use clap::{arg, App, AppSettings};
fn main() {
let matches = App::new("myapp")
// Negates requirement of parent command.
.arg(arg!( "input file to use"))
// Required positional argument called input. This
// will be only required if subcommand is not present.
.subcommand(App::new("test").about("does some testing"))
// if program is invoked with subcommand, you do not
// need to specify the argument anymore due to
// the AppSettings::SubcommandsNegateReqs setting.
// Calling unwrap() on "input" would not be advised here, because although it's required,
// if the user uses a subcommand, those requirements are no longer required. Hence, we should
// use some sort of 'if let' construct
if let Some(inp) = matches.value_of("input") {
println!("The input file is: {}", inp);
match matches.subcommand_name() {
Some("test") => println!("The 'test' subcommand was used"),
None => {}
_ => unreachable!(),