Ed Page 36bc641648 fix(help): Remove extraneous text from built-ins
This is an intermediate solution for #4408.  As there were no agreeed
upon goals, I went with what I felt read well and that I saw commonly
used on non-clap commands.

- "information" isn't really a necessary word.
- I originally favored `Print this help` but realied that doesn't read
  correctly in completions.
- Besides being shorter, the reason for the flipped short/long hint is
  it gives people the context they need for scanning, emphasizing
  "summary" and "more".

Fixes #4409
2023-01-03 11:02:26 -06:00

42 lines
2.2 KiB

using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
Register-ArgumentCompleter -Native -CommandName 'my-app' -ScriptBlock {
param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition)
$commandElements = $commandAst.CommandElements
$command = @(
for ($i = 1; $i -lt $commandElements.Count; $i++) {
$element = $commandElements[$i]
if ($element -isnot [StringConstantExpressionAst] -or
$element.StringConstantType -ne [StringConstantType]::BareWord -or
$element.Value.StartsWith('-') -or
$element.Value -eq $wordToComplete) {
}) -join ';'
$completions = @(switch ($command) {
'my-app' {
[CompletionResult]::new('-o', 'o', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'cmd option')
[CompletionResult]::new('-O', 'O', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'cmd option')
[CompletionResult]::new('--option', 'option', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'cmd option')
[CompletionResult]::new('--opt', 'opt', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'cmd option')
[CompletionResult]::new('-f', 'f', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'cmd flag')
[CompletionResult]::new('-F', 'F', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'cmd flag')
[CompletionResult]::new('--flag', 'flag', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'cmd flag')
[CompletionResult]::new('--flg', 'flg', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'cmd flag')
[CompletionResult]::new('-h', 'h', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Print help')
[CompletionResult]::new('--help', 'help', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Print help')
[CompletionResult]::new('-V', 'V', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Print version')
[CompletionResult]::new('--version', 'version', [CompletionResultType]::ParameterName, 'Print version')
$completions.Where{ $_.CompletionText -like "$wordToComplete*" } |
Sort-Object -Property ListItemText