2014-06-19 23:00:13 +00:00
#![crate_id = "uusync#1.0.0"]
2014-06-15 14:25:00 +00:00
* This file is part of the uutils coreutils package.
* (c) Alexander Fomin <xander.fomin@ya.ru>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
/* Last synced with: sync (GNU coreutils) 8.13 */
2014-06-20 12:44:35 +00:00
2014-06-15 14:25:00 +00:00
extern crate getopts;
extern crate libc;
use getopts::{optflag, getopts, usage};
2014-06-20 12:44:35 +00:00
#[path = "../common/util.rs"] mod util;
mod platform {
use super::libc;
extern {
fn sync() -> libc::c_void;
pub unsafe fn do_sync() -> int {
2014-06-15 14:25:00 +00:00
2014-06-20 12:44:35 +00:00
mod platform {
pub use super::libc;
use std::{mem, str};
extern "system" {
fn CreateFileA(lpFileName: *libc::c_char,
dwDesiredAccess: libc::uint32_t,
dwShareMode: libc::uint32_t,
lpSecurityAttributes: *libc::c_void, // *LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
dwCreationDisposition: libc::uint32_t,
dwFlagsAndAttributes: libc::uint32_t,
hTemplateFile: *libc::c_void) -> *libc::c_void;
fn GetDriveTypeA(lpRootPathName: *libc::c_char) -> libc::c_uint;
fn GetLastError() -> libc::uint32_t;
fn FindFirstVolumeA(lpszVolumeName: *libc::c_char,
cchBufferLength: libc::uint32_t) -> *libc::c_void;
fn FindNextVolumeA(hFindVolume: *libc::c_void,
lpszVolumeName: *libc::c_char,
cchBufferLength: libc::uint32_t) -> libc::c_int;
fn FindVolumeClose(hFindVolume: *libc::c_void) -> libc::c_int;
fn FlushFileBuffers(hFile: *libc::c_void) -> libc::c_int;
unsafe fn flush_volume(name: &str) {
name.to_c_str().with_ref(|name_buffer| {
if 0x00000003 == GetDriveTypeA(name_buffer) { // DRIVE_FIXED
let sliced_name = name.slice_to(name.len() - 1); // eliminate trailing backslash
sliced_name.to_c_str().with_ref(|sliced_name_buffer| {
match CreateFileA(sliced_name_buffer,
0xC0000000, // GENERIC_WRITE
0x00000003, // FILE_SHARE_WRITE,
0 as *libc::c_void,
0x00000003, // OPEN_EXISTING
0 as *libc::c_void) {
_x if _x == -1 as *libc::c_void => { // INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
crash!(GetLastError(), "failed to create volume handle");
handle @ _ => {
if FlushFileBuffers(handle) == 0 {
crash!(GetLastError(), "failed to flush file buffer");
unsafe fn find_first_volume() -> (String, *libc::c_void) {
let name: [libc::c_char, ..260] = mem::uninitialized(); // MAX_PATH
match FindFirstVolumeA(name.as_ptr(), name.len() as libc::uint32_t) {
_x if _x == -1 as *libc::c_void => { // INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
crash!(GetLastError(), "failed to find first volume");
handle @ _ => {
(str::raw::from_c_str(name.as_ptr()), handle)
unsafe fn find_all_volumes() -> Vec<String> {
match find_first_volume() {
(first_volume, next_volume_handle) => {
let mut volumes = Vec::from_elem(1, first_volume);
loop {
let name: [libc::c_char, ..260] = mem::uninitialized(); // MAX_PATH
match FindNextVolumeA(next_volume_handle, name.as_ptr(), name.len() as libc::uint32_t) {
0 => {
match GetLastError() {
0x12 => { // ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES
FindVolumeClose(next_volume_handle); // ignore FindVolumeClose() failures
err @ _ => {
crash!(err, "failed to find next volume");
_ => {
pub unsafe fn do_sync() -> int {
let volumes = find_all_volumes();
for vol in volumes.iter() {
2014-06-15 14:25:00 +00:00
pub fn uumain(args: Vec<String>) -> int {
let program = args.get(0);
let options = [
optflag("h", "help", "display this help and exit"),
optflag("V", "version", "output version information and exit")
let matches = match getopts(args.tail(), options) {
Ok(m) => { m }
2014-06-22 14:44:31 +00:00
_ => { help(program.as_slice(), options); return 1 }
2014-06-15 14:25:00 +00:00
if matches.opt_present("h") {
help(program.as_slice(), options);
return 0
if matches.opt_present("V") {
return 0
2014-06-20 12:44:35 +00:00
2014-06-15 14:25:00 +00:00
fn version() {
println!("sync (uutils) 1.0.0");
println!("The MIT License");
println!("Author -- Alexander Fomin.");
fn help(program: &str, options: &[getopts::OptGroup]) {
println!("Usage: {:s} [OPTION]", program);
print!("{:s}", usage("Force changed blocks to disk, update the super block.", options));
2014-06-20 12:44:35 +00:00
fn uusync() -> int {
unsafe {
2014-06-26 05:56:03 +00:00