uutils coreutils ================ uutils is an attempt at writing universal (as in cross-platform) CLI utils in [Rust](http://rust-lang.org). This repo is to aggregate the GNU coreutils rewrites. Why? ---- Many GNU, linux and other utils are pretty awesome, and obviously [some](http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net) [effort](http://unxutils.sourceforge.net) has been spent in the past to port them to windows. However those projects are either old, abandonned, hosted on CVS, written in platform-specific C, etc. Rust provides a good platform-agnostic way of writing systems utils that are easy to compile anywhere, and this is as good a way as any to try and learn it. To do ----- - base64 - basename - cat - chcon - chgrp - chmod - chown-core - chown - chroot - cksum - comm - copy - cp-hash - cp - csplit - cut - date - dd - df - dircolors - dirname - du - echo - env - expand - expr - extent-scan - factor - find-mount-point - fmt - fold - getlimits - group-list - groups - head - hostid - hostname - id - install - join - kill - lbracket - libstdbuf - link - ln - logname - ls-dir - ls-ls - ls-vdir - ls - make-prime-list - md5sum - mkdir - mkfifo - mknod - mktemp - mv - nice - nl - nohup - nproc - numfmt - od - operand2sig - paste - pathchk - pinky - pr - printf - prog-fprintf - ptx - pwd - readlink - realpath - relpath - remove - rm - rmdir - runcon - seq - setuidgid - shred - shuf - sleep - sort - split - stat - stdbuf - stty - sum - sync - tac-pipe - tac - tail - tee - test - timeout - touch - tr - truncate - tsort - tty - uname-arch - uname-uname - uname - unexpand - uniq - unlink - uptime - users - wc - who - whoami License ------- uutils are licensed under the MIT License - see the `LICENSE` file for details