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2014-07-06 08:13:36 +00:00
#![crate_name = "uptime"]
2015-01-10 19:31:55 +00:00
* This file is part of the uutils coreutils package.
* (c) Jordi Boggiano <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
/* last synced with: cat (GNU coreutils) 8.13 */
2014-03-31 16:40:21 +00:00
extern crate getopts;
extern crate libc;
extern crate "time" as rtime;
2015-01-10 16:55:29 +00:00
use std::ffi::CString;
2014-05-16 09:03:19 +00:00
use std::mem::transmute;
use std::io::{print, File};
use std::ptr::null;
use libc::{time_t, c_double, c_int, c_char};
use utmpx::*;
2015-01-08 12:54:22 +00:00
#[path = "../common/"] #[macro_use] mod util;
#[path = "../common/"] mod c_types;
#[path = "../common/"] mod utmpx;
static NAME: &'static str = "uptime";
extern {
fn getloadavg(loadavg: *mut c_double, nelem: c_int) -> c_int;
fn getutxent() -> *const c_utmp;
fn setutxent();
fn endutxent();
2014-10-02 17:55:06 +00:00
#[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux"))]
fn utmpxname(file: *const c_char) -> c_int;
extern {
fn GetTickCount() -> libc::uint32_t;
2014-09-23 13:40:31 +00:00
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
unsafe extern fn utmpxname(_file: *const c_char) -> c_int {
2015-01-10 13:07:39 +00:00
pub fn uumain(args: Vec<String>) -> isize {
2014-07-20 01:13:55 +00:00
let program = args[0].clone();
2014-05-30 08:35:54 +00:00
let opts = [
getopts::optflag("v", "version", "output version information and exit"),
getopts::optflag("h", "help", "display this help and exit"),
2014-11-19 20:55:25 +00:00
let matches = match getopts::getopts(args.tail(), &opts) {
Ok(m) => m,
2014-06-15 10:50:40 +00:00
Err(f) => crash!(1, "Invalid options\n{}", f)
if matches.opt_present("version") {
println!("uptime 1.0.0");
return 0;
if matches.opt_present("help") || > 0 {
2014-11-21 09:09:43 +00:00
println!(" {0} [OPTION]", program);
print(getopts::usage("Print the current time, the length of time the system has been up,\n\
the number of users on the system, and the average number of jobs\n\
2014-11-19 20:55:25 +00:00
in the run queue over the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes.", &opts).as_slice());
return 0;
let (boot_time, user_count) = process_utmpx();
let upsecs = get_uptime(boot_time) / 100;
fn print_loadavg() {
2015-01-08 12:58:23 +00:00
let mut avg: [c_double; 3] = [0.0; 3];
let loads: i32 = unsafe { transmute(getloadavg(avg.as_mut_ptr(), 3)) };
if loads == -1 {
else {
2014-12-21 23:48:23 +00:00
print!("load average: ");
for n in range(0, loads) {
2015-01-10 18:07:08 +00:00
print!("{:.2}{}", avg[n as usize], if n == loads - 1 { "\n" }
else { ", " } );
2015-01-10 18:07:08 +00:00
fn process_utmpx() -> (Option<time_t>, usize) {
2015-01-10 16:55:29 +00:00
unsafe {
let mut nusers = 0;
let mut boot_time = None;
unsafe {
loop {
let line = getutxent();
if line == null() {
match (*line).ut_type {
USER_PROCESS => nusers += 1,
let t = (*line).ut_tv;
if t.tv_sec > 0 {
boot_time = Some(t.tv_sec);
_ => continue
(boot_time, nusers)
2015-01-10 18:07:08 +00:00
fn process_utmpx() -> (Option<time_t>, usize) {
(None, 0) // TODO: change 0 to number of users
2015-01-10 18:07:08 +00:00
fn print_nusers(nusers: usize) {
if nusers == 1 {
print!("1 user, ");
} else if nusers > 1 {
print!("{} users, ", nusers);
fn print_time() {
let local_time = rtime::now();
print!(" {:02}:{:02}:{:02} ", local_time.tm_hour,
local_time.tm_min, local_time.tm_sec);
fn get_uptime(boot_time: Option<time_t>) -> i64 {
2014-03-25 15:59:29 +00:00
let proc_uptime = File::open(&Path::new("/proc/uptime"))
2014-07-09 08:29:50 +00:00
2014-03-25 15:59:29 +00:00
let uptime_text = match proc_uptime {
Ok(s) => s,
_ => return match boot_time {
Some(t) => {
let now = rtime::get_time().sec;
2015-01-10 16:55:29 +00:00
let time = t as i64;
((now - time) * 100) as i64 // Return in ms
_ => -1
2014-03-25 15:59:29 +00:00
2014-05-23 12:28:40 +00:00
match uptime_text.as_slice().words().next() {
Some(s) => match s.replace(".", "").as_slice().parse() {
Some(n) => n,
None => -1
None => -1
2014-03-25 15:59:29 +00:00
fn get_uptime(boot_time: Option<time_t>) -> i64 {
unsafe { GetTickCount() as i64 }
fn print_uptime(upsecs: i64) {
let updays = upsecs / 86400;
let uphours = (upsecs - (updays * 86400)) / 3600;
let upmins = (upsecs - (updays * 86400) - (uphours * 3600)) / 60;
2014-07-20 01:13:55 +00:00
if updays == 1 {
2014-11-21 09:09:43 +00:00
print!("up {:1} day, {:2}:{:02}, ", updays, uphours, upmins);
else if updays > 1 {
2014-11-21 09:09:43 +00:00
print!("up {:1} days, {:2}:{:02}, ", updays, uphours, upmins);
else {
2014-11-21 09:09:43 +00:00
print!("up {:2}:{:02}, ", uphours, upmins);