name: CICD # spell-checker:ignore (acronyms) CICD MSVC musl # spell-checker:ignore (env/flags) Awarnings Ccodegen Coverflow Cpanic Dwarnings RUSTDOCFLAGS RUSTFLAGS Zpanic # spell-checker:ignore (jargon) SHAs deps dequote softprops subshell toolchain # spell-checker:ignore (names) CodeCOV MacOS MinGW Peltoche rivy # spell-checker:ignore (shell/tools) choco clippy dmake dpkg esac fakeroot gmake grcov halium lcov libssl mkdir popd printf pushd rsync rustc rustfmt rustup shopt xargs # spell-checker:ignore (misc) aarch alnum armhf bindir busytest coreutils gnueabihf issuecomment maint nullglob onexitbegin onexitend pell runtest tempfile testsuite uutils DESTDIR multisize Swatinem # ToDO: [2021-06; rivy] change from `cargo-tree` to `cargo tree` once MSRV is >= 1.45 env: PROJECT_NAME: coreutils PROJECT_DESC: "Core universal (cross-platform) utilities" PROJECT_AUTH: "uutils" RUST_MIN_SRV: "1.56.0" ## MSRV v1.56.0 # * style job configuration STYLE_FAIL_ON_FAULT: true ## (bool) fail the build if a style job contains a fault (error or warning); may be overridden on a per-job basis on: [push, pull_request] jobs: cargo-deny: name: Style/cargo-deny runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: EmbarkStudios/cargo-deny-action@v1 style_deps: ## ToDO: [2021-11-10; rivy] 'Style/deps' needs more informative output and better integration of results into the GHA dashboard name: Style/deps runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} # env: # STYLE_FAIL_ON_FAULT: false # overrides workflow default strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: # note: `cargo-udeps` panics when processing stdbuf/libstdbuf ("uu_stdbuf_libstdbuf"); either b/c of the 'cpp' crate or 'libstdbuf' itself # ... b/c of the panic, a more limited feature set is tested (though only excluding `stdbuf`) - { os: ubuntu-latest , features: "feat_Tier1,feat_require_unix,feat_require_unix_utmpx" } - { os: macos-latest , features: "feat_Tier1,feat_require_unix,feat_require_unix_utmpx" } - { os: windows-latest , features: feat_os_windows } steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Initialize workflow variables id: vars shell: bash run: | ## VARs setup outputs() { step_id="vars"; for var in "$@" ; do echo steps.${step_id}.outputs.${var}="${!var}"; echo ::set-output name=${var}::${!var}; done; } # failure mode unset FAIL_ON_FAULT ; case '${{ env.STYLE_FAIL_ON_FAULT }}' in ''|0|f|false|n|no|off) FAULT_TYPE=warning ;; *) FAIL_ON_FAULT=true ; FAULT_TYPE=error ;; esac; outputs FAIL_ON_FAULT FAULT_TYPE # target-specific options # * CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION='' ; if [ -n "${{ matrix.job.features }}" ]; then CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION='--features "${{ matrix.job.features }}"' ; fi outputs CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION ## note: requires 'nightly' toolchain b/c `cargo-udeps` uses the `rustc` '-Z save-analysis' option ## * ... ref: - name: Install `rust` toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: nightly default: true profile: minimal - name: Install `cargo-udeps` uses: actions-rs/install@v0.1 with: crate: cargo-udeps version: latest use-tool-cache: false env: RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN: stable - name: Detect unused dependencies shell: bash run: | ## Detect unused dependencies unset fault fault_type="${{ steps.vars.outputs.FAULT_TYPE }}" fault_prefix=$(echo "$fault_type" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') # cargo +nightly udeps ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION }} --all-targets &> udeps.log || cat udeps.log grep --ignore-case "all deps seem to have been used" udeps.log || { printf "%s\n" "::${fault_type} ::${fault_prefix}: \`cargo udeps\`: style violation (unused dependency found)" ; fault=true ; } if [ -n "${{ steps.vars.outputs.FAIL_ON_FAULT }}" ] && [ -n "$fault" ]; then exit 1 ; fi style_format: name: Style/format runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} # env: # STYLE_FAIL_ON_FAULT: false # overrides workflow default strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: - { os: ubuntu-latest , features: feat_os_unix } steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Initialize workflow variables id: vars shell: bash run: | ## VARs setup outputs() { step_id="vars"; for var in "$@" ; do echo steps.${step_id}.outputs.${var}="${!var}"; echo ::set-output name=${var}::${!var}; done; } # failure mode unset FAIL_ON_FAULT ; case '${{ env.STYLE_FAIL_ON_FAULT }}' in ''|0|f|false|n|no|off) FAULT_TYPE=warning ;; *) FAIL_ON_FAULT=true ; FAULT_TYPE=error ;; esac; outputs FAIL_ON_FAULT FAULT_TYPE # target-specific options # * CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION='' ; if [ -n "${{ matrix.job.features }}" ]; then CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION='--features "${{ matrix.job.features }}"' ; fi outputs CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION - name: Install `rust` toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable default: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) components: rustfmt - name: "`cargo fmt` testing" shell: bash run: | ## `cargo fmt` testing unset fault fault_type="${{ steps.vars.outputs.FAULT_TYPE }}" fault_prefix=$(echo "$fault_type" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') # * convert any errors/warnings to GHA UI annotations; ref: S=$(cargo fmt -- --check) && printf "%s\n" "$S" || { printf "%s\n" "$S" ; printf "%s\n" "$S" | sed -E -n -e "s/^Diff[[:space:]]+in[[:space:]]+${PWD//\//\\/}\/(.*)[[:space:]]+at[[:space:]]+[^0-9]+([0-9]+).*$/::${fault_type} file=\1,line=\2::${fault_prefix}: \`cargo fmt\`: style violation (file:'\1', line:\2; use \`cargo fmt -- \"\1\"\`)/p" ; fault=true ; } if [ -n "${{ steps.vars.outputs.FAIL_ON_FAULT }}" ] && [ -n "$fault" ]; then exit 1 ; fi - name: "`cargo fmt` testing of integration tests" if: success() || failure() # run regardless of prior step success/failure shell: bash run: | ## `cargo fmt` testing of integration tests unset fault fault_type="${{ steps.vars.outputs.FAULT_TYPE }}" fault_prefix=$(echo "$fault_type" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') # 'tests' is the standard/usual integration test directory if [ -d tests ]; then # * convert any errors/warnings to GHA UI annotations; ref: S=$(find tests -name "*.rs" -print0 | xargs -0 cargo fmt -- --check) && printf "%s\n" "$S" || { printf "%s\n" "$S" ; printf "%s\n" "$S" | sed -E -n "s/^Diff[[:space:]]+in[[:space:]]+${PWD//\//\\/}\/(.*)[[:space:]]+at[[:space:]]+[^0-9]+([0-9]+).*$/::${fault_type} file=\1,line=\2::${fault_prefix}: \`cargo fmt\`: style violation (file:'\1', line:\2; use \`cargo fmt \"\1\"\`)/p" ; fault=true ; } fi if [ -n "${{ steps.vars.outputs.FAIL_ON_FAULT }}" ] && [ -n "$fault" ]; then exit 1 ; fi style_lint: name: Style/lint runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} # env: # STYLE_FAIL_ON_FAULT: false # overrides workflow default strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: - { os: ubuntu-latest , features: feat_os_unix } - { os: macos-latest , features: feat_os_macos } - { os: windows-latest , features: feat_os_windows } steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Initialize workflow variables id: vars shell: bash run: | ## VARs setup outputs() { step_id="vars"; for var in "$@" ; do echo steps.${step_id}.outputs.${var}="${!var}"; echo ::set-output name=${var}::${!var}; done; } # failure mode unset FAIL_ON_FAULT ; case '${{ env.STYLE_FAIL_ON_FAULT }}' in ''|0|f|false|n|no|off) FAULT_TYPE=warning ;; *) FAIL_ON_FAULT=true ; FAULT_TYPE=error ;; esac; outputs FAIL_ON_FAULT FAULT_TYPE # target-specific options # * CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION='--all-features' ; if [ -n "${{ matrix.job.features }}" ]; then CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION='--features "${{ matrix.job.features }}"' ; fi outputs CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION # * determine sub-crate utility list UTILITY_LIST="$(./util/ ${CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION})" echo UTILITY_LIST=${UTILITY_LIST} CARGO_UTILITY_LIST_OPTIONS="$(for u in ${UTILITY_LIST}; do echo "-puu_${u}"; done;)" outputs CARGO_UTILITY_LIST_OPTIONS - name: Install/setup prerequisites shell: bash run: | case '${{ matrix.job.os }}' in macos-latest) brew install coreutils ;; # needed for esac - name: Install `rust` toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable default: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) components: clippy - name: "`cargo clippy` lint testing" shell: bash run: | ## `cargo clippy` lint testing unset fault fault_type="${{ steps.vars.outputs.FAULT_TYPE }}" fault_prefix=$(echo "$fault_type" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') # * convert any warnings to GHA UI annotations; ref: S=$(cargo clippy --all-targets ${{ matrix.job.cargo-options }} ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION }} ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_UTILITY_LIST_OPTIONS }} -- -D warnings 2>&1) && printf "%s\n" "$S" || { printf "%s\n" "$S" ; printf "%s" "$S" | sed -E -n -e '/^error:/{' -e "N; s/^error:[[:space:]]+(.*)\\n[[:space:]]+-->[[:space:]]+(.*):([0-9]+):([0-9]+).*$/::${fault_type} file=\2,line=\3,col=\4::${fault_prefix}: \`cargo clippy\`: \1 (file:'\2', line:\3)/p;" -e '}' ; fault=true ; } if [ -n "${{ steps.vars.outputs.FAIL_ON_FAULT }}" ] && [ -n "$fault" ]; then exit 1 ; fi style_spellcheck: name: Style/spelling runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} # env: # STYLE_FAIL_ON_FAULT: false # overrides workflow default strategy: matrix: job: - { os: ubuntu-latest , features: feat_os_unix } steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Initialize workflow variables id: vars shell: bash run: | ## VARs setup outputs() { step_id="vars"; for var in "$@" ; do echo steps.${step_id}.outputs.${var}="${!var}"; echo ::set-output name=${var}::${!var}; done; } # failure mode unset FAIL_ON_FAULT ; case '${{ env.STYLE_FAIL_ON_FAULT }}' in ''|0|f|false|n|no|off) FAULT_TYPE=warning ;; *) FAIL_ON_FAULT=true ; FAULT_TYPE=error ;; esac; outputs FAIL_ON_FAULT FAULT_TYPE - name: Install/setup prerequisites shell: bash run: | ## Install/setup prerequisites # * pin installed cspell to v4.2.8 (cspell v5+ is broken for NodeJS < v12) ## maint: [2021-11-10; rivy] `cspell` version may be advanced to v5 when used with NodeJS >= v12 sudo apt-get -y update ; sudo apt-get -y install npm ; sudo npm install cspell@4.2.8 -g ; - name: Run `cspell` shell: bash run: | ## Run `cspell` unset fault fault_type="${{ steps.vars.outputs.FAULT_TYPE }}" fault_prefix=$(echo "$fault_type" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') # * find cspell configuration ; note: avoid quotes around ${cfg_file} b/c `cspell` (v4) doesn't correctly dequote the config argument (or perhaps a subshell expansion issue?) cfg_files=($(shopt -s nullglob ; echo {.vscode,.}/{,.}c[sS]pell{.json,.config{.js,.cjs,.json,.yaml,.yml},.yaml,.yml} ;)) cfg_file=${cfg_files[0]} unset CSPELL_CFG_OPTION ; if [ -n "$cfg_file" ]; then CSPELL_CFG_OPTION="--config $cfg_file" ; fi # * `cspell` ## maint: [2021-11-10; rivy] the `--no-progress` option for `cspell` is a `cspell` v5+ option # S=$(cspell ${CSPELL_CFG_OPTION} --no-summary --no-progress "**/*") && printf "%s\n" "$S" || { printf "%s\n" "$S" ; printf "%s" "$S" | sed -E -n "s/${PWD//\//\\/}\/(.*):(.*):(.*) - (.*)/::${fault_type} file=\1,line=\2,col=\3::${fault_type^^}: \4 (file:'\1', line:\2)/p" ; fault=true ; true ; } S=$(cspell ${CSPELL_CFG_OPTION} --no-summary "**/*") && printf "%s\n" "$S" || { printf "%s\n" "$S" ; printf "%s" "$S" | sed -E -n "s/${PWD//\//\\/}\/(.*):(.*):(.*) - (.*)/::${fault_type} file=\1,line=\2,col=\3::${fault_type^^}: \4 (file:'\1', line:\2)/p" ; fault=true ; true ; } if [ -n "${{ steps.vars.outputs.FAIL_ON_FAULT }}" ] && [ -n "$fault" ]; then exit 1 ; fi doc_warnings: name: Documentation/warnings runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: - { os: ubuntu-latest , features: feat_os_unix } # for now, don't build it on mac & windows because the doc is only published from linux # + it needs a bunch of duplication for build # and I don't want to add a doc step in the regular build to avoid long builds # - { os: macos-latest , features: feat_os_macos } # - { os: windows-latest , features: feat_os_windows } steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Initialize workflow variables id: vars shell: bash run: | ## VARs setup outputs() { step_id="vars"; for var in "$@" ; do echo steps.${step_id}.outputs.${var}="${!var}"; echo ::set-output name=${var}::${!var}; done; } # failure mode unset FAIL_ON_FAULT ; case '${{ env.STYLE_FAIL_ON_FAULT }}' in ''|0|f|false|n|no|off) FAULT_TYPE=warning ;; *) FAIL_ON_FAULT=true ; FAULT_TYPE=error ;; esac; outputs FAIL_ON_FAULT FAULT_TYPE # target-specific options # * CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION='--all-features' ; if [ -n "${{ matrix.job.features }}" ]; then CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION='--features "${{ matrix.job.features }}"' ; fi outputs CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION # * determine sub-crate utility list UTILITY_LIST="$(./util/ ${CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION})" echo UTILITY_LIST=${UTILITY_LIST} CARGO_UTILITY_LIST_OPTIONS="$(for u in ${UTILITY_LIST}; do echo "-puu_${u}"; done;)" outputs CARGO_UTILITY_LIST_OPTIONS - name: Install `rust` toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable default: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) components: clippy - name: "`cargo doc` with warnings" shell: bash run: | RUSTDOCFLAGS="-Dwarnings" cargo doc ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION }} --no-deps --workspace --document-private-items min_version: name: MinRustV # Minimum supported rust version (aka, MinSRV or MSRV) runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: matrix: job: - { os: ubuntu-latest , features: feat_os_unix } steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Initialize workflow variables id: vars shell: bash run: | ## VARs setup outputs() { step_id="vars"; for var in "$@" ; do echo steps.${step_id}.outputs.${var}="${!var}"; echo ::set-output name=${var}::${!var}; done; } # target-specific options # * CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION unset CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION if [ -n "${{ matrix.job.features }}" ]; then CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION='--features "${{ matrix.job.features }}"' ; fi outputs CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION - name: Install `rust` toolchain (v${{ env.RUST_MIN_SRV }}) uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: ${{ env.RUST_MIN_SRV }} default: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - name: Install `cargo-tree` # for dependency information uses: actions-rs/install@v0.1 with: crate: cargo-tree version: latest use-tool-cache: true env: RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN: stable - name: Confirm MinSRV compatible 'Cargo.lock' shell: bash run: | ## Confirm MinSRV compatible 'Cargo.lock' # * 'Cargo.lock' is required to be in a format that `cargo` of MinSRV can interpret (eg, v1-format for MinSRV < v1.38) cargo fetch --locked --quiet || { echo "::error file=Cargo.lock::Incompatible (or out-of-date) 'Cargo.lock' file; update using \`cargo +${{ env.RUST_MIN_SRV }} update\`" ; exit 1 ; } - name: Confirm MinSRV equivalence for '.clippy.toml' shell: bash run: | ## Confirm MinSRV equivalence for '.clippy.toml' # * ensure '.clippy.toml' MSRV configuration setting is equal to ${{ env.RUST_MIN_SRV }} CLIPPY_MSRV=$(grep -P "(?i)^\s*msrv\s*=\s*" .clippy.toml | grep -oP "\d+([.]\d+)+") if [ "${CLIPPY_MSRV}" != "${{ env.RUST_MIN_SRV }}" ]; then { echo "::error file=.clippy.toml::Incorrect MSRV configuration for clippy (found '${CLIPPY_MSRV}'; should be '${{ env.RUST_MIN_SRV }}'); update '.clippy.toml' with 'msrv = \"${{ env.RUST_MIN_SRV }}\"'" ; exit 1 ; } ; fi - name: Info shell: bash run: | ## Info # environment echo "## environment" echo "CI='${CI}'" # tooling info display echo "## tooling" which gcc >/dev/null 2>&1 && (gcc --version | head -1) || true rustup -V 2>/dev/null rustup show active-toolchain cargo -V rustc -V cargo-tree tree -V # dependencies echo "## dependency list" ## * using the 'stable' toolchain is necessary to avoid "unexpected '--filter-platform'" errors RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN=stable cargo fetch --locked --quiet RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN=stable cargo-tree tree --all --locked --no-dev-dependencies --no-indent ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION }} | grep -vE "$PWD" | sort --unique - name: Test uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: command: test args: -v ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION }} -p uucore -p coreutils env: RUSTFLAGS: "-Awarnings --cfg unsound_local_offset" deps: name: Dependencies runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: - { os: ubuntu-latest , features: feat_os_unix } steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Install `rust` toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable default: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - name: "`cargo update` testing" shell: bash run: | ## `cargo update` testing # * convert any errors/warnings to GHA UI annotations; ref: cargo fetch --locked --quiet || { echo "::error file=Cargo.lock::'Cargo.lock' file requires update (use \`cargo +${{ env.RUST_MIN_SRV }} update\`)" ; exit 1 ; } build_makefile: name: Build/Makefile needs: [ min_version, deps ] runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: - { os: ubuntu-latest , features: feat_os_unix } steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Install `rust` toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable default: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - name: "`make build`" shell: bash run: | make build - name: "`make test`" shell: bash run: | make test build_rust_stable: name: Build/stable needs: [ min_version, deps ] runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: - { os: ubuntu-latest , features: feat_os_unix } - { os: macos-latest , features: feat_os_macos } - { os: windows-latest , features: feat_os_windows } steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Install `rust` toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable default: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - name: Test uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: command: test args: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION }} build_rust_nightly: name: Build/nightly needs: [ min_version, deps ] runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: - { os: ubuntu-latest , features: feat_os_unix } - { os: macos-latest , features: feat_os_macos } - { os: windows-latest , features: feat_os_windows } steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Install `rust` toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: nightly default: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - name: Test uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: command: test args: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION }} compute_size: name: Binary sizes needs: [ min_version, deps ] runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: - { os: ubuntu-latest , features: feat_os_unix } steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Install dependencies shell: bash run: | ## Install dependencies sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install jq - name: Install `rust` toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable default: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - name: "`make install`" shell: bash run: | make install DESTDIR=target/size-release/ make install MULTICALL=y DESTDIR=target/size-multi-release/ # strip the results strip target/size*/usr/local/bin/* - name: "Compute sizes" shell: bash run: | SIZE=$(du -s target/size-release/usr/local/bin/|awk '{print $1}') SIZEMULTI=$(du -s target/size-multi-release/usr/local/bin/|awk '{print $1}') jq -n \ --arg date "$(date --rfc-email)" \ --arg sha "$GITHUB_SHA" \ --arg size "$SIZE" \ --arg multisize "$SIZEMULTI" \ '{($date): { sha: $sha, size: $size, multisize: $multisize, }}' > size-result.json - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: size-result path: size-result.json build: name: Build needs: [ min_version, deps ] runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: # { os , target , cargo-options , features , use-cross , toolchain } - { os: ubuntu-latest , target: arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf, features: feat_os_unix_gnueabihf, use-cross: use-cross, } - { os: ubuntu-latest , target: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu , features: feat_os_unix_gnueabihf , use-cross: use-cross } - { os: ubuntu-latest , target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu , features: feat_os_unix , use-cross: use-cross } # - { os: ubuntu-latest , target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu , features: feat_selinux , use-cross: use-cross } # - { os: ubuntu-18.04 , target: i586-unknown-linux-gnu , features: feat_os_unix , use-cross: use-cross } ## note: older windows platform; not required, dev-FYI only # - { os: ubuntu-18.04 , target: i586-unknown-linux-gnu , features: feat_os_unix , use-cross: use-cross } ## note: older windows platform; not required, dev-FYI only - { os: ubuntu-latest , target: i686-unknown-linux-gnu , features: feat_os_unix , use-cross: use-cross } - { os: ubuntu-latest , target: i686-unknown-linux-musl , features: feat_os_unix_musl , use-cross: use-cross } - { os: ubuntu-latest , target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu , features: feat_os_unix , use-cross: use-cross } - { os: ubuntu-latest , target: x86_64-unknown-linux-musl , features: feat_os_unix_musl , use-cross: use-cross } # Commented until is fixed #- { os: ubuntu-18.04 , target: i686-unknown-linux-gnu , features: feat_os_unix , use-cross: use-cross } #- { os: ubuntu-18.04 , target: i686-unknown-linux-musl , features: feat_os_unix_musl , use-cross: use-cross } #- { os: ubuntu-18.04 , target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu , features: feat_os_unix , use-cross: use-cross } #- { os: ubuntu-18.04 , target: x86_64-unknown-linux-musl , features: feat_os_unix_musl , use-cross: use-cross } - { os: macos-latest , target: x86_64-apple-darwin , features: feat_os_macos } - { os: windows-latest , target: i686-pc-windows-msvc , features: feat_os_windows } - { os: windows-latest , target: x86_64-pc-windows-gnu , features: feat_os_windows } ## note: requires rust >= 1.43.0 to link correctly - { os: windows-latest , target: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc , features: feat_os_windows } steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Initialize workflow variables id: vars shell: bash run: | ## VARs setup outputs() { step_id="vars"; for var in "$@" ; do echo steps.${step_id}.outputs.${var}="${!var}"; echo ::set-output name=${var}::${!var}; done; } # toolchain TOOLCHAIN="stable" ## default to "stable" toolchain # * specify alternate/non-default TOOLCHAIN for *-pc-windows-gnu targets; gnu targets on Windows are broken for the standard *-pc-windows-msvc toolchain (refs: GH:rust-lang/rust#47048, GH:rust-lang/rust#53454, GH:rust-lang/cargo#6754) case ${{ }} in *-pc-windows-gnu) TOOLCHAIN="stable-${{ }}" ;; esac; # * use requested TOOLCHAIN if specified if [ -n "${{ matrix.job.toolchain }}" ]; then TOOLCHAIN="${{ matrix.job.toolchain }}" ; fi outputs TOOLCHAIN # staging directory STAGING='_staging' outputs STAGING # determine EXE suffix EXE_suffix="" ; case '${{ }}' in *-pc-windows-*) EXE_suffix=".exe" ;; esac; outputs EXE_suffix # parse commit reference info echo GITHUB_REF=${GITHUB_REF} echo GITHUB_SHA=${GITHUB_SHA} REF_NAME=${GITHUB_REF#refs/*/} unset REF_BRANCH ; case "${GITHUB_REF}" in refs/heads/*) REF_BRANCH=${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/} ;; esac; unset REF_TAG ; case "${GITHUB_REF}" in refs/tags/*) REF_TAG=${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/} ;; esac; REF_SHAS=${GITHUB_SHA:0:8} outputs REF_NAME REF_BRANCH REF_TAG REF_SHAS # parse target unset TARGET_ARCH case '${{ }}' in aarch64-*) TARGET_ARCH=arm64 ;; arm-*-*hf) TARGET_ARCH=armhf ;; i586-*) TARGET_ARCH=i586 ;; i686-*) TARGET_ARCH=i686 ;; x86_64-*) TARGET_ARCH=x86_64 ;; esac; unset TARGET_OS ; case '${{ }}' in *-linux-*) TARGET_OS=linux ;; *-apple-*) TARGET_OS=macos ;; *-windows-*) TARGET_OS=windows ;; esac; outputs TARGET_ARCH TARGET_OS # package name PKG_suffix=".tar.gz" ; case '${{ }}' in *-pc-windows-*) PKG_suffix=".zip" ;; esac; PKG_BASENAME=${PROJECT_NAME}-${REF_TAG:-$REF_SHAS}-${{ }} PKG_NAME=${PKG_BASENAME}${PKG_suffix} outputs PKG_suffix PKG_BASENAME PKG_NAME # deployable tag? (ie, leading "vM" or "M"; M == version number) unset DEPLOY ; if [[ $REF_TAG =~ ^[vV]?[0-9].* ]]; then DEPLOY='true' ; fi outputs DEPLOY # DPKG architecture? unset DPKG_ARCH case ${{ }} in x86_64-*-linux-*) DPKG_ARCH=amd64 ;; *-linux-*) DPKG_ARCH=${TARGET_ARCH} ;; esac outputs DPKG_ARCH # DPKG version? unset DPKG_VERSION ; if [[ $REF_TAG =~ ^[vV]?[0-9].* ]]; then DPKG_VERSION=${REF_TAG/#[vV]/} ; fi outputs DPKG_VERSION # DPKG base name/conflicts? DPKG_BASENAME=${PROJECT_NAME} DPKG_CONFLICTS=${PROJECT_NAME}-musl case ${{ }} in *-musl) DPKG_BASENAME=${PROJECT_NAME}-musl ; DPKG_CONFLICTS=${PROJECT_NAME} ;; esac; outputs DPKG_BASENAME DPKG_CONFLICTS # DPKG name unset DPKG_NAME; if [[ -n $DPKG_ARCH && -n $DPKG_VERSION ]]; then DPKG_NAME="${DPKG_BASENAME}_${DPKG_VERSION}_${DPKG_ARCH}.deb" ; fi outputs DPKG_NAME # target-specific options # * CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION='' ; if [ -n "${{ matrix.job.features }}" ]; then CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION='--features=${{ matrix.job.features }}' ; fi outputs CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION # * CARGO_USE_CROSS (truthy) CARGO_USE_CROSS='true' ; case '${{ matrix.job.use-cross }}' in ''|0|f|false|n|no) unset CARGO_USE_CROSS ;; esac; outputs CARGO_USE_CROSS # ** pass needed environment into `cross` container (iff `cross` not already configured via "Cross.toml") if [ -n "${CARGO_USE_CROSS}" ] && [ ! -e "Cross.toml" ] ; then cargo install --version 0.2.1 cross printf "[build.env]\npassthrough = [\"CI\"]\n" > Cross.toml fi # * test only library and/or binaries for arm-type targets unset CARGO_TEST_OPTIONS ; case '${{ }}' in aarch64-* | arm-*) CARGO_TEST_OPTIONS="--bins" ;; esac; outputs CARGO_TEST_OPTIONS # * executable for `strip`? STRIP="strip" case ${{ }} in aarch64-*-linux-gnu) STRIP="aarch64-linux-gnu-strip" ;; arm-*-linux-gnueabihf) STRIP="arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip" ;; *-pc-windows-msvc) STRIP="" ;; esac; outputs STRIP - name: Create all needed build/work directories shell: bash run: | ## Create build/work space mkdir -p '${{ steps.vars.outputs.STAGING }}' mkdir -p '${{ steps.vars.outputs.STAGING }}/${{ steps.vars.outputs.PKG_BASENAME }}' mkdir -p '${{ steps.vars.outputs.STAGING }}/dpkg' - name: Install/setup prerequisites shell: bash run: | ## Install/setup prerequisites case '${{ }}' in arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf) sudo apt-get -y update ; sudo apt-get -y install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf ;; aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu) sudo apt-get -y update ; sudo apt-get -y install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu ;; esac case '${{ matrix.job.os }}' in macos-latest) brew install coreutils ;; # needed for testing esac case '${{ matrix.job.os }}' in ubuntu-*) # pinky is a tool to show logged-in users from utmp, and gecos fields from /etc/passwd. # In GitHub Action *nix VMs, no accounts log in, even the "runner" account that runs the commands. The account also has empty gecos fields. # To work around this for pinky tests, we create a fake login entry for the GH runner account... FAKE_UTMP='[7] [999999] [tty2] [runner] [tty2] [] [] [2022-02-22T22:22:22,222222+00:00]' # ... by dumping the login records, adding our fake line, then reverse dumping ... (utmpdump /var/run/utmp ; echo $FAKE_UTMP) | sudo utmpdump -r -o /var/run/utmp # ... and add a full name to each account with a gecos field but no full name. sudo sed -i 's/:,/:runner name,/' /etc/passwd # We also create a couple optional files pinky looks for touch /home/runner/.project echo "foo" > /home/runner/.plan ;; esac - name: rust toolchain ~ install uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: ${{ env.RUST_MIN_SRV }} target: ${{ }} default: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - name: Initialize toolchain-dependent workflow variables id: dep_vars shell: bash run: | ## Dependent VARs setup outputs() { step_id="dep_vars"; for var in "$@" ; do echo steps.${step_id}.outputs.${var}="${!var}"; echo ::set-output name=${var}::${!var}; done; } # * determine sub-crate utility list UTILITY_LIST="$(./util/ ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION }})" echo UTILITY_LIST=${UTILITY_LIST} CARGO_UTILITY_LIST_OPTIONS="$(for u in ${UTILITY_LIST}; do echo "-puu_${u}"; done;)" outputs CARGO_UTILITY_LIST_OPTIONS - name: Install `cargo-tree` # for dependency information uses: actions-rs/install@v0.1 with: crate: cargo-tree version: latest use-tool-cache: true env: RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN: stable - name: Info shell: bash run: | ## Info # commit info echo "## commit" echo GITHUB_REF=${GITHUB_REF} echo GITHUB_SHA=${GITHUB_SHA} # environment echo "## environment" echo "CI='${CI}'" # tooling info display echo "## tooling" which gcc >/dev/null 2>&1 && (gcc --version | head -1) || true rustup -V 2>/dev/null rustup show active-toolchain cargo -V rustc -V cargo-tree tree -V # dependencies echo "## dependency list" cargo fetch --locked --quiet cargo-tree tree --locked --target=${{ }} ${{ matrix.job.cargo-options }} ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION }} --all --no-dev-dependencies --no-indent | grep -vE "$PWD" | sort --unique - name: Build uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: use-cross: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_USE_CROSS }} command: build args: --release --target=${{ }} ${{ matrix.job.cargo-options }} ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION }} toolchain: ${{ env.RUST_MIN_SRV }} - name: Test uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: use-cross: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_USE_CROSS }} command: test args: --target=${{ }} ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_TEST_OPTIONS}} ${{ matrix.job.cargo-options }} ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION }} toolchain: ${{ env.RUST_MIN_SRV }} - name: Test individual utilities uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: use-cross: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_USE_CROSS }} command: test args: --target=${{ }} ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_TEST_OPTIONS}} ${{ matrix.job.cargo-options }} ${{ steps.dep_vars.outputs.CARGO_UTILITY_LIST_OPTIONS }} toolchain: ${{ env.RUST_MIN_SRV }} - name: Archive executable artifacts uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}-${{ }} path: target/${{ }}/release/${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}${{ steps.vars.outputs.EXE_suffix }} - name: Package shell: bash run: | ## Package artifact(s) # binary cp 'target/${{ }}/release/${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}${{ steps.vars.outputs.EXE_suffix }}' '${{ steps.vars.outputs.STAGING }}/${{ steps.vars.outputs.PKG_BASENAME }}/' # `strip` binary (if needed) if [ -n "${{ steps.vars.outputs.STRIP }}" ]; then "${{ steps.vars.outputs.STRIP }}" '${{ steps.vars.outputs.STAGING }}/${{ steps.vars.outputs.PKG_BASENAME }}/${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}${{ steps.vars.outputs.EXE_suffix }}' ; fi # README and LICENSE # * spell-checker:ignore EADME ICENSE (shopt -s nullglob; for f in [R]"EADME"{,.*}; do cp $f '${{ steps.vars.outputs.STAGING }}/${{ steps.vars.outputs.PKG_BASENAME }}/' ; done) (shopt -s nullglob; for f in [L]"ICENSE"{-*,}{,.*}; do cp $f '${{ steps.vars.outputs.STAGING }}/${{ steps.vars.outputs.PKG_BASENAME }}/' ; done) # core compressed package pushd '${{ steps.vars.outputs.STAGING }}/' >/dev/null case '${{ }}' in *-pc-windows-*) 7z -y a '${{ steps.vars.outputs.PKG_NAME }}' '${{ steps.vars.outputs.PKG_BASENAME }}'/* | tail -2 ;; *) tar czf '${{ steps.vars.outputs.PKG_NAME }}' '${{ steps.vars.outputs.PKG_BASENAME }}'/* ;; esac popd >/dev/null # dpkg if [ -n "${{ steps.vars.outputs.DPKG_NAME }}" ]; then DPKG_DIR="${{ steps.vars.outputs.STAGING }}/dpkg" # binary install -Dm755 'target/${{ }}/release/${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}${{ steps.vars.outputs.EXE_suffix }}' "${DPKG_DIR}/usr/bin/${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}${{ steps.vars.outputs.EXE_suffix }}" if [ -n "${{ steps.vars.outputs.STRIP }}" ]; then "${{ steps.vars.outputs.STRIP }}" "${DPKG_DIR}/usr/bin/${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}${{ steps.vars.outputs.EXE_suffix }}" ; fi # README and LICENSE (shopt -s nullglob; for f in [R]"EADME"{,.*}; do install -Dm644 "$f" "${DPKG_DIR}/usr/share/doc/${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}/$f" ; done) (shopt -s nullglob; for f in [L]"ICENSE"{-*,}{,.*}; do install -Dm644 "$f" "${DPKG_DIR}/usr/share/doc/${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}/$f" ; done) # control file mkdir -p "${DPKG_DIR}/DEBIAN" printf "Package: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.DPKG_BASENAME }}\nVersion: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.DPKG_VERSION }}\nSection: utils\nPriority: optional\nMaintainer: ${{ env.PROJECT_AUTH }}\nArchitecture: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.DPKG_ARCH }}\nProvides: ${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}\nConflicts: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.DPKG_CONFLICTS }}\nDescription: ${{ env.PROJECT_DESC }}\n" > "${DPKG_DIR}/DEBIAN/control" # build dpkg fakeroot dpkg-deb --build "${DPKG_DIR}" "${{ steps.vars.outputs.STAGING }}/${{ steps.vars.outputs.DPKG_NAME }}" fi - name: Publish uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 if: steps.vars.outputs.DEPLOY with: files: | ${{ steps.vars.outputs.STAGING }}/${{ steps.vars.outputs.PKG_NAME }} ${{ steps.vars.outputs.STAGING }}/${{ steps.vars.outputs.DPKG_NAME }} env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} test_busybox: name: Tests/BusyBox test suite needs: [ min_version, deps ] runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: - { os: ubuntu-latest } steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Install/setup prerequisites shell: bash run: | ## Install/setup prerequisites make prepare-busytest - name: Install `rust` toolchain uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable default: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - name: "Run BusyBox test suite" shell: bash run: | ## Run BusyBox test suite bindir=$(pwd)/target/debug cd tmp/busybox-*/testsuite output=$(bindir=$bindir ./runtest 2>&1 || true) printf "%s\n" "${output}" n_fails=$(echo "$output" | grep "^FAIL:\s" | wc --lines) if [ $n_fails -gt 0 ] ; then echo "::warning ::${n_fails}+ test failures" ; fi test_android: name: Test Android builds needs: [ min_version, deps ] runs-on: macos-latest strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: api-level: [28] target: [default] arch: [x86] # , arm64-v8a env: TERMUX: v0.118.0 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: AVD cache uses: actions/cache@v3 id: avd-cache with: path: | ~/.android/avd/* ~/.android/avd/*/snapshots/* ~/.android/adb* key: avd-${{ matrix.api-level }}-${{ matrix.arch }}+termux-${{ env.TERMUX }} - name: Create and cache emulator image if: steps.avd-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' uses: reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner@v2 with: api-level: ${{ matrix.api-level }} target: ${{ }} arch: ${{ matrix.arch }} ram-size: 2048M disk-size: 5120M force-avd-creation: true emulator-options: -no-snapshot-load -noaudio -no-boot-anim -camera-back none script: | wget${{ env.TERMUX }}/termux-app_${{ env.TERMUX }}+github-debug_${{ matrix.arch }}.apk util/ snapshot termux-app_${{ env.TERMUX }}+github-debug_${{ matrix.arch }}.apk adb -s emulator-5554 emu avd snapshot save ${{ matrix.api-level }}-${{ matrix.arch }}+termux-${{ env.TERMUX }} echo "Emulator image created." pkill -9 qemu-system-x86_64 - name: Build and Test on Android uses: reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner@v2 with: api-level: ${{ matrix.api-level }} target: ${{ }} arch: ${{ matrix.arch }} ram-size: 2048M disk-size: 5120M force-avd-creation: false emulator-options: -no-snapshot-save -gpu swiftshader_indirect -noaudio -no-boot-anim -camera-back none -snapshot ${{ matrix.api-level }}-${{ matrix.arch }}+termux-${{ env.TERMUX }} script: | util/ sync util/ build util/ tests test_freebsd: name: Tests/FreeBSD test suite needs: [ min_version, deps ] runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: - { os: macos-10.15 , features: unix } ## GHA MacOS-11.0 VM won't have VirtualBox; refs: , env: mem: 2048 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Prepare, build and test ## spell-checker:ignore (ToDO) sshfs usesh vmactions uses: vmactions/freebsd-vm@v0.1.8 with: usesh: true # sync: sshfs prepare: pkg install -y curl gmake sudo run: | ## Prepare, build, and test # implementation modelled after ref: # * NOTE: All steps need to be run in this block, otherwise, we are operating back on the mac host set -e # TEST_USER=tester REPO_NAME=${GITHUB_WORKSPACE##*/} WORKSPACE_PARENT="/Users/runner/work/${REPO_NAME}" WORKSPACE="${WORKSPACE_PARENT}/${REPO_NAME}" # pw adduser -n ${TEST_USER} -d /root/ -g wheel -c "Coreutils user to build" -w random # chown -R ${TEST_USER}:wheel /root/ "${WORKSPACE_PARENT}"/ chown -R ${TEST_USER}:wheel /root/ "/Users/runner/work/${REPO_NAME}"/ whoami # # Further work needs to be done in a sudo as we are changing users sudo -i -u ${TEST_USER} sh << EOF set -e whoami curl -sSf --output sh -y --profile=minimal . $HOME/.cargo/env ## Info # environment echo "## environment" echo "CI='${CI}'" echo "REPO_NAME='${REPO_NAME}'" echo "TEST_USER='${TEST_USER}'" echo "WORKSPACE_PARENT='${WORKSPACE_PARENT}'" echo "WORKSPACE='${WORKSPACE}'" env | sort # tooling info echo "## tooling info" cargo -V rustc -V # cd "${WORKSPACE}" unset FAULT cargo build || FAULT=1 cargo test --features "${{ matrix.job.features }}" || FAULT=1 cargo test --features "${{ matrix.job.features }}" -p uucore || FAULT=1 # Clean to avoid to rsync back the files cargo clean if (test -n "$FAULT"); then exit 1 ; fi EOF coverage: name: Code Coverage runs-on: ${{ matrix.job.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: job: - { os: ubuntu-latest , features: unix } - { os: macos-latest , features: macos } - { os: windows-latest , features: windows } steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 # - name: Reattach HEAD ## may be needed for accurate code coverage info # run: git checkout ${{ github.head_ref }} - name: Initialize workflow variables id: vars shell: bash run: | ## VARs setup outputs() { step_id="vars"; for var in "$@" ; do echo steps.${step_id}.outputs.${var}="${!var}"; echo ::set-output name=${var}::${!var}; done; } # toolchain TOOLCHAIN="nightly" ## default to "nightly" toolchain (required for certain required unstable compiler flags) ## !maint: refactor when stable channel has needed support # * specify gnu-type TOOLCHAIN for windows; `grcov` requires gnu-style code coverage data files case ${{ matrix.job.os }} in windows-*) TOOLCHAIN="$TOOLCHAIN-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu" ;; esac; # * use requested TOOLCHAIN if specified if [ -n "${{ matrix.job.toolchain }}" ]; then TOOLCHAIN="${{ matrix.job.toolchain }}" ; fi outputs TOOLCHAIN # staging directory STAGING='_staging' outputs STAGING # target-specific options # * CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION='--all-features' ; ## default to '--all-features' for code coverage if [ -n "${{ matrix.job.features }}" ]; then CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION='--features=${{ matrix.job.features }}' ; fi outputs CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION # * CODECOV_FLAGS CODECOV_FLAGS=$( echo "${{ matrix.job.os }}" | sed 's/[^[:alnum:]]/_/g' ) outputs CODECOV_FLAGS - name: Install/setup prerequisites shell: bash run: | ## Install/setup prerequisites case '${{ matrix.job.os }}' in macos-latest) brew install coreutils ;; # needed for testing esac case '${{ matrix.job.os }}' in ubuntu-latest) # pinky is a tool to show logged-in users from utmp, and gecos fields from /etc/passwd. # In GitHub Action *nix VMs, no accounts log in, even the "runner" account that runs the commands. The account also has empty gecos fields. # To work around this for pinky tests, we create a fake login entry for the GH runner account... FAKE_UTMP='[7] [999999] [tty2] [runner] [tty2] [] [] [2022-02-22T22:22:22,222222+00:00]' # ... by dumping the login records, adding our fake line, then reverse dumping ... (utmpdump /var/run/utmp ; echo $FAKE_UTMP) | sudo utmpdump -r -o /var/run/utmp # ... and add a full name to each account with a gecos field but no full name. sudo sed -i 's/:,/:runner name,/' /etc/passwd # We also create a couple optional files pinky looks for touch /home/runner/.project echo "foo" > /home/runner/.plan ;; esac - name: rust toolchain ~ install uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.TOOLCHAIN }} default: true profile: minimal # minimal component installation (ie, no documentation) - name: Initialize toolchain-dependent workflow variables id: dep_vars shell: bash run: | ## Dependent VARs setup outputs() { step_id="dep_vars"; for var in "$@" ; do echo steps.${step_id}.outputs.${var}="${!var}"; echo ::set-output name=${var}::${!var}; done; } # * determine sub-crate utility list UTILITY_LIST="$(./util/ ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION }})" CARGO_UTILITY_LIST_OPTIONS="$(for u in ${UTILITY_LIST}; do echo "-puu_${u}"; done;)" outputs CARGO_UTILITY_LIST_OPTIONS - name: Test uucore uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: command: test args: --no-fail-fast -p uucore env: CARGO_INCREMENTAL: "0" RUSTC_WRAPPER: "" RUSTFLAGS: "-Zprofile -Ccodegen-units=1 -Copt-level=0 -Clink-dead-code -Coverflow-checks=off -Zpanic_abort_tests -Cpanic=abort" RUSTDOCFLAGS: "-Cpanic=abort" # RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.TOOLCHAIN }} - name: Test uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: command: test args: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CARGO_FEATURES_OPTION }} --no-fail-fast env: CARGO_INCREMENTAL: "0" RUSTC_WRAPPER: "" RUSTFLAGS: "-Zprofile -Ccodegen-units=1 -Copt-level=0 -Clink-dead-code -Coverflow-checks=off -Zpanic_abort_tests -Cpanic=abort" RUSTDOCFLAGS: "-Cpanic=abort" # RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.TOOLCHAIN }} - name: Test individual utilities uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: command: test args: --no-fail-fast ${{ steps.dep_vars.outputs.CARGO_UTILITY_LIST_OPTIONS }} env: CARGO_INCREMENTAL: "0" RUSTC_WRAPPER: "" RUSTFLAGS: "-Zprofile -Ccodegen-units=1 -Copt-level=0 -Clink-dead-code -Coverflow-checks=off -Zpanic_abort_tests -Cpanic=abort" RUSTDOCFLAGS: "-Cpanic=abort" # RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.TOOLCHAIN }} - name: "`grcov` ~ install" id: build_grcov shell: bash run: | git clone ~/grcov/ cd ~/grcov # Hardcode the version of crossbeam-epoch. See # sed -i -e "s|tempfile =|crossbeam-epoch = \"=0.9.8\"\ntempfile =|" Cargo.toml cargo install --path . cd - # Uncomment when the upstream issue # is fixed # uses: actions-rs/install@v0.1 # with: # crate: grcov # version: latest # use-tool-cache: false - name: Generate coverage data (via `grcov`) id: coverage shell: bash run: | ## Generate coverage data COVERAGE_REPORT_DIR="target/debug" COVERAGE_REPORT_FILE="${COVERAGE_REPORT_DIR}/" # GRCOV_IGNORE_OPTION='--ignore --ignore "vendor/*" --ignore "/*" --ignore "[a-zA-Z]:/*"' ## `grcov` ignores these params when passed as an environment variable (why?) # GRCOV_EXCLUDE_OPTION='--excl-br-line "^\s*((debug_)?assert(_eq|_ne)?!|#\[derive\()"' ## `grcov` ignores these params when passed as an environment variable (why?) mkdir -p "${COVERAGE_REPORT_DIR}" # display coverage files ~/.cargo/bin/grcov . --output-type files --ignore --ignore "vendor/*" --ignore "/*" --ignore "[a-zA-Z]:/*" --excl-br-line "^\s*((debug_)?assert(_eq|_ne)?!|#\[derive\()" | sort --unique # generate coverage report ~/.cargo/bin/grcov . --output-type lcov --output-path "${COVERAGE_REPORT_FILE}" --branch --ignore --ignore "vendor/*" --ignore "/*" --ignore "[a-zA-Z]:/*" --excl-br-line "^\s*((debug_)?assert(_eq|_ne)?!|#\[derive\()" echo ::set-output name=report::${COVERAGE_REPORT_FILE} - name: Upload coverage results (to uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3 # if: steps.vars.outputs.HAS_CODECOV_TOKEN with: # token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }} file: ${{ }} ## flags: IntegrationTests, UnitTests, ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CODECOV_FLAGS }} flags: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.CODECOV_FLAGS }} name: codecov-umbrella fail_ci_if_error: false