use clap::{App, Arg}; fn main() { let matches = App::new("myapp") .about("does awesome things") .arg( Arg::new("INPUT") .help("The input file to use") .default_value("input.txt") .index(1), ) // Next we'll use the Option::unwrap_or method on this "CONFIG" option .arg( Arg::new("CONFIG") .help("The config file to use") .short('c') .takes_value(true), ) .get_matches(); let input = matches .value_of("INPUT") .expect("'INPUT' is default and parsing will ensure there always is a value"); // Using Option::unwrap_or we get the same effect, but without the added help text injection let config_file = matches.value_of("CONFIG").unwrap_or("config.json"); println!("The input file is: {}", input); println!("The config file is: {}", config_file); }