Option arguments are those that take an additional value, such as "-c value". In clap they
support three types of specification, those with short() as "-o some", or those with long()
as "--option value" or "--option=value"
Options also support a multiple setting, which is discussed in the example below.
Let's look at their help:
$ 07_option_args --help
07_option_args[EXE] [OPTIONS] --input [output]
the output file to use
-c, --config the config file to use
-h, --help Print help information
-i, --input the input file to use
First, we see that `--input` is required:
$ 07_option_args
? failed
error: The following required arguments were not provided:
07_option_args[EXE] [OPTIONS] --input [output]
For more information try --help
But `--input` also requires `--config`:
$ 07_option_args --input input.txt --input another.txt
? failed
error: The following required arguments were not provided:
07_option_args[EXE] [OPTIONS] --input --config [output]
For more information try --help
Everything works now that we specify both:
$ 07_option_args --input input.txt --input another.txt --config config.toml
An input file was specified
An input file: input.txt
An input file: input.txt
An input file: another.txt
The "input" argument was used 2 times
But we can't mix this with output:
$ 07_option_args --input input.txt --input another.txt --config config.toml output.txt
? failed
error: The argument '' cannot be used with '--input '
07_option_args[EXE] --input --input --config
For more information try --help
That requires passing it in by itself:
$ 07_option_args output.txt
The "input" argument was used 0 times