use syn::DeriveInput; use quote::Tokens; use ClapDerive; use helpers; use errors::*; pub struct ArgEnum; impl ClapDerive for ArgEnum { fn generate_from(ast: &DeriveInput) -> Result { let from_str_block = impl_from_str(ast)?; let variants_block = impl_variants(ast)?; Ok(quote! { #from_str_block #variants_block }) } } fn impl_from_str(ast: &DeriveInput) -> Result { let ident = &ast.ident; let is_case_sensitive = ast.attrs.iter().any(|v| == "case_sensitive"); let variants = helpers::variants(ast)?; let strings = variants.iter() .map(|ref variant| String::from(variant.ident.as_ref())) .collect::>(); // All of these need to be iterators. let ident_slice = [ident.clone()]; let idents = ident_slice.iter().cycle(); let for_error_message = strings.clone(); let condition_function_slice = [match is_case_sensitive { true => quote! { str::eq }, false => quote! { ::std::ascii::AsciiExt::eq_ignore_ascii_case }, }]; let condition_function = condition_function_slice.iter().cycle(); Ok(quote! { impl ::std::str::FromStr for #ident { type Err = String; fn from_str(input: &str) -> ::std::result::Result { match input { #(val if #condition_function(val, #strings) => Ok(#idents::#variants),)* _ => Err({ let v = #for_error_message; format!("valid values: {}", v.join(" ,")) }), } } } }) } fn impl_variants(ast: &DeriveInput) -> Result { let ident = &ast.ident; let variants = helpers::variants(ast)? .iter() .map(|ref variant| String::from(variant.ident.as_ref())) .collect::>(); let length = variants.len(); Ok(quote! { impl #ident { fn variants() -> [&'static str; #length] { #variants } } }) }