut command, "_STDBUF_O", options.stdout); set_command_env(&mut command, "_STDBUF_E", options.stderr); let mut process = match command.spawn() { Ok(p) => p, Err(e) => crash!(1, "failed to execute process: {}", e) }; match process.wait() { Ok(status) => { match status.code() { Some(i) => return i, None => crash!(1, "process killed by signal {}", status.signal().unwrap()), } }, Err(e) => crash!(1, "{}", e) }; }