Kevin K 8988853fb8 imp(ArgMatcher): huge refactor and deduplication of code
Tons of code has been moved into functions, deduplicated, made much
easier to read, maintain, and understand. Comments still need to be
added, but that will happen shortly. Modules have also been moved around
to follow Rust conventions and best practices.

All functionality remains exactly the same
2015-11-11 10:26:05 -05:00

328 lines
11 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import subprocess
import re
import difflib
failed = False
_ansi = re.compile(r'\x1b[^m]*m')
_help = '''claptests v1.4.8
Kevin K. <>
tests clap library
-f, --flag tests flags
-F tests flags with exclusions
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--maxvals3 <maxvals>... Tests 3 max vals
--minvals2 <minvals>... Tests 2 min vals
--multvals <one> <two> Tests mutliple values, not mult occs
--multvalsmo <one> <two> Tests mutliple values, not mult occs
-o, --option <opt>... tests options
--long-option-2 <option2> tests long options with exclusions
-O, --Option <option3> tests options with specific value sets [values: fast slow]
positional tests positionals
positional2 tests positionals with exclusions
positional3... tests positionals with specific values
help Prints this message
subcmd tests subcommands'''
_version = "claptests v1.4.8"
_sc_dym_usage = '''error: The subcommand 'subcm' isn't valid
\tDid you mean 'subcmd' ?
If you received this message in error, try re-running with 'claptests -- subcm'
For more information try --help'''
_arg_dym_usage = '''error: The argument '--optio' isn't valid
\tDid you mean --option ?
\tclaptests --option <opt>...
For more information try --help'''
_pv_dym_usage = '''error: 'slo' isn't a valid value for '--Option <option3>'
\t[valid values: fast slow]
Did you mean 'slow' ?
\tclaptests --Option <option3>
For more information try --help'''
_excluded = '''error: The argument '--flag' cannot be used with '-F'
\tclaptests [positional2] -F --long-option-2 <option2>
For more information try --help'''
_excluded_l = '''error: The argument '-f' cannot be used with '-F'
\tclaptests [positional2] -F --long-option-2 <option2>
For more information try --help'''
_required = '''error: The following required arguments were not supplied:
\t--long-option-2 <option2>
\tclaptests [positional2] -F --long-option-2 <option2>
For more information try --help'''
_fop = '''flag present 1 times
option present 1 times with value: some
An option: some
positional present with value: value
flag2 NOT present
option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
option3 NOT present
positional3 NOT present
option present 1 times with value: some
An option: some
positional present with value: value
subcmd NOT present'''
_f2op = '''flag present 2 times
option present 1 times with value: some
An option: some
positional present with value: value
flag2 NOT present
option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
option3 NOT present
positional3 NOT present
option present 1 times with value: some
An option: some
positional present with value: value
subcmd NOT present'''
_o2p = '''flag NOT present
option present 2 times with value: some
An option: some
An option: other
positional present with value: value
flag2 NOT present
option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
option3 NOT present
positional3 NOT present
option present 2 times with value: some
An option: some
An option: other
positional present with value: value
subcmd NOT present'''
_schelp = '''claptests-subcmd 0.1
Kevin K. <>
tests subcommands
\tclaptests subcmd [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [--] [ARGS]
-f, --flag tests flags
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-o, --option <scoption>... tests options
scpositional tests positionals'''
_scfop = '''flag NOT present
option NOT present
positional NOT present
flag2 NOT present
option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
option3 NOT present
positional3 NOT present
option NOT present
positional NOT present
subcmd present
flag present 1 times
scoption present with value: some
An scoption: some
scpositional present with value: value'''
_scf2op = '''flag NOT present
option NOT present
positional NOT present
flag2 NOT present
option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
option3 NOT present
positional3 NOT present
option NOT present
positional NOT present
subcmd present
flag present 2 times
scoption present with value: some
An scoption: some
scpositional present with value: value'''
_min_vals_few = '''error: The argument '--minvals2 <minvals>...' requires at least 2 values, but 1 was provided
\tclaptests --minvals2 <minvals>...
For more information try --help'''
_exact = '''flag NOT present
option NOT present
positional NOT present
flag2 NOT present
option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
option3 NOT present
positional3 NOT present
option NOT present
positional NOT present
subcmd NOT present'''
_max_vals_more = '''flag NOT present
option NOT present
positional present with value: too
flag2 NOT present
option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
option3 NOT present
positional3 NOT present
option NOT present
positional present with value: too
subcmd NOT present'''
_mult_vals_more = '''error: The argument '--multvals <one> <two>' was supplied more than once, but does not support multiple occurrences
\tclaptests --multvals <one> <two>
For more information try --help'''
_mult_vals_few = '''error: The argument '--multvals <one> <two>' requires 2 values, but 1 was provided
\tclaptests --multvals <one> <two>
For more information try --help'''
_mult_vals_2m1 = '''error: The argument '--multvalsmo <one> <two>' requires 2 values, but 1 was provided
\tclaptests --multvalsmo <one> <two>
For more information try --help'''
_bin = './target/release/claptests'
cmds = {'help short: ': ['{} -h'.format(_bin), _help, 0],
'help long: ': ['{} --help'.format(_bin), _help, 0],
'version short: ': ['{} -V'.format(_bin), _version, 0],
'version long: ': ['{} --version'.format(_bin), _version, 0],
'help subcmd: ': ['{} help'.format(_bin), _help, 0],
'missing required: ': ['{} -F'.format(_bin), _required, 1],
'max_vals too many: ': ['{} --maxvals3 some other value too'.format(_bin), _max_vals_more, 0],
'max_vals exact: ': ['{} --maxvals3 some other value'.format(_bin), _exact, 0],
'max_vals less: ': ['{} --maxvals3 some other'.format(_bin), _exact, 0],
'min_vals more: ': ['{} --minvals2 some other value too'.format(_bin), _exact, 0],
'min_vals exact: ': ['{} --minvals2 some value'.format(_bin), _exact, 0],
'min_vals too few: ': ['{} --minvals2 some'.format(_bin), _min_vals_few, 1],
'mult_vals too many: ': ['{} --multvals some other --multvals some other'.format(_bin), _mult_vals_more, 1],
'mult_vals too few: ': ['{} --multvals some'.format(_bin), _mult_vals_few, 1],
'mult_vals exact: ': ['{} --multvals some other'.format(_bin), _exact, 0],
'mult_valsmo x2: ': ['{} --multvalsmo some other --multvalsmo some other'.format(_bin), _exact, 0],
'mult_valsmo x2-1: ': ['{} --multvalsmo some other --multvalsmo some'.format(_bin), _mult_vals_2m1, 1],
'mult_valsmo x1: ': ['{} --multvalsmo some other'.format(_bin), _exact, 0],
'F2(ss),O(s),P: ': ['{} value -f -f -o some'.format(_bin), _f2op, 0],
'arg dym: ': ['{} --optio=foo'.format(_bin), _arg_dym_usage, 1],
'O2(ll)P: ': ['{} value --option some --option other'.format(_bin), _o2p, 0],
'O2(l=l=)P: ': ['{} value --option=some --option=other'.format(_bin), _o2p, 0],
'O2(ss)P: ': ['{} value -o some -o other'.format(_bin), _o2p, 0],
'F2(s2),O(s),P: ': ['{} value -ff -o some'.format(_bin), _f2op, 0],
'F(s),O(s),P: ': ['{} value -f -o some'.format(_bin), _fop, 0],
'F(l),O(l),P: ': ['{} value --flag --option some'.format(_bin), _fop, 0],
'F(l),O(l=),P: ': ['{} value --flag --option=some'.format(_bin), _fop, 0],
'sc dym: ': ['{} subcm'.format(_bin), _sc_dym_usage, 1],
'sc help short: ': ['{} subcmd -h'.format(_bin), _schelp, 0],
'sc help long: ': ['{} subcmd --help'.format(_bin), _schelp, 0],
'scF(l),O(l),P: ': ['{} subcmd value --flag --option some'.format(_bin), _scfop, 0],
'scF(l),O(s),P: ': ['{} subcmd value --flag -o some'.format(_bin), _scfop, 0],
'scF(l),O(l=),P: ': ['{} subcmd value --flag --option=some'.format(_bin), _scfop, 0],
'scF(s),O(l),P: ': ['{} subcmd value -f --option some'.format(_bin), _scfop, 0],
'scF(s),O(s),P: ': ['{} subcmd value -f -o some'.format(_bin), _scfop, 0],
'scF(s),O(l=),P: ': ['{} subcmd value -f --option=some'.format(_bin), _scfop, 0],
'scF2(s),O(l),P: ': ['{} subcmd value -ff --option some'.format(_bin), _scf2op, 0],
'scF2(s),O(s),P: ': ['{} subcmd value -ff -o some'.format(_bin), _scf2op, 0],
'scF2(s),O(l=),P: ': ['{} subcmd value -ff --option=some'.format(_bin), _scf2op, 0],
'scF2(l2),O(l),P: ': ['{} subcmd value --flag --flag --option some'.format(_bin), _scf2op, 0],
'scF2(l2),O(s),P: ': ['{} subcmd value --flag --flag -o some'.format(_bin), _scf2op, 0],
'scF2(l2),O(l=),P: ': ['{} subcmd value --flag --flag --option=some'.format(_bin), _scf2op, 0],
'scF2(s2),O(l),P: ': ['{} subcmd value -f -f --option some'.format(_bin), _scf2op, 0],
'scF2(s2),O(s),P: ': ['{} subcmd value -f -f -o some'.format(_bin), _scf2op, 0],
'scF2(s2),O(l=),P: ': ['{} subcmd value -f -f --option=some'.format(_bin), _scf2op, 0]
def pass_fail(name, cmd, check, good):
if check == good:
return 0
print('\n\n{}\n# Should be:\n$ {}\n{}\n\n{}\n# But is:\n$ {}\n{}\n\n'.format('#'*25, cmd, good, '#'*25, cmd, check))
for line in difflib.context_diff(good.splitlines(), check.splitlines(), fromfile="Should Be", tofile="Currently Is", lineterm=""):
return 1
def main():
num_failed = 0
total = len(cmds)
for cmd, cmd_v in cmds.items():
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_v[0], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
out, err = proc.communicate()
out = _ansi.sub('', out.strip())
err = _ansi.sub('', err.strip())
rc = proc.returncode
if rc != cmd_v[-1]:
print('{}Fail (Exit Code={}; Should be={})'.format(cmd, rc, cmd_v[-1]))
num_failed += 1
if out and rc == cmd_v[-1]:
num_failed += pass_fail(cmd, cmd_v[0], out, cmd_v[1])
elif rc == cmd_v[-1]:
num_failed += pass_fail(cmd, cmd_v[0], err, cmd_v[1])
if num_failed:
print('{}/{} tests failed'.format(num_failed, total))
return 1
print('{}/{} tests passed!'.format(total, total))
if __name__ == '__main__':