use crate::common::util::*; #[test] fn test_fmt() { let result = new_ucmd!().arg("one-word-per-line.txt").run(); //.stdout_is_fixture("call_graph.expected"); assert_eq!( result.stdout_str().trim(), "this is a file with one word per line" ); } #[test] fn test_fmt_q() { let result = new_ucmd!().arg("-q").arg("one-word-per-line.txt").run(); //.stdout_is_fixture("call_graph.expected"); assert_eq!( result.stdout_str().trim(), "this is a file with one word per line" ); } #[test] fn test_fmt_w_too_big() { let result = new_ucmd!() .arg("-w") .arg("2501") .arg("one-word-per-line.txt") .run(); //.stdout_is_fixture("call_graph.expected"); assert_eq!( result.stderr_str().trim(), "fmt: error: invalid width: '2501': Numerical result out of range" ); } /* #[test] Fails for now, see fn test_fmt_w() { let result = new_ucmd!() .arg("-w") .arg("10") .arg("one-word-per-line.txt") .run(); //.stdout_is_fixture("call_graph.expected"); assert_eq!(result.stdout_str().trim(), "this is a file with one word per line"); } fmt is pretty broken in general, needs more works to have more tests */