#[macro_use] extern crate clap; extern crate regex; include!("../clap-test.rs"); use clap::{App, Arg}; static SCF2OP: &'static str = "flag NOT present option NOT present positional NOT present flag2 NOT present option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing option3 NOT present positional3 NOT present option NOT present positional NOT present subcmd present flag present 2 times scoption present with value: some An scoption: some scpositional present with value: value "; static SCFOP: &'static str = "flag NOT present option NOT present positional NOT present flag2 NOT present option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing option3 NOT present positional3 NOT present option NOT present positional NOT present subcmd present flag present 1 times scoption present with value: some An scoption: some scpositional present with value: value "; static O2P: &'static str = "flag NOT present option present 2 times with value: some An option: some An option: other positional present with value: value flag2 NOT present option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing option3 NOT present positional3 NOT present option present 2 times with value: some An option: some An option: other positional present with value: value subcmd NOT present "; static F2OP: &'static str = "flag present 2 times option present 1 times with value: some An option: some positional present with value: value flag2 NOT present option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing option3 NOT present positional3 NOT present option present 1 times with value: some An option: some positional present with value: value subcmd NOT present "; static FOP: &'static str = "flag present 1 times option present 1 times with value: some An option: some positional present with value: value flag2 NOT present option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing option3 NOT present positional3 NOT present option present 1 times with value: some An option: some positional present with value: value subcmd NOT present "; arg_enum!{ #[derive(Debug)] enum Val1 { ValOne, ValTwo } } arg_enum!{ #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Val2 { ValOne, ValTwo } } arg_enum!{ enum Val3 { ValOne, ValTwo } } arg_enum!{ pub enum Val4 { ValOne, ValTwo } } #[test] #[cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(single_match))] fn test_enums() { let v1_lower = "valone"; let v1_camel = "ValOne"; let v1_lp = v1_lower.parse::().unwrap(); let v1_cp = v1_camel.parse::().unwrap(); match v1_lp { Val1::ValOne => (), _ => panic!("Val1 didn't parse correctly"), } match v1_cp { Val1::ValOne => (), _ => panic!("Val1 didn't parse correctly"), } let v1_lp = v1_lower.parse::().unwrap(); let v1_cp = v1_camel.parse::().unwrap(); match v1_lp { Val2::ValOne => (), _ => panic!("Val1 didn't parse correctly"), } match v1_cp { Val2::ValOne => (), _ => panic!("Val1 didn't parse correctly"), } let v1_lp = v1_lower.parse::().unwrap(); let v1_cp = v1_camel.parse::().unwrap(); match v1_lp { Val3::ValOne => (), _ => panic!("Val1 didn't parse correctly"), } match v1_cp { Val3::ValOne => (), _ => panic!("Val1 didn't parse correctly"), } let v1_lp = v1_lower.parse::().unwrap(); let v1_cp = v1_camel.parse::().unwrap(); match v1_lp { Val4::ValOne => (), _ => panic!("Val1 didn't parse correctly"), } match v1_cp { Val4::ValOne => (), _ => panic!("Val1 didn't parse correctly"), } } #[test] fn create_app() { let _ = App::new("test").version("1.0").author("kevin").about("does awesome things").get_matches(); } #[test] fn add_multiple_arg() { let _ = App::new("test") .args(&mut [ Arg::with_name("test").short("s"), Arg::with_name("test2").short("l")]) .get_matches(); } #[test] fn flag_x2_opt() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test value -f -f -o some", "flag present 2 times option present 1 times with value: some An option: some positional present with value: value flag2 NOT present option2 maybe present with value of: Nothing positional2 maybe present with value of: Nothing option3 NOT present positional3 NOT present option present 1 times with value: some An option: some positional present with value: value subcmd NOT present "); } #[test] fn long_opt_x2_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test value --option some --option other", O2P); } #[test] fn long_opt_eq_x2_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test value --option=some --option=other", O2P); } #[test] fn short_opt_x2_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test value -o some -o other", O2P); } #[test] fn short_opt_eq_x2_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test value -o=some -o=other", O2P); } #[test] fn short_flag_x2_comb_short_opt_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test value -ff -o some", F2OP); } #[test] fn short_flag_short_opt_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test value -f -o some", FOP); } #[test] fn long_flag_long_opt_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test value --flag --option some", FOP); } #[test] fn long_flag_long_opt_eq_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test value --flag --option=some", FOP); } #[test] fn sc_long_flag_long_opt() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value --flag --option some", SCFOP); } #[test] fn sc_long_flag_short_opt_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value --flag -o some", SCFOP); } #[test] fn sc_long_flag_long_opt_eq_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value --flag --option=some", SCFOP); } #[test] fn sc_short_flag_long_opt_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -f --option some", SCFOP); } #[test] fn sc_short_flag_short_opt_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -f -o some", SCFOP); } #[test] fn sc_short_flag_short_opt_eq_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -f -o=some", SCFOP); } #[test] fn sc_short_flag_long_opt_eq_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -f --option=some", SCFOP); } #[test] fn sc_short_flag_x2_comb_long_opt_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -ff --option some", SCF2OP); } #[test] fn sc_short_flag_x2_comb_short_opt_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -ff -o some", SCF2OP); } #[test] fn sc_short_flag_x2_comb_long_opt_eq_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -ff --option=some", SCF2OP); } #[test] fn sc_short_flag_x2_comb_short_opt_eq_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -ff -o=some", SCF2OP); } #[test] fn sc_long_flag_x2_long_opt_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value --flag --flag --option some", SCF2OP); } #[test] fn sc_long_flag_x2_short_opt_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value --flag --flag -o some", SCF2OP); } #[test] fn sc_long_flag_x2_short_opt_eq_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value --flag --flag -o=some", SCF2OP); } #[test] fn sc_long_flag_x2_long_opt_eq_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value --flag --flag --option=some", SCF2OP); } #[test] fn sc_short_flag_x2_long_opt_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -f -f --option some", SCF2OP); } #[test] fn sc_short_flag_x2_short_opt_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -f -f -o some", SCF2OP); } #[test] fn sc_short_flag_x2_short_opt_eq_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -f -f -o=some", SCF2OP); } #[test] fn sc_short_flag_x2_long_opt_eq_pos() { test::check_complex_output("clap-test subcmd value -f -f --option=some", SCF2OP); }