#![crate_name = "uutest"] /* * This file is part of the uutils coreutils package. * * (c) mahkoh (ju.orth [at] gmail [dot] com) * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ extern crate libc; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::os::{args_as_bytes}; use std::str::{from_utf8}; static NAME: &'static str = "test"; // TODO: decide how to handle non-UTF8 input for all the utils pub fn uumain(_: Vec) -> int { let args = args_as_bytes(); let args: Vec<&[u8]> = args.iter().map(|a| a.as_slice()).collect(); if args.len() == 0 { return 2; } let args = if !args[0].ends_with(NAME.as_bytes()) { args.slice_from(1) } else { args.as_slice() }; let args = match args[0] { b"[" => match args[args.len() - 1] { b"]" => args.slice(1, args.len() - 1), _ => return 2, }, _ => args.slice(1, args.len()), }; let mut error = false; let retval = 1 - parse_expr(args, &mut error) as int; if error { 2 } else { retval } } fn one(args: &[&[u8]]) -> bool { args[0].len() > 0 } fn two(args: &[&[u8]], error: &mut bool) -> bool { match args[0] { b"!" => !one(args.slice_from(1)), b"-b" => path(args[1], BlockSpecial), b"-c" => path(args[1], CharacterSpecial), b"-d" => path(args[1], Directory), b"-e" => path(args[1], Exists), b"-f" => path(args[1], Regular), b"-g" => path(args[1], GroupIDFlag), b"-h" => path(args[1], SymLink), b"-L" => path(args[1], SymLink), b"-n" => one(args.slice_from(1)), b"-p" => path(args[1], FIFO), b"-r" => path(args[1], Readable), b"-S" => path(args[1], Socket), b"-s" => path(args[1], NonEmpty), b"-t" => isatty(args[1]), b"-u" => path(args[1], UserIDFlag), b"-w" => path(args[1], Writable), b"-x" => path(args[1], Executable), b"-z" => !one(args.slice_from(1)), _ => { *error = true; false } } } fn three(args: &[&[u8]], error: &mut bool) -> bool { match args[1] { b"=" => args[0] == args[2], b"!=" => args[0] != args[2], b"-eq" => integers(args[0], args[2], Equal), b"-ne" => integers(args[0], args[2], Unequal), b"-gt" => integers(args[0], args[2], Greater), b"-ge" => integers(args[0], args[2], GreaterEqual), b"-lt" => integers(args[0], args[2], Less), b"-le" => integers(args[0], args[2], LessEqual), _ => match args[0] { b"!" => !two(args.slice_from(1), error), _ => { *error = true; false } } } } fn four(args: &[&[u8]], error: &mut bool) -> bool { match args[0] { b"!" => { !three(args.slice_from(1), error) } _ => { *error = true; false } } } enum IntegerCondition { Equal, Unequal, Greater, GreaterEqual, Less, LessEqual, } fn integers(a: &[u8], b: &[u8], cond: IntegerCondition) -> bool { let (a, b): (&str, &str) = match (from_utf8(a), from_utf8(b)) { (Some(a), Some(b)) => (a, b), _ => return false, }; let (a, b): (i64, i64) = match (from_str(a), from_str(b)) { (Some(a), Some(b)) => (a, b), _ => return false, }; match cond { Equal => a == b, Unequal => a != b, Greater => a > b, GreaterEqual => a >= b, Less => a < b, LessEqual => a <= b, } } fn isatty(fd: &[u8]) -> bool { use libc::{isatty}; from_utf8(fd).and_then(|s| from_str(s)) .map(|i| unsafe { isatty(i) == 1 }).unwrap_or(false) } fn dispatch(args: &mut &[&[u8]], error: &mut bool) -> bool { let (val, idx) = match args.len() { 0 => { *error = true; (false, 0) } 1 => (one(*args), 1), 2 => dispatch_two(args, error), 3 => dispatch_three(args, error), _ => dispatch_four(args, error) }; *args = (*args).slice_from(idx); val } fn dispatch_two(args: &mut &[&[u8]], error: &mut bool) -> (bool, uint) { let val = two(*args, error); if *error { *error = false; (one(*args), 1) } else { (val, 2) } } fn dispatch_three(args: &mut &[&[u8]], error: &mut bool) -> (bool, uint) { let val = three(*args, error); if *error { *error = false; dispatch_two(args, error) } else { (val, 3) } } fn dispatch_four(args: &mut &[&[u8]], error: &mut bool) -> (bool, uint) { let val = four(*args, error); if *error { *error = false; dispatch_three(args, error) } else { (val, 4) } } enum Precedence { Unknown = 0, Paren, // FIXME: this is useless (parentheses have not been implemented) Or, And, BUnOp, BinOp, UnOp } fn parse_expr(mut args: &[&[u8]], error: &mut bool) -> bool { if args.len() == 0 { false } else { let hashmap = setup_hashmap(); let lhs = dispatch(&mut args, error); if args.len() > 0 { parse_expr_helper(&hashmap, &mut args, lhs, Unknown, error) } else { lhs } } } fn parse_expr_helper<'a>(hashmap: &HashMap<&'a [u8], Precedence>, args: &mut &[&'a [u8]], mut lhs: bool, min_prec: Precedence, error: &mut bool) -> bool { let mut prec = *hashmap.get(&args[0]).unwrap_or_else(|| { *error = true; &min_prec }); while !*error && args.len() > 0 && prec as uint >= min_prec as uint { let op = args[0]; *args = (*args).slice_from(1); let mut rhs = dispatch(args, error); while args.len() > 0 { let subprec = *hashmap.get(&args[0]).unwrap_or_else(|| { *error = true; &min_prec }); if subprec as uint <= prec as uint || *error { break; } rhs = parse_expr_helper(hashmap, args, rhs, subprec, error); } lhs = match prec { UnOp | BUnOp => { *error = true; false } And => lhs && rhs, Or => lhs || rhs, BinOp => three(&[if lhs { b" " } else { b"" }, op, if rhs { b" " } else { b"" }], error), Paren => unimplemented!(), // TODO: implement parentheses _ => unreachable!() }; if args.len() > 0 { prec = *hashmap.get(&args[0]).unwrap_or_else(|| { *error = true; &min_prec }); } } lhs } #[inline] fn setup_hashmap<'a>() -> HashMap<&'a [u8], Precedence> { let mut hashmap = HashMap::<&'a [u8], Precedence>::new(); hashmap.insert(b"-b", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-c", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-d", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-e", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-f", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-g", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-h", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-L", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-n", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-p", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-r", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-S", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-s", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-t", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-u", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-w", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-x", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-z", UnOp); hashmap.insert(b"=", BinOp); hashmap.insert(b"!=", BinOp); hashmap.insert(b"-eq", BinOp); hashmap.insert(b"-ne", BinOp); hashmap.insert(b"-gt", BinOp); hashmap.insert(b"-ge", BinOp); hashmap.insert(b"-lt", BinOp); hashmap.insert(b"-le", BinOp); hashmap.insert(b"!", BUnOp); hashmap.insert(b"-a", And); hashmap.insert(b"-o", Or); hashmap.insert(b"(", Paren); hashmap.insert(b")", Paren); hashmap } #[deriving(Eq, PartialEq)] enum PathCondition { BlockSpecial, CharacterSpecial, Directory, Exists, Regular, GroupIDFlag, SymLink, FIFO, Readable, Socket, NonEmpty, UserIDFlag, Writable, Executable, } #[cfg(not(windows))] fn path(path: &[u8], cond: PathCondition) -> bool { use libc::{stat, lstat, S_IFMT, S_IFLNK, S_IFBLK, S_IFCHR, S_IFDIR, S_IFREG}; use libc::{S_IFIFO, mode_t}; static S_ISUID: mode_t = 0o4000; static S_ISGID: mode_t = 0o2000; static S_IFSOCK: mode_t = 0o140000; enum Permission { Read = 0o4, Write = 0o2, Execute = 0o1, } let perm = |stat: stat, p: Permission| { use libc::{getgid, getuid}; let (uid, gid) = unsafe { (getuid(), getgid()) }; if uid == stat.st_uid { stat.st_mode & (p as mode_t << 6) != 0 } else if gid == stat.st_gid { stat.st_mode & (p as mode_t << 3) != 0 } else { stat.st_mode & (p as mode_t << 0) != 0 } }; let path = unsafe { path.to_c_str_unchecked() }; let mut stat = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() }; if cond == SymLink { if unsafe { lstat(path.as_ptr(), &mut stat) } == 0 { if stat.st_mode & S_IFMT == S_IFLNK { return true; } } return false; } if unsafe { libc::stat(path.as_ptr(), &mut stat) } != 0 { return false; } let file_type = stat.st_mode & S_IFMT; match cond { BlockSpecial => file_type == S_IFBLK, CharacterSpecial => file_type == S_IFCHR, Directory => file_type == S_IFDIR, Exists => true, Regular => file_type == S_IFREG, GroupIDFlag => stat.st_mode & S_ISGID != 0, SymLink => true, FIFO => file_type == S_IFIFO, Readable => perm(stat, Read), Socket => file_type == S_IFSOCK, NonEmpty => stat.st_size > 0, UserIDFlag => stat.st_mode & S_ISUID != 0, Writable => perm(stat, Write), Executable => perm(stat, Execute), } } #[cfg(windows)] fn path(path: &[u8], cond: PathCondition) -> bool { use std::io::{TypeFile, TypeDirectory, TypeBlockSpecial, TypeNamedPipe}; use std::io::fs::{stat}; use std::path::{Path}; let path = match Path::new_opt(path) { Some(p) => p, None => return false, }; let stat = match stat(&path) { Ok(s) => s, _ => return false, }; match cond { BlockSpecial => stat.kind == TypeBlockSpecial, CharacterSpecial => false, Directory => stat.kind == TypeDirectory, Exists => true, Regular => stat.kind == TypeFile, GroupIDFlag => false, SymLink => false, FIFO => stat.kind == TypeNamedPipe, Readable => false, // TODO Socket => false, // TODO? NonEmpty => stat.size > 0, UserIDFlag => false, Writable => false, // TODO Executable => false, // TODO } }