core: add docs for update control

This commit is contained in:
John Shin 2023-05-01 03:46:14 -07:00
parent b707b690c5
commit c5327cf0a0

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@ -1,11 +1,57 @@
//! Implement GNU-style update functionality.
//! - pre-defined [`clap`-Arguments][1] for inclusion in utilities that
//! implement updates
//! - determination of the [update mode][2]
//! Update-functionality is implemented by the following utilities:
//! - `cp`
//! - `mv`
//! [1]: arguments
//! [2]: `determine_update_mode()`
//! # Usage example
//! ```
//! #[macro_use]
//! extern crate uucore;
//! use clap::{Command, Arg, ArgMatches};
//! use uucore::update_control::{self, UpdateMode};
//! fn main() {
//! let matches = Command::new("command")
//! .arg(update_control::arguments::update())
//! .arg(update_control::arguments::update_no_args())
//! .get_matches_from(vec![
//! "commmand", "--update=older"
//! ]);
//! let update_mode = update_control::determine_update_mode(&matches);
//! // handle cases
//! if update_mode == UpdateMode::ReplaceIfOlder {
//! // do
//! } else {
//! unreachable!()
//! }
//! }
//! ```
use clap::ArgMatches;
pub static UPDATE_CONTROL_VALUES: &[&str] = &["all", "none", "old", ""];
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
// Available update mode
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum UpdateMode {
// --update=`all`, ``
// --update=`none`
// --update=`older`
// -u
@ -15,6 +61,7 @@ pub mod arguments {
pub static OPT_UPDATE: &str = "update";
pub static OPT_UPDATE_NO_ARG: &str = "u";
// `--update` argument, defaults to `older` if no values after provided
pub fn update() -> clap::Arg {
@ -27,6 +74,7 @@ pub mod arguments {
// `-u` argument
pub fn update_no_args() -> clap::Arg {
@ -35,6 +83,37 @@ pub mod arguments {
/// Determine the "mode" for the update operation to perform, if any.
/// Parses the backup options and converts them to an instance of
/// `UpdateMode` for further processing.
/// Takes [`clap::ArgMatches`] as argument which **must** contain the options
/// from [`arguments::update()`] or [`arguments::update_no_args()`]. Otherwise
/// the `ReplaceAll` mode is returned unconditionally.
/// # Examples
/// Here's how one would integrate the update mode determination into an
/// application.
/// ```
/// #[macro_use]
/// extern crate uucore;
/// use uucore::update_control::{self, UpdateMode};
/// use clap::{Command, Arg, ArgMatches};
/// fn main() {
/// let matches = Command::new("command")
/// .arg(update_control::arguments::update())
/// .arg(update_control::arguments::update_no_args())
/// .get_matches_from(vec![
/// "command", "--update=all"
/// ]);
/// let update_mode = update_control::determine_update_mode(&matches);
/// assert_eq!(update_mode, UpdateMode::ReplaceAll)
/// }
pub fn determine_update_mode(matches: &ArgMatches) -> UpdateMode {
if matches.contains_id(arguments::OPT_UPDATE) {
if let Some(mode) = matches.get_one::<String>(arguments::OPT_UPDATE) {
@ -48,8 +127,10 @@ pub fn determine_update_mode(matches: &ArgMatches) -> UpdateMode {
unreachable!("other args restricted by clap")
} else if matches.get_flag(arguments::OPT_UPDATE_NO_ARG) {
// short form of this option is equivalent to using --update=older
} else {
// no option was present