// This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. // // For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE // file that was distributed with this source code. // spell-checker:ignore (formats) cymdhm cymdhms mdhm mdhms ymdhm ymdhms datetime mktime use crate::common::util::{AtPath, TestScenario}; use chrono::TimeZone; use filetime::{self, FileTime}; use std::fs::remove_file; use std::path::PathBuf; fn get_file_times(at: &AtPath, path: &str) -> (FileTime, FileTime) { let m = at.metadata(path); ( FileTime::from_last_access_time(&m), FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&m), ) } #[cfg(not(target_os = "freebsd"))] fn get_symlink_times(at: &AtPath, path: &str) -> (FileTime, FileTime) { let m = at.symlink_metadata(path); ( FileTime::from_last_access_time(&m), FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&m), ) } fn set_file_times(at: &AtPath, path: &str, atime: FileTime, mtime: FileTime) { filetime::set_file_times(at.plus_as_string(path), atime, mtime).unwrap(); } fn str_to_filetime(format: &str, s: &str) -> FileTime { let tm = chrono::Utc.datetime_from_str(s, format).unwrap(); FileTime::from_unix_time(tm.timestamp(), tm.timestamp_subsec_nanos()) } #[test] fn test_invalid_arg() { new_ucmd!().arg("--definitely-invalid").fails().code_is(1); } #[test] fn test_touch_default() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_default_file"; ucmd.arg(file).succeeds().no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); } #[test] fn test_touch_no_create_file_absent() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_no_create_file_absent"; ucmd.arg("-c").arg(file).succeeds().no_stderr(); assert!(!at.file_exists(file)); } #[test] fn test_touch_no_create_file_exists() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_no_create_file_exists"; at.touch(file); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); ucmd.arg("-c").arg(file).succeeds().no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_mdhm_time() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_mdhm_time"; ucmd.args(&["-t", "01011234", file]).succeeds().no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let start_of_year = str_to_filetime( "%Y%m%d%H%M", &format!("{}01010000", time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc().year()), ); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime.unix_seconds() - start_of_year.unix_seconds(), 45240); assert_eq!(mtime.unix_seconds() - start_of_year.unix_seconds(), 45240); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_mdhms_time() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_mdhms_time"; ucmd.args(&["-t", "01011234.56", file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let start_of_year = str_to_filetime( "%Y%m%d%H%M.%S", &format!("{}01010000.00", time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc().year()), ); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime.unix_seconds() - start_of_year.unix_seconds(), 45296); assert_eq!(mtime.unix_seconds() - start_of_year.unix_seconds(), 45296); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_ymdhm_time() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_ymdhm_time"; ucmd.args(&["-t", "1501011234", file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let start_of_year = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M", "201501010000"); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime.unix_seconds() - start_of_year.unix_seconds(), 45240); assert_eq!(mtime.unix_seconds() - start_of_year.unix_seconds(), 45240); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_ymdhms_time() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_ymdhms_time"; ucmd.args(&["-t", "1501011234.56", file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let start_of_year = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M.%S", "201501010000.00"); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime.unix_seconds() - start_of_year.unix_seconds(), 45296); assert_eq!(mtime.unix_seconds() - start_of_year.unix_seconds(), 45296); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_cymdhm_time() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_cymdhm_time"; ucmd.args(&["-t", "201501011234", file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let start_of_year = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M", "201501010000"); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime.unix_seconds() - start_of_year.unix_seconds(), 45240); assert_eq!(mtime.unix_seconds() - start_of_year.unix_seconds(), 45240); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_cymdhms_time() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_cymdhms_time"; ucmd.args(&["-t", "201501011234.56", file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let start_of_year = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M.%S", "201501010000.00"); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime.unix_seconds() - start_of_year.unix_seconds(), 45296); assert_eq!(mtime.unix_seconds() - start_of_year.unix_seconds(), 45296); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_only_atime() { let atime_args = ["-a", "--time=access", "--time=atime", "--time=use"]; let file = "test_touch_set_only_atime"; for atime_arg in atime_args { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); ucmd.args(&["-t", "201501011234", atime_arg, file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let start_of_year = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M", "201501010000"); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert!(atime != mtime); assert_eq!(atime.unix_seconds() - start_of_year.unix_seconds(), 45240); } } #[test] fn test_touch_set_only_mtime_failed() { let (_at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_only_mtime"; ucmd.args(&["-t", "2015010112342", "-m", file]).fails(); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_both_time_and_reference() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let ref_file = "test_touch_reference"; let file = "test_touch_set_both_time_and_reference"; let start_of_year = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M", "201501010000"); at.touch(ref_file); set_file_times(&at, ref_file, start_of_year, start_of_year); assert!(at.file_exists(ref_file)); ucmd.args(&["-t", "2015010112342", "-r", ref_file, file]) .fails(); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_both_date_and_reference() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let ref_file = "test_touch_reference"; let file = "test_touch_set_both_date_and_reference"; let start_of_year = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M", "201501011234"); at.touch(ref_file); set_file_times(&at, ref_file, start_of_year, start_of_year); assert!(at.file_exists(ref_file)); ucmd.args(&["-d", "Thu Jan 01 12:34:00 2015", "-r", ref_file, file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, start_of_year); assert_eq!(mtime, start_of_year); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_both_offset_date_and_reference() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let ref_file = "test_touch_reference"; let file = "test_touch_set_both_date_and_reference"; let start_of_year = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M", "201501011234"); let five_days_later = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M", "201501061234"); at.touch(ref_file); set_file_times(&at, ref_file, start_of_year, start_of_year); assert!(at.file_exists(ref_file)); ucmd.args(&["-d", "+5 days", "-r", ref_file, file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, five_days_later); assert_eq!(mtime, five_days_later); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_both_time_and_date() { let (_at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_both_time_and_date"; ucmd.args(&[ "-t", "2015010112342", "-d", "Thu Jan 01 12:34:00 2015", file, ]) .fails(); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_only_mtime() { let mtime_args = ["-m", "--time=modify", "--time=mtime"]; let file = "test_touch_set_only_mtime"; for mtime_arg in mtime_args { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); ucmd.args(&["-t", "201501011234", mtime_arg, file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let start_of_year = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M", "201501010000"); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert!(atime != mtime); assert_eq!(mtime.unix_seconds() - start_of_year.unix_seconds(), 45240); } } #[test] fn test_touch_set_both() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_both"; ucmd.args(&["-t", "201501011234", "-a", "-m", file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let start_of_year = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M", "201501010000"); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime.unix_seconds() - start_of_year.unix_seconds(), 45240); assert_eq!(mtime.unix_seconds() - start_of_year.unix_seconds(), 45240); } #[test] // FixME: Fails on freebsd because of a different nanos #[cfg(not(target_os = "freebsd"))] fn test_touch_no_dereference() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file_a = "test_touch_no_dereference_a"; let file_b = "test_touch_no_dereference_b"; let start_of_year = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M", "201501010000"); let end_of_year = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M", "201512312359"); at.touch(file_a); set_file_times(&at, file_a, start_of_year, start_of_year); at.symlink_file(file_a, file_b); assert!(at.file_exists(file_a)); assert!(at.is_symlink(file_b)); ucmd.args(&["-t", "201512312359", "-h", file_b]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); let (atime, mtime) = get_symlink_times(&at, file_b); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime, end_of_year); assert_eq!(mtime, end_of_year); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file_a); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime, start_of_year); assert_eq!(mtime, start_of_year); } #[test] fn test_touch_reference() { let scenario = TestScenario::new("touch"); let (at, mut _ucmd) = (scenario.fixtures.clone(), scenario.ucmd()); let file_a = "test_touch_reference_a"; let file_b = "test_touch_reference_b"; let start_of_year = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M", "201501010000"); at.touch(file_a); set_file_times(&at, file_a, start_of_year, start_of_year); assert!(at.file_exists(file_a)); for opt in ["-r", "--ref", "--reference"] { scenario .ccmd("touch") .args(&[opt, file_a, file_b]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file_b)); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file_b); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime, start_of_year); assert_eq!(mtime, start_of_year); let _ = remove_file(file_b); } } #[test] fn test_touch_set_date() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_date"; ucmd.args(&["-d", "Thu Jan 01 12:34:00 2015", file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let start_of_year = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M", "201501011234"); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime, start_of_year); assert_eq!(mtime, start_of_year); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_date2() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_date"; ucmd.args(&["-d", "2000-01-23", file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let start_of_year = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M", "200001230000"); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime, start_of_year); assert_eq!(mtime, start_of_year); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_date3() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_date"; ucmd.args(&["-d", "@1623786360", file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let expected = FileTime::from_unix_time(1_623_786_360, 0); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime, expected); assert_eq!(mtime, expected); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_date4() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_date"; ucmd.args(&["-d", "1970-01-01 18:43:33", file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let expected = FileTime::from_unix_time(67413, 0); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime, expected); assert_eq!(mtime, expected); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_date5() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_date"; ucmd.args(&["-d", "1970-01-01 18:43:33.023456789", file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); // Slightly different result on Windows for nano seconds // TODO: investigate #[cfg(windows)] let expected = FileTime::from_unix_time(67413, 23_456_700); #[cfg(not(windows))] let expected = FileTime::from_unix_time(67413, 23_456_789); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime, expected); assert_eq!(mtime, expected); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_date6() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_date"; ucmd.args(&["-d", "2000-01-01 00:00", file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let expected = FileTime::from_unix_time(946_684_800, 0); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime, expected); assert_eq!(mtime, expected); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_date7() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_date"; ucmd.args(&["-d", "2004-01-16 12:00 +0000", file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let expected = FileTime::from_unix_time(1_074_254_400, 0); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime, expected); assert_eq!(mtime, expected); } /// Test for setting the date by a relative time unit. #[test] fn test_touch_set_date_relative_smoke() { // From the GNU documentation: // // > The unit of time displacement may be selected by the string // > ‘year’ or ‘month’ for moving by whole years or months. These // > are fuzzy units, as years and months are not all of equal // > duration. More precise units are ‘fortnight’ which is worth 14 // > days, ‘week’ worth 7 days, ‘day’ worth 24 hours, ‘hour’ worth // > 60 minutes, ‘minute’ or ‘min’ worth 60 seconds, and ‘second’ or // > ‘sec’ worth one second. An ‘s’ suffix on these units is // > accepted and ignored. // let times = [ // "-1 year", "+1 year", "-1 years", "+1 years", // "-1 month", "+1 month", "-1 months", "+1 months", "-1 fortnight", "+1 fortnight", "-1 fortnights", "+1 fortnights", "fortnight", "fortnights", "-1 week", "+1 week", "-1 weeks", "+1 weeks", "week", "weeks", "-1 day", "+1 day", "-1 days", "+1 days", "day", "days", "-1 hour", "+1 hour", "-1 hours", "+1 hours", "hour", "hours", "-1 minute", "+1 minute", "-1 minutes", "+1 minutes", "minute", "minutes", "-1 min", "+1 min", "-1 mins", "+1 mins", "min", "mins", "-1 second", "+1 second", "-1 seconds", "+1 seconds", "second", "seconds", "-1 sec", "+1 sec", "-1 secs", "+1 secs", "sec", "secs", ]; for time in times { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); at.touch("f"); ucmd.args(&["-d", time, "f"]) .succeeds() .no_stderr() .no_stdout(); } // From the GNU documentation: // // > The string ‘tomorrow’ is worth one day in the future // > (equivalent to ‘day’), the string ‘yesterday’ is worth one day // > in the past (equivalent to ‘day ago’). // let times = [ "yesterday", "tomorrow", "now", "2 seconds", "2 years 1 week", "2 days ago", "2 months and 1 second", ]; for time in times { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); at.touch("f"); ucmd.args(&["-d", time, "f"]) .succeeds() .no_stderr() .no_stdout(); } let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); at.touch("f"); ucmd.args(&["-d", "a", "f"]) .fails() .stderr_contains("touch: Unable to parse date"); } #[test] fn test_touch_set_date_wrong_format() { let (_at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_date_wrong_format"; ucmd.args(&["-d", "2005-43-21", file]) .fails() .stderr_contains("Unable to parse date: 2005-43-21"); } #[test] fn test_touch_mtime_dst_succeeds() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_mtime_dst_succeeds"; ucmd.args(&["-m", "-t", "202103140300", file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let target_time = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M", "202103140300"); let (_, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(target_time, mtime); } #[test] #[cfg(unix)] fn test_touch_mtime_dst_fails() { let (_at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_set_mtime_dst_fails"; // Some timezones use daylight savings time, this leads to problems if the // specified time is within the jump forward. In EST (UTC-5), there is a // jump from 1:59AM to 3:00AM on, March 8 2020, so any thing in-between is // invalid. // See https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/TZ-Variable.html // for information on the TZ variable, which where the string is copied from. ucmd.env("TZ", "EST+5EDT,M3.2.0/2,M11.1.0/2") .args(&["-m", "-t", "202003080200", file]) .fails(); } #[test] #[cfg(unix)] fn test_touch_system_fails() { let (_at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "/"; ucmd.args(&[file]) .fails() .stderr_contains("setting times of '/'"); } #[test] fn test_touch_trailing_slash() { let (_at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "no-file/"; ucmd.args(&[file]).fails(); } #[test] fn test_touch_no_such_file_error_msg() { let dirname = "nonexistent"; let filename = "file"; let path = PathBuf::from(dirname).join(filename); let path_str = path.to_str().unwrap(); new_ucmd!().arg(&path).fails().stderr_only(format!( "touch: cannot touch '{path_str}': No such file or directory\n" )); } #[test] #[cfg(not(target_os = "freebsd"))] fn test_touch_changes_time_of_file_in_stdout() { // command like: `touch - 1< ./c` // should change the timestamp of c let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_changes_time_of_file_in_stdout"; at.touch(file); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let (_, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); ucmd.args(&["-"]) .set_stdout(at.make_file(file)) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); let (_, mtime_after) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert!(mtime_after != mtime); } #[test] #[cfg(unix)] fn test_touch_permission_denied_error_msg() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let dirname = "dir_with_read_only_access"; let filename = "file"; let path = PathBuf::from(dirname).join(filename); let path_str = path.to_str().unwrap(); // create dest without write permissions at.mkdir(dirname); at.set_readonly(dirname); let full_path = at.plus_as_string(path_str); ucmd.arg(&full_path).fails().stderr_only(format!( "touch: cannot touch '{}': Permission denied\n", &full_path )); } #[test] fn test_touch_no_args() { let mut ucmd = new_ucmd!(); ucmd.fails().no_stdout().usage_error("missing file operand"); } #[test] fn test_no_dereference_no_file() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-h", "not-a-file"]) .fails() .stderr_contains("setting times of 'not-a-file': No such file or directory"); new_ucmd!() .args(&["-h", "not-a-file-1", "not-a-file-2"]) .fails() .stderr_contains("setting times of 'not-a-file-1': No such file or directory") .stderr_contains("setting times of 'not-a-file-2': No such file or directory"); } #[test] fn test_touch_leap_second() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); let file = "test_touch_leap_sec"; ucmd.args(&["-t", "197001010000.60", file]) .succeeds() .no_stderr(); assert!(at.file_exists(file)); let epoch = str_to_filetime("%Y%m%d%H%M", "197001010000"); let (atime, mtime) = get_file_times(&at, file); assert_eq!(atime, mtime); assert_eq!(atime.unix_seconds() - epoch.unix_seconds(), 60); assert_eq!(mtime.unix_seconds() - epoch.unix_seconds(), 60); } #[test] #[cfg(not(windows))] // File::create doesn't support trailing separator in Windows fn test_touch_trailing_slash_no_create() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); at.touch("file"); ucmd.args(&["-c", "file/"]).fails().code_is(1); let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); ucmd.args(&["-c", "no-file/"]).succeeds(); assert!( !at.file_exists("no-file") && !at.dir_exists("no-file") && !at.symlink_exists("no-file") ); let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); at.relative_symlink_file("nowhere", "dangling"); ucmd.args(&["-c", "dangling/"]).succeeds(); assert!(!at.file_exists("nowhere")); assert!(at.symlink_exists("dangling")); let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); at.relative_symlink_file("loop", "loop"); ucmd.args(&["-c", "loop/"]).fails().code_is(1); assert!(!at.file_exists("loop")); #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] // MacOS supports trailing slash for symlinks to files { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); at.touch("file2"); at.relative_symlink_file("file2", "link1"); ucmd.args(&["-c", "link1/"]).fails().code_is(1); assert!(at.file_exists("file2")); assert!(at.symlink_exists("link1")); } let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); at.mkdir("dir"); ucmd.args(&["-c", "dir/"]).succeeds(); let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); at.mkdir("dir2"); at.relative_symlink_dir("dir2", "link2"); ucmd.args(&["-c", "link2/"]).succeeds(); } #[test] fn test_touch_no_dereference_ref_dangling() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); at.touch("file"); at.relative_symlink_file("nowhere", "dangling"); ucmd.args(&["-h", "-r", "dangling", "file"]).succeeds(); } #[test] fn test_touch_no_dereference_dangling() { let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); at.relative_symlink_file("nowhere", "dangling"); ucmd.args(&["-h", "dangling"]).succeeds(); } #[test] fn test_touch_dash() { let (_, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); ucmd.args(&["-h", "-"]).succeeds().no_stderr().no_stdout(); }