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<h1 class='fqn'><span class='in-band'>Struct <a href='index.html'>clap</a>::<wbr><a class='struct' href=''>Arg</a><wbr></span><span class='out-of-band'><span id='render-detail'>
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</span><a id='src-4820' href='../src/clap/'>[src]</a></span></h1>
<pre class='rust struct'>pub struct Arg {
pub name: &amp;'static <a href=''>str</a>,
pub short: <a class='enum' href='' title='core::option::Option'>Option</a>&lt;<a href=''>char</a>&gt;,
pub long: <a class='enum' href='' title='core::option::Option'>Option</a>&lt;&amp;'static <a href=''>str</a>&gt;,
pub help: <a class='enum' href='' title='core::option::Option'>Option</a>&lt;&amp;'static <a href=''>str</a>&gt;,
pub required: <a href=''>bool</a>,
pub takes_value: <a href=''>bool</a>,
pub index: <a class='enum' href='' title='core::option::Option'>Option</a>&lt;<a href=''>u8</a>&gt;,
pub multiple: <a href=''>bool</a>,
pub blacklist: <a class='enum' href='' title='core::option::Option'>Option</a>&lt;<a class='struct' href='' title='collections::vec::Vec'>Vec</a>&lt;&amp;'static <a href=''>str</a>&gt;&gt;,
pub requires: <a class='enum' href='' title='core::option::Option'>Option</a>&lt;<a class='struct' href='' title='collections::vec::Vec'>Vec</a>&lt;&amp;'static <a href=''>str</a>&gt;&gt;,
}</pre><div class='docblock'><p>The abstract representation of a command line argument used by the consumer of the library.</p>
<p>This struct is used by the library consumer and describes the command line arguments for
their program.
and then evaluates the settings the consumer provided and determines the concret
argument struct to use when parsing.</p>
<h1 id="example" class='section-header'><a
href="#example">Example</a></h1><pre id='rust-example-rendered' class='rust '>
<span class='ident'>Arg</span>::<span class='ident'>new</span>(<span class='string'>&quot;conifg&quot;</span>)
.<span class='ident'>short</span>(<span class='string'>&quot;c&quot;</span>)
.<span class='ident'>long</span>(<span class='string'>&quot;config&quot;</span>)
.<span class='ident'>takes_value</span>(<span class='boolval'>true</span>)
.<span class='ident'>help</span>(<span class='string'>&quot;Provides a config file to myprog&quot;</span>)
</div><h2 class='fields'>Fields</h2>
<table><tr><td id=''><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>name</code></td><td><div class='docblock'><p>The unique name of the argument, required</p>
</div></td></tr><tr><td id='structfield.short'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>short</code></td><td><div class='docblock'><p>The short version (i.e. single character) of the argument, no preceding <code>-</code>
<strong>NOTE:</strong> <code>short</code> is mutually exclusive with <code>index</code></p>
</div></td></tr><tr><td id='structfield.long'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>long</code></td><td><div class='docblock'><p>The long version of the flag (i.e. word) without the preceding <code>--</code>
<strong>NOTE:</strong> <code>long</code> is mutually exclusive with <code>index</code></p>
</div></td></tr><tr><td id=''><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>help</code></td><td><div class='docblock'><p>The string of text that will displayed to the user when the application&#39;s
<code>help</code> text is displayed</p>
</div></td></tr><tr><td id='structfield.required'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>required</code></td><td><div class='docblock'><p>If this is a required by default when using the command line program
i.e. a configuration file that&#39;s required for the program to function
<strong>NOTE:</strong> required by default means, it is required <em>until</em> mutually
exclusive arguments are evaluated.</p>
</div></td></tr><tr><td id='structfield.takes_value'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>takes_value</code></td><td><div class='docblock'><p>Determines if this argument is an option, vice a flag or positional and
is mutually exclusive with <code>index</code> and <code>multiple</code></p>
</div></td></tr><tr><td id='structfield.index'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>index</code></td><td><div class='docblock'><p>The index of the argument. <code>index</code> is mutually exclusive with <code>takes_value</code>
and <code>multiple</code></p>
</div></td></tr><tr><td id='structfield.multiple'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>multiple</code></td><td><div class='docblock'><p>Determines if multiple instances of the same flag are allowed. <code>multiple</code>
is mutually exclusive with <code>index</code> and <code>takes_value</code>.
I.e. <code>-v -v -v</code> or <code>-vvv</code></p>
</div></td></tr><tr><td id='structfield.blacklist'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>blacklist</code></td><td><div class='docblock'><p>A list of names for other arguments that <em>may not</em> be used with this flag</p>
</div></td></tr><tr><td id='structfield.requires'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>requires</code></td><td><div class='docblock'><p>A list of names of other arguments that are <em>required</em> to be used when
this flag is used</p>
</div></td></tr></table><h2 id='methods'>Methods</h2><h3 class='impl'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>impl <a class='struct' href='../clap/struct.Arg.html' title='clap::Arg'>Arg</a></code></h3><div class='impl-items'><h4 id='' class='method'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>fn <a href='' class='fnname'>new</a>(n: &amp;'static <a href=''>str</a>) -&gt; <a class='struct' href='../clap/struct.Arg.html' title='clap::Arg'>Arg</a></code></h4>
<div class='docblock'><p>Creates a new instace of <code>Arg</code> using a unique string name.
The name will be used by the library consumer to get information about
whether or not the argument was used at runtime. </p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> in the case of arguments that take values (i.e. <code>takes_value(true)</code>)
and positional arguments (i.e. those without a <code>-</code> or <code>--</code>) the name will also
be displayed when the user prints the usage/help information of the program.</p>
<pre id='rust-example-rendered' class='rust '>
<span class='ident'>Arg</span>::<span class='ident'>new</span>(<span class='string'>&quot;conifg&quot;</span>)
</div><h4 id='method.short' class='method'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>fn <a href='#method.short' class='fnname'>short</a>(self, s: &amp;'static <a href=''>str</a>) -&gt; <a class='struct' href='../clap/struct.Arg.html' title='clap::Arg'>Arg</a></code></h4>
<div class='docblock'><p>Sets the short version of the argument without the preceding <code>-</code>.</p>
<p>By default <code>clap</code> automatically assigns <code>v</code> and <code>h</code> to display version and help information
respectivly. You may use <code>v</code> or <code>h</code> for your own purposes, in which case <code>clap</code> simply
will not asign those to the displaying of version or help.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Any leading <code>-</code> characters will be stripped, and only the first
non <code>-</code> chacter will be used as the <code>short</code> version, i.e. for when the user
mistakenly sets the short to <code>-o</code> or the like.
<pre id='rust-example-rendered' class='rust '>
.<span class='ident'>short</span>(<span class='string'>&quot;c&quot;</span>)
</div><h4 id='method.long' class='method'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>fn <a href='#method.long' class='fnname'>long</a>(self, l: &amp;'static <a href=''>str</a>) -&gt; <a class='struct' href='../clap/struct.Arg.html' title='clap::Arg'>Arg</a></code></h4>
<div class='docblock'><p>Sets the long version of the argument without the preceding <code>--</code>.</p>
<p>By default <code>clap</code> automatically assigns <code>version</code> and <code>help</code> to display version and help information
respectivly. You may use <code>version</code> or <code>help</code> for your own purposes, in which case <code>clap</code> simply
will not asign those to the displaying of version or help automatically, and you will have to do
so manually.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Any leading <code>-</code> characters will be stripped i.e. for
when the user mistakenly sets the short to <code>--out</code> or the like.</p>
<pre id='rust-example-rendered' class='rust '>
.<span class='ident'>long</span>(<span class='string'>&quot;config&quot;</span>)
</div><h4 id='' class='method'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>fn <a href='' class='fnname'>help</a>(self, h: &amp;'static <a href=''>str</a>) -&gt; <a class='struct' href='../clap/struct.Arg.html' title='clap::Arg'>Arg</a></code></h4>
<div class='docblock'><p>Sets the help text of the argument that will be displayed to the user
when they print the usage/help information. </p>
<pre id='rust-example-rendered' class='rust '>
.<span class='ident'>help</span>(<span class='string'>&quot;The config file used by the myprog&quot;</span>)
</div><h4 id='method.required' class='method'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>fn <a href='#method.required' class='fnname'>required</a>(self, r: <a href=''>bool</a>) -&gt; <a class='struct' href='../clap/struct.Arg.html' title='clap::Arg'>Arg</a></code></h4>
<div class='docblock'><p>Sets whether or not the argument is required by default. Required by
default means it is required, when no other mutually exlusive rules have
been evaluated. Mutually exclusive rules take precedence over being required
by default.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Flags (i.e. not positional, or arguments that take values)
cannot be required by default.
when they print the usage/help information. </p>
<pre id='rust-example-rendered' class='rust '>
.<span class='ident'>required</span>(<span class='boolval'>true</span>)
</div><h4 id='method.mutually_excludes' class='method'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>fn <a href='#method.mutually_excludes' class='fnname'>mutually_excludes</a>(self, name: &amp;'static <a href=''>str</a>) -&gt; <a class='struct' href='../clap/struct.Arg.html' title='clap::Arg'>Arg</a></code></h4>
<div class='docblock'><p>Sets a mutually exclusive argument by name. I.e. when using this argument,
the following argument can&#39;t be present.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Mutually exclusive rules take precedence over being required
by default. Mutually exclusive rules only need to be set for one of the two
arguments, they do not need to be set for each.</p>
<pre id='rust-example-rendered' class='rust '>
.<span class='ident'>mutually_excludes</span>(<span class='string'>&quot;debug&quot;</span>)
</div><h4 id='method.mutually_excludes_all' class='method'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>fn <a href='#method.mutually_excludes_all' class='fnname'>mutually_excludes_all</a>(self, names: <a class='struct' href='' title='collections::vec::Vec'>Vec</a>&lt;&amp;'static <a href=''>str</a>&gt;) -&gt; <a class='struct' href='../clap/struct.Arg.html' title='clap::Arg'>Arg</a></code></h4>
<div class='docblock'><p>Sets a mutually exclusive arguments by names. I.e. when using this argument,
the following argument can&#39;t be present.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Mutually exclusive rules take precedence over being required
by default. Mutually exclusive rules only need to be set for one of the two
arguments, they do not need to be set for each.</p>
<pre id='rust-example-rendered' class='rust '>
.<span class='ident'>mutually_excludes_all</span>(
<span class='macro'>vec</span><span class='macro'>!</span>[<span class='string'>&quot;debug&quot;</span>, <span class='string'>&quot;input&quot;</span>])
</div><h4 id='method.requires' class='method'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>fn <a href='#method.requires' class='fnname'>requires</a>(self, name: &amp;'static <a href=''>str</a>) -&gt; <a class='struct' href='../clap/struct.Arg.html' title='clap::Arg'>Arg</a></code></h4>
<div class='docblock'><p>Sets an argument by name that is required when this one is presnet I.e. when
using this argument, the following argument <em>must</em> be present.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Mutually exclusive rules take precedence over being required</p>
<pre id='rust-example-rendered' class='rust '>
.<span class='ident'>requires</span>(<span class='string'>&quot;debug&quot;</span>)
</div><h4 id='method.requires_all' class='method'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>fn <a href='#method.requires_all' class='fnname'>requires_all</a>(self, names: <a class='struct' href='' title='collections::vec::Vec'>Vec</a>&lt;&amp;'static <a href=''>str</a>&gt;) -&gt; <a class='struct' href='../clap/struct.Arg.html' title='clap::Arg'>Arg</a></code></h4>
<div class='docblock'><p>Sets arguments by names that are required when this one is presnet I.e. when
using this argument, the following arguments <em>must</em> be present.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Mutually exclusive rules take precedence over being required
by default. </p>
<pre id='rust-example-rendered' class='rust '>
.<span class='ident'>requires_all</span>(
<span class='macro'>vec</span><span class='macro'>!</span>[<span class='string'>&quot;debug&quot;</span>, <span class='string'>&quot;input&quot;</span>])
</div><h4 id='method.takes_value' class='method'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>fn <a href='#method.takes_value' class='fnname'>takes_value</a>(self, tv: <a href=''>bool</a>) -&gt; <a class='struct' href='../clap/struct.Arg.html' title='clap::Arg'>Arg</a></code></h4>
<div class='docblock'><p>Specifies that the argument takes an additional value at run time.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> When setting this to <code>true</code> the <code>name</code> of the argument
will be used when printing the help/usage information to the user. </p>
<pre id='rust-example-rendered' class='rust '>
.<span class='ident'>takes_value</span>(<span class='boolval'>true</span>)
</div><h4 id='method.index' class='method'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>fn <a href='#method.index' class='fnname'>index</a>(self, idx: <a href=''>u8</a>) -&gt; <a class='struct' href='../clap/struct.Arg.html' title='clap::Arg'>Arg</a></code></h4>
<div class='docblock'><p>Specifies the index of a positional argument starting at 1.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> When setting this, any <code>short</code> or <code>long</code> values you set
are ignored as positional arguments cannot have a <code>short</code> or <code>long</code>.
Also, the name will be used when printing the help/usage information
to the user. </p>
<pre id='rust-example-rendered' class='rust '>
.<span class='ident'>index</span>(<span class='number'>1</span>)
</div><h4 id='method.multiple' class='method'><a class='stability Unmarked' title='No stability level'></a><code>fn <a href='#method.multiple' class='fnname'>multiple</a>(self, multi: <a href=''>bool</a>) -&gt; <a class='struct' href='../clap/struct.Arg.html' title='clap::Arg'>Arg</a></code></h4>
<div class='docblock'><p>Specifies if the flag may appear more than once such as for multiple debugging
levels (as an example). <code>-ddd</code> for three levels of debugging, or <code>-d -d -d</code>.
When this is set to <code>true</code> you recieve the number of occurances the user supplied
of a particular flag at runtime.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> When setting this, any <code>takes_value</code> or <code>index</code> values you set
are ignored as flags cannot have a values or an <code>index</code>.</p>
<pre id='rust-example-rendered' class='rust '>
.<span class='ident'>multiple</span>(<span class='boolval'>true</span>)
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