- allow actual outputs to differ from expected (ie, `stat`) if `stat` is reporting "unknown" creation time
.# [why]
For many *nix flavors, `stat` is unable to detect birth/creation date
for directories/files. The information is available via the `statx()`
system call (for linux kernels >= v4.11), and rust supplies that
information via fs::MetadataExt for v1.40+. So, for rust v1.40+, there
will likely be a mismatch between the output of the system `stat` and
this ('uutils') `stat`.
* ref: <https://askubuntu.com/questions/470134/how-do-i-find-the-creation-time-of-a-file> @@ <https://archive.is/IsEAJ>
- convert to newer `?` syntax, fixing compiler warnings
+ requires MinSRV >= v1.13.0
.# [why]
The `?` operator was stabilized in rust v1.13.0.
Warnings requesting conversion from the old `try!` macro to the `?` operator
were introduced in rust v1.39.0.
* ref: <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/RELEASES.md>
GNU coreutils ls command implements the --color option as follow:
colorize the output; WHEN can be 'always' (default if omitted),
'auto', or 'never'
With --color=auto, ls emits color codes only when standard output is connected
to a terminal.
Also, add support for the following aliases:
- ‘always’, ‘yes’, ‘force’
- ‘never’, ‘no’, ‘none’
- ‘auto’, ‘tty’, ‘if-tty’
Signed-off-by: Gabriel Ganne <gabriel.ganne@gmail.com>
.# Discussion
This commit adds support for a '-f'/'--file' option which reads "KEY=VALUE" lines from
a config (or ini) style text file and sets the corresponding environment key. This is
modeled after the same option in the `dotenv` and `godotenv` commands. Notably, this
commit does *not* add automatic loading of ".env" configuration files.
The environment variables set by reading the configuration file are set prior to any
unset (eg, `-u BAR`) or set (eg, `FOO=bar`) actions. Files are loaded in order with
later files overwriting any overlapping environment variables, then, unset actions (in
command line order) are executed, then, finally, set actions (in command line order)
are executed.
[1] [`dotenv`](https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv)
[2] [`godotenv`](https://github.com/joho/godotenv)
Cstr::from_bytes_with_nul needs input bytes null terminated. Current
version does not include the last null byte, hence
Cstr::from_bytes_with_nul will panic with error 'FromBytesWithNulError {
kind: NotNulTerminated }'