Ed Page c9eef44213 fix: Make arg!(--flag <value>) optional by default
This was ported over from the usage parser which modeled after docopt.
We just never got around to implementing the rest of the syntax.

However, when considering this as a standalone feature, an
`arg!(--flag <value>)`, outside of other context, should be optional.
This is how the help would display it.

Fixes #4206
2022-09-12 17:10:01 -05:00

101 lines
3.5 KiB

#![allow(unused_imports, dead_code)]
use std::io::{BufRead, Cursor, Write};
use std::str;
use clap::{arg, Arg, ArgAction, ArgGroup, Command};
pub const FULL_TEMPLATE: &str = "\
{before-help}{name} {version}
{usage-heading} {usage}
pub fn assert_eq<S, S2>(expected: S, actual: S2)
S: AsRef<str>,
S2: AsRef<str>,
let expected = expected.as_ref();
let actual = actual.as_ref();
snapbox::assert_eq(expected, actual);
pub fn assert_output(l: Command, args: &str, expected: &str, stderr: bool) {
let mut buf = Cursor::new(Vec::with_capacity(50));
let res = l.try_get_matches_from(args.split(' ').collect::<Vec<_>>());
let err = res.unwrap_err();
write!(&mut buf, "{}", err).unwrap();
let actual = buf.into_inner();
let actual = String::from_utf8(actual).unwrap();
"Should Use STDERR failed. Should be {} but is {}",
assert_eq(expected, actual)
// Legacy tests from the python script days
pub fn complex_app() -> Command {
let opt3_vals = ["fast", "slow"];
let pos3_vals = ["vi", "emacs"];
.about("tests clap library")
.author("Kevin K. <>")
-o --option <opt> "tests options"
.arg(arg!([positional] "tests positionals"))
arg!(-f --flag "tests flags")
arg!(flag2: -F "tests flags with exclusions")
arg!(--"long-option-2" <option2> "tests long options with exclusions")
arg!([positional2] "tests positionals with exclusions"),
arg!(-O --option3 <option3> "specific vals").value_parser(opt3_vals),
arg!([positional3] ... "tests specific values").value_parser(pos3_vals),
arg!(--multvals <val> "Tests multiple values, not mult occs")
.value_names(["one", "two"]),
arg!(--multvalsmo <val> ... "Tests multiple values, and mult occs")
.value_names(["one", "two"]),
arg!(--minvals2 <minvals> "Tests 2 min vals").num_args(2..),
arg!(--maxvals3 <maxvals> "Tests 3 max vals").num_args(1..=3),
arg!(--optvaleq <optval> "Tests optional value, require = sign")
arg!(--optvalnoeq <optval> "Tests optional value").num_args(0..=1),
.about("tests subcommands")
.author("Kevin K. <>")
.arg(arg!(-o --option <scoption> "tests options").num_args(1..))
.arg(arg!(-s --subcmdarg <subcmdarg> "tests other args"))
.arg(arg!([scpositional] "tests positionals")),