- Check out https://github.com/coreutils/coreutils next to your fork as gnu
- Check out https://github.com/coreutils/gnulib next to your fork as gnulib
- Rename the checkout of your fork to uutils
At the end you should have uutils, gnu and gnulib checked out next to each other.
- Run `cd uutils && ./util/build-gnu.sh && cd ..` to get everything ready (this may take a while)
- Finally, you can run `tests with bash uutils/util/run-gnu-test.sh <test>`. Instead of `<test>` insert the test you want to run, e.g. `tests/misc/wc-proc`.
A configuration for `pre-commit` is provided in the repository. It allows automatically checking every git commit you make to ensure it compiles, and passes `clippy` and `rustfmt` without warnings.
2. Run `pre-commit install` while in the repository directory
Your git commits will then automatically be checked. If a check fails, an error message will explain why, and your commit will be canceled. You can then make the suggested changes, and run `git commit ...` again.
The `msrv` key in the clippy configuration file `clippy.toml` is used to disable lints pertaining to newer features by specifying the minimum supported Rust version (MSRV). However, this key is only supported on `nightly`. To invoke clippy without errors, use `cargo +nightly clippy`. In order to also check tests and non-default crate features, use `cargo +nightly clippy --all-targets --all-features`.