# Config options PROFILE ?= debug MULTICALL ?= n INSTALL ?= install ifneq (,$(filter install, $(MAKECMDGOALS))) override PROFILE:=release endif PROFILE_CMD := ifeq ($(PROFILE),release) PROFILE_CMD = --release endif RM := rm -rf # Binaries CARGO ?= cargo CARGOFLAGS ?= # Install directories PREFIX ?= /usr/local DESTDIR ?= BINDIR ?= /bin LIBDIR ?= /lib INSTALLDIR_BIN=$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)$(BINDIR) INSTALLDIR_LIB=$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)$(LIBDIR) #prefix to apply to uutils binary and all tool binaries PROG_PREFIX ?= # This won't support any directory with spaces in its name, but you can just # make a symlink without spaces that points to the directory. BASEDIR ?= $(shell pwd) BUILDDIR := $(BASEDIR)/target/${PROFILE} PKG_BUILDDIR := $(BUILDDIR)/deps BUSYBOX_ROOT := $(BASEDIR)/tmp BUSYBOX_VER := 1.24.1 BUSYBOX_SRC := $(BUSYBOX_ROOT)/busybox-$(BUSYBOX_VER) # Possible programs PROGS := \ base32 \ base64 \ basename \ cat \ cksum \ comm \ cp \ cut \ dircolors \ dirname \ echo \ env \ expand \ expr \ factor \ false \ fmt \ fold \ hashsum \ head \ link \ ln \ ls \ mkdir \ mktemp \ nl \ nproc \ od \ paste \ printenv \ printf \ ptx \ pwd \ readlink \ realpath \ relpath \ rm \ rmdir \ seq \ shred \ shuf \ sleep \ sort \ split \ sum \ sync \ tac \ tail \ tee \ test \ tr \ true \ truncate \ tsort \ unexpand \ uniq \ wc \ whoami \ yes UNIX_PROGS := \ arch \ chmod \ chown \ chroot \ du \ groups \ hostid \ hostname \ id \ install \ kill \ logname \ mkfifo \ mknod \ mv \ nice \ nohup \ pathchk \ pinky \ stat \ stdbuf \ timeout \ touch \ tty \ uname \ unlink \ uptime \ users \ who ifneq ($(OS),Windows_NT) PROGS := $(PROGS) $(UNIX_PROGS) endif UTILS ?= $(PROGS) # Programs with usable tests TEST_PROGS := \ base32 \ base64 \ basename \ cat \ chmod \ chown \ cksum \ comm \ cp \ cut \ dircolors \ dirname \ echo \ env \ expr \ factor \ false \ fold \ hashsum \ head \ install \ link \ ln \ ls \ mkdir \ mktemp \ mv \ nl \ od \ paste \ pathchk \ pinky \ printf \ ptx \ pwd \ readlink \ realpath \ rm \ rmdir \ seq \ sort \ split \ stat \ stdbuf \ sum \ tac \ tail \ test \ touch \ tr \ true \ truncate \ tsort \ unexpand \ uniq \ unlink \ wc TESTS := \ $(sort $(filter $(UTILS),$(filter-out $(SKIP_UTILS),$(TEST_PROGS)))) TEST_NO_FAIL_FAST := TEST_SPEC_FEATURE := ifneq ($(SPEC),) TEST_NO_FAIL_FAST :=--no-fail-fast TEST_SPEC_FEATURE := test_unimplemented endif define BUILD_EXE build_exe_$(1): ${CARGO} build ${CARGOFLAGS} ${PROFILE_CMD} -p $(1) endef define TEST_BUSYBOX test_busybox_$(1): (cd $(BUSYBOX_SRC)/testsuite && bindir=$(BUILDDIR) ./runtest $(RUNTEST_ARGS) $(1) ) endef # Output names EXES := \ $(sort $(filter $(UTILS),$(filter-out $(SKIP_UTILS),$(PROGS)))) INSTALLEES := ${EXES} uutils # Shared library extension SYSTEM := $(shell uname) DYLIB_EXT := ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Linux) DYLIB_EXT := so DYLIB_FLAGS := -shared endif ifeq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin) DYLIB_EXT := dylib DYLIB_FLAGS := -dynamiclib -undefined dynamic_lookup endif # Libaries to install LIBS := ifneq (,$(findstring stdbuf, $(INSTALLEES))) LIBS += libstdbuf.$(DYLIB_EXT) endif all: build do_install = $(INSTALL) ${1} use_default := 1 $(foreach util,$(EXES),$(eval $(call BUILD_EXE,$(util)))) build-pkgs: $(addprefix build_exe_,$(EXES)) build-uutils: ${CARGO} build ${CARGOFLAGS} --features "${EXES}" ${PROFILE_CMD} --no-default-features build: build-uutils build-pkgs $(foreach test,$(filter-out $(SKIP_UTILS),$(PROGS)),$(eval $(call TEST_BUSYBOX,$(test)))) test: ${CARGO} test ${CARGOFLAGS} --features "$(TESTS) $(TEST_SPEC_FEATURE)" --no-default-features $(TEST_NO_FAIL_FAST) busybox-src: if [ ! -e $(BUSYBOX_SRC) ]; then \ mkdir -p $(BUSYBOX_ROOT); \ wget https://busybox.net/downloads/busybox-$(BUSYBOX_VER).tar.bz2 -P $(BUSYBOX_ROOT); \ tar -C $(BUSYBOX_ROOT) -xf $(BUSYBOX_ROOT)/busybox-$(BUSYBOX_VER).tar.bz2; \ fi; \ # This is a busybox-specific config file their test suite wants to parse. $(BUILDDIR)/.config: $(BASEDIR)/.busybox-config cp $< $@ # Test under the busybox testsuite $(BUILDDIR)/busybox: busybox-src build-uutils $(BUILDDIR)/.config cp $(BUILDDIR)/uutils $(BUILDDIR)/busybox; \ chmod +x $@; ifeq ($(EXES),) busytest: else busytest: $(BUILDDIR)/busybox $(addprefix test_busybox_,$(filter-out $(SKIP_UTILS),$(EXES))) endif clean: $(RM) $(BUILDDIR) distclean: clean $(CARGO) clean $(CARGOFLAGS) && $(CARGO) update $(CARGOFLAGS) install: build mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR_BIN) ifeq (${MULTICALL}, y) $(INSTALL) $(BUILDDIR)/uutils $(INSTALLDIR_BIN)/$(PROG_PREFIX)uutils $(foreach prog, $(INSTALLEES), cd $(INSTALLDIR_BIN) && ln -fs $(PROG_PREFIX)uutils $(PROG_PREFIX)$(prog);) else $(foreach prog, $(INSTALLEES), \ $(INSTALL) $(PKG_BUILDDIR)/$(prog) $(INSTALLDIR_BIN)/$(PROG_PREFIX)$(prog);) endif mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR_LIB) $(foreach lib, $(LIBS), $(INSTALL) $(BUILDDIR)/$(lib) $(INSTALLDIR_LIB)/$(lib);) uninstall: ifeq (${MULTICALL}, y) rm -f $(addprefix $(INSTALLDIR_BIN)/,$(PROG_PREFIX)uutils) endif rm -f $(addprefix $(INSTALLDIR_BIN)/$(PROG_PREFIX),$(PROGS)) rm -f $(addprefix $(INSTALLDIR_LIB)/,$(LIBS)) .PHONY: all build test distclean clean busytest install uninstall