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#![crate_name = "ln"]
#![feature(path_ext, slice_patterns, str_char)]
* This file is part of the uutils coreutils package.
* (c) Joseph Crail <jbcrail@gmail.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
extern crate getopts;
use std::fs::{self, PathExt};
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Result, stdin, Write};
#[cfg(unix)] use std::os::unix::fs::symlink as symlink_file;
#[cfg(windows)] use std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
mod util;
static NAME: &'static str = "ln";
static VERSION: &'static str = "1.0.0";
pub struct Settings {
overwrite: OverwriteMode,
backup: BackupMode,
suffix: String,
symbolic: bool,
target_dir: Option<String>,
no_target_dir: bool,
verbose: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum OverwriteMode {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum BackupMode {
pub fn uumain(args: Vec<String>) -> i32 {
let mut opts = getopts::Options::new();
opts.optflag("b", "", "make a backup of each file that would otherwise be overwritten or removed");
opts.optflagopt("", "backup", "make a backup of each file that would otherwise be overwritten or removed", "METHOD");
// TODO: opts.optflag("d", "directory", "allow users with appropriate privileges to attempt to make hard links to directories");
opts.optflag("f", "force", "remove existing destination files");
opts.optflag("i", "interactive", "prompt whether to remove existing destination files");
// TODO: opts.optflag("L", "logical", "dereference TARGETs that are symbolic links");
// TODO: opts.optflag("n", "no-dereference", "treat LINK_NAME as a normal file if it is a symbolic link to a directory");
// TODO: opts.optflag("P", "physical", "make hard links directly to symbolic links");
// TODO: opts.optflag("r", "relative", "create symbolic links relative to link location");
opts.optflag("s", "symbolic", "make symbolic links instead of hard links");
opts.optopt("S", "suffix", "override the usual backup suffix", "SUFFIX");
opts.optopt("t", "target-directory", "specify the DIRECTORY in which to create the links", "DIRECTORY");
opts.optflag("T", "no-target-directory", "treat LINK_NAME as a normal file always");
opts.optflag("v", "verbose", "print name of each linked file");
opts.optflag("h", "help", "display this help and exit");
opts.optflag("V", "version", "output version information and exit");
let matches = match opts.parse(&args[1..]) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(e) => crash!(1, "{}", e),
let overwrite_mode = if matches.opt_present("force") {
} else if matches.opt_present("interactive") {
} else {
let backup_mode = if matches.opt_present("b") {
} else if matches.opt_present("backup") {
match matches.opt_str("backup") {
None => BackupMode::ExistingBackup,
Some(mode) => match &mode[..] {
"simple" | "never" => BackupMode::SimpleBackup,
"numbered" | "t" => BackupMode::NumberedBackup,
"existing" | "nil" => BackupMode::ExistingBackup,
"none" | "off" => BackupMode::NoBackup,
x => {
show_error!("invalid argument '{}' for 'backup method'\n\
Try '{} --help' for more information.", x, NAME);
return 1;
} else {
let backup_suffix = if matches.opt_present("suffix") {
match matches.opt_str("suffix") {
Some(x) => x,
None => {
show_error!("option '--suffix' requires an argument\n\
Try '{} --help' for more information.", NAME);
return 1;
} else {
if matches.opt_present("T") && matches.opt_present("t") {
show_error!("cannot combine --target-directory (-t) and --no-target-directory (-T)");
return 1;
let settings = Settings {
overwrite: overwrite_mode,
backup: backup_mode,
suffix: backup_suffix,
symbolic: matches.opt_present("s"),
target_dir: matches.opt_str("t"),
no_target_dir: matches.opt_present("T"),
verbose: matches.opt_present("v"),
let string_to_path = |s: &String| { PathBuf::from(s) };
let paths: Vec<PathBuf> = matches.free.iter().map(string_to_path).collect();
if matches.opt_present("version") {
println!("{} {}", NAME, VERSION);
} else if matches.opt_present("help") {
let msg = format!("{0} {1}
Usage: {0} [OPTION]... [-T] TARGET LINK_NAME (1st form)
or: {0} [OPTION]... TARGET (2nd form)
or: {0} [OPTION]... TARGET... DIRECTORY (3rd form)
or: {0} [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY TARGET... (4th form)
In the 1st form, create a link to TARGET with the name LINK_NAME.
In the 2nd form, create a link to TARGET in the current directory.
In the 3rd and 4th forms, create links to each TARGET in DIRECTORY.
Create hard links by default, symbolic links with --symbolic.
By default, each destination (name of new link) should not already exist.
When creating hard links, each TARGET must exist. Symbolic links
can hold arbitrary text; if later resolved, a relative link is
interpreted in relation to its parent directory.", NAME, VERSION);
print!("{}", opts.usage(&msg));
} else {
exec(&paths[..], &settings)
fn exec(files: &[PathBuf], settings: &Settings) -> i32 {
match settings.target_dir {
Some(ref name) => return link_files_in_dir(files, &PathBuf::from(name), &settings),
None => {}
match files {
[] => {
show_error!("missing file operand\nTry '{} --help' for more information.", NAME);
[ref target] => match link(target, target, settings) {
Ok(_) => 0,
Err(e) => {
show_error!("{}", e);
[ref target, ref linkname] => match link(target, linkname, settings) {
Ok(_) => 0,
Err(e) => {
show_error!("{}", e);
fs => {
if settings.no_target_dir {
show_error!("extra operand '{}'\nTry '{} --help' for more information.", fs[2].display(), NAME);
return 1;
let (targets, dir) = match settings.target_dir {
Some(ref dir) => (fs, PathBuf::from(dir.clone())),
None => (&fs[0..fs.len()-1], fs[fs.len()-1].clone())
link_files_in_dir(targets, &dir, settings)
fn link_files_in_dir(files: &[PathBuf], target_dir: &PathBuf, settings: &Settings) -> i32 {
if !target_dir.is_dir() {
show_error!("target '{}' is not a directory", target_dir.display());
return 1;
let mut all_successful = true;
for srcpath in files.iter() {
let targetpath = match srcpath.as_os_str().to_str() {
Some(name) => target_dir.join(name),
None => {
show_error!("cannot stat '{}': No such file or directory",
all_successful = false;
match link(srcpath, &targetpath, settings) {
Err(e) => {
show_error!("cannot link '{}' to '{}': {}",
targetpath.display(), srcpath.display(), e);
all_successful = false;
_ => {}
if all_successful { 0 } else { 1 }
fn link(src: &PathBuf, dst: &PathBuf, settings: &Settings) -> Result<()> {
let mut backup_path = None;
if dst.is_dir() {
if settings.no_target_dir {
if is_symlink(dst) || dst.exists() {
match settings.overwrite {
OverwriteMode::NoClobber => {},
OverwriteMode::Interactive => {
print!("{}: overwrite '{}'? ", NAME, dst.display());
if !read_yes() {
return Ok(());
OverwriteMode::Force => {
backup_path = match settings.backup {
BackupMode::NoBackup => None,
BackupMode::SimpleBackup => Some(simple_backup_path(dst, &settings.suffix)),
BackupMode::NumberedBackup => Some(numbered_backup_path(dst)),
BackupMode::ExistingBackup => Some(existing_backup_path(dst, &settings.suffix))
if let Some(ref p) = backup_path {
try!(fs::rename(dst, p));
if settings.symbolic {
try!(symlink(src, dst));
} else {
try!(fs::hard_link(src, dst));
if settings.verbose {
print!("'{}' -> '{}'", dst.display(), src.display());
match backup_path {
Some(path) => println!(" (backup: '{}')", path.display()),
None => println!("")
fn read_yes() -> bool {
let mut s = String::new();
match BufReader::new(stdin()).read_line(&mut s) {
Ok(_) => match s.slice_shift_char() {
Some((x, _)) => x == 'y' || x == 'Y',
_ => false
_ => false
fn simple_backup_path(path: &PathBuf, suffix: &String) -> PathBuf {
let mut p = path.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap().to_string();
fn numbered_backup_path(path: &PathBuf) -> PathBuf {
let mut i: u64 = 1;
loop {
let new_path = simple_backup_path(path, &format!(".~{}~", i));
if !new_path.exists() {
return new_path;
i += 1;
fn existing_backup_path(path: &PathBuf, suffix: &String) -> PathBuf {
let test_path = simple_backup_path(path, &".~1~".to_string());
if test_path.exists() {
return numbered_backup_path(path);
simple_backup_path(path, suffix)
pub fn symlink<P: AsRef<Path>>(src: P, dst: P) -> Result<()> {
symlink_file(src, dst)
pub fn is_symlink<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> bool {
match fs::symlink_metadata(path) {
Ok(m) => m.file_type().is_symlink(),
Err(_) => false