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synced 2025-03-03 23:07:15 +00:00
From https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/diagnostics.html#suggestion-style-guide > Suggestions should not be a question. In particular, language like > "did you mean" should be avoided. Sometimes, it's unclear why a > particular suggestion is being made. In these cases, it's better to be > upfront about what the suggestion is. > > The message may contain further instruction such as "to do xyz, use" > or "to do xyz, use abc". Inspired by #2766
224 lines
8.4 KiB
224 lines
8.4 KiB
use clap::{arg, Arg, ArgAction, Command};
#[cfg(feature = "error-context")]
use super::utils;
fn flag_using_short() {
let m = Command::new("flag")
arg!(-f --flag "some flag").action(ArgAction::SetTrue),
arg!(-c --color "some other flag").action(ArgAction::SetTrue),
.try_get_matches_from(vec!["", "-f", "-c"])
assert!(*m.get_one::<bool>("flag").expect("defaulted by clap"));
assert!(*m.get_one::<bool>("color").expect("defaulted by clap"));
fn lots_o_flags_sep() {
let r = Command::new("opts")
.arg(arg!(o: -o ... "some flag").action(ArgAction::SetTrue))
"", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o", "-o",
"-o", "-o", "-o",
assert!(r.is_ok(), "{:?}", r.unwrap_err().kind());
let m = r.unwrap();
assert!(*m.get_one::<bool>("o").expect("defaulted by clap"));
fn lots_o_flags_combined() {
let r = Command::new("opts")
.arg(arg!(o: -o ... "some flag").action(ArgAction::SetTrue))
assert!(r.is_ok(), "{:?}", r.unwrap_err().kind());
let m = r.unwrap();
assert!(*m.get_one::<bool>("o").expect("defaulted by clap"));
fn flag_using_long() {
let m = Command::new("flag")
arg!(--flag "some flag").action(ArgAction::SetTrue),
arg!(--color "some other flag").action(ArgAction::SetTrue),
.try_get_matches_from(vec!["", "--flag", "--color"])
assert!(*m.get_one::<bool>("flag").expect("defaulted by clap"));
assert!(*m.get_one::<bool>("color").expect("defaulted by clap"));
fn flag_using_long_with_literals() {
use clap::error::ErrorKind;
let m = Command::new("flag")
.try_get_matches_from(vec!["", "--rainbow=false"]);
assert!(m.is_err(), "{:#?}", m.unwrap());
assert_eq!(m.unwrap_err().kind(), ErrorKind::TooManyValues);
fn flag_using_mixed() {
let m = Command::new("flag")
arg!(-f --flag "some flag").action(ArgAction::SetTrue),
arg!(-c --color "some other flag").action(ArgAction::SetTrue),
.try_get_matches_from(vec!["", "-f", "--color"])
assert!(*m.get_one::<bool>("flag").expect("defaulted by clap"));
assert!(*m.get_one::<bool>("color").expect("defaulted by clap"));
let m = Command::new("flag")
arg!(-f --flag "some flag").action(ArgAction::SetTrue),
arg!(-c --color "some other flag").action(ArgAction::SetTrue),
.try_get_matches_from(vec!["", "--flag", "-c"])
assert!(*m.get_one::<bool>("flag").expect("defaulted by clap"));
assert!(*m.get_one::<bool>("color").expect("defaulted by clap"));
fn multiple_flags_in_single() {
let m = Command::new("multe_flags")
arg!(-f --flag "some flag").action(ArgAction::SetTrue),
arg!(-c --color "some other flag").action(ArgAction::SetTrue),
arg!(-d --debug "another other flag").action(ArgAction::SetTrue),
.try_get_matches_from(vec!["", "-fcd"])
assert!(*m.get_one::<bool>("flag").expect("defaulted by clap"));
assert!(*m.get_one::<bool>("color").expect("defaulted by clap"));
assert!(*m.get_one::<bool>("debug").expect("defaulted by clap"));
#[cfg(feature = "error-context")]
fn unexpected_value_error() {
const USE_FLAG_AS_ARGUMENT: &str = "\
error: The value 'foo' was provided to '--a-flag' but it wasn't expecting any more values
Usage: mycat --a-flag [filename]
For more information try '--help'
let cmd = Command::new("mycat")
utils::assert_output(cmd, "mycat --a-flag=foo", USE_FLAG_AS_ARGUMENT, true);
#[cfg(feature = "error-context")]
fn issue_1284_argument_in_flag_style() {
const USE_FLAG_AS_ARGUMENT: &str = "\
error: Found argument '--another-flag' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context
note: to pass '--another-flag' as a value, use '-- --another-flag'
Usage: mycat [OPTIONS] [filename]
For more information try '--help'
let cmd = Command::new("mycat")
let m = cmd
.try_get_matches_from(vec!["", "--", "--another-flag"])
m.get_one::<String>("filename").map(|v| v.as_str()),
let m = cmd
.try_get_matches_from(vec!["", "--a-flag"])
assert!(*m.get_one::<bool>("a-flag").expect("defaulted by clap"));
let m = cmd
.try_get_matches_from(vec!["", "--", "--a-flag"])
m.get_one::<String>("filename").map(|v| v.as_str()),
utils::assert_output(cmd, "mycat --another-flag", USE_FLAG_AS_ARGUMENT, true);
#[cfg(feature = "error-context")]
fn issue_2308_multiple_dashes() {
static MULTIPLE_DASHES: &str = "\
error: Found argument '-----' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context
note: to pass '-----' as a value, use '-- -----'
Usage: test <arg>
For more information try '--help'
let cmd = Command::new("test").arg(Arg::new("arg").action(ArgAction::Set).required(true));
utils::assert_output(cmd, "test -----", MULTIPLE_DASHES, true);
#[should_panic = "Argument filename: long \"--filename\" must not start with a `-`, that will be handled by the parser"]
fn leading_dash_stripped() {
let cmd = Command::new("mycat").arg(Arg::new("filename").long("--filename"));