// This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. // // For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE // file that was distributed with this source code. // spell-checker:ignore aabbaa aabbcc aabc abbb abbbcddd abcc abcdefabcdef abcdefghijk abcdefghijklmn abcdefghijklmnop ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFZZ abcxyz ABCXYZ abcxyzabcxyz ABCXYZABCXYZ acbdef alnum amzamz AMZXAMZ bbbd cclass cefgm cntrl compl dabcdef dncase Gzabcdefg PQRST upcase wxyzz xdigit XXXYYY xycde xyyye xyyz xyzzzzxyzzzz ZABCDEF Zamz Cdefghijkl Cdefghijklmn asdfqqwweerr qwerr asdfqwer qwer aassddffqwer asdfqwer use crate::common::util::TestScenario; #[cfg(unix)] use std::{ffi::OsStr, os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt}; #[test] fn test_invalid_arg() { new_ucmd!().arg("--definitely-invalid").fails().code_is(1); } #[test] fn test_invalid_input() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["1", "1", "<", "."]) .fails() .code_is(1) .stderr_contains("tr: extra operand '<'"); #[cfg(unix)] new_ucmd!() .args(&["1", "1"]) // will test "tr 1 1 < ." .set_stdin(std::process::Stdio::from(std::fs::File::open(".").unwrap())) .fails() .code_is(1) .stderr_contains("tr: read error: Is a directory"); } #[test] fn test_to_upper() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["a-z", "A-Z"]) .pipe_in("!abcd!") .run() .stdout_is("!ABCD!"); } #[test] fn test_small_set2() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["0-9", "X"]) .pipe_in("@0123456789") .run() .stdout_is("@XXXXXXXXXX"); } #[test] fn test_invalid_unicode() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-dc", "abc"]) .pipe_in([0o200, b'a', b'b', b'c']) .succeeds() .stdout_is("abc"); } #[test] fn test_delete() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "a-z"]) .pipe_in("aBcD") .run() .stdout_is("BD"); } #[test] fn test_delete_afterwards_is_not_flag() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["a-z", "-d"]) .pipe_in("aBcD") .succeeds() .stdout_is("-BdD"); } #[test] fn test_delete_multi() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "-d", "a-z"]) .pipe_in("aBcD") .succeeds() .stdout_is("BD"); } #[test] fn test_delete_late() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "a-z", "-d"]) .fails() .stderr_contains("extra operand '-d'"); } #[test] fn test_delete_complement() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "-c", "a-z"]) .pipe_in("aBcD") .run() .stdout_is("ac"); } #[test] fn test_delete_complement_2() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "-C", "0-9"]) .pipe_in("Phone: 01234 567890") .succeeds() .stdout_is("01234567890"); new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "--complement", "0-9"]) .pipe_in("Phone: 01234 567890") .succeeds() .stdout_is("01234567890"); } #[test] fn test_complement1() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-c", "a", "X"]) .pipe_in("ab") .run() .stdout_is("aX"); } #[test] fn test_complement_afterwards_is_not_flag() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["a", "X", "-c"]) .fails() .stderr_contains("extra operand '-c'"); } #[test] fn test_complement2() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-c", "0-9", "x"]) .pipe_in("Phone: 01234 567890") .run() .stdout_is("xxxxxxx01234x567890"); } #[test] fn test_complement3() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-c", "abcdefgh", "123"]) .pipe_in("the cat and the bat") .run() .stdout_is("3he3ca33a3d33he3ba3"); } #[test] fn test_complement4() { // $ echo -n '0x1y2z3' | tr -c '0-@' '*-~' // 0~1~2~3 new_ucmd!() .args(&["-c", "0-@", "*-~"]) .pipe_in("0x1y2z3") .run() .stdout_is("0~1~2~3"); } #[test] fn test_complement5() { // $ echo -n '0x1y2z3' | tr -c '\0-@' '*-~' // 0a1b2c3 new_ucmd!() .args(&["-c", r"\0-@", "*-~"]) .pipe_in("0x1y2z3") .run() .stdout_is("0a1b2c3"); } #[test] fn test_complement_multi_early() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-c", "-c", "a", "X"]) .pipe_in("ab") .succeeds() .stdout_is("aX"); } #[test] fn test_complement_multi_middle() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-c", "a", "-c", "X"]) .fails() .stderr_contains("tr: extra operand 'X'"); } #[test] fn test_complement_multi_late() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-c", "a", "X", "-c"]) .fails() .stderr_contains("tr: extra operand '-c'"); } #[test] fn test_squeeze() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-s", "a-z"]) .pipe_in("aaBBcDcc") .succeeds() .stdout_is("aBBcDc"); } #[test] fn test_squeeze_multi() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-ss", "-s", "a-z"]) .pipe_in("aaBBcDcc") .succeeds() .stdout_is("aBBcDc"); } #[test] fn test_squeeze_complement() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-sc", "a-z"]) .pipe_in("aaBBcDcc") .succeeds() .stdout_is("aaBcDcc"); } #[test] fn test_squeeze_complement_multi() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-scsc", "a-z"]) // spell-checker:disable-line .pipe_in("aaBBcDcc") .succeeds() .stdout_is("aaBcDcc"); } #[test] fn test_squeeze_complement_two_sets() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-sc", "a", "_"]) .pipe_in("test a aa with 3 ___ spaaaces +++") // spell-checker:disable-line .run() .stdout_is("_a_aa_aaa_"); } #[test] fn test_translate_and_squeeze() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-s", "x", "y"]) .pipe_in("xx") .run() .stdout_is("y"); } #[test] fn test_translate_and_squeeze_multiple_lines() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-s", "x", "y"]) .pipe_in("xxaax\nxaaxx") // spell-checker:disable-line .run() .stdout_is("yaay\nyaay"); // spell-checker:disable-line } #[test] fn test_delete_and_squeeze_one_set() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-ds", "a-z"]) .fails() .stderr_contains("missing operand after 'a-z'") .stderr_contains("Two strings must be given when deleting and squeezing."); } #[test] fn test_delete_and_squeeze() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-ds", "a-z", "A-Z"]) .pipe_in("abBcB") .run() .stdout_is("B"); } #[test] fn test_delete_and_squeeze_complement() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-dsc", "a-z", "A-Z"]) .pipe_in("abBcB") .run() .stdout_is("abc"); } #[test] fn test_delete_and_squeeze_complement_squeeze_set2() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-dsc", "abX", "XYZ"]) .pipe_in("abbbcdddXXXYYY") .succeeds() .stdout_is("abbbX"); } #[test] fn test_set1_longer_than_set2() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["abc", "xy"]) .pipe_in("abcde") .run() .stdout_is("xyyde"); // spell-checker:disable-line } #[test] fn test_set1_shorter_than_set2() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["ab", "xyz"]) .pipe_in("abcde") .run() .stdout_is("xycde"); } #[test] fn test_truncate() { // echo -n "abcde" | tr -t "abc" "xy" new_ucmd!() .args(&["-t", "abc", "xy"]) .pipe_in("abcde") .succeeds() .stdout_is("xycde"); } #[test] fn test_truncate_multi() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-tt", "-t", "abc", "xy"]) .pipe_in("abcde") .succeeds() .stdout_is("xycde"); } #[test] fn test_truncate_with_set1_shorter_than_set2() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-t", "ab", "xyz"]) .pipe_in("abcde") .run() .stdout_is("xycde"); } #[test] fn missing_args_fails() { let (_, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); ucmd.fails().stderr_contains("missing operand"); } #[test] fn missing_required_second_arg_fails() { let (_, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!(); ucmd.args(&["foo"]) .fails() .stderr_contains("missing operand after"); } #[test] fn test_interpret_backslash_escapes() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["abfnrtv", r"\a\b\f\n\r\t\v"]) // spell-checker:disable-line .pipe_in("abfnrtv") // spell-checker:disable-line .succeeds() .stdout_is("\u{7}\u{8}\u{c}\n\r\t\u{b}"); } #[test] fn test_interpret_unrecognized_backslash_escape_as_character() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["qcz+=~-", r"\q\c\z\+\=\~\-"]) .pipe_in("qcz+=~-") .succeeds() .stdout_is("qcz+=~-"); } #[test] fn test_interpret_single_octal_escape() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["X", r"\015"]) .pipe_in("X") .succeeds() .stdout_is("\r"); } #[test] fn test_interpret_one_and_two_digit_octal_escape() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["XYZ", r"\0\11\77"]) .pipe_in("XYZ") .succeeds() .stdout_is("\0\t?"); } #[test] fn test_octal_escape_is_at_most_three_digits() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["XY", r"\0156"]) .pipe_in("XY") .succeeds() .stdout_is("\r6"); } #[test] fn test_non_octal_digit_ends_escape() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["rust", r"\08\11956"]) .pipe_in("rust") .succeeds() .stdout_is("\08\t9"); } #[test] fn test_interpret_backslash_at_eol_literally() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["X", r"\"]) .pipe_in("X") .succeeds() .stdout_is("\\"); } #[test] fn test_more_than_2_sets() { new_ucmd!().args(&["'abcdef'", "'a'", "'b'"]).fails(); } #[test] fn basic_translation_works() { // echo -n "abcdefabcdef" | tr "dabcdef" "xyz" new_ucmd!() .args(&["abcdef", "xyz"]) .pipe_in("abcdefabcdef") .succeeds() .stdout_is("xyzzzzxyzzzz"); } #[test] fn alnum_overrides_translation_to_fallback_1() { // echo -n "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" | tr "abc[:alpha:]" "xyz" new_ucmd!() .args(&["abc[:alpha:]", "xyz"]) .pipe_in("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") .succeeds() .stdout_is("zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"); } #[test] fn alnum_overrides_translation_to_fallback_2() { // echo -n "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" | tr "[:alpha:]abc" "xyz" new_ucmd!() .args(&["[:alpha:]abc", "xyz"]) .pipe_in("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") .succeeds() .stdout_is("zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"); } #[test] fn overrides_translation_pair_if_repeats() { // echo -n 'aaa' | tr "aaa" "xyz" new_ucmd!() .args(&["aaa", "xyz"]) .pipe_in("aaa") .succeeds() .stdout_is("zzz"); } #[test] fn uppercase_conversion_works_1() { // echo -n 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | tr "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" new_ucmd!() .args(&["abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"]) .pipe_in("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") .succeeds() .stdout_is("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); } #[test] fn uppercase_conversion_works_2() { // echo -n 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | tr "a-z" "A-Z" new_ucmd!() .args(&["a-z", "A-Z"]) .pipe_in("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") .succeeds() .stdout_is("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); } #[test] fn uppercase_conversion_works_3() { // echo -n 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]" new_ucmd!() .args(&["[:lower:]", "[:upper:]"]) .pipe_in("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") .succeeds() .stdout_is("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); } #[test] fn translate_complement_set_in_order() { // echo -n '01234' | tr -c '@-~' ' -^' new_ucmd!() .args(&["-c", "@-~", " -^"]) .pipe_in("01234") .succeeds() .stdout_is("PQRST"); } #[test] fn alpha_expands_uppercase_lowercase() { // echo -n "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" | tr "[:alpha:]" " -_" new_ucmd!() .args(&["[:alpha:]", " -_"]) .pipe_in("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") .succeeds() .stdout_is(r##" !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS"##); } #[test] fn alnum_expands_number_uppercase_lowercase() { // echo -n "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" | tr "[:alnum:]" " -_" new_ucmd!() .args(&["[:alnum:]", " -_"]) .pipe_in("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") .succeeds() .stdout_is(r##" !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]"##); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests() { // ['1', qw(abcd '[]*]'), {IN=>'abcd'}, {OUT=>']]]]'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["abcd", "[]*]"]) .pipe_in("abcd") .succeeds() .stdout_is("]]]]"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_2() { // ['2', qw(abc '[%*]xyz'), {IN=>'abc'}, {OUT=>'xyz'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["abc", "[%*]xyz"]) .pipe_in("abc") .succeeds() .stdout_is("xyz"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_3() { // ['3', qw('' '[.*]'), {IN=>'abc'}, {OUT=>'abc'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["", "[.*]"]) .pipe_in("abc") .succeeds() .stdout_is("abc"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_4() { // # Test --truncate-set1 behavior when string1 is longer than string2 // ['4', qw(-t abcd xy), {IN=>'abcde'}, {OUT=>'xycde'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-t", "abcd", "xy"]) .pipe_in("abcde") .succeeds() .stdout_is("xycde"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_5() { // # Test bsd behavior (the default) when string1 is longer than string2 // ['5', qw(abcd xy), {IN=>'abcde'}, {OUT=>'xyyye'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["abcd", "xy"]) .pipe_in("abcde") .succeeds() .stdout_is("xyyye"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_6() { // # Do it the posix way // ['6', qw(abcd 'x[y*]'), {IN=>'abcde'}, {OUT=>'xyyye'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["abcd", "x[y*]"]) .pipe_in("abcde") .succeeds() .stdout_is("xyyye"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_7() { // ['7', qw(-s a-p '%[.*]$'), {IN=>'abcdefghijklmnop'}, {OUT=>'%.$'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-s", "a-p", "%[.*]$"]) .pipe_in("abcdefghijklmnop") .succeeds() .stdout_is("%.$"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_8() { // ['8', qw(-s a-p '[.*]$'), {IN=>'abcdefghijklmnop'}, {OUT=>'.$'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-s", "a-p", "[.*]$"]) .pipe_in("abcdefghijklmnop") .succeeds() .stdout_is(".$"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_9() { // ['9', qw(-s a-p '%[.*]'), {IN=>'abcdefghijklmnop'}, {OUT=>'%.'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-s", "a-p", "%[.*]"]) .pipe_in("abcdefghijklmnop") .succeeds() .stdout_is("%."); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_a() { // ['a', qw(-s '[a-z]'), {IN=>'aabbcc'}, {OUT=>'abc'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-s", "[a-z]"]) .pipe_in("aabbcc") .succeeds() .stdout_is("abc"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_b() { // ['b', qw(-s '[a-c]'), {IN=>'aabbcc'}, {OUT=>'abc'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-s", "[a-c]"]) .pipe_in("aabbcc") .succeeds() .stdout_is("abc"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_c() { // ['c', qw(-s '[a-b]'), {IN=>'aabbcc'}, {OUT=>'abcc'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-s", "[a-b]"]) .pipe_in("aabbcc") .succeeds() .stdout_is("abcc"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_d() { // ['d', qw(-s '[b-c]'), {IN=>'aabbcc'}, {OUT=>'aabc'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-s", "[b-c]"]) .pipe_in("aabbcc") .succeeds() .stdout_is("aabc"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_e() { // ['e', qw(-s '[\0-\5]'), {IN=>"\0\0a\1\1b\2\2\2c\3\3\3d\4\4\4\4e\5\5"}, {OUT=>"\0a\1b\2c\3d\4e\5"}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-s", r"[\0-\5]"]) .pipe_in( "\u{0}\u{0}a\u{1}\u{1}b\u{2}\u{2}\u{2}c\u{3}\u{3}\u{3}d\u{4}\u{4}\u{4}\u{4}e\u{5}\u{5}", ) .succeeds() .stdout_is("\u{0}a\u{1}b\u{2}c\u{3}d\u{4}e\u{5}"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_f() { // # tests of delete // ['f', qw(-d '[=[=]'), {IN=>'[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]'}, {OUT=>']]]]]]]]'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "[=[=]"]) .pipe_in("[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]") .succeeds() .stdout_is("]]]]]]]]"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_g() { // ['g', qw(-d '[=]=]'), {IN=>'[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]'}, {OUT=>'[[[[[[['}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "[=]=]"]) .pipe_in("[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]") .succeeds() .stdout_is("[[[[[[["); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_h() { // ['h', qw(-d '[:xdigit:]'), {IN=>'0123456789acbdefABCDEF'}, {OUT=>''}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "[:xdigit:]"]) .pipe_in("0123456789acbdefABCDEF") .succeeds() .stdout_is(""); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_i() { // ['i', qw(-d '[:xdigit:]'), {IN=>'w0x1y2z3456789acbdefABCDEFz'}, {OUT=>'wxyzz'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "[:xdigit:]"]) .pipe_in("w0x1y2z3456789acbdefABCDEFz") .succeeds() .stdout_is("wxyzz"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_j() { // ['j', qw(-d '[:digit:]'), {IN=>'0123456789'}, {OUT=>''}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "[:digit:]"]) .pipe_in("0123456789") .succeeds() .stdout_is(""); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_k() { // ['k', qw(-d '[:digit:]'), {IN=>'a0b1c2d3e4f5g6h7i8j9k'}, {OUT=>'abcdefghijk'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "[:digit:]"]) .pipe_in("a0b1c2d3e4f5g6h7i8j9k") .succeeds() .stdout_is("abcdefghijk"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_l() { // ['l', qw(-d '[:lower:]'), {IN=>'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'}, {OUT=>''}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "[:lower:]"]) .pipe_in("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") .succeeds() .stdout_is(""); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_m() { // ['m', qw(-d '[:upper:]'), {IN=>'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'}, {OUT=>''}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "[:upper:]"]) .pipe_in("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") .succeeds() .stdout_is(""); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_n() { // ['n', qw(-d '[:lower:][:upper:]'), {IN=>'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'}, {OUT=>''}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "[:lower:][:upper:]"]) .pipe_in("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") .succeeds() .stdout_is(""); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_o() { // ['o', qw(-d '[:alpha:]'), {IN=>'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'}, {OUT=>''}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "[:alpha:]"]) .pipe_in("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") .succeeds() .stdout_is(""); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_p() { // ['p', qw(-d '[:alnum:]'), {IN=>'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'}, {OUT=>''}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "[:alnum:]"]) .pipe_in("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789") .succeeds() .stdout_is(""); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_q() { // ['q', qw(-d '[:alnum:]'), {IN=>'.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.'}, {OUT=>'..'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "[:alnum:]"]) .pipe_in(".abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.") .succeeds() .stdout_is(".."); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_r() { // ['r', qw(-ds '[:alnum:]' .), // {IN=>'.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.'}, // {OUT=>'.'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-ds", "[:alnum:]", "."]) .pipe_in(".abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.") .succeeds() .stdout_is("."); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_s() { // # The classic example, with string2 BSD-style // ['s', qw(-cs '[:alnum:]' '\n'), // {IN=>'The big black fox jumped over the fence.'}, // {OUT=>"The\nbig\nblack\nfox\njumped\nover\nthe\nfence\n"}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-cs", "[:alnum:]", "\n"]) .pipe_in("The big black fox jumped over the fence.") .succeeds() .stdout_is("The\nbig\nblack\nfox\njumped\nover\nthe\nfence\n"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_t() { // # The classic example, POSIX-style // ['t', qw(-cs '[:alnum:]' '[\n*]'), // {IN=>'The big black fox jumped over the fence.'}, // {OUT=>"The\nbig\nblack\nfox\njumped\nover\nthe\nfence\n"}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-cs", "[:alnum:]", "[\n*]"]) .pipe_in("The big black fox jumped over the fence.") .succeeds() .stdout_is("The\nbig\nblack\nfox\njumped\nover\nthe\nfence\n"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_u() { // ['u', qw(-ds b a), {IN=>'aabbaa'}, {OUT=>'a'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-ds", "b", "a"]) .pipe_in("aabbaa") .succeeds() .stdout_is("a"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_v() { // ['v', qw(-ds '[:xdigit:]' Z), {IN=>'ZZ0123456789acbdefABCDEFZZ'}, {OUT=>'Z'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-ds", "[:xdigit:]", "Z"]) .pipe_in("ZZ0123456789acbdefABCDEFZZ") .succeeds() .stdout_is("Z"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_w() { // # Try some data with 8th bit set in case something is mistakenly // # sign-extended. // ['w', qw(-ds '\350' '\345'), // {IN=>"\300\301\377\345\345\350\345"}, // {OUT=>"\300\301\377\345"}], new_ucmd!() .arg("-ds") .args(&["\\350", "\\345"]) .pipe_in([0o300, 0o301, 0o377, 0o345, 0o345, 0o350, 0o345]) .succeeds() .stdout_is_bytes([0o300, 0o301, 0o377, 0o345]); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_x() { // ['x', qw(-s abcdefghijklmn '[:*016]'), // {IN=>'abcdefghijklmnop'}, {OUT=>':op'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-s", "abcdefghijklmn", "[:*016]"]) .pipe_in("abcdefghijklmnop") .succeeds() .stdout_is(":op"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_y() { // ['y', qw(-d a-z), {IN=>'abc $code'}, {OUT=>' $'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", "a-z"]) .pipe_in("abc $code") .succeeds() .stdout_is(" $"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_z() { // ['z', qw(-ds a-z '$.'), {IN=>'a.b.c $$$$code\\'}, {OUT=>'. $\\'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-ds", "a-z", "$."]) .pipe_in("a.b.c $$$$code\\") .succeeds() .stdout_is(". $\\"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_range_a_a() { // # Make sure that a-a is accepted. // ['range-a-a', qw(a-a z), {IN=>'abc'}, {OUT=>'zbc'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["a-a", "z"]) .pipe_in("abc") .succeeds() .stdout_is("zbc"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_null() { // ['null', qw(a ''), {IN=>''}, {OUT=>''}, {EXIT=>1}, // {ERR=>"$prog: when not truncating set1, string2 must be non-empty\n"}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["a", ""]) .pipe_in("") .fails() .stderr_is("tr: when not truncating set1, string2 must be non-empty\n"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_upcase() { // ['upcase', qw('[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'), // {IN=>'abcxyzABCXYZ'}, // {OUT=>'ABCXYZABCXYZ'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["[:lower:]", "[:upper:]"]) .pipe_in("abcxyzABCXYZ") .succeeds() .stdout_is("ABCXYZABCXYZ"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_dncase() { // ['dncase', qw('[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'), // {IN=>'abcxyzABCXYZ'}, // {OUT=>'abcxyzabcxyz'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["[:upper:]", "[:lower:]"]) .pipe_in("abcxyzABCXYZ") .succeeds() .stdout_is("abcxyzabcxyz"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_rep_cclass() { // ['rep-cclass', qw('a[=*2][=c=]' xyyz), {IN=>'a=c'}, {OUT=>'xyz'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["a[=*2][=c=]", "xyyz"]) .pipe_in("a=c") .succeeds() .stdout_is("xyz"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_rep_1() { // ['rep-1', qw('[:*3][:digit:]' a-m), {IN=>':1239'}, {OUT=>'cefgm'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["[:*3][:digit:]", "a-m"]) .pipe_in(":1239") .succeeds() .stdout_is("cefgm"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_rep_2() { // ['rep-2', qw('a[b*512]c' '1[x*]2'), {IN=>'abc'}, {OUT=>'1x2'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["a[b*512]c", "1[x*]2"]) .pipe_in("abc") .succeeds() .stdout_is("1x2"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_rep_3() { // ['rep-3', qw('a[b*513]c' '1[x*]2'), {IN=>'abc'}, {OUT=>'1x2'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["a[b*513]c", "1[x*]2"]) .pipe_in("abc") .succeeds() .stdout_is("1x2"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_o_rep_1() { // # Another couple octal repeat count tests. // ['o-rep-1', qw('[b*08]' '[x*]'), {IN=>''}, {OUT=>''}, {EXIT=>1}, // {ERR=>"$prog: invalid repeat count '08' in [c*n] construct\n"}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["[b*08]", "[x*]"]) .pipe_in("") .fails() .stderr_is("tr: invalid repeat count '08' in [c*n] construct\n"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_o_rep_2() { // ['o-rep-2', qw('[b*010]cd' '[a*7]BC[x*]'), {IN=>'bcd'}, {OUT=>'BCx'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["[b*010]cd", "[a*7]BC[x*]"]) .pipe_in("bcd") .succeeds() .stdout_is("BCx"); } #[test] fn octal_repeat_count_test() { //below will result in 8'x' and 4'y' as octal 010 = decimal 8 new_ucmd!() .args(&["ABCdefghijkl", "[x*010]Y"]) .pipe_in("ABCdefghijklmn12") .succeeds() .stdout_is("xxxxxxxxYYYYmn12"); } #[test] fn non_octal_repeat_count_test() { //below will result in 10'x' and 2'y' as the 10 does not have 0 prefix new_ucmd!() .args(&["ABCdefghijkl", "[x*10]Y"]) .pipe_in("ABCdefghijklmn12") .succeeds() .stdout_is("xxxxxxxxxxYYmn12"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_esc() { // ['esc', qw('a\-z' A-Z), {IN=>'abc-z'}, {OUT=>'AbcBC'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&[r"a\-z", "A-Z"]) .pipe_in("abc-z") .succeeds() .stdout_is("AbcBC"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_bs_055() { // ['bs-055', qw('a\055b' def), {IN=>"a\055b"}, {OUT=>'def'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["a\u{055}b", "def"]) .pipe_in("a\u{055}b") .succeeds() .stdout_is("def"); } #[test] // Fails on Windows because it will not separate '\' and 'x' as separate arguments #[cfg(unix)] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_bs_at_end() { // ['bs-at-end', qw('\\' x), {IN=>"\\"}, {OUT=>'x'}, // {ERR=>"$prog: warning: an unescaped backslash at end of " // . "string is not portable\n"}], new_ucmd!() .args(&[r"\", "x"]) .pipe_in(r"\") .succeeds() .stdout_is("x") .stderr_is("tr: warning: an unescaped backslash at end of string is not portable\n"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_ross_0a() { // # From Ross // ['ross-0a', qw(-cs '[:upper:]' 'X[Y*]'), {IN=>''}, {OUT=>''}, {EXIT=>1}, // {ERR=>$map_all_to_1}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-cs", "[:upper:]", "X[Y*]"]) .pipe_in("") .fails() .stderr_is("tr: when translating with complemented character classes,\nstring2 must map all characters in the domain to one\n"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_ross_0b() { // ['ross-0b', qw(-cs '[:cntrl:]' 'X[Y*]'), {IN=>''}, {OUT=>''}, {EXIT=>1}, // {ERR=>$map_all_to_1}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-cs", "[:cntrl:]", "X[Y*]"]) .pipe_in("") .fails() .stderr_is("tr: when translating with complemented character classes,\nstring2 must map all characters in the domain to one\n"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_ross_1a() { // ['ross-1a', qw(-cs '[:upper:]' '[X*]'), // {IN=>'AMZamz123.-+AMZ'}, {OUT=>'AMZXAMZ'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-cs", "[:upper:]", "[X*]"]) .pipe_in("AMZamz123.-+AMZ") .succeeds() .stdout_is("AMZXAMZ"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_ross_1b() { // ['ross-1b', qw(-cs '[:upper:][:digit:]' '[Z*]'), {IN=>''}, {OUT=>''}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-cs", "[:upper:][:digit:]", "[Z*]"]) .pipe_in("") .succeeds() .stdout_is(""); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_ross_2() { // ['ross-2', qw(-dcs '[:lower:]' n-rs-z), // {IN=>'amzAMZ123.-+amz'}, {OUT=>'amzamz'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-dcs", "[:lower:]", "n-rs-z"]) .pipe_in("amzAMZ123.-+amz") .succeeds() .stdout_is("amzamz"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_ross_3() { // ['ross-3', qw(-ds '[:xdigit:]' '[:alnum:]'), // {IN=>'.ZABCDEFGzabcdefg.0123456788899.GG'}, {OUT=>'.ZGzg..G'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-ds", "[:xdigit:]", "[:alnum:]"]) .pipe_in(".ZABCDEFGzabcdefg.0123456788899.GG") .succeeds() .stdout_is(".ZGzg..G"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_ross_4() { // ['ross-4', qw(-dcs '[:alnum:]' '[:digit:]'), {IN=>''}, {OUT=>''}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-dcs", "[:alnum:]", "[:digit:]"]) .pipe_in("") .succeeds() .stdout_is(""); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_ross_5() { // ['ross-5', qw(-dc '[:lower:]'), {IN=>''}, {OUT=>''}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-dc", "[:lower:]"]) .pipe_in("") .succeeds() .stdout_is(""); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_ross_6() { // ['ross-6', qw(-dc '[:upper:]'), {IN=>''}, {OUT=>''}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-dc", "[:upper:]"]) .pipe_in("") .succeeds() .stdout_is(""); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_empty_eq() { // # Ensure that these fail. // # Prior to 2.0.20, each would evoke a failed assertion. // ['empty-eq', qw('[==]' x), {IN=>''}, {OUT=>''}, {EXIT=>1}, // {ERR=>"$prog: missing equivalence class character '[==]'\n"}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["[==]", "x"]) .pipe_in("") .fails() .stderr_is("tr: missing equivalence class character '[==]'\n"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_empty_cc() { // ['empty-cc', qw('[::]' x), {IN=>''}, {OUT=>''}, {EXIT=>1}, // {ERR=>"$prog: missing character class name '[::]'\n"}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["[::]", "x"]) .pipe_in("") .fails() .stderr_is("tr: missing character class name '[::]'\n"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_repeat_set1() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["[a*]", "a"]) .pipe_in("") .fails() .stderr_is("tr: the [c*] repeat construct may not appear in string1\n"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_repeat_set2() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["a", "[a*][a*]"]) .pipe_in("") .fails() .stderr_is("tr: only one [c*] repeat construct may appear in string2\n"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_repeat_bs_9() { // # Weird repeat counts. // ['repeat-bs-9', qw(abc '[b*\9]'), {IN=>'abcd'}, {OUT=>'[b*d'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["abc", r"[b*\9]"]) .pipe_in("abcd") .succeeds() .stdout_is("[b*d"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_repeat_0() { // ['repeat-0', qw(abc '[b*0]'), {IN=>'abcd'}, {OUT=>'bbbd'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["abc", "[b*0]"]) .pipe_in("abcd") .succeeds() .stdout_is("bbbd"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_repeat_zeros() { // ['repeat-zeros', qw(abc '[b*00000000000000000000]'), // {IN=>'abcd'}, {OUT=>'bbbd'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["abc", "[b*00000000000000000000]"]) .pipe_in("abcd") .succeeds() .stdout_is("bbbd"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_repeat_compl() { // ['repeat-compl', qw(-c '[a*65536]\n' '[b*]'), {IN=>'abcd'}, {OUT=>'abbb'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-c", "[a*65536]\n", "[b*]"]) .pipe_in("abcd") .succeeds() .stdout_is("abbb"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_repeat_x_c() { // ['repeat-xC', qw(-C '[a*65536]\n' '[b*]'), {IN=>'abcd'}, {OUT=>'abbb'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-C", "[a*65536]\n", "[b*]"]) .pipe_in("abcd") .succeeds() .stdout_is("abbb"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_fowler_1() { // # From Glenn Fowler. // ['fowler-1', qw(ah -H), {IN=>'aha'}, {OUT=>'-H-'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["ah", "-H"]) .pipe_in("aha") .succeeds() .stdout_is("-H-"); } #[test] fn check_against_gnu_tr_tests_no_abort_1() { // # Up to coreutils-6.9, this would provoke a failed assertion. // ['no-abort-1', qw(-c a '[b*256]'), {IN=>'abc'}, {OUT=>'abb'}], new_ucmd!() .args(&["-c", "a", "[b*256]"]) .pipe_in("abc") .succeeds() .stdout_is("abb"); } #[test] fn test_delete_flag_takes_only_one_operand() { // gnu tr -d fails with more than 1 argument new_ucmd!().args(&["-d", "a", "p"]).fails().stderr_contains( "extra operand 'p'\nOnly one string may be given when deleting without squeezing repeats.", ); } #[test] fn test_truncate_flag_fails_with_more_than_two_operand() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-t", "a", "b", "c"]) .fails() .stderr_contains("extra operand 'c'"); } #[test] fn test_squeeze_flag_fails_with_more_than_two_operand() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-s", "a", "b", "c"]) .fails() .stderr_contains("extra operand 'c'"); } #[test] fn test_complement_flag_fails_with_more_than_two_operand() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-c", "a", "b", "c"]) .fails() .stderr_contains("extra operand 'c'"); } #[test] fn check_regression_class_space() { // This invocation checks: // 1. that the [:space:] class has exactly 6 characters, // 2. that the [:space:] class contains at least the given 6 characters (and therefore no other characters), and // 3. that the given characters occur in exactly this order. new_ucmd!() .args(&["[:space:][:upper:]", "123456[:lower:]"]) // 0x0B = "\v" ("VERTICAL TAB") // 0x0C = "\f" ("FEED FORWARD") .pipe_in("A\t\n\u{0B}\u{0C}\r B") .succeeds() .no_stderr() .stdout_only("a123456b"); } #[test] fn check_regression_class_blank() { // This invocation checks: // 1. that the [:blank:] class has exactly 2 characters, // 2. that the [:blank:] class contains at least the given 2 characters (and therefore no other characters), and // 3. that the given characters occur in exactly this order. new_ucmd!() .args(&["[:blank:][:upper:]", "12[:lower:]"]) .pipe_in("A\t B") .succeeds() .no_stderr() .stdout_only("a12b"); } // Check regression found in https://github.com/uutils/coreutils/issues/6163 #[test] fn check_regression_issue_6163_no_match() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-c", "-t", "Y", "Z"]) .pipe_in("X\n") .succeeds() .no_stderr() .stdout_only("X\n"); } #[test] fn check_regression_issue_6163_match() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-c", "-t", "Y", "Z"]) .pipe_in("\0\n") .succeeds() .no_stderr() .stdout_only("Z\n"); } #[test] fn check_ignore_truncate_when_deleting_and_squeezing() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-dts", "asdf", "qwe"]) .pipe_in("asdfqqwweerr\n") .succeeds() .no_stderr() .stdout_only("qwerr\n"); } #[test] fn check_ignore_truncate_when_deleting() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-dt", "asdf"]) .pipe_in("asdfqwer\n") .succeeds() .no_stderr() .stdout_only("qwer\n"); } #[test] fn check_ignore_truncate_when_squeezing() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-ts", "asdf"]) .pipe_in("aassddffqwer\n") .succeeds() .no_stderr() .stdout_only("asdfqwer\n"); } #[test] fn check_disallow_blank_in_set2_when_translating() { new_ucmd!().args(&["-t", "1234", "[:blank:]"]).fails(); } #[test] fn check_class_in_set2_must_be_matched_in_set1() { new_ucmd!().args(&["-t", "1[:upper:]", "[:upper:]"]).fails(); } #[test] fn check_class_in_set2_must_be_matched_in_set1_right_length_check() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-t", "a-z[:upper:]", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[:upper:]"]) .succeeds(); } #[test] fn check_set1_longer_set2_ends_in_class() { new_ucmd!().args(&["[:lower:]a", "[:upper:]"]).fails(); } #[test] fn check_set1_longer_set2_ends_in_class_with_trunc() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-t", "[:lower:]a", "[:upper:]"]) .succeeds(); } #[test] fn check_complement_2_unique_in_set2() { let x226 = "x".repeat(226); // [y*] is expanded tp "y" here let arg = x226 + "[y*]xxx"; new_ucmd!().args(&["-c", "[:upper:]", arg.as_str()]).fails(); } #[test] fn check_complement_1_unique_in_set2() { let x226 = "x".repeat(226); // [y*] is expanded to "" here let arg = x226 + "[y*]xxxx"; new_ucmd!() .args(&["-c", "[:upper:]", arg.as_str()]) .succeeds(); } #[test] fn check_complement_set2_too_big() { let x231 = "x".repeat(231); let x230 = &x231[..230]; // The complement of [:upper:] expands to 230 characters, // putting more characters in set2 should fail. new_ucmd!().args(&["-c", "[:upper:]", x230]).succeeds(); new_ucmd!() .args(&["-c", "[:upper:]", x231.as_str()]) .fails() .stderr_contains("when translating with complemented character classes,\nstring2 must map all characters in the domain to one"); } #[test] #[cfg(unix)] fn test_truncate_non_utf8_set() { let stdin = b"\x01amp\xfe\xff"; let set1 = OsStr::from_bytes(b"a\xfe\xffz"); // spell-checker:disable-line let set2 = OsStr::from_bytes(b"01234"); new_ucmd!() .arg(set1) .arg(set2) .pipe_in(*stdin) .succeeds() .stdout_is_bytes(b"\x010mp12"); } #[test] #[cfg(unix)] fn test_unescaped_backslash_warning_false_positive() { // Was erroneously printing this warning (even though the backslash was escaped): // "tr: warning: an unescaped backslash at end of string is not portable" new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", r"\\"]) .pipe_in(r"a\b\c\") .succeeds() .stdout_only("abc"); new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", r"\\\\"]) .pipe_in(r"a\b\c\") .succeeds() .stdout_only("abc"); new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", r"\\\\\\"]) .pipe_in(r"a\b\c\") .succeeds() .stdout_only("abc"); } #[test] #[cfg(unix)] fn test_trailing_backslash() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", r"\"]) .pipe_in(r"a\b\c\") .succeeds() .stderr_is("tr: warning: an unescaped backslash at end of string is not portable\n") .stdout_is("abc"); new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", r"\\\"]) .pipe_in(r"a\b\c\") .succeeds() .stderr_is("tr: warning: an unescaped backslash at end of string is not portable\n") .stdout_is("abc"); new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", r"\\\\\"]) .pipe_in(r"a\b\c\") .succeeds() .stderr_is("tr: warning: an unescaped backslash at end of string is not portable\n") .stdout_is("abc"); } #[test] fn test_multibyte_octal_sequence() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", r"\501"]) .pipe_in("(1Ł)") .succeeds() .stderr_is("tr: warning: the ambiguous octal escape \\501 is being\n interpreted as the 2-byte sequence \\050, 1\n") .stdout_is("Ł)"); } #[test] fn test_backwards_range() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["-d", r"\046-\048"]) .pipe_in("") .fails() .stderr_only( r"tr: range-endpoints of '&-\004' are in reverse collating sequence order ", ); } #[test] fn test_non_digit_repeat() { new_ucmd!() .args(&["a", "[b*c]"]) .pipe_in("") .fails() .stderr_only("tr: invalid repeat count 'c' in [c*n] construct\n"); }