mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 23:02:31 +00:00
435 lines
12 KiB
435 lines
12 KiB
extern crate clap;
extern crate regex;
use std::io::Write;
use std::str;
use clap::{App, Arg};
static SCF2OP: &'static str = "flag NOT present
option NOT present
positional NOT present
flag2 NOT present
option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
option3 NOT present
positional3 NOT present
option NOT present
positional NOT present
subcmd present
flag present 2 times
scoption present with value: some
An scoption: some
scpositional present with value: value
static SCFOP: &'static str = "flag NOT present
option NOT present
positional NOT present
flag2 NOT present
option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
option3 NOT present
positional3 NOT present
option NOT present
positional NOT present
subcmd present
flag present 1 times
scoption present with value: some
An scoption: some
scpositional present with value: value
static O2P: &'static str = "flag NOT present
option present 2 times with value: some
An option: some
An option: other
positional present with value: value
flag2 NOT present
option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
option3 NOT present
positional3 NOT present
option present 2 times with value: some
An option: some
An option: other
positional present with value: value
subcmd NOT present
static F2OP: &'static str = "flag present 2 times
option present 1 times with value: some
An option: some
positional present with value: value
flag2 NOT present
option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
option3 NOT present
positional3 NOT present
option present 1 times with value: some
An option: some
positional present with value: value
subcmd NOT present
static FOP: &'static str = "flag present 1 times
option present 1 times with value: some
An option: some
positional present with value: value
flag2 NOT present
option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
option3 NOT present
positional3 NOT present
option present 1 times with value: some
An option: some
positional present with value: value
subcmd NOT present
pub fn check_complex_output(args: &str, out: &str) {
let mut w = vec![];
let matches = test::complex_app().get_matches_from(args.split(' ').collect::<Vec<_>>());
if matches.is_present("flag") {
writeln!(w, "flag present {} times", matches.occurrences_of("flag")).unwrap();
} else {
writeln!(w, "flag NOT present").unwrap();
if matches.is_present("option") {
if let Some(v) = matches.value_of("option") {
writeln!(w, "option present {} times with value: {}",matches.occurrences_of("option"), v).unwrap();
if let Some(ov) = matches.values_of("option") {
for o in ov {
writeln!(w, "An option: {}", o).unwrap();
} else {
writeln!(w, "option NOT present").unwrap();
if let Some(p) = matches.value_of("positional") {
writeln!(w, "positional present with value: {}", p).unwrap();
} else {
writeln!(w, "positional NOT present").unwrap();
if matches.is_present("flag2") {
writeln!(w, "flag2 present").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "option2 present with value of: {}", matches.value_of("long-option-2").unwrap()).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "positional2 present with value of: {}", matches.value_of("positional2").unwrap()).unwrap();
} else {
writeln!(w, "flag2 NOT present").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "option2 maybe present with value of: {}", matches.value_of("long-option-2").unwrap_or("Nothing")).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "positional2 maybe present with value of: {}", matches.value_of("positional2").unwrap_or("Nothing")).unwrap();
let _ = match matches.value_of("Option3").unwrap_or("") {
"fast" => writeln!(w, "option3 present quickly"),
"slow" => writeln!(w, "option3 present slowly"),
_ => writeln!(w, "option3 NOT present")
let _ = match matches.value_of("positional3").unwrap_or("") {
"vi" => writeln!(w, "positional3 present in vi mode"),
"emacs" => writeln!(w, "positional3 present in emacs mode"),
_ => writeln!(w, "positional3 NOT present")
if matches.is_present("option") {
if let Some(v) = matches.value_of("option") {
writeln!(w, "option present {} times with value: {}",matches.occurrences_of("option"), v).unwrap();
if let Some(ov) = matches.values_of("option") {
for o in ov {
writeln!(w, "An option: {}", o).unwrap();
} else {
writeln!(w, "option NOT present").unwrap();
if let Some(p) = matches.value_of("positional") {
writeln!(w, "positional present with value: {}", p).unwrap();
} else {
writeln!(w, "positional NOT present").unwrap();
if matches.is_present("subcmd") {
writeln!(w, "subcmd present").unwrap();
if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("subcmd") {
if matches.is_present("flag") {
writeln!(w, "flag present {} times", matches.occurrences_of("flag")).unwrap();
} else {
writeln!(w, "flag NOT present").unwrap();
if matches.is_present("option") {
if let Some(v) = matches.value_of("option") {
writeln!(w, "scoption present with value: {}", v).unwrap();
if let Some(ov) = matches.values_of("option") {
for o in ov {
writeln!(w, "An scoption: {}", o).unwrap();
} else {
writeln!(w, "scoption NOT present").unwrap();
if let Some(p) = matches.value_of("scpositional") {
writeln!(w, "scpositional present with value: {}", p).unwrap();
} else {
writeln!(w, "subcmd NOT present").unwrap();
let res = str::from_utf8(&w).unwrap();
assert_eq!(res, out);
enum Val1 {
pub enum Val2 {
enum Val3 {
pub enum Val4 {
fn test_enums() {
let v1_lower = "valone";
let v1_camel = "ValOne";
let v1_lp = v1_lower.parse::<Val1>().unwrap();
let v1_cp = v1_camel.parse::<Val1>().unwrap();
match v1_lp {
Val1::ValOne => (),
_ => panic!("Val1 didn't parse correctly"),
match v1_cp {
Val1::ValOne => (),
_ => panic!("Val1 didn't parse correctly"),
let v1_lp = v1_lower.parse::<Val2>().unwrap();
let v1_cp = v1_camel.parse::<Val2>().unwrap();
match v1_lp {
Val2::ValOne => (),
_ => panic!("Val1 didn't parse correctly"),
match v1_cp {
Val2::ValOne => (),
_ => panic!("Val1 didn't parse correctly"),
let v1_lp = v1_lower.parse::<Val3>().unwrap();
let v1_cp = v1_camel.parse::<Val3>().unwrap();
match v1_lp {
Val3::ValOne => (),
_ => panic!("Val1 didn't parse correctly"),
match v1_cp {
Val3::ValOne => (),
_ => panic!("Val1 didn't parse correctly"),
let v1_lp = v1_lower.parse::<Val4>().unwrap();
let v1_cp = v1_camel.parse::<Val4>().unwrap();
match v1_lp {
Val4::ValOne => (),
_ => panic!("Val1 didn't parse correctly"),
match v1_cp {
Val4::ValOne => (),
_ => panic!("Val1 didn't parse correctly"),
fn create_app() {
let _ =
App::new("test").version("1.0").author("kevin").about("does awesome things").get_matches_from(vec![""]);
fn add_multiple_arg() {
let _ = App::new("test")
.args(&mut [
fn flag_x2_opt() {
check_complex_output("clap-test value -f -f -o some",
"flag present 2 times
option present 1 times with value: some
An option: some
positional present with value: value
flag2 NOT present
option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing
option3 NOT present
positional3 NOT present
option present 1 times with value: some
An option: some
positional present with value: value
subcmd NOT present
fn long_opt_x2_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test value --option some --option other", O2P);
fn long_opt_eq_x2_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test value --option=some --option=other", O2P);
fn short_opt_x2_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test value -o some -o other", O2P);
fn short_opt_eq_x2_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test value -o=some -o=other", O2P);
fn short_flag_x2_comb_short_opt_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test value -ff -o some", F2OP);
fn short_flag_short_opt_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test value -f -o some", FOP);
fn long_flag_long_opt_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test value --flag --option some", FOP);
fn long_flag_long_opt_eq_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test value --flag --option=some", FOP);
fn sc_long_flag_long_opt() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value --flag --option some", SCFOP);
fn sc_long_flag_short_opt_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value --flag -o some", SCFOP);
fn sc_long_flag_long_opt_eq_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value --flag --option=some", SCFOP);
fn sc_short_flag_long_opt_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -f --option some", SCFOP);
fn sc_short_flag_short_opt_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -f -o some", SCFOP);
fn sc_short_flag_short_opt_eq_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -f -o=some", SCFOP);
fn sc_short_flag_long_opt_eq_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -f --option=some", SCFOP);
fn sc_short_flag_x2_comb_long_opt_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -ff --option some", SCF2OP);
fn sc_short_flag_x2_comb_short_opt_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -ff -o some", SCF2OP);
fn sc_short_flag_x2_comb_long_opt_eq_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -ff --option=some", SCF2OP);
fn sc_short_flag_x2_comb_short_opt_eq_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -ff -o=some", SCF2OP);
fn sc_long_flag_x2_long_opt_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value --flag --flag --option some", SCF2OP);
fn sc_long_flag_x2_short_opt_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value --flag --flag -o some", SCF2OP);
fn sc_long_flag_x2_short_opt_eq_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value --flag --flag -o=some", SCF2OP);
fn sc_long_flag_x2_long_opt_eq_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value --flag --flag --option=some", SCF2OP);
fn sc_short_flag_x2_long_opt_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -f -f --option some", SCF2OP);
fn sc_short_flag_x2_short_opt_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -f -f -o some", SCF2OP);
fn sc_short_flag_x2_short_opt_eq_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -f -f -o=some", SCF2OP);
fn sc_short_flag_x2_long_opt_eq_pos() {
check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -f -f --option=some", SCF2OP);