// spell-checker:ignore checkfile macro_rules! get_hash( ($str:expr) => ( $str.split(' ').collect::>()[0] ); ); macro_rules! test_digest { ($($id:ident $t:ident $size:expr)*) => ($( mod $id { use crate::common::util::*; static DIGEST_ARG: &'static str = concat!("--", stringify!($t)); static BITS_ARG: &'static str = concat!("--bits=", stringify!($size)); static EXPECTED_FILE: &'static str = concat!(stringify!($id), ".expected"); static CHECK_FILE: &'static str = concat!(stringify!($id), ".checkfile"); #[test] fn test_single_file() { let ts = TestScenario::new("hashsum"); assert_eq!(ts.fixtures.read(EXPECTED_FILE), get_hash!(ts.ucmd().arg(DIGEST_ARG).arg(BITS_ARG).arg("input.txt").succeeds().no_stderr().stdout_str())); } #[test] fn test_stdin() { let ts = TestScenario::new("hashsum"); assert_eq!(ts.fixtures.read(EXPECTED_FILE), get_hash!(ts.ucmd().arg(DIGEST_ARG).arg(BITS_ARG).pipe_in_fixture("input.txt").succeeds().no_stderr().stdout_str())); } #[test] fn test_check() { let ts = TestScenario::new("hashsum"); ts.ucmd() .args(&[DIGEST_ARG, BITS_ARG, "--check", CHECK_FILE]) .succeeds() .no_stderr() .stdout_is("input.txt: OK\n"); } #[cfg(windows)] #[test] fn test_text_mode() { // TODO Replace this with hard-coded files that store the // expected output of text mode on an input file that has // "\r\n" line endings. let result = new_ucmd!() .args(&[DIGEST_ARG, BITS_ARG, "-b"]) .pipe_in("a\nb\nc\n") .succeeds(); let expected = result.no_stderr().stdout(); // Replace the "*-\n" at the end of the output with " -\n". // The asterisk indicates that the digest was computed in // binary mode. let n = expected.len(); let expected = [&expected[..n - 3], &[b' ', b'-', b'\n']].concat(); new_ucmd!() .args(&[DIGEST_ARG, BITS_ARG, "-t"]) .pipe_in("a\r\nb\r\nc\r\n") .succeeds() .no_stderr() .stdout_is(std::str::from_utf8(&expected).unwrap()); } } )*) } test_digest! { md5 md5 128 sha1 sha1 160 sha224 sha224 224 sha256 sha256 256 sha384 sha384 384 sha512 sha512 512 sha3_224 sha3 224 sha3_256 sha3 256 sha3_384 sha3 384 sha3_512 sha3 512 shake128_256 shake128 256 shake256_512 shake256 512 b2sum b2sum 512 b3sum b3sum 256 }