Kevin K 4cc85990fd
refactor: removed strings as an internal ID for arguments, groups, and

This commit changes the internal ID to a u64 which will allow for
greater optimizations down the road. In addition, it lays the ground
work for allowing users to use things like enum variants as argument
keys instead of strings.

The only downside is each key needs to be hashed (the implementation
used is an FNV hasher for performance). However, the performance gains
in faster iteration, comparison, etc. should easily outweigh the single
hash of each argument.

Another benefit of if this commit is the removal of several lifetime
parameters, as it stands Arg and App now only have a single lifetime
parameter, and ArgMatches and ArgGroup have no lifetime parameter.
2019-04-05 20:21:22 -04:00

87 lines
3.8 KiB

#[allow(unused_imports, dead_code)]
mod test {
use std::str;
use std::io::{Cursor, Write};
use regex::Regex;
use clap::{App, Arg, ArgGroup};
fn compare<S, S2>(l: S, r: S2) -> bool
where S: AsRef<str>,
S2: AsRef<str>
let re = Regex::new("\x1b[^m]*m").unwrap();
// Strip out any mismatching \r character on windows that might sneak in on either side
let ls = l.as_ref().trim().replace("\r", "");
let rs = r.as_ref().trim().replace("\r", "");
let left = re.replace_all(&*ls, "");
let right = re.replace_all(&*rs, "");
let b = left == right;
if !b {
println!("--> left");
println!("{}", left);
println!("--> right");
println!("{}", right);
pub fn compare_output(l: App, args: &str, right: &str, stderr: bool) -> bool {
let mut buf = Cursor::new(Vec::with_capacity(50));
let res = l.try_get_matches_from(args.split(' ').collect::<Vec<_>>());
let err = res.unwrap_err();
err.write_to(&mut buf).unwrap();
let content = buf.into_inner();
let left = String::from_utf8(content).unwrap();
assert_eq!(stderr, err.use_stderr(),
"Should Use STDERR failed. Should be {} but is {}", stderr, err.use_stderr());
compare(left, right)
pub fn compare_output2(l: App, args: &str, right1: &str, right2: &str, stderr: bool) -> bool {
let mut buf = Cursor::new(Vec::with_capacity(50));
let res = l.try_get_matches_from(args.split(' ').collect::<Vec<_>>());
let err = res.unwrap_err();
err.write_to(&mut buf).unwrap();
let content = buf.into_inner();
let left = String::from_utf8(content).unwrap();
assert_eq!(stderr, err.use_stderr());
compare(&*left, right1) || compare(&*left, right2)
// Legacy tests from the pyhton script days
pub fn complex_app() -> App<'static> {
let opt3_vals = ["fast", "slow"];
let pos3_vals = ["vi", "emacs"];
.about("tests clap library")
.author("Kevin K. <>")
.arg("-o --option=[opt]... 'tests options'")
.arg("[positional] 'tests positionals'")
.arg(Arg::from("-f --flag... 'tests flags'")
Arg::from("[flag2] -F 'tests flags with exclusions'").conflicts_with("flag").requires("long-option-2"),
Arg::from("--long-option-2 [option2] 'tests long options with exclusions'").conflicts_with("option").requires("positional2"),
Arg::from("[positional2] 'tests positionals with exclusions'"),
Arg::from("-O --Option [option3] 'specific vals'").possible_values(&opt3_vals),
Arg::from("[positional3]... 'tests specific values'").possible_values(&pos3_vals),
Arg::from("--multvals [one] [two] 'Tests mutliple values, not mult occs'"),
Arg::from("--multvalsmo... [one] [two] 'Tests mutliple values, and mult occs'"),
Arg::from("--minvals2 [minvals]... 'Tests 2 min vals'").min_values(2),
Arg::from("--maxvals3 [maxvals]... 'Tests 3 max vals'").max_values(3)
.about("tests subcommands")
.author("Kevin K. <>")
.arg("-o --option [scoption]... 'tests options'")
.arg("-s --subcmdarg [subcmdarg] 'tests other args'")
.arg("[scpositional] 'tests positionals'"))