mirror of
synced 2024-12-13 23:02:38 +00:00
tail: implement handling of truncate event for --follow=name
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 182 additions and 87 deletions
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> i32 {
let mut files_count = paths.len();
let mut first_header = true;
let mut readers: Vec<(Box<dyn BufRead>, &PathBuf)> = Vec::new();
let mut readers: Vec<(Box<dyn BufRead>, &PathBuf, Option<Metadata>)> = Vec::new();
let stdin_string = PathBuf::from("standard input");
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> i32 {
if settings.follow.is_some() && !stdin_is_pipe_or_fifo() {
readers.push((Box::new(reader), &stdin_string));
readers.push((Box::new(reader), &stdin_string, None));
} else {
@ -227,18 +227,18 @@ pub fn uumain(args: impl uucore::Args) -> i32 {
first_header = false;
let mut file = File::open(&path).unwrap();
let md = file.metadata().unwrap();
if is_seekable(&mut file) && get_block_size(&md) > 0 {
let md = file.metadata().ok();
if is_seekable(&mut file) && get_block_size(md.as_ref().unwrap()) > 0 {
bounded_tail(&mut file, &settings);
if settings.follow.is_some() {
let reader = BufReader::new(file);
readers.push((Box::new(reader), filename));
readers.push((Box::new(reader), filename, md));
} else {
let mut reader = BufReader::new(file);
unbounded_tail(&mut reader, &settings);
if settings.follow.is_some() {
readers.push((Box::new(reader), filename));
readers.push((Box::new(reader), filename, md));
@ -333,14 +333,12 @@ pub fn uu_app() -> App<'static, 'static> {
fn follow(readers: &mut Vec<(Box<dyn BufRead>, &PathBuf)>, settings: &Settings) {
fn follow(readers: &mut Vec<(Box<dyn BufRead>, &PathBuf, Option<Metadata>)>, settings: &Settings) {
if readers.is_empty() {
let last = readers.len() - 1;
let mut read_some = false;
let mut process = platform::ProcessChecker::new(settings.pid);
use notify::{RecursiveMode, Watcher};
@ -349,14 +347,23 @@ fn follow(readers: &mut Vec<(Box<dyn BufRead>, &PathBuf)>, settings: &Settings)
let mut watcher: Box<dyn Watcher>;
if settings.force_polling {
// Polling based Watcher implementation
watcher = Box::new(
notify::PollWatcher::with_delay(Arc::new(Mutex::new(tx)), settings.sleep_sec).unwrap(),
} else {
// Watcher is implemented per platform using the best implementation available on that
// platform. In addition to such event driven implementations, a polling implementation
// is also provided that should work on any platform.
// Linux / Android: inotify
// macOS: FSEvents
// Windows: ReadDirectoryChangesW
// FreeBSD / NetBSD / OpenBSD / DragonflyBSD: kqueue
// Fallback: polling (default delay is 30 seconds!)
watcher = Box::new(notify::RecommendedWatcher::new(tx).unwrap());
for (_, path) in readers.iter() {
for (_, path, _) in readers.iter() {
// NOTE: Using the parent directory here instead of the file is a workaround.
// On Linux (other OSs not tested yet) the watcher can crash for rename/delete/move
// operations if a file is watched directly.
@ -373,100 +380,122 @@ fn follow(readers: &mut Vec<(Box<dyn BufRead>, &PathBuf)>, settings: &Settings)
watcher.watch(path, RecursiveMode::NonRecursive).unwrap();
let mut read_some;
let last = readers.len() - 1;
loop {
read_some = false;
match rx.recv() {
Ok(Ok(event)) => {
// println!("\n{:?}", event);
// println!("\n{:?}\n", event);
if settings.follow == Some(FollowMode::Name) {
use notify::event::*;
for (i, (reader, path)) in readers.iter_mut().enumerate() {
if let Some(event_path) = event.paths.first() {
if path.ends_with(
.unwrap_or_else(|| std::ffi::OsStr::new("")),
) {
match event.kind {
// notify::EventKind::Any => {}
// EventKind::Access(AccessKind::Close(AccessMode::Write)) => {}
| EventKind::Create(CreateKind::Any)
| EventKind::Modify(ModifyKind::Name(RenameMode::To)) => {
// This triggers for e.g.:
// Create: cp log.bak log.dat
// Rename: mv log.bak log.dat
let msg = if settings.force_polling {
"{} has been replaced; following new file",
} else {
"{} has appeared; following new file",
show_error!("{}", msg);
// Since Files are automatically closed when they go out of
// scope, we resume tracking from the start of the file,
// assuming it has been truncated to 0, which is the usual
// truncation operation for log files.
// Open file again and then print it from the beginning.
let new_reader =
let _ = std::mem::replace(reader, new_reader);
read_some =
print_file((i, &mut (reader, path)), last, read_some);
// EventKind::Modify(ModifyKind::Metadata(_)) => {}
// EventKind::Modify(ModifyKind::Name(RenameMode::From)) => {}
// EventKind::Modify(ModifyKind::Name(RenameMode::To)) => {}
| EventKind::Remove(RemoveKind::Any)
| EventKind::Modify(ModifyKind::Name(RenameMode::From)) => {
// This triggers for e.g.:
// Create: cp log.dat log.bak
// Rename: mv log.dat log.bak
if !settings.force_polling {
"{}: No such file or directory",
// notify::EventKind::Other => {}
_ => {} // println!("{:?}", event.kind),
handle_event(event, readers, settings, last);
Err(e) => println!("{:?}", e),
_ => print!("UnknownError"),
Err(e) => eprintln!("{:?}", e),
_ => eprintln!("UnknownError"),
let pid_is_dead = !read_some && settings.pid != 0 && process.is_dead();
for reader_i in readers.iter_mut().enumerate() {
read_some = print_file(reader_i, last, read_some);
read_some = print_file(reader_i, last);
if pid_is_dead {
if !read_some && settings.pid != 0 && process.is_dead() {
// pid is dead
// Print all new content since the last pass
fn print_file<T: BufRead>(
reader_i: (usize, &mut (T, &PathBuf)),
mut last: usize,
mut read_some: bool,
fn handle_event(
event: notify::Event,
readers: &mut Vec<(Box<dyn BufRead>, &PathBuf, Option<Metadata>)>,
settings: &Settings,
last: usize,
) -> bool {
let (i, (reader, filename)) = reader_i;
let mut read_some = false;
use notify::event::*;
for (i, (reader, path, metadata)) in readers.iter_mut().enumerate() {
if let Some(event_path) = event.paths.first() {
if path.ends_with(
.unwrap_or_else(|| std::ffi::OsStr::new("")),
) {
match event.kind {
// notify::EventKind::Any => {}
| EventKind::Modify(ModifyKind::Data(DataChange::Any)) => {
// This triggers for e.g.:
// head log.dat > log.dat
if let Ok(new_md) = path.metadata() {
if let Some(old_md) = metadata {
if new_md.len() < old_md.len() {
show_error!("{}: file truncated", path.display());
// Update Metadata, open file again and print from beginning.
let _ = std::mem::replace(metadata, Some(new_md));
let new_reader = BufReader::new(File::open(&path).unwrap());
// let _ = new_reader.seek(SeekFrom::End(0));
let _ = std::mem::replace(reader, Box::new(new_reader));
read_some = print_file((i, &mut (reader, path, None)), last);
| EventKind::Create(CreateKind::Any)
| EventKind::Modify(ModifyKind::Name(RenameMode::To)) => {
// This triggers for e.g.:
// Create: cp log.bak log.dat
// Rename: mv log.bak log.dat
let msg = if settings.force_polling {
format!("{} has been replaced", path.quote())
} else {
format!("{} has appeared", path.quote())
show_error!("{}; following new file", msg);
// Since Files are automatically closed when they go out of
// scope, we resume tracking from the start of the file,
// assuming it has been truncated to 0, which is the usual
// truncation operation for log files.
// Open file again and then print it from the beginning.
let new_reader = BufReader::new(File::open(&path).unwrap());
let _ = std::mem::replace(reader, Box::new(new_reader));
read_some = print_file((i, &mut (reader, path, None)), last);
// EventKind::Modify(ModifyKind::Metadata(_)) => {}
// EventKind::Modify(ModifyKind::Name(RenameMode::From)) => {}
// EventKind::Modify(ModifyKind::Name(RenameMode::To)) => {}
| EventKind::Remove(RemoveKind::Any)
| EventKind::Modify(ModifyKind::Name(RenameMode::From)) => {
// This triggers for e.g.:
// Create: cp log.dat log.bak
// Rename: mv log.dat log.bak
if !settings.force_polling {
show_error!("{}: No such file or directory", path.display());
// notify::EventKind::Other => {}
_ => {} // println!("{:?}", event.kind),
// Print all new content since the last pass.
// This prints from the current seek position forward.
// `last` determines if a header needs to be printed.
fn print_file<T: BufRead>(
reader_i: (usize, &mut (T, &PathBuf, Option<Metadata>)),
mut last: usize,
) -> bool {
let mut read_some = false;
let (i, (reader, filename, _)) = reader_i;
loop {
let mut datum = String::new();
match reader.read_line(&mut datum) {
@ -105,6 +105,30 @@ fn test_follow_multiple() {
fn test_follow_name_multiple() {
let (at, mut ucmd) = at_and_ucmd!();
let mut child = ucmd
let expected = at.read("foobar_follow_multiple.expected");
assert_eq!(read_size(&mut child, expected.len()), expected);
let first_append = "trois\n";
at.append(FOOBAR_2_TXT, first_append);
assert_eq!(read_size(&mut child, first_append.len()), first_append);
let second_append = "twenty\nthirty\n";
let expected = at.read("foobar_follow_multiple_appended.expected");
at.append(FOOBAR_TXT, second_append);
assert_eq!(read_size(&mut child, expected.len()), expected);
fn test_follow_stdin() {
@ -521,6 +545,48 @@ fn test_follow_name_create() {
assert_eq!(buf_stderr, expected_stderr);
fn test_follow_name_truncate() {
// This test triggers a truncate event while `tail --follow=name logfile` is running.
// cp logfile backup && head logfile > logfile && sleep 1 && cp backup logfile
let ts = TestScenario::new(util_name!());
let at = &ts.fixtures;
let source = FOLLOW_NAME_TXT;
let source_canonical = &at.plus(source);
let backup = at.plus_as_string("backup");
let expected_stdout = at.read(FOLLOW_NAME_EXP);
let expected_stderr = format!("{}: {}: file truncated\n", ts.util_name, source);
let args = ["--follow=name", source];
let mut p = ts.ucmd().args(&args).run_no_wait();
let delay = 10;
std::fs::copy(&source_canonical, &backup).unwrap();
let _ = std::fs::File::create(source_canonical).unwrap(); // trigger truncate
std::fs::copy(&backup, &source_canonical).unwrap();
let mut buf_stdout = String::new();
let mut p_stdout = p.stdout.take().unwrap();
p_stdout.read_to_string(&mut buf_stdout).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf_stdout, expected_stdout);
let mut buf_stderr = String::new();
let mut p_stderr = p.stderr.take().unwrap();
p_stderr.read_to_string(&mut buf_stderr).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf_stderr, expected_stderr);
fn test_follow_name_create_polling() {
// This test triggers a remove/create event while `tail --follow=name --disable-inotify logfile` is running.
Reference in a new issue